Atheism takes courage

It would, literally, require me to pretend that I don't know what I know.
Exactly what do you know,
that you'd have to pretend, you didn't know?
What I know is that there has never been a single shred of objective, empirical evidence demonstrating the existence of God. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Now where exactly is Jesus called Immanuel?
Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong.
Isaiah 19:4-5 And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts. And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

Last time I checked the Nile is still wet!
Quit deflecting. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong.
Isaiah 52:1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

There are uncircumcised people living in Jerusalem even today.
It just seems to me that the whole entire concept of god is a spoiled rich kid and we are his ant farm. Worship me or ELSE! I wonder if anyone would believe that to be possible?

I think with technology getting better everyday we are going to find galaxies among more galaxies and life forms..

I once had an x-ray done of my sinuses and I tell you we look just like an alien under our

upload_2017-10-20_8-50-49.jpeg doesn't take shit to believe in nothing ... :thup:.
I hope that was more levity, and sarcasm. I say this because I never claimed to believe in nothing, and I don't know of any atheist that does. That is nihilism. I believe in a great many things. I believe in the capacity for taking personal responsibility. I believe, even with President Twitterfingers at the helm, in the democratic experiment that is they United States. I believe in the ability of science, based on past performance, to discover answers to most questions. I believe ion the law.

I could go on. Simply because I do not assert the existence of a god for which there is no evidence, this does not mean that I believe in nothing.
Quit deflecting. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong.
Isaiah 52:1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

There are uncircumcised people living in Jerusalem even today. could be argued "...YET". We just haven't gotten there...yet. Just sayin...

OK, genius. Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong. Just one.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Now where exactly is Jesus called Immanuel?
Technically, I believe he was called Immanuel when Mary went to her sister, and her sister soliloquised about the baby.

Show me one Bible prophecy that got it wrong.
Isaiah 19:4-5 And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts. And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.

Last time I checked the Nile is still wet!
This could be argued as a matter of interpretation; there have been droughts in Egypt.

Now, the Daniel prophesy I threw out there? I think RWNJis going to have a much more difficult time explaining that one away. Daniel was very specific, and detailed, and he not only didn't get it right, he was spectacularly wrong - he got every detail wrong. And it can't even be claimed, as with the uncircumcised line, that it just hasn't happened yet. Because all of the events of the prophesy were specifically tied to the campaign of Nebuchadnezzar. So, the time has come, and gone when it was possible for that prophesy to have been accurately fulfilled.
We can't see radio waves - but we know they exist. We can't see atoms but we know they exist. We can't see dark matter but we know it exists. We can't see Gravity but we know it exists and we can't see time but we know it exists . and..
We know they exist because we can test for their existence. We have equipment that can measure them or expand our vision. For example, an oscilloscope allows us to "see" radio waves.
Edison's Ghost Box
A Ghost Box I can believe in:

I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

As a Christian, I understand rational thinking. But you as an atheist will never understand faith. It is hard to describe, one must experience it. One cannot experience it unless and until they let go of the faith that they think they have in their own minds/thinking
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

As a Christian, I understand rational thinking. But you as an atheist will never understand faith. It is hard to describe, one must experience it. One cannot experience it unless and until they let go of the faith that they think they have in their own minds/thinking
I understand faith perfectly fine. It is the glorification of the wilful denial of reason, and logic - "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen," Faith intentionally encourages belief in things without evidence. That is not reason, nor is it rational.

Your very statement indicates that you are completely aware of the reality that faith. Is. Irrational.
Also, the "if you don't believe in a god, then you are a bad person" or "something bad must have happened to you or you must be mentally disturbed." I've even been accused of being a demon before on another website. Lol. I laugh and it does seem funny, but think of how dangerous that type of mind set can be.

I don't necessarily think it takes "great courage!" to be an atheist, but in a way when you don't conform then there are some who will gladly condemn you and get joy out of it as well. That's just the nature of humans, especially when their pride is hurt.

I would say that most Christians just let it go

But there are those who immediately associate you with the devil or a person of no morals or values.

I studied the brain and addiction for years, so I have a little understanding of our complex brain..

This thread really got me researching on what is so different in the way we look at things..

I used to think even before this thread that atheists were just turned off into the spiritual part of life.. but I will have to say I was wrong..

I posted above just how different we do look at things with our brains

I never thought atheism was evil,but I do get really pissed off when they call christian's weak or stupid..and visa versa.


I look at Christians as no more weak or stupid than someone who believes in Astrology, witchcraft, Leprechauns or unicorns
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It just seems to me that the whole entire concept of god is a spoiled rich kid and we are his ant farm. Worship me or ELSE! I wonder if anyone would believe that to be possible?
And yet God sent His only Son to die for those "ants". What does that tell you? And if a child disobeys, do you not beat them with the rod of correction? :) Same thing with God. WE are the ones who sinned against God. But many act like spoiled little children and reject the greatest gift immaginable. A second chance.
It just seems to me that the whole entire concept of god is a spoiled rich kid and we are his ant farm. Worship me or ELSE! I wonder if anyone would believe that to be possible?
And yet God sent His only Son to die for those "ants". What does that tell you? And if a child disobeys, do you not beat them with the rod of correction?
Sure I do. But, you know what I don't do? I don't drag the kid out back, chain him to an ant hill covered in honey, and tell him that he will spend the rest of his life there, because he disobeyed.

But, that's just me. Maybe you would find that to be a fitting discipline.
It just seems to me that the whole entire concept of god is a spoiled rich kid and we are his ant farm. Worship me or ELSE! I wonder if anyone would believe that to be possible?
And yet God sent His only Son to die for those "ants". What does that tell you? And if a child disobeys, do you not beat them with the rod of correction? :) Same thing with God. WE are the ones who sinned against God. But many act like spoiled little children and reject the greatest gift immaginable. A second chance.

No! You don't BEAT your child for eternity for "correction." Are you from the movie The Shining?

Atheists are just as deluded as theists, as there's no proof that a god cannot be possible.
Especially you don't beat them when they haven't done anything wrong. Not believing in something is NOT wrong or bad or evil.
First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity. I was simply using it as an example that actions have consequences. God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die. If I was God, I be pretty pissed about that. Wouldn't you? And, as I have mentioned before, God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?
Especially you don't beat them when they haven't done anything wrong. Not believing in something is NOT wrong or bad or evil.
First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity. I was simply using it as an example that actions have consequences. God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die. If I was God, I be pretty pissed about that. Wouldn't you? And, as I have mentioned before, God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?

A way out of WHAT exactly? How about this God critter just leaves me alone? I didn't ask for him to create me. I will not worship something that places his own creations into a fire pit for "punishment." I think it is wrong and evil. That doesn't describe anything that I would ever consider "good."

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