Atheism takes courage

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

I bet you opened all of your gift's and taped them back up before

Some of the strongest Christians are those just like you that demanded evidence of God's true existence, and there is nothing wrong with that ... What happened is they asked and opened themselves up to be answered.

Are you open, or do you close yourself off completely to God even showing you?

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

I bet you opened all of your gift's and taped them back up before

Some of the strongest Christians are those just like you that demanded evidence of God's true existence, and there is nothing wrong with that ... What happened is they asked and opened themselves up to be answered.
See? There you go misrepresenting me, again. I didn't say I demand evidence. I said I require objective, verifiable, empirical evidence. That qualifier matters. The reliability of personal evidence is zero. As, Scrooge said, "You could be a bit of undigested beef," There are many things that can affect the brain, and convince one of things that are not objectively real.

Are you open, or do you close yourself off completely to God even showing you?

I'm completely open. By all means present me with whatever empirical evidence you have. Or, by "open" do you mean, am I willing to let my imagination convince me things are there for which there is no objective evidence?
What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

I bet you opened all of your gift's and taped them back up before

Some of the strongest Christians are those just like you that demanded evidence of God's true existence, and there is nothing wrong with that ... What happened is they asked and opened themselves up to be answered.
See? There you go misrepresenting me, again. I didn't say I demand evidence. I said I require objective, verifiable, empirical evidence. That qualifier matters. The reliability of personal evidence is zero. As, Scrooge said, "You could be a bit of undigested beef," There are many things that can affect the brain, and convince one of things that are not objectively real.

Are you open, or do you close yourself off completely to God even showing you?

I'm completely open. By all means present me with whatever empirical evidence you have. Or, by "open" do you mean, am I willing to let my imagination convince me things are there for which there is no objective evidence?

Well let me rephrase that.. Some of the worlds strongest Christians were skeptics..yet because they were open when searching they were shown, in amazing ways..There are also people who are so convinced with the idea that God is a fairy-tail they wouldn't see it if it hit them in the face...

Now with that said..

We do have Empirical Evidence that Jesus indeed died on the cross...and by the blood stains on the cloth, he died exactly how the Bible said He died..
'Finding Jesus': Shroud of Turin Q&A - CNN

We know then by the same chapters that Jesus did indeed produce miracles that his personal disciples recorded. Even they wanted to see evidence..

We Scientifically know that John the Baptist did indeed live, and have found his remains..So there is another 2000 year old story that made it into the bible..

Scientists find new evidence supporting John the Baptist bones theory
It takes no courage to be an atheist. What atheism does require, however, is that one suspend logical, rationale thought. That is all.
LLMFAO! It takes a suspension of logical, rational thought to refuse to suspend logical, rational thought?!?! You're adorable!

As Jesus said, let the dead bury their dead.
Well, forkup. I'm waiting. Let's see you reinterpret the prophecies I provided to say something else, like you said you would. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Who would participate on such a stupid exercise? Your examples were utterly ridiculous.
Well let me rephrase that.. Some of the worlds strongest Christians were skeptics..yet because they were open when searching they were shown, in amazing ways..There are also people who are so convinced with the idea that God is a fairy-tail they wouldn't see it if it hit them in the face...
I'm not a skeptic. I am a rational atheist. There's a difference. I'm not looking for some personal experience, I a looking for empirical evidence.

Now with that said..

We do have Empirical Evidence that Jesus indeed died on the cross...and by the blood stains on the cloth, he died exactly how the Bible said He died..
'Finding Jesus': Shroud of Turin Q&A - CNN
Really? The Shroud of Turin?!?! Okay, let's look at all of the ways that the Shroud of Turin is evidence of nothing:

First of all, it is a three-to-one herringbone twill composed of flax fibrils. Except, no examples of complex herringbone weave are known from the time of Jesus when, in any case, burial cloths tended to be of plain weave. In addition, Jewish burial practice utilized — and the Gospel of John specifically describes for Jesus — multiple burial wrappings wrapped tightly around the body with a separate cloth over the face:

"When cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself…"

