Atheism takes courage

You're right. I also cannot prove the universe was not created by a giant, rainbow shitting unicorn. And neither can you. Your point?

Curious as to how you come to your conclusion since there is not Empirical Evidence to back up that there is not a Master Designer?

You get i agreed with you, right. let's try that again: YOU ARE CORRECT. I CANNOT PROVE THAT THE UNIVERSE WAS NOT CREATED BY A MASTER DESIGNER.


So. Now that we have established that a negative assertion cannot be proactively proven, what's your point?

Well being that we are both in the boat of not being able to give Empirical Evidence... why wouldn't you just ask God if He is real reveal himself to you..It is not going to cause an explosion, but you may just find that the unicorn was actually something.
You really do not understand how logic works do you? So, what happens when I ask God for "the answer", and I get silence? Do I get to say God doesn't exist, then? Or did God just choose to ignore me?
Not at all. YOU chose to ignore God.
Adorable. I choose to ignore something that there is no empirical evidence exists.
Let's get back on topic. What is so courageous about being an atheist? No one is persecuting atheists. But Christians are being killed for believing in God. Millions of Christians have died rather than deny Christ. THAT takes courage. So, tell me. What would an atheist die for?
Actually atheists are put to death all the time. What else you got?
Every country you listed is Muslim. And those same Muslims kill Christians too. Try again.
So what? This isn't about Christians. This is about theists actions towards atheists. You're the one trying to make it all about Christians.
Muslims are not theists.
And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Here's some objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence for you. Bible prophecy. 100 percent track record. No one could do that but God.
LOL! So, your "objective" evidence is a book of fairy tales written over 2,000 years ago? LOL
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
So, a bunch of people got together, studied the "prophesies" that were written, several centuries ago, and proceeded to write a story, incorporating those "prophesies" into their fiction, and that, somehow, proves anything? Riiiiight....
Quit deflecting. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. You can make all the lame excuses you like. It won't change anything. There are many prophecies that have a confirmed date for when they were written, and they accurately describe historical events that happened hundreds of years later. So, show me one prophecy that got it wrong. You can't, and you know it.

"Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. "

Uh... what? Couldn't you just respond to anything by saying, "It just hasn't happened yet!"...? What a silly challenge.
Curious as to how you come to your conclusion since there is not Empirical Evidence to back up that there is not a Master Designer?

You get i agreed with you, right. let's try that again: YOU ARE CORRECT. I CANNOT PROVE THAT THE UNIVERSE WAS NOT CREATED BY A MASTER DESIGNER.


So. Now that we have established that a negative assertion cannot be proactively proven, what's your point?

Well being that we are both in the boat of not being able to give Empirical Evidence... why wouldn't you just ask God if He is real reveal himself to you..It is not going to cause an explosion, but you may just find that the unicorn was actually something.
You really do not understand how logic works do you? So, what happens when I ask God for "the answer", and I get silence? Do I get to say God doesn't exist, then? Or did God just choose to ignore me?
Not at all. YOU chose to ignore God.
Adorable. I choose to ignore something that there is no empirical evidence exists.
Sigh... Time to add you to my ignore list. It's obvious that you are incapable of rational thought. Sucks to be you.
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I am an animal and all animals die eventually. Why is that so hard to accept?

But if you send me $50 every week, I will make sure you can live forever

All animals die ? Are you sure about that, I thought all dogs went to heaven. On a more serious note however - You don't know that for a fact, you can't prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. You can't prove there is no such thing as a soul, but some researchers, [and not all of them are quacks], have demonstrated the possibility of a hereafter, reincarnation, yada yada yada

A theory from Dr. Robert Lanza states that death as we presently define it is an illusion ... The body itself does not generate consciousness, it lives on after the body dies. They have identified " microtubules " within brain cells ... theory goes on to postulate that the experience of consciousness as we know it is the product of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules.

Now 'rightwinger' I do realize that you only have a few brain cells to work with but perhaps you might be able to grasp some of the basics of biocentrism - Biocentrism
"You can't prove there is no such thing as a soul"

And you can't prove leprechauns don't collect stamps. So what?
I am so sick of theists using the same logical fallacy over, and over again, and pretending like they have accomplished something. All they are doing is proving that their beliefs are irrational, and based on a wilful disregard for logic.
You get i agreed with you, right. let's try that again: YOU ARE CORRECT. I CANNOT PROVE THAT THE UNIVERSE WAS NOT CREATED BY A MASTER DESIGNER.


