Atheism takes courage

Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?
Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist. I repeat, not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.

-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Or is he protecting his profit base?
Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

No scientifically, senses don't go back to the beginning of time. In fact in the beginning of time there wasn't even a brain. I didn't follow the entire conversation so correct me if I misrepresent your position. You claim God is some kind of spiritual connection?
Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

No scientifically, senses don't go back to the beginning of time. In fact in the beginning of time there wasn't even a brain. I didn't follow the entire conversation so correct me if I misrepresent your position. You claim God is some kind of spiritual connection?

If you go back a page I took a long time explaining how the human brain responds to internal , external experiences.. he just blows it off with his Empirical Evidence ...Blah

The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them..

And yes Senses Do go back to the beginning of time otherwise we would be a blob of nothing. It is a fact that when you hold your breath it signals the spinal cord into a Fight or Flight motion which is integrated into our subconscious to run or fight... we are still in the dark ages understanding our subconscious .
But this is a different debate..

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

No scientifically, senses don't go back to the beginning of time. In fact in the beginning of time there wasn't even a brain. I didn't follow the entire conversation so correct me if I misrepresent your position. You claim God is some kind of spiritual connection?

If you go back a page I took a long time explaining how the human brain responds to internal , external experiences.. he just blows it off with his Empirical Evidence ...Blah

The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them..

And yes Senses Do go back to the beginning of time otherwise we would be a blob of nothing. It is a fact that when you hold your breath it signals the spinal cord into a Fight or Flight motion which is integrated into our subconscious to run or fight... we are still in the dark ages understanding our subconscious .
But this is a different debate..

Now first of don't be insulted by the question, I'm just trying to establish something.
How do you know that what you feel is not just real, but actually the holy spirit? I can be completely convinced for instance that I'm Napoleon, without it being true. How do you know that your feelings are different?
And you have some actual verifiable, empirical evidence to support your Atheistic beliefs ?.... you can't prove that God does not exist BUT there is some indication to back up the belief that he/she/it does exist

Intelligent Design vs. Chaos
There are no Atheists in Fox Holes
Except there are. A lot of us, as a matter of fact. And Intelligent Design isn't even a proper hypothesis. It is pure pseudo-science attempting to inject religion into high school science classes.

You mean like Darwin’s theory? Is that pseudo a Ian s to or rock solid?
It is a valid theory that has been tested, repeatedly, and has altered over the years, as tests have demonstrated that the theory, at the time, was flawed. See, that's how science works. When examination, and means testing demonstrates that a theory is flawed, the theory is altered, unlike pseudo-science that simply discards any evidence that contradicts the preformed expected conclusions.

Life in the universe would not be possible if about 25 properties of the universe were even remotely different from what they are; as the matter is commonly put, the universe appears "fine-tuned" for life.

Life would not be possible if the force of the big bang explosion had differed by one part in 10 to the 60th power; the universe would have either collapsed on itself or expanded too rapidly for stars to form.

Similarly, life would not be possible if the force binding protons to neutrons differed by even a minscule percentage Intelligent Design or Random Chaos ... God Knows
In physics this would be described as the weak anthropic principle. Quite simply the universe exist because we observe it. It's not a proof of intelligent design, it's a proof of our luck. It fits perfectly in the multiverse theories and doesn't need intelligence to work.
Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

No scientifically, senses don't go back to the beginning of time. In fact in the beginning of time there wasn't even a brain. I didn't follow the entire conversation so correct me if I misrepresent your position. You claim God is some kind of spiritual connection?

If you go back a page I took a long time explaining how the human brain responds to internal , external experiences.. he just blows it off with his Empirical Evidence ...Blah

The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them..

And yes Senses Do go back to the beginning of time otherwise we would be a blob of nothing. It is a fact that when you hold your breath it signals the spinal cord into a Fight or Flight motion which is integrated into our subconscious to run or fight... we are still in the dark ages understanding our subconscious .
But this is a different debate..

Now first of don't be insulted by the question, I'm just trying to establish something.
How do you know that what you feel is not just real, but actually the holy spirit? I can be completely convinced for instance that I'm Napoleon, without it being true. How do you know that your feelings are different?
No this whole debate is not insulting , thank you..

I didn't just wake up a poof I felt the Holy Spirit.. It is learning to hear within a connection to something that we can not see with the eye, yet we hear with the soul.

With time , and experiences you are in tune and know within it is real.. Things are revealed that give you stronger faith, and at the same time things can happen that we question our faith..

. There are people who are super in tune to their inner spirit.. For instance a person who leads the police to a dead body by seeing it in a vision or a dream .. The police that were skeptical became a believer and these people have been hired for investigations ..

