Atheist Airman Opposes Oath To God

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Atheist airman must swear so help me God or get out in November Air Force Times

An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada has until November to change his mind and swear a reenlistment oath to God, the Air Force said.

The unnamed airman was denied reenlistment Aug. 25 for refusing to take an oath that concludes with the phrase “so help me God,” the American Humanist Association said in a Sept. 2 letter to the inspectors general for the Air Force and Creech. In her letter, Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Apignani Humanist Legal Center, said the airman should be given the choice to reenlist by swearing a secular oath. She said the AHA will sue if the airman is not allowed to reenlist.

Atheist Airman Told Swear Oath To God Or Get Out Crooks and Liars
Much of the military is infiltrated with rabid Christian fundmentalists. This is what happens when you let them have their way.

Atheist Air Force airman must swear religious oath to reenlist.

An atheist member of the U.S. Air Force has been told he must swear “so help me God” as part of his military oath or else he will be forced to leave the service, the Air Force Times reports.

Atheist Airman Who Refuses to Swear So Help Me God in Reenlistment Oath Has Until November to Comply or Leave
An atheist airman who is refusing to say "so help me God" in the Oath of Enlistment statutorily required to reenlist in the Air Force, has threatened to file a lawsuit against the Department of Defense. He now has until November to comply with the requirement or leave when his contract expires, according to an Air Force official.

Atheist Airman Threatens Suit After He Is Denied Reenlistment for Refusing to Say 'So Help Me God;' Air Force Says It's Law
Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson told the Air Force Times that the unidentified airman stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada continues to serve and will remain in service until November, when his contract expires. If he does not take the oath as required by then, he will have to leave.

Interesting that so called christians are demanding that this man lie.

And apparently, the Constitution ceases to exist once you enter military service.


And apparently, the Constitution ceases to exist once you enter military service.

Air Force alone in so help me God requirement

The Army and Navy, which are subject to the same statute, have a different interpretation of the requirements, spokesmen for both services said Wednesday. Those services allow soldiers and sailors to choose not to say "so help me God." The Marine Corps has not yet responded to a request for comment.

The Air Force said the change was made to bring its oath in line with the statutory requirement under Title 10 USC 502. The Air Force said it cannot change its AFI to make "so help me God" optional unless Congress changes the statute mandating the oath, said spokeswoman Rose Richeson.

it is not the same for all military branches .... seems Congress has something to do with it.

about time to straighten these offenses out including "in God We Trust" also legislated by a biased Congress - where are those 5 Hobby Lobby republican Justices when the nonreligious are discriminated against ?

Granny says, "Dat's right - a atheist at his funeral is all dressed up with no place to go...

Governments turn up the heat on atheists: report
Tue Dec 9, 2014 - Amid a global decline in religious belief, some governments are stepping up efforts to portray atheists and secularists as a danger to society and even as terrorists, according to a report issued on Wednesday.
The study, by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), pointed to "hate campaigns" launched by public figures against those who renounce the dominant or state religion in Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Egypt. It said "the overwhelming majority of countries fail to respect the rights of atheists and freethinkers" as set out in U.N. treaties, adding that 13 states, all of them Muslim, had made apostasy or blasphemy against religion a capital offense. In some countries – like Russia, where communist ideology has been replaced by Orthodox Christianity which dominated before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution – any public expression of atheist views can be equated with blasphemy and criminalized.

The "Freedom of Thought Report", which is published annually on International Human Rights Day on Dec. 10, said the past year had been marked by a surge in the number of officials and political leaders agitating against non-religious people "in terms that would normally be associated with hate speech". This had been widespread in Muslim countries, where activists attracted to non-religious philosophy had been prominent in the "Arab Spring" unrest, it said. A Saudi law on terror enacted in January banned "calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion," the report said, while Turkey's president, Tayyip Erdogan, had also equated atheism with terror.

In May, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak branded humanism, secularism and liberalism as "deviant" and a "threat to Islam and the state". In Egypt, the new military-backed government described atheism as "a threat to society". Even in some Western countries, governments had moved to strengthen the privileged position of religion in society. In Britain, the Ministry of Education has dropped atheism and humanism from religious studies in state schools. The IHEU said global polling over the past two years showed some 13 percent of the world's population was firmly atheist, while a further 23 percent was "not religious".

Governments turn up the heat on atheists report Reuters
Granny says, "Dat's right - a atheist at his funeral is all dressed up with no place to go...