So. Now that we have established that a negative assertion cannot be proactively proven, what's your point?

Well being that we are both in the boat of not being able to give Empirical Evidence... why wouldn't you just ask God if He is real reveal himself to you..It is not going to cause an explosion, but you may just find that the unicorn was actually something.
You really do not understand how logic works do you? So, what happens when I ask God for "the answer", and I get silence? Do I get to say God doesn't exist, then? Or did God just choose to ignore me?
Not at all. YOU chose to ignore God.
Adorable. I choose to ignore something that there is no empirical evidence exists.
Sigh... Time to add you to my ignore list. It's obvious that you are incapable of rational though. Sucks to be you.
That's funny. I choose to not allow logical fallacy as an argument, and I'm the one incapable of rational thought.
Let's get back on topic. What is so courageous about being an atheist? No one is persecuting atheists. But Christians are being killed for believing in God. Millions of Christians have died rather than deny Christ. THAT takes courage. So, tell me. What would an atheist die for?
Actually atheists are put to death all the time. What else you got?
Every country you listed is Muslim. And those same Muslims kill Christians too. Try again.
So what? This isn't about Christians. This is about theists actions towards atheists. You're the one trying to make it all about Christians.
Muslims are not theists.
Either you don't know what a Muslim is, or you don't know what a theist is. Not sure which.
Unfortunately your global elite masters are not atheists because they worship Lucifer and practice esoteric black magic rituals of the Druids Aleister Crowely brought forth with the Ordo Templi Orientis. The sex scandal revelations in Hollywierd is just the beginning of what is to come out. Child sacrifice, pedophilia satanic rituals, etc, etc......

The cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove where they do a ritual in front of a 40 foot owl the elites attend is well known. I feel bad for people that don't have faith in a benevolent higher power because the day will come when they will wish that they did. My faith in God has carried me through so many tough times. I have been the beneficiary of God's mercy on my life and that of my son which was a miracle of incredible proportions. I wish you all the best in this journey because the road is about to get really rocky.
Unfortunately your global elite masters are not atheists because they worship Lucifer and practice esoteric black magic rituals of the Druids Aleister Crowely brought forth with the Ordo Templi Orientis. The sex scandal revelations in Hollywierd is just the beginning of what is to come out. Child sacrifice, pedophilia satanic rituals, etc, etc......

The cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove where they do a ritual in front of a 40 foot owl the elites attend is well known. I feel bad for people that don't have faith in a benevolent higher power because the day will come when they will wish that they did. My faith in God has carried me through so many tough times. I have been the beneficiary of God's mercy on my life and that of my son which was a miracle of incredible proportions. I wish you all the best in this journey because the road is about to get really rocky.
uhhhh...maybe you wanna have your meds adjusted? *backs away, slowly, smiling nervously*
Unfortunately your global elite masters are not atheists because they worship Lucifer and practice esoteric black magic rituals of the Druids Aleister Crowely brought forth with the Ordo Templi Orientis. The sex scandal revelations in Hollywierd is just the beginning of what is to come out. Child sacrifice, pedophilia satanic rituals, etc, etc......

The cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove where they do a ritual in front of a 40 foot owl the elites attend is well known. I feel bad for people that don't have faith in a benevolent higher power because the day will come when they will wish that they did. My faith in God has carried me through so many tough times. I have been the beneficiary of God's mercy on my life and that of my son which was a miracle of incredible proportions. I wish you all the best in this journey because the road is about to get really rocky.
uhhhh...maybe you wanna have your meds adjusted? *backs away, slowly, smiling nervously*

Nope, I am "awake" while you wander around clueless. Have you heard of Ronald Bernard, the elite Dutch banker whistle blower? Fast forward to the 21 minute mark......he is but one of many that have come forward. I know of what I speak.

Unfortunately your global elite masters are not atheists because they worship Lucifer and practice esoteric black magic rituals of the Druids Aleister Crowely brought forth with the Ordo Templi Orientis. The sex scandal revelations in Hollywierd is just the beginning of what is to come out. Child sacrifice, pedophilia satanic rituals, etc, etc......

The cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove where they do a ritual in front of a 40 foot owl the elites attend is well known. I feel bad for people that don't have faith in a benevolent higher power because the day will come when they will wish that they did. My faith in God has carried me through so many tough times. I have been the beneficiary of God's mercy on my life and that of my son which was a miracle of incredible proportions. I wish you all the best in this journey because the road is about to get really rocky.
uhhhh...maybe you wanna have your meds adjusted? *backs away, slowly, smiling nervously*

Nope, I am "awake" while you wander around clueless. Have you heard of Ronald Bernard, the elite Dutch banker whistle blower? Fast forward to the 21 minute mark......he is but one of many that have come forward. I know of what I speak.

Dude. I hate to disillusion you, but, either there is no "New World Order", or they are powerless idiots. Because if there was some huge global conspiracy controlling everything, they would have never let a moronic clown like Donald Trump anywhere near the Oval Office, and the Nuclear Launch codes.

Sorry to have to tell you that. Oh, and just so you know, There is no Santa Claus, or Easter Bunny, either. And those quarters under your pillow for your teeth? That was mommy.
Unfortunately your global elite masters are not atheists because they worship Lucifer and practice esoteric black magic rituals of the Druids Aleister Crowely brought forth with the Ordo Templi Orientis. The sex scandal revelations in Hollywierd is just the beginning of what is to come out. Child sacrifice, pedophilia satanic rituals, etc, etc......

The cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove where they do a ritual in front of a 40 foot owl the elites attend is well known. I feel bad for people that don't have faith in a benevolent higher power because the day will come when they will wish that they did. My faith in God has carried me through so many tough times. I have been the beneficiary of God's mercy on my life and that of my son which was a miracle of incredible proportions. I wish you all the best in this journey because the road is about to get really rocky.
uhhhh...maybe you wanna have your meds adjusted? *backs away, slowly, smiling nervously*

Nope, I am "awake" while you wander around clueless. Have you heard of Ronald Bernard, the elite Dutch banker whistle blower? Fast forward to the 21 minute mark......he is but one of many that have come forward. I know of what I speak.

Dude. I hate to disillusion you, but, either their is no "New World Order", or they are powerless idiots. Because if there was some huge global conspiracy controlling everything, they would have never let a moronic clown like Donald Trump anywhere near the Oval Office, and the Nuclear Launch codes.

Sorry to have to tell you that. Oh, and just so you know, There is no Santa Claus, or Easter Bunny, either. And those quarters under your pillow for your teeth? That was mommy.

I have no disillusions and I also know the difference between "their" and "there". I have no doubt that a fabian socialist such as yourself can't see what is right in front of your face. I doubt that you have no clue as to how the banking system ACTUALLY works or that the Federal Reserve is really a private bank and a subsidiary of the IMF and Bank For International Settlements. What you don't know or understand could fill a good sized library. You are not hear to debate or are simply here to "huff and puff" and push the socialist agenda because you believe that the world owes you a giving. You are debt slave to the globalist elites that use your labor to move their fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value that they charge usury for. Did you watch the video or at least fast forward to the 21 minute mark? I doubt can't have your little world shattered.
You just asked to prove a negative. Common fallacy. If I'd say to you. " Halfway between Jupiter and Uranus floats a little block of hot fudge." Would your inability to prove otherwise confirm the truth of that statement?

He is trying to go on and on about freaken Empirical Evidence of the senses..I explained to him in a scientific approach to the 5 senses of the brain..4 of these senses are not visible to the human eye...Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone..
It is integrated into our Subconscious going back to the beginning of time..

You are making my point for me. Your own words: "Yet after years of Scientific Study it is proven how the brain responds ... Every single one of the 5 senses release Dopamine Calming, or a Stress Hormone.." In other words there is empirical evidence that these senses exist, and produce signals interpreted by the brain" By all means, demonstrate for me the empirical evidence of the existence of God. Hell, I'll make it easy. Produce verifiable, quantifiable empirical evidence of anything "Supernatural". With all the resources that have been dedicated to this study, it should be easy for you.

Well... this will be an on going back and forth of prove me wrong thread...