So to cut things short it is being in tune with your inner self...


You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

No scientifically, senses don't go back to the beginning of time. In fact in the beginning of time there wasn't even a brain. I didn't follow the entire conversation so correct me if I misrepresent your position. You claim God is some kind of spiritual connection?

If you go back a page I took a long time explaining how the human brain responds to internal , external experiences.. he just blows it off with his Empirical Evidence ...Blah

The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them..

And yes Senses Do go back to the beginning of time otherwise we would be a blob of nothing. It is a fact that when you hold your breath it signals the spinal cord into a Fight or Flight motion which is integrated into our subconscious to run or fight... we are still in the dark ages understanding our subconscious .
But this is a different debate..

Now first of don't be insulted by the question, I'm just trying to establish something.
How do you know that what you feel is not just real, but actually the holy spirit? I can be completely convinced for instance that I'm Napoleon, without it being true. How do you know that your feelings are different?
No this whole debate is not insulting , thank you..

I didn't just wake up a poof I felt the Holy Spirit.. It is learning to hear within a connection to something that we can not see with the eye, yet we hear with the soul.

With time , and experiences you are in tune and know within it is real.. Things are revealed that give you stronger faith, and at the same time things can happen that we question our faith..

. There are people who are super in tune to their inner spirit.. For instance a person who leads the police to a dead body by seeing it in a vision or a dream .. The police that were skeptical became a believer and these people have been hired for investigations ..

So to cut things short it is being in tune with your inner self...


Not an answer to how do you know your not simply imagining things. If I ask how do you know,and you answer I know within. You are making the assertion the proof. The same goes for these people you say the police hire. At best it provides anecdotal evidence. How do you KNOW that it wasn't luck? There are people who give big rewards for anybody who can do something like that in a controlled scientific test. Nobody can.
1 example
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Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
You have it completely backwards.
Not an answer to how do you know your not simply imagining things. If I ask how do you know,and you answer I know within. You are making the assertion the proof. The same goes for these people you say the police hire. At best it provides anecdotal evidence. How do you KNOW that it wasn't luck? There are people who give big rewards for anybody who can do something like that in a controlled scientific test. Nobody can.
1 example

Thanks for the video, I have seen this before..

Think of it this way... you get a call on the phone and know the persons voice instantly even though you can not see them. Now God doesn't call me on the phone so but I know His voice.

Take the time to really listen to this lady and how she solved 3 murders..There are so many just like her..It is not Luck..

Not an answer to how do you know your not simply imagining things. If I ask how do you know,and you answer I know within. You are making the assertion the proof. The same goes for these people you say the police hire. At best it provides anecdotal evidence. How do you KNOW that it wasn't luck? There are people who give big rewards for anybody who can do something like that in a controlled scientific test. Nobody can.
1 example

Thanks for the video, I have seen this before..

Think of it this way... you get a call on the phone and know the persons voice instantly even though you can not see them. Now God doesn't call me on the phone so but I know His voice.

Take the time to really listen to this lady and how she solved 3 murders..There are so many just like her..It is not Luck..

This is what I found on the lady.But the news said psychics are real! | SkepticReport
As to your explanation, you do the same thing again. I ask "how do you know it is God" and you reply I know his voice." Again the assertion isn't proof. If I say "Martians have me wired in the head and they tell me stuff, you ask how do you know their Martians, at which I reply I know how they sound." You would be skeptical I think. Don't get me wrong I completely belief you think it happens. But the thing about the brain is that it has the wonderful capacity to fool itself. As we see on this board daily by everybody. I'm a decent poker player. Not because I'm a math genius, but because I'm more aware then most that what I think and the truth are not the same thing. So I deceive myself less, which I then in turn can use to make better decisions.
Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

I didn't "blather" anything. The blather is the guy who asks a question that has no basis in logic. It's not my fault that you are incapable of logical processes. As to your "facts about emotions", you still confuse observable with "seeing". They are not the same thing. Why don't you come on back when you have an argument that is based in logic, and reason.
Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

You are making my point for me. Your own words: "Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone.." In other words there is empirical evidence that these senses exist, and produce signals interpreted by the brain" By all means, demonstrate for me the empirical evidence of the existence of God. Hell, I'll make it easy. Produce verifiable, quantifiable empirical evidence of anything "Supernatural". With all the resources that have been dedicated to this study, it should be easy for you.
Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

I didn't "blather" anything. The blather is the guy who asks a question that has no basis in logic. It's not my fault that you are incapable of logical processes. As to your "facts about emotions", you still confuse observable with "seeing". They are not the same thing. Why don't you come on back when you have an argument that is based in logic, and reason.