Governments turn up the heat on atheists: report
Tue Dec 9, 2014 - Amid a global decline in religious belief, some governments are stepping up efforts to portray atheists and secularists as a danger to society and even as terrorists, according to a report issued on Wednesday.
The study, by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), pointed to "hate campaigns" launched by public figures against those who renounce the dominant or state religion in Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Egypt. It said "the overwhelming majority of countries fail to respect the rights of atheists and freethinkers" as set out in U.N. treaties, adding that 13 states, all of them Muslim, had made apostasy or blasphemy against religion a capital offense. In some countries – like Russia, where communist ideology has been replaced by Orthodox Christianity which dominated before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution – any public expression of atheist views can be equated with blasphemy and criminalized.

The "Freedom of Thought Report", which is published annually on International Human Rights Day on Dec. 10, said the past year had been marked by a surge in the number of officials and political leaders agitating against non-religious people "in terms that would normally be associated with hate speech". This had been widespread in Muslim countries, where activists attracted to non-religious philosophy had been prominent in the "Arab Spring" unrest, it said. A Saudi law on terror enacted in January banned "calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion," the report said, while Turkey's president, Tayyip Erdogan, had also equated atheism with terror.

In May, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak branded humanism, secularism and liberalism as "deviant" and a "threat to Islam and the state". In Egypt, the new military-backed government described atheism as "a threat to society". Even in some Western countries, governments had moved to strengthen the privileged position of religion in society. In Britain, the Ministry of Education has dropped atheism and humanism from religious studies in state schools. The IHEU said global polling over the past two years showed some 13 percent of the world's population was firmly atheist, while a further 23 percent was "not religious".

Governments turn up the heat on atheists report Reuters

that's what fascism looks like:

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
Atheist airman must swear so help me God or get out in November Air Force Times

An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada has until November to change his mind and swear a reenlistment oath to God, the Air Force said.

The unnamed airman was denied reenlistment Aug. 25 for refusing to take an oath that concludes with the phrase “so help me God,” the American Humanist Association said in a Sept. 2 letter to the inspectors general for the Air Force and Creech. In her letter, Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Apignani Humanist Legal Center, said the airman should be given the choice to reenlist by swearing a secular oath. She said the AHA will sue if the airman is not allowed to reenlist.

Atheist Airman Told Swear Oath To God Or Get Out Crooks and Liars
Much of the military is infiltrated with rabid Christian fundmentalists. This is what happens when you let them have their way.

Atheist Air Force airman must swear religious oath to reenlist.

An atheist member of the U.S. Air Force has been told he must swear “so help me God” as part of his military oath or else he will be forced to leave the service, the Air Force Times reports.

Atheist Airman Who Refuses to Swear So Help Me God in Reenlistment Oath Has Until November to Comply or Leave
An atheist airman who is refusing to say "so help me God" in the Oath of Enlistment statutorily required to reenlist in the Air Force, has threatened to file a lawsuit against the Department of Defense. He now has until November to comply with the requirement or leave when his contract expires, according to an Air Force official.

Atheist Airman Threatens Suit After He Is Denied Reenlistment for Refusing to Say 'So Help Me God;' Air Force Says It's Law
Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson told the Air Force Times that the unidentified airman stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada continues to serve and will remain in service until November, when his contract expires. If he does not take the oath as required by then, he will have to leave.

Interesting that so called christians are demanding that this man lie.

And apparently, the Constitution ceases to exist once you enter military service.


Historically, an oath contains references to "God" and an affirmation does not. There doesn't seem to be any reason why he couldn't give an affirmation instead. But perhaps the administrator of the oath/affirmation was a worthless fascist, and/or ignorant as dogshit.

Judiciary Act of 1789
Atheist airman must swear so help me God or get out in November Air Force Times

An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada has until November to change his mind and swear a reenlistment oath to God, the Air Force said.

The unnamed airman was denied reenlistment Aug. 25 for refusing to take an oath that concludes with the phrase “so help me God,” the American Humanist Association said in a Sept. 2 letter to the inspectors general for the Air Force and Creech. In her letter, Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Apignani Humanist Legal Center, said the airman should be given the choice to reenlist by swearing a secular oath. She said the AHA will sue if the airman is not allowed to reenlist.

Atheist Airman Told Swear Oath To God Or Get Out Crooks and Liars
Much of the military is infiltrated with rabid Christian fundmentalists. This is what happens when you let them have their way.

Atheist Air Force airman must swear religious oath to reenlist.

An atheist member of the U.S. Air Force has been told he must swear “so help me God” as part of his military oath or else he will be forced to leave the service, the Air Force Times reports.

Atheist Airman Who Refuses to Swear So Help Me God in Reenlistment Oath Has Until November to Comply or Leave
An atheist airman who is refusing to say "so help me God" in the Oath of Enlistment statutorily required to reenlist in the Air Force, has threatened to file a lawsuit against the