This is interesting and fits right in..

if I see a beautiful sand castle on the beach with intricate design, but no one there along with it, I can not “prove” someone made it, just as someone else can not “prove” the sand castle made itself from the wind, waves and sand randomly interacting with one another, so we have to determine what logic and reason tell us is the most plausible explanation, based on scientific evidence and examination.

You simply can not prove there is not a master designer..
You're right. I also cannot prove the universe was not created by a giant, rainbow shitting unicorn. And neither can you. Your point?

Curious as to how you come to your conclusion since there is not Empirical Evidence to back up that there is not a Master Designer?

This comes back to this.
“All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one.”

William of Ockham
In the case of your sand castle. Someone human did it before I arrived at the beach is immensely more plausible than a Master designer or luck. There's only one PLAUSIBLE explanation. Pointing out that you can point to IMPLAUSIBLE explanations does nothing too improve the inherent likeness that the plausible solution will be correct. Most assertions you can imaging carries a none zero chance of being true, but in reality if the number is close enough to zero you can dismiss it.
The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them...

And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Here's some objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence for you. Bible prophecy. 100 percent track record. No one could do that but God.
LOL! So, your "objective" evidence is a book of fairy tales written over 2,000 years ago? LOL
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Show me one bible phrophecy that got it right? I will then show you that the meaning you gave to it can be easily be interpreted in another way.
As to your explanation, you do the same thing again. I ask "how do you know it is God" and you reply I know his voice." Again the assertion isn't proof. If I say "Martians have me wired in the head and they tell me stuff, you ask how do you know their Martians, at which I reply I know how they sound." You would be skeptical I think. Don't get me wrong I completely belief you think it happens. But the thing about the brain is that it has the wonderful capacity to fool itself. As we see on this board daily by everybody. I'm a decent poker player. Not because I'm a math genius, but because I'm more aware then most that what I think and the truth are not the same thing. So I deceive myself less, which I then in turn can use to make better decisions.

Recognizing people's voices touched a cord. I once held a job where it was part of my duties to recognize voices. If I identified a voice over the phone, associates knew that person was indeed on the phone. I was never wrong. All this means is that I had a talent for recognizing voices. No big deal. I also know my mental or subconscious voice. Therefore, when another voice speaks out, I can identify it as not me.

I've heard, "The brain has the wonderful capacity to fool itself." Perhaps, but it does not seem to have that wonderful capacity to fool me. When I hear a voice, dream, day dream, imagine or see, I know exactly what is happening and I've never been wrong. Also, I am always extremely careful not to let myself say--or even think--that the parameters of the experience were wider than they actually were. Yes, while I have experienced God's love and that He honors our free will/choices, there was nothing in that experience that verified God created our universe, so despite my belief that God is creator, you will never hear/see me declare I know God is creator.

Further, I understand there are some who make up their experiences out of whole cloth and later confess this. This, undeniably and understandably, heaps skepticism on the true accounts. And guess what, I'm of the opinion there should be skepticism, but not skepticism (close-mindedness) to the point that every single account is dismissed as an untruth, trick of the brain, or an hallucination.

Belief in God should be up to the individual. There have ever been atheists in my family, and I married an atheist whom I dearly love. I understand they cannot believe and be true to themselves, and they understand I cannot believe and be true to myself. Knowing me, they do not question my accounts as an error on the part of the brain or wishful thinking on my part. One told me, "I really believe what you said about God's love and how He honors free will. I know that deep down, I want to go through life on my own without any supernatural help or power. It's more important to me to know I can do it on my own. It's not that I am against the concept of God, I just want to know I can do without Him."
Perhaps, but it does not seem to have that wonderful capacity to fool me.
To this I'll give you a little anecdote. Earlier today on this board, I had a discussion were I made the assertion. That I hardly ever do an ad hominem attack and when I do it's in a direct response to an attack someone else does. I was completely convinced of the truth of that statement. I thought since I'm pretty rational, not easily insulted and by nature respectful that was a completely true statement. What I found since I was paying attention to it on the OP, is that I do. Not that I was throwing insults around, but my arrogance sometimes prompted me to give little needles to people who hadn't attacked me during the OP. I could have sworn that I NEVER did it but I couldn't even stop myself from doing it in a single OP. Does this sound familiar in any way? I suspect that it does. Your brain fools most people constantly. It does it to protect your self-image, it does it for comfort, it does it so you won't be sad. Point is that you ARE fooling yourself if you think your brain doesn't play tricks on you.
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The debate that you can not see God therefore he doesn't exist can be explained by the senses of the brain, and how we know things even though we can not see them...