Sooo, we are to believe that a piece of cloth for which there is no evidence of its type existing, and which was contrary to both tradition of the time, and description in the Bible, itself, does not comport with burial, was the burial shroud of Jesus, and, magically, captured his image? Really?!?! Additionally, none of the gospels make any mention of any miraculous burial cloth after Jesus' resurrection. Curious that the most holy relic in all of Christendom doesn't even get so much as a word in its holy texts, isn't it? There are also claims of "bloodstains" on the cloth, but Hebrew law dictated cleansing of the corpse before wrapping and bodies don't bleed after death. Chemist Walter McCrone identified the substance as a "combination of red ochre and vermilion tempera paint. By the way, from your own article:

But the scientists doing the carbon dating were not amateurs, and the samples were tested in three separate labs. Moreover, the carbon date cohered with other evidence that the shroud was a medieval forgery, like the fact that there is no evidence of its existence until the 14th century.

In other words,your vaunted "Shroud of Turin" is evidence of nothing, other than the desperation of Medieval Christian fanatics to come up with some actual empirical evidence to support their mythology. I can't believe that not only did you have the audacity to call the shroud of Turin empirical evidence of the existence of jesus, but you linked to a source that calls your evidence bullshit!

We know then by the same chapters that Jesus did indeed produce miracles that his personal disciples recorded. Even they wanted to see evidence..
We haven't even established the existence of Jesus, yet, so let's not get into his mythical "miracles", shall we?

We Scientifically know that John the Baptist did indeed live, and have found his remains..So there is another 2000 year old story that made it into the bible..

Scientists find new evidence supporting John the Baptist bones theory

Boy, you sure do like gilding the lilly, don't you. From your article:

While these findings do not offer conclusive evidence, they also don't refute the theory first proffered by the Bulgarian archaeologists who found the remains while excavating under an ancient church on the island.

In other words, the bones may belong to John the Baptist, or they may belong to Akhmed the Dung merchant. So far your "empirical evidence" is astonishingly underwhelming.
Especially you don't beat them when they haven't done anything wrong. Not believing in something is NOT wrong or bad or evil.
First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity.
Except that you used the disciplining of a child as an analogy with Hell. So, either you were advocating eternal punishment of a child, or your analogy was poorly crafted.
God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die.
That is a gross misrepresentation of the Atheist. I have never, and do not now, tell God to "fuck off". I do not speak to God, at all. I maintain the position that God does not exist. Why would I speak to a mythical creature that I do not recognise as existing? You get how absurd that would be, right? And I am not even dogmatic about my position. Once presented with empirical, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, I will change my position.

God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?
However, again, that "gift" requires acceptance, as well as offering. In order to accept that gift, one must first accept that God exists. So, it really does come down to being threatened with eternity in Hell for not believing in the existence in a god for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished for simply not believing a thing.

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

"what YOU REQUIRE" to accept a gift from God. alrighty then lol. Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional.
Maybe you should search why you keep bringing this up. Too bad a "motive bubble" doesn't appear above each posting. =)
Have you ever had spiritual beliefs of any kind? Dont you sense there is something greater than yourself out there?
Especially you don't beat them when they haven't done anything wrong. Not believing in something is NOT wrong or bad or evil.
First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity.
Except that you used the disciplining of a child as an analogy with Hell. So, either you were advocating eternal punishment of a child, or your analogy was poorly crafted.
God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die.
That is a gross misrepresentation of the Atheist. I have never, and do not now, tell God to "fuck off". I do not speak to God, at all. I maintain the position that God does not exist. Why would I speak to a mythical creature that I do not recognise as existing? You get how absurd that would be, right? And I am not even dogmatic about my position. Once presented with empirical, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, I will change my position.

God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?
However, again, that "gift" requires acceptance, as well as offering. In order to accept that gift, one must first accept that God exists. So, it really does come down to being threatened with eternity in Hell for not believing in the existence in a god for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished for simply not believing a thing.

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

"what YOU REQUIRE" to accept a gift from God. alrighty then lol. Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional.
Maybe you should search why you keep bringing this up. Too bad a "motive bubble" doesn't appear above each posting. =)
Have you ever had spiritual beliefs of any kind? Dont you sense there is something greater than yourself out there?

"Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional. "

It is the height of arrogance to not just demand that magical nonsense, unsupported by a single shred of evidence, is true, but to then also threaten people that they must believe this magical nonsense (using the specter of eternal suffering, if they don't have faith in that magical nonsense). It is the height of pomposity to strut about as if every word one says is not just "correct" because that one says so, but but because the "ultimate, infallible authority" says so.

Furthermore, it is not "arrogant" to require support, theoretical or evidentiary, of a proposition. In fact, that is the opposite of arrogance, as one is admitting that one doesn't have enough information to know or believe something. It is also the opposite of "pompous", as claiming ignorance is humble, as is respecting actual knowledge, earned by hard work. (Tangentially, as opposed to these big, eternal, ultimate "truths", which are apparently learned by laziness. "turn off your mind.... use your imagination.... imagine a higher power...believe.... believe..."... pure laziness.)

And lastly.... delusional? A person demanding evidence for a claim is not delusional; he is thinking quite clearly. A person believing something without a shred of evidence who claims to have evidence is delusional. A person who believes something without a shred of evidence, then argues to the authority of the truth of the idea, is delusional. A person who insists upon denying scientific fact to maintain the truth of his faith is delusional.
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Especially you don't beat them when they haven't done anything wrong. Not believing in something is NOT wrong or bad or evil.
First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity.
Except that you used the disciplining of a child as an analogy with Hell. So, either you were advocating eternal punishment of a child, or your analogy was poorly crafted.
God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die.
That is a gross misrepresentation of the Atheist. I have never, and do not now, tell God to "fuck off". I do not speak to God, at all. I maintain the position that God does not exist. Why would I speak to a mythical creature that I do not recognise as existing? You get how absurd that would be, right? And I am not even dogmatic about my position. Once presented with empirical, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, I will change my position.

God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?
However, again, that "gift" requires acceptance, as well as offering. In order to accept that gift, one must first accept that God exists. So, it really does come down to being threatened with eternity in Hell for not believing in the existence in a god for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished for simply not believing a thing.

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

"what YOU REQUIRE" to accept a gift from God. alrighty then lol. Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional.
Maybe you should search why you keep bringing this up. Too bad a "motive bubble" doesn't appear above each posting. =)
Have you ever had spiritual beliefs of any kind? Dont you sense there is something greater than yourself out there?
Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional.

It's arrogant, and delusional to expect some empirical evidence of the existence of a Invisible Sky Daddy, before I choose to devote my life to not pissing him off? Really????
Have you ever had spiritual beliefs of any kind?

Sure I did, when I was younger. I also believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. As one grows, and learns how to employ logic, and reasoning, it becomes easier to discard irrational beliefs that have no empirical evidence to support them.

Dont you sense there is something greater than yourself out there?

I presume you mean, do I sense there is something supernatural out there. No. No, I don't.
Especially you don't beat them when they haven't done anything wrong. Not believing in something is NOT wrong or bad or evil.
First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity. I was simply using it as an example that actions have consequences. God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die. If I was God, I be pretty pissed about that. Wouldn't you? And, as I have mentioned before, God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?

A way out of WHAT exactly? How about this God critter just leaves me alone? I didn't ask for him to create me. I will not worship something that places his own creations into a fire pit for "punishment." I think it is wrong and evil. That doesn't describe anything that I would ever consider "good."
God is not sending to Hell. YOU are! You are the one who sinned. You are the one who is rejecting a gift, bought at a terrible price. Quit blaming God. It's like blaming Bush. YOU are responsible for where you spend eternity. No one else.
God is not sending to Hell. YOU are! You are the one who sinned. You are the one who is rejecting a gift, bought at a terrible price. Quit blaming God. It's like blaming Bush. YOU are responsible for where you spend eternity. No one else.
You know, that type of response
doesn't draw people to God, it pushes them farther away

First of all, her argument, reasoning, is valid...
your response was totally out of line and improper

What was the point of telling her
to quit blaming God...SHE'S sending herself to hell
SHE'S the one who sinned...SHE is rejecting Jesus
SHE is responsible for where she spends eternity

Why would she blame God, if she doesn't believe in Him?

Why would a loving and merciful God, create hell?

Why would she differentiate sin from right and wrong?

How could she accept a wonderful gift,
and realize the price it cost,
if she does not know Who gave it to her?