Oh I see now it is insults to make your You still haven't shown me that it has been Scientifically proven that God does not exist..

But you just Feel it ..:p Based on 0 Evidence...

The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them...

And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Show me where science has proven 100% that God does not exist?

You see, this is why theism always, always fails. It relies on faulty logic to maintain its position. What you have presented is a Negative Proof Fallacy. That same fallacy can be used to defend any irrational position: Prove that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Yes, Pastafarianism is an actual thing.

This is why one uses the Null Hypothesis for questions of this nature. God does not exist. This is not dogmatic. I am not married to this position. It is merely the default starting position. From here, I await objective, quantifiable, verifiable empirical evidence contrary to that position.

Now, angry, militant theists, like Meriweather, get angry, and aggressive, insisting that I am being unfair, because all of these mythical creatures for which I am asking evidence exist on some fantastic plane of existence that is not connected to the physical plane, thus there is no "proof" to be found, physically.

Here's the problem with that. This mythical God/Creator is said to have created this physical plane. (S)He is said to engage with this physical plane on a regular basis performing miracles. At least one religion insists that he physically walked among us, as a man.

So, clearly, if this extra-physical plane exists, there must be points of connection. As such, there should be empirical evidence that this plane exists. There isn't. See, it all comes down to a lack of evidence.

Oh brother... You didn't answer my question but blabbed a bunch of bullshit..

Prove to me God doesn't exist Scientifically ...

I showed you facts on the human brain and emotions that we cannot see .. you return with jabber jabber.. Bullshit..

I didn't "blather" anything. The blather is the guy who asks a question that has no basis in logic. It's not my fault that you are incapable of logical processes. As to your "facts about emotions", you still confuse observable with "seeing". They are not the same thing. Why don't you come on back when you have an argument that is based in logic, and reason.

Oh I see now it is insults to make your You still haven't shown me that it has been Scientifically proven that God does not exist..

But you just Feel it ..:p Based on 0 Evidence...

You have been the only one being insulting, and have even cursed at me in your posts. I don't "feel" anything. I don't have anything to gain, one way, or the other. "There is no God" is not a dogmatic statement of belief. It is a default proposal of the Null hypothesis. I will happily alter my position to "God exists". All I need is empirical, verifiable objective evidence that the Null Hypothesis is false.

It's called logic.
As to your explanation, you do the same thing again. I ask "how do you know it is God" and you reply I know his voice." Again the assertion isn't proof. If I say "Martians have me wired in the head and they tell me stuff, you ask how do you know their Martians, at which I reply I know how they sound." You would be skeptical I think. Don't get me wrong I completely belief you think it happens. But the thing about the brain is that it has the wonderful capacity to fool itself. As we see on this board daily by everybody. I'm a decent poker player. Not because I'm a math genius, but because I'm more aware then most that what I think and the truth are not the same thing. So I deceive myself less, which I then in turn can use to make better decisions.

Recognizing people's voices touched a cord. I once held a job where it was part of my duties to recognize voices. If I identified a voice over the phone, associates knew that person was indeed on the phone. I was never wrong. All this means is that I had a talent for recognizing voices. No big deal. I also know my mental or subconscious voice. Therefore, when another voice speaks out, I can identify it as not me.

I've heard, "The brain has the wonderful capacity to fool itself." Perhaps, but it does not seem to have that wonderful capacity to fool me. When I hear a voice, dream, day dream, imagine or see, I know exactly what is happening and I've never been wrong. Also, I am always extremely careful not to let myself say--or even think--that the parameters of the experience were wider than they actually were. Yes, while I have experienced God's love and that He honors our free will/choices, there was nothing in that experience that verified God created our universe, so despite my belief that God is creator, you will never hear/see me declare I know God is creator.

Further, I understand there are some who make up their experiences out of whole cloth and later confess this. This, undeniably and understandably, heaps skepticism on the true accounts. And guess what, I'm of the opinion there should be skepticism, but not skepticism (close-mindedness) to the point that every single account is dismissed as an untruth, trick of the brain, or an hallucination.

Belief in God should be up to the individual. There have ever been atheists in my family, and I married an atheist whom I dearly love. I understand they cannot believe and be true to themselves, and they understand I cannot believe and be true to myself. Knowing me, they do not question my accounts as an error on the part of the brain or wishful thinking on my part. One told me, "I really believe what you said about God's love and how He honors free will. I know that deep down, I want to go through life on my own without any supernatural help or power. It's more important to me to know I can do it on my own. It's not that I am against the concept of God, I just want to know I can do without Him."

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