And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Here's some objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence for you. Bible prophecy. 100 percent track record. No one could do that but God.
LOL! So, your "objective" evidence is a book of fairy tales written over 2,000 years ago? LOL
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Show me one bible phrophecy that got it right? I will then show you that the meaning you gave to it can be easily be interpreted in another way.
Daniel describes the exact ebb and flow of four empires from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece to Rome. He even foresaw the meteoric rise to power of the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, as well as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals (Daniel 7:6, 8:5–8, 11:2–4).
Desperate to counter the implications of this prophetic phenomenon, nineteenth-century skeptics concocted dating schemes that placed the time of Daniel’s writing after the events. Careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing Daniel as the authentic author.1 Daniel’s prophecy is a genuine “Wow,” which clearly gives evidence of the Bible’s divine nature.

Your ability to point to Ezekiel’s prophecy of the destruction of the Phoenician city Tyre (Ezekiel 26) or Isaiah’s amazing prediction concerning the coming reign of the Persian King Cyrus—two hundred years before his birth (Isaiah 44:28)—will certainly give you an advantage in any discussion on the Bible’s authenticity as a divine book. Only the true God can so consistently predict such distant events, as God Himself asserts (Isaiah 41:21–23, 48:3–5).2

Sharing details about any one example should suffice to make your point. Consider Micah, the seventh-century BC prophet who foretold that Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Christ’s parents, Mary and Joseph, lived in Nazareth, which was nowhere near Bethlehem. So God used a Roman census for taxation to send Jesus’s earthly parents south on an arduous journey to the little town of His birth.
Yet Micah accurately predicted this event over six hundred years before it occurred. Jesus could not have manipulated these events, nor could Luke, the historian who recorded its fulfillment. More than sixty fulfilled Messianic prophecies like this validate the Bible as the Word of God.

The Old Testament is filled with dozens of specific messianic prophecies that were miraculously fulfilled. Every believer should memorize the most obvious and memorable of these prophecies. They include specific PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS LIFE: born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18), born in the small town of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1), and a healer of the blind and needy (Isaiah 35:5–6; Matthew 11:5). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS SACRIFICIAL DEATH: beaten and spat upon (Isaiah 50:6; Mark 14:65), crucified with sinners (Isaiah 53:12; Mark 14:65), and buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57–60). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS VICTORY OVER DEATH: His resurrection from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6), His ascension into heaven (Psalm 68:18; Mark 16:19), and His exaltation at God’s right hand (Psalm 110:1; 1 Peter 3:22).

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True | Answers in Genesis

First and foremost, we can know what the Bible says about itself (“internal evidences”), and then we can learn the most compelling corroborating evidences that confirm its claims (“external evidences”).
1. God’s Character
2. Claims of Divine Authorship
3. Unity of the Bible
4. Fulfilled Prophecy
5. Scientific Accuracy
6. Archaeological Finds
7. Life-Changing Power
Originally published as “Seven Compelling Evidences—That the Bible Is True,” in Answers, April–June 2011.
And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Here's some objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence for you. Bible prophecy. 100 percent track record. No one could do that but God.
LOL! So, your "objective" evidence is a book of fairy tales written over 2,000 years ago? LOL
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Show me one bible phrophecy that got it right? I will then show you that the meaning you gave to it can be easily be interpreted in another way.
Daniel describes the exact ebb and flow of four empires from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece to Rome. He even foresaw the meteoric rise to power of the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, as well as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals (Daniel 7:6, 8:5–8, 11:2–4).
Desperate to counter the implications of this prophetic phenomenon, nineteenth-century skeptics concocted dating schemes that placed the time of Daniel’s writing after the events. Careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing Daniel as the authentic author.1 Daniel’s prophecy is a genuine “Wow,” which clearly gives evidence of the Bible’s divine nature.