How is she, alone, responsible for
where she spends eternity, if it is dependent on
who is watering the seed that was obviously planted?
You're in for a rude awakening.
And that is exactly why you are going to Hell. The sin of pride. You have sinned. Everyone has.
No, you're in for a rude awakening,
if you keep telling people they are going to hell!

You have no idea what God is doing in her life
or the road He paved for her to find Him!

If I were you, I'd stop focusing on
the relationship she doesn't have with Him,
and focus on the relationship you think you have with Him!
Please try to stay on topic. Better yet, I'll just ignore you. How's that?
Better still, stop preaching...
telling her she's going to hell, then, you'll just ignore her...

Believing in God is not enough!
You are too wise in your own eyes!
Well, forkup. I'm waiting. Let's see you reinterpret the prophecies I provided to say something else, like you said you would. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Who would participate on such a stupid exercise? Your examples were utterly ridiculous.
I actually did and proved one of his 100 percent prophesies he posted as verifiable wrong. I even gave him the courtesy of not using a cryptic one. To which RWNJ then decided that replying was beneath him. Or too hard, whatever fits.
Atheists are just as deluded as theists, as there's no proof that a god cannot be possible.
Again, you confuse the rational statement of a position with dogmatic adherence to a belief. I do not believe that God either exists, or doesn't exist. My belief is irrelevant to the rational, factual evidence. I hold the position of the Null Hypothesis: God does not exist. All I'm doing now, is waiting for someone to present me with objective, verifiable, empirical evidence to demonstrate that this position is false. I will then, willingly, adjust my position accordingly.
Then you are an agnostic, you see no proof of god but are willing to change your mind if some real proof shows up. You are not saying that god is not possible. Which is what an atheist would say.
Well let me rephrase that.. Some of the worlds strongest Christians were skeptics..yet because they were open when searching they were shown, in amazing ways..There are also people who are so convinced with the idea that God is a fairy-tail they wouldn't see it if it hit them in the face...
I'm not a skeptic. I am a rational atheist. There's a difference. I'm not looking for some personal experience, I a looking for empirical evidence.

Now with that said..

We do have Empirical Evidence that Jesus indeed died on the cross...and by the blood stains on the cloth, he died exactly how the Bible said He died..
'Finding Jesus': Shroud of Turin Q&A - CNN
Really? The Shroud of Turin?!?! Okay, let's look at all of the ways that the Shroud of Turin is evidence of nothing:

First of all, it is a three-to-one herringbone twill composed of flax fibrils. Except, no examples of complex herringbone weave are known from the time of Jesus when, in any case, burial cloths tended to be of plain weave. In addition, Jewish burial practice utilized — and the Gospel of John specifically describes for Jesus — multiple burial wrappings wrapped tightly around the body with a separate cloth over the face:

"When cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself…"

Sooo, we are to believe that a piece of cloth for which there is no evidence of its type existing, and which was contrary to both tradition of the time, and description in the Bible, itself, does not comport with burial, was the burial shroud of Jesus, and, magically, captured his image? Really?!?! Additionally, none of the gospels make any mention of any miraculous burial cloth after Jesus' resurrection. Curious that the most holy relic in all of Christendom doesn't even get so much as a word in its holy texts, isn't it? There are also claims of "bloodstains" on the cloth, but Hebrew law dictated cleansing of the corpse before wrapping and bodies don't bleed after death. Chemist Walter McCrone identified the substance as a "combination of red ochre and vermilion tempera paint. By the way, from your own article:

But the scientists doing the carbon dating were not amateurs, and the samples were tested in three separate labs. Moreover, the carbon date cohered with other evidence that the shroud was a medieval forgery, like the fact that there is no evidence of its existence until the 14th century.

In other words,your vaunted "Shroud of Turin" is evidence of nothing, other than the desperation of Medieval Christian fanatics to come up with some actual empirical evidence to support their mythology. I can't believe that not only did you have the audacity to call the shroud of Turin empirical evidence of the existence of jesus, but you linked to a source that calls your evidence bullshit!

We know then by the same chapters that Jesus did indeed produce miracles that his personal disciples recorded. Even they wanted to see evidence..
We haven't even established the existence of Jesus, yet, so let's not get into his mythical "miracles", shall we?

