Atheism takes courage

And that argument would be a brilliant response to my position, if my position had anything to do with "seeing" God. Empirical evidence has nothing to do with sight. It has to do with objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence. But, you see, you want to make it about "seeing", because that makes it easier to argue against than my actual position.
Here's some objective, quantifiable, verifiable evidence for you. Bible prophecy. 100 percent track record. No one could do that but God.
LOL! So, your "objective" evidence is a book of fairy tales written over 2,000 years ago? LOL
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Show me one bible phrophecy that got it right? I will then show you that the meaning you gave to it can be easily be interpreted in another way.
Daniel describes the exact ebb and flow of four empires from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece to Rome. He even foresaw the meteoric rise to power of the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, as well as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals (Daniel 7:6, 8:5–8, 11:2–4).
Desperate to counter the implications of this prophetic phenomenon, nineteenth-century skeptics concocted dating schemes that placed the time of Daniel’s writing after the events. Careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing Daniel as the authentic author.1 Daniel’s prophecy is a genuine “Wow,” which clearly gives evidence of the Bible’s divine nature.

Your ability to point to Ezekiel’s prophecy of the destruction of the Phoenician city Tyre (Ezekiel 26) or Isaiah’s amazing prediction concerning the coming reign of the Persian King Cyrus—two hundred years before his birth (Isaiah 44:28)—will certainly give you an advantage in any discussion on the Bible’s authenticity as a divine book. Only the true God can so consistently predict such distant events, as God Himself asserts (Isaiah 41:21–23, 48:3–5).2

Sharing details about any one example should suffice to make your point. Consider Micah, the seventh-century BC prophet who foretold that Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Christ’s parents, Mary and Joseph, lived in Nazareth, which was nowhere near Bethlehem. So God used a Roman census for taxation to send Jesus’s earthly parents south on an arduous journey to the little town of His birth.
Yet Micah accurately predicted this event over six hundred years before it occurred. Jesus could not have manipulated these events, nor could Luke, the historian who recorded its fulfillment. More than sixty fulfilled Messianic prophecies like this validate the Bible as the Word of God.

The Old Testament is filled with dozens of specific messianic prophecies that were miraculously fulfilled. Every believer should memorize the most obvious and memorable of these prophecies. They include specific PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS LIFE: born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18), born in the small town of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1), and a healer of the blind and needy (Isaiah 35:5–6; Matthew 11:5). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS SACRIFICIAL DEATH: beaten and spat upon (Isaiah 50:6; Mark 14:65), crucified with sinners (Isaiah 53:12; Mark 14:65), and buried with the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57–60). PROPHECIES ABOUT HIS VICTORY OVER DEATH: His resurrection from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6), His ascension into heaven (Psalm 68:18; Mark 16:19), and His exaltation at God’s right hand (Psalm 110:1; 1 Peter 3:22).

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True | Answers in Genesis

First and foremost, we can know what the Bible says about itself (“internal evidences”), and then we can learn the most compelling corroborating evidences that confirm its claims (“external evidences”).
1. God’s Character
2. Claims of Divine Authorship
3. Unity of the Bible
4. Fulfilled Prophecy
5. Scientific Accuracy
6. Archaeological Finds
7. Life-Changing Power
Originally published as “Seven Compelling Evidences—That the Bible Is True,” in Answers, April–June 2011.
I also want to point out a few other things. What to include in the bible was decided AFTER Jesus died.
The Council of Nicaea (Nicea) and the Bible What's to stop those who did it from, selecting passages that were only true in hindsight?
And how do you know that the passage you read is accurate? After all it's a translation from a translation from a translation of quite often oral accounts. Ever played the game of whispering sentences in people's ears over lots of people? The original sentence doesn't last long. Yet you are claiming accuracy over millennia and different languages?
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It certainly doesn't take courage in America.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith.
So, believing in God, or a god, is not rational
Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.
I can not dismiss, rationally, what I can not deny

I am fascinated by this.

Tithing - that bizarre practice of giving a percentage of your hard earned money a religion, church, god that is more wealthy than you could ever hope to be, just to reserve your spot on a nice soft cloud. Basically, paying premiums on insurance you'll never cash in.

The longest, ongoing and most successful scam of all time.

So many are lost and put these people on the throne. these scams have hurt so many people who get sucked into it..I get so mad at these liars who hate, judge and point fingers..

God is Free..
And yet your all-powerful God is powerless to protect his good name from being perverted by them!!!
Answer carefully ... There are tickets to Hell riding on this one ...
Which assumes an all-good God could create such a bad place as hell!

Which assumes you could actually win tickets there if you wanted to take what was posted in any literal sense.
But ... To a point more closely associated with the premise in the OP.

I am having such a hard time with my atheism ... I would just ask you to pray for me.
I know you will because if you don't that will just be immoral and unethical ... You can just ask the Pope.

^ That's levity and a fair example it doesn't take shit to believe in nothing ... :thup:

Fear and nihilistic insecurity do not require 'courage.'
Who said they do? .....
The OP.
He clearly did not. ...?
It's clearly what atheism involves.
As clearly as Christianity requires you lying.
First of all, you lied when you claimed the OP said it. You were forced to admit it was YOUR interpretation of Atheism and not a statement of the OP.
You were actually projecting your own Christian fear of death.
it doesn't take shit to believe in nothing ...
Which begs the question what THING is God?
So it is the Theists who actually believe in nothing!
In science there is no such thing as nothing, everything is energy in some form.
it doesn't take shit to believe in nothing ...
Which begs the question what THING is God?
So it is the Theists who actually believe in nothing!
In science there is no such thing as nothing, everything is energy in some form.

You tell me ... I didn't suggest God was anything.
I simply suggested that it isn't hard not to believe in God.

If you want to run around in circles talking about empirical data and scientific fact ... You can do that all day and it won't apply to what I posted.

We can't see radio waves - but we know they exist. We can't see atoms but we know they exist. We can't see dark matter but we know it exists. We can't see Gravity but we know it exists and we can't see time but we know it exists . and..
We know they exist because we can test for their existence. We have equipment that can measure them or expand our vision. For example, an oscilloscope allows us to "see" radio waves.
it doesn't take shit to believe in nothing ...
Which begs the question what THING is God?
So it is the Theists who actually believe in nothing!
In science there is no such thing as nothing, everything is energy in some form.

You tell me ... I didn't suggest God was anything.
I simply suggested that it isn't hard not to believe in God.

If you want to run around in circles talking about empirical data and scientific fact ... You can do that all day and it won't apply to what I posted.
You obviously don't know what you actually said!!!
You obviously don't know what you actually said!!!

You are just not that good with understanding anything if it isn't what your retarded ass wants to think.
If you just want to argue about nothing ... Argue with that ... :thup:

Uh ... no .... Biocentrism is not a Philosophy.
From the back cover of his book:
"The work is a scholarly consideration of science and philosophy that brings biology into the central role in unifying the whole."

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