Your ability to point to Ezekiel’s prophecy of the destruction of the Phoenician city Tyre (Ezekiel 26) or Isaiah’s amazing prediction concerning the coming reign of the Persian King Cyrus—two hundred years before his birth (Isaiah 44:28)—will certainly give you an advantage in any discussion on the Bible’s authenticity as a divine book. Only the true God can so consistently predict such distant events, as God Himself asserts (Isaiah 41:21–23, 48:3–5).2

Sharing details about any one example should suffice to make your point. Consider Micah, the seventh-century BC prophet who foretold that Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Christ’s parents, Mary and Joseph, lived in Nazareth, which was nowhere near Bethlehem. So God used a Roman census for taxation to send Jesus’s earthly parents south on an arduous journey to the little town of His birth.
Yet Micah accurately predicted this event over six hundred years before it occurred. Jesus could not have manipulated these events, nor could Luke, the historian who recorded its fulfillment. More than sixty fulfilled Messianic prophecies like this validate the Bible as the Word of God.

The Old Testament is filled with dozens of specific messianic prophecies that were miraculously fulfilled. Every believer should memorize the most obvious and memorable of these prophecies. They include specific PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS LIFE: born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18), born in the small town of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1), and a healer of the blind and needy (Isaiah 35:5–6; Matthew 11:5). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS SACRIFICIAL DEATH: beaten and spat upon (Isaiah 50:6; Mark 14:65), crucified with sinners (Isaiah 53:12; Mark 14:65), and buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57–60). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS VICTORY OVER DEATH: His resurrection from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6), His ascension into heaven (Psalm 68:18; Mark 16:19), and His exaltation at God’s right hand (Psalm 110:1; 1 Peter 3:22).

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True | Answers in Genesis

First and foremost, we can know what the Bible says about itself (“internal evidences”), and then we can learn the most compelling corroborating evidences that confirm its claims (“external evidences”).
1. God’s Character
2. Claims of Divine Authorship
3. Unity of the Bible
4. Fulfilled Prophecy
5. Scientific Accuracy
6. Archaeological Finds
7. Life-Changing Power
Originally published as “Seven Compelling Evidences—That the Bible Is True,” in Answers, April–June 2011.
So, biblical Prophesy is never wrong? Then explain why Ezekial (Ezekiel 29:8-15), specifically "prophesied" that Nebuchadnezzar would sack, and utterly destroy Tyre, and that it would so utterly be destroyed that the city would never again exist. Yet, Tyre made a deal with Nebuchadnezzar, and was not destroyed until 240 years later - by Alexander, it might be noted - and it was, in fact, rebuilt, and exists to this day. I mean the Bible was very specific about the details:

  1. Egypt and everything from the tower of Syene to Ethiopia will be desolate and waste
  2. God will own the Nile
  3. No humans will walk through Egypt
  4. No animals will walk through Egypt
  5. Nobody will live in Egypt for 40 years
  6. Egyptians will leave Egypt and be scattered among other nations
  7. After 40 years of scattering, Egypt will be repopulated by the scattered Egyptians
  8. Egypt will be a weak kingdom, and will never control "the nations"
Egypt has never been recorded as a 'desolate waste'. There is no historical evidence of a time when people have not walked through Egypt; when for forty years Egypt was uninhabited after the civilization started there; or for when Egypt has been surrounded by other desolate countries. In short, poor Ezekial got EVERYTHING wrong.

..but there has never been a Biblical prophesy that wasn't fulfilled...
Well, forkup. I'm waiting. Let's see you reinterpret the prophecies I provided to say something else, like you said you would. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Here's some objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence for you. Bible prophecy. 100 percent track record. No one could do that but God.
LOL! So, your "objective" evidence is a book of fairy tales written over 2,000 years ago? LOL
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Show me one bible phrophecy that got it right? I will then show you that the meaning you gave to it can be easily be interpreted in another way.
Daniel describes the exact ebb and flow of four empires from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece to Rome. He even foresaw the meteoric rise to power of the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, as well as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals (Daniel 7:6, 8:5–8, 11:2–4).
Desperate to counter the implications of this prophetic phenomenon, nineteenth-century skeptics concocted dating schemes that placed the time of Daniel’s writing after the events. Careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing Daniel as the authentic author.1 Daniel’s prophecy is a genuine “Wow,” which clearly gives evidence of the Bible’s divine nature.

