Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

You can't have a religion that doesn't stand for anything.
That's been the challenge here since post number one.

Simple question for you then, why the fuck not? Should I list all the religions in the world that don't stand for anything, or will you explain to me, in detail, why you are suddenly the only person in the universe who gets to say what is, and is not, a religion?
Perhaps for the purpose of a legal definition within this challenge (haven't had a chance to read it yet) but in terms of English language definitions --- no it is not.

Cherrypicking court summaries is like taking a preordained conclusion to the Googles to "prove" that Barack O'bama was born in Kenya as Hitler's love child. I bet I could find a court or legal artifact somewhere to say that a corporation is a person, or that another person is three-fifths of a person. Try me.

We speak not of legal definitions here, but actual real life ones.

Funny, I provided the dictionary definition of religion and atheism to show that, even without cherry picking legal decisions, atheism fits the definition of religion. So far all you have done is assert that unless atheism does things the way you insist defines religion it is not a religion.
As soon as you show me solid evidence that there's a God, I'll believe it.

I've never seen any evidence supporting the idea of the goat herder god.

On the other hand, I've seen no evidence precluding the possibility of a god.

Ergo I find you and other Atheists just as wacky and absurd as I do the Mormons or Scientologists. Your position is no less dependent on blind faith than theirs is..
That's incorrect. I don't have faith that their is no God. I have no evidence that there is a God. Atheism is not faith based. It is the opposite of faith based. Religion is faith based, and cannot stand on its own merit.

Atheism is a belief. If you do not believe there is no god you are not an atheist, you just want people to think you are because you think it makes you look more intelligent.

Well, y'all aren't exactly known for tolerance, so I figured you'd opt for the Sotloff solution. Let's face it, Atheists slaughtered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century - it's not like you're nice people.

Ya know?

That's nonsense just like your ficticious bible.

Show us some piece of literature that these so-called atheists assembled together under as an atheistic call to murder 200 million citizens.

You are SOOOoooooooo....full of shit.

There may well have been evil people that wanted power in some ancient countries that killed a lot of people that included religists but to blame those incidents puely on the non belief of god and extend that blame to me is rediculous and slanderous.

It is only the religists that claim some god gives them the right to murder people that will not say they believe in the religists superiority and right to dominate. THAT is a fact and not the wack ramblings and accusation of you religists.

Why is it that you people lie straight out of your asses with no shame?
An atheist believes (he cannot empirically or philosophically) that God does not exist.

Atheism is a faith belief then.

Tis what it is, yo

That's incorrect. I don't have faith that their is no God. I have no evidence that there is a God. Atheism is not faith based. It is the opposite of faith based. Religion is faith based, and cannot stand on its own merit.

You cannot empirically prove God does not exist, nor philosophically, so, yes, you believe on faith that God is not.

Tis what is.
That's nonsense just like your ficticious bible.

Show us some piece of literature that these so-called atheists assembled together under as an atheistic call to murder 200 million citizens.

You are SOOOoooooooo....full of shit.

There may well have been evil people that wanted power in some ancient countries that killed a lot of people that included religists but to blame those incidents puely on the non belief of god and extend that blame to me is rediculous and slanderous.

It is only the religists that claim some god gives them the right to murder people that will not say they believe in the religists superiority and right to dominate. THAT is a fact and not the wack ramblings and accusation of you religists.

Why is it that you people lie straight out of your asses with no shame?

You know Rev. Jim, I'm betting the piece of literature you are referencing sits on your shelf, right next to Mao's Little Red Book...

Manifesto of the Communist Party
That's incorrect. I don't have faith that their is no God. I have no evidence that there is a God. Atheism is not faith based. It is the opposite of faith based. Religion is faith based, and cannot stand on its own merit.

Atheism is a belief. If you do not believe there is no god you are not an atheist, you just want people to think you are because you think it makes you look more intelligent.

I see some latecomers are, uh, pleasuring themselves on their own inability to read post 33 and were hoping to score meaningless ego points based on semantics.

Perhaps they'll catch up one day.
Perhaps not.

Well, y'all aren't exactly known for tolerance, so I figured you'd opt for the Sotloff solution. Let's face it, Atheists slaughtered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century - it's not like you're nice people.

Ya know?

That's nonsense just like your ficticious bible.

Show us some piece of literature that these so-called atheists assembled together under as an atheistic call to murder 200 million citizens.

You are SOOOoooooooo....full of shit.

There may well have been evil people that wanted power in some ancient countries that killed a lot of people that included religists but to blame those incidents puely on the non belief of god and extend that blame to me is rediculous and slanderous.

It is only the religists that claim some god gives them the right to murder people that will not say they believe in the religists superiority and right to dominate. THAT is a fact and not the wack ramblings and accusation of you religists.

Why is it that you people lie straight out of your asses with no shame?