We Scientifically know that John the Baptist did indeed live, and have found his remains..So there is another 2000 year old story that made it into the bible..

Scientists find new evidence supporting John the Baptist bones theory

Boy, you sure do like gilding the lilly, don't you. From your article:

While these findings do not offer conclusive evidence, they also don't refute the theory first proffered by the Bulgarian archaeologists who found the remains while excavating under an ancient church on the island.

In other words, the bones may belong to John the Baptist, or they may belong to Akhmed the Dung merchant. So far your "empirical evidence" is astonishingly underwhelming.

Here is an updated Science Journal on the topic.. as they continue with this study
They found the parts tested were cut from the area hurt by fire damage in the 13th and repaired.

From this newest study..

This result cannot be impressed on the TS by using ancient dye pigments, as they have bigger sizes and tend to aggregate, and it is highly unlikely that the eventual ancient artist would have painted a fake by using the hematic serum of someone after a heavy polytrauma.

PolyTrauma means: died by intense trauma and torture at the time of death

The markings on the shroud shows a difference in the markings of blood compared to other crucifixions. They stabbed Jesus in the side to kill him faster.. These non-man made stains show the bloods stains to line up to this.

Atomic resolution studies detect new biologic evidences on the Turin Shroud

First of all, I never said anything about punishing a child for eternity.
Except that you used the disciplining of a child as an analogy with Hell. So, either you were advocating eternal punishment of a child, or your analogy was poorly crafted.
God does not send people to Hell for not believing in Him. They send themselves to Hell because they refused to admit that they are a sinner and spit in the face of God. They say that they want nothing to do with God. God simply grants them their wish. Think about the magnitude of such a crime. You are telling the One who created you and deserves your worship to f*ck off and die.
That is a gross misrepresentation of the Atheist. I have never, and do not now, tell God to "fuck off". I do not speak to God, at all. I maintain the position that God does not exist. Why would I speak to a mythical creature that I do not recognise as existing? You get how absurd that would be, right? And I am not even dogmatic about my position. Once presented with empirical, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, I will change my position.

God gave us a way out. It's a free gift. You don't have to earn it. Simple believe and repent. BTW, the Bible teaches that everyone is born with an awareness of God. But most people suppress this awareness because they love their sin more than their Creator. Such selfish arrogance deserves eternity in Hell. Wouldn't you agree?
However, again, that "gift" requires acceptance, as well as offering. In order to accept that gift, one must first accept that God exists. So, it really does come down to being threatened with eternity in Hell for not believing in the existence in a god for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished for simply not believing a thing.

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

"what YOU REQUIRE" to accept a gift from God. alrighty then lol. Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional.
Maybe you should search why you keep bringing this up. Too bad a "motive bubble" doesn't appear above each posting. =)
Have you ever had spiritual beliefs of any kind? Dont you sense there is something greater than yourself out there?

"Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional. "

It is the height of arrogance to not just demand that magical nonsense, unsupported by a single shred of evidence, is true, but to then also threaten people that they must believe this magical nonsense (using the specter of eternal suffering, if they don't have faith in that magical nonsense). It is the height of pomposity to strut about as if every word one says is not just "correct" because that one says so, but but because the "ultimate, infallible authority" says so.

Furthermore, it is not "arrogant" to require support, theoretical or evidentiary, of a proposition. In fact, that is the opposite of arrogance, as one is admitting that one doesn't have enough information to know or believe something. It is also the opposite of "pompous", as claiming ignorance is humble, as is respecting actual knowledge, earned by hard work. (Tangentially, as opposed to these big, eternal, ultimate "truths", which are apparently learned by laziness. "turn off your mind.... use your imagination.... imagine a higher power...believe.... believe..."... pure laziness.)

And lastly.... delusional? A person demanding evidence for a claim is not delusional; he is thinking quite clearly. A person believing something without a shred of evidence who claims to have evidence is delusional. A person who believes something without a shred of evidence, then argues to the authority of the truth of the idea, is delusional. A person who insists upon denying scientific fact to maintain the truth of his faith is delusional. go back and forth..saying that that it is not demanding ,yet then you excuse

Well you must admit that there is something there if millions upon millions believe in this . You don't see too many people walking around saying that a doorknob is their higher power..