Your ability to point to Ezekiel’s prophecy of the destruction of the Phoenician city Tyre (Ezekiel 26) or Isaiah’s amazing prediction concerning the coming reign of the Persian King Cyrus—two hundred years before his birth (Isaiah 44:28)—will certainly give you an advantage in any discussion on the Bible’s authenticity as a divine book. Only the true God can so consistently predict such distant events, as God Himself asserts (Isaiah 41:21–23, 48:3–5).2

Sharing details about any one example should suffice to make your point. Consider Micah, the seventh-century BC prophet who foretold that Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Christ’s parents, Mary and Joseph, lived in Nazareth, which was nowhere near Bethlehem. So God used a Roman census for taxation to send Jesus’s earthly parents south on an arduous journey to the little town of His birth.
Yet Micah accurately predicted this event over six hundred years before it occurred. Jesus could not have manipulated these events, nor could Luke, the historian who recorded its fulfillment. More than sixty fulfilled Messianic prophecies like this validate the Bible as the Word of God.

The Old Testament is filled with dozens of specific messianic prophecies that were miraculously fulfilled. Every believer should memorize the most obvious and memorable of these prophecies. They include specific PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS LIFE: born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18), born in the small town of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1), and a healer of the blind and needy (Isaiah 35:5–6; Matthew 11:5). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS SACRIFICIAL DEATH: beaten and spat upon (Isaiah 50:6; Mark 14:65), crucified with sinners (Isaiah 53:12; Mark 14:65), and buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57–60). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS VICTORY OVER DEATH: His resurrection from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6), His ascension into heaven (Psalm 68:18; Mark 16:19), and His exaltation at God’s right hand (Psalm 110:1; 1 Peter 3:22).

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True | Answers in Genesis

First and foremost, we can know what the Bible says about itself (“internal evidences”), and then we can learn the most compelling corroborating evidences that confirm its claims (“external evidences”).
1. God’s Character
2. Claims of Divine Authorship
3. Unity of the Bible
4. Fulfilled Prophecy
5. Scientific Accuracy
6. Archaeological Finds
7. Life-Changing Power
Originally published as “Seven Compelling Evidences—That the Bible Is True,” in Answers, April–June 2011.
I'm not going trough all of them just what I find the least cryptic of them all . The rise and fall of Alexander.
2 “And now I will show you the truth. Behold, three more kings shall arise in Persia, and a fourth shall be far richer than all of them. And when he has become strong through his riches, he shall stir up all against the kingdom of Greece. a mighty king shall arise, who shall rule with great dominion and do as he wills. his kingdom shall be broken and divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to the authority with which he ruled, for his kingdom shall be plucked up and go to others besides these.
This states one really verifiable thing It states that the king that fought Alexander was the richest of the previous 5. The king who fought Alexander was Darius III. Of the previous 5 Artexerses II was the richest by the time Darius III came to power. Persia was already on it's decline.

-Artaxerxes II was the longest reigning of the Achaemenid kings and it was during this 45-year period of relative peace and stability that many of the monuments of the era were constructed. Artaxerxes moved the capital back to Persepolis, which he greatly extended. Also the summer capital at Ecbatana was lavishly extended with gilded columns and roof tiles of silver and copper.
-Darius III, previously Satrap of Armenia, personally forced Bagoas to swallow poison. In 334 BC, when Darius was just succeeding in subduing Egypt again, Alexander and his battle-hardened troops invaded Asia Minor. Achaemenid Empire - Wikipedia
-I also want to point to something that illustrates how prophecy is used to confirm stuff in hindsight.
as well as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals
You got that from this. "divided toward the four winds of heaven"
The most logical explanation of that passage would be the kingdom was completely splintered, but because Alexander's empire EVENTUALLY fell apart in four stable blocks you think it confirms that part of it. This is why I picked this one because it's pretty specific. So if this prophecy is wrong and it's actually one that's not cryptic you fail in your assertion they are actually reliable.
Well, forkup. I'm waiting. Let's see you reinterpret the prophecies I provided to say something else, like you said you would. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
This actually takes some research and I do have a life you know.

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