There was a wag here last night who proposed that atheist religions lead to genocide -- some of his examples were "communism" and I believe Kawai Pianos.

Ya gotta have faith I guess...
That's nonsense just like your ficticious bible.

Show us some piece of literature that these so-called atheists assembled together under as an atheistic call to murder 200 million citizens.

You are SOOOoooooooo....full of shit.

There may well have been evil people that wanted power in some ancient countries that killed a lot of people that included religists but to blame those incidents puely on the non belief of god and extend that blame to me is rediculous and slanderous.

It is only the religists that claim some god gives them the right to murder people that will not say they believe in the religists superiority and right to dominate. THAT is a fact and not the wack ramblings and accusation of you religists.

Why is it that you people lie straight out of your asses with no shame?

You know Rev. Jim, I'm betting the piece of literature you are referencing sits on your shelf, right next to Mao's Little Red Book...

Manifesto of the Communist Party

What on earth makes you think I have anything to do with the communist party?

You REALLY are crazy as a bedbug.

I hate communists maybe more than I hate religists.

Communism is one of the dumbest and most dangerous ideas ever produced and followed by human beings.

As far as I am concerned we could nuke every communist country to glass beads and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.

I am a communist?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you piece of stinking dog shit.
Good point! I called myself agnostic for a long time. And boy, let me tell you, my life was a lot easier when I referred to myself as agnostic. People certainly don't have harsh feelings towards people who claim they are agnostic, I've noticed. Being an atheist is a very different ball game.

That's because Atheists are fucking assholes. Jehovah's Witnesses will less forcibly shove their religion down the throats of others.

I just feel that since I don't live my life as though there is a God, I'm pretty much an atheist. See below.

Here is the well-known Dawkins scale of belief (though I disagree with the title of (4) - see above):

  1. Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists.
  2. De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there.
  3. Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.
  4. Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.
  5. Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical.
  6. De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there.
  7. Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God.
I'm a number 6.

Rational people fall around 4 - given that no evidence exists to support any other position on your self-serving list....
What on earth makes you think I have anything to do with the communist party?

I've read your posts...

You REALLY are crazy as a bedbug.

Honestly, I really do envision you as Rev. Jim - a child of the 60's who's excesses have caught up with a vengence.

I hate communists maybe more than I hate religists.

Communism is one of the dumbest and most dangerous ideas ever produced and followed by human beings.

Well hell Rev. Jim, we agree on somethign,

As far as I am concerned we could nuke every communist country to glass beads and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.

But not this, this is plain crazy - the product of drug addled thinking.

I am a communist?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you piece of stinking dog shit.

Do you advocate for a control economy where Barack Obama ensures that everyone gets a fair share?
Good point! I called myself agnostic for a long time. And boy, let me tell you, my life was a lot easier when I referred to myself as agnostic. People certainly don't have harsh feelings towards people who claim they are agnostic, I've noticed. Being an atheist is a very different ball game.

That's because Atheists are fucking assholes. Jehovah's Witnesses will less forcibly shove their religion down the throats of others.

I just feel that since I don't live my life as though there is a God, I'm pretty much an atheist. See below.

Here is the well-known Dawkins scale of belief (though I disagree with the title of (4) - see above):

  1. Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists.
  2. De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there.
  3. Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.
  4. Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.
  5. Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical.
  6. De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there.
  7. Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God.
I'm a number 6.

Rational people fall around 4 - given that no evidence exists to support any other position on your self-serving list....

Fuck this worthless piece of shit Carla.

He has crossed way over the line.
He has dug a hole with his vile words he will never get out of.

If he was drowning I would piss on him.
What on earth makes you think I have anything to do with the communist party?

I've read your posts...

You REALLY are crazy as a bedbug.

Honestly, I really do envision you as Rev. Jim - a child of the 60's who's excesses have caught up with a vengence.

I hate communists maybe more than I hate religists.

Communism is one of the dumbest and most dangerous ideas ever produced and followed by human beings.

Well hell Rev. Jim, we agree on somethign,

As far as I am concerned we could nuke every communist country to glass beads and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.

But not this, this is plain crazy - the product of drug addled thinking.

I am a communist?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you piece of stinking dog shit.

Do you advocate for a control economy where Barack Obama ensures that everyone gets a fair share?
I don't give a fuck about Obama.

You have stupidly advanced yourself to the front burner.

Nice work fuckwad.
Fuck this worthless piece of shit Carla.

He has crossed way over the line.
He has dug a hole with his vile words he will never get out of.

If he was drowning I would piss on him.


I deal with worthless scum every day and night. You are nothing special.

You are just looking for attention...I get it.

Sometimes ignorant assholes attempt to get attention and find they have opened a door they wish they hadn't.

Mad? Your stupid uneducated insults only serve to underline why you are dumb enough to be a Christian. Mad? Just more aware of what you are. Thanks for the heads up.

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