Except that you used the disciplining of a child as an analogy with Hell. So, either you were advocating eternal punishment of a child, or your analogy was poorly crafted.
That is a gross misrepresentation of the Atheist. I have never, and do not now, tell God to "fuck off". I do not speak to God, at all. I maintain the position that God does not exist. Why would I speak to a mythical creature that I do not recognise as existing? You get how absurd that would be, right? And I am not even dogmatic about my position. Once presented with empirical, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, I will change my position.

However, again, that "gift" requires acceptance, as well as offering. In order to accept that gift, one must first accept that God exists. So, it really does come down to being threatened with eternity in Hell for not believing in the existence in a god for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished for simply not believing a thing.

What is the offering that you are talking about..? The death of Jesus was the last offering God required. The last word of Jesus was..It is Finished..which means His work on earth is accomplished..
I presumed that was the "gift" of which you speak. So, "God" offered this "gift" of getting into "heaven" because of his son sacrificing a bad weekend (You can't really say that he sacrificed his life, after all, he got back up, three days later, rather negating his life as a sacrifice).

Now, you can offer me a gift all you want, but until I accept that gift, it is rather useless, now isn't it? But to accept that gift, I first have to accept the proposition that God exists. And, well, we have already established what I require to accept that proposition (I'm still waiting). So, it all comes down to accepting the proposition of the existence of a God for which there is no empirical evidence. Bringing us back to Chris' point of being punished forever for simply choosing not to blindly believe something.

"what YOU REQUIRE" to accept a gift from God. alrighty then lol. Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional.
Maybe you should search why you keep bringing this up. Too bad a "motive bubble" doesn't appear above each posting. =)
Have you ever had spiritual beliefs of any kind? Dont you sense there is something greater than yourself out there?

"Why is it the most pompous arrogant people are also the most delusional. "

It is the height of arrogance to not just demand that magical nonsense, unsupported by a single shred of evidence, is true, but to then also threaten people that they must believe this magical nonsense (using the specter of eternal suffering, if they don't have faith in that magical nonsense). It is the height of pomposity to strut about as if every word one says is not just "correct" because that one says so, but but because the "ultimate, infallible authority" says so.

Furthermore, it is not "arrogant" to require support, theoretical or evidentiary, of a proposition. In fact, that is the opposite of arrogance, as one is admitting that one doesn't have enough information to know or believe something. It is also the opposite of "pompous", as claiming ignorance is humble, as is respecting actual knowledge, earned by hard work. (Tangentially, as opposed to these big, eternal, ultimate "truths", which are apparently learned by laziness. "turn off your mind.... use your imagination.... imagine a higher power...believe.... believe..."... pure laziness.)

And lastly.... delusional? A person demanding evidence for a claim is not delusional; he is thinking quite clearly. A person believing something without a shred of evidence who claims to have evidence is delusional. A person who believes something without a shred of evidence, then argues to the authority of the truth of the idea, is delusional. A person who insists upon denying scientific fact to maintain the truth of his faith is delusional. go back and forth..saying that that it is not demanding ,yet then you excuse

Well you must admit that there is something there if millions upon millions believe in this . You don't see too many people walking around saying that a doorknob is their higher power..

Might does not make right
Atheists are just as deluded as theists, as there's no proof that a god cannot be possible.
Again, you confuse the rational statement of a position with dogmatic adherence to a belief. I do not believe that God either exists, or doesn't exist. My belief is irrelevant to the rational, factual evidence. I hold the position of the Null Hypothesis: God does not exist. All I'm doing now, is waiting for someone to present me with objective, verifiable, empirical evidence to demonstrate that this position is false. I will then, willingly, adjust my position accordingly.
Then you are an agnostic, you see no proof of god but are willing to change your mind if some real proof shows up. You are not saying that god is not possible. Which is what an atheist would say.
Your definition of Atheism is too narrow. And atheist would not say that God cannot exist. An Atheist said God does not exist. You are making a statement of faith, as much as a theist does. So, tell me, you claim It is impossible for God to exist. Is that a fair assessment of your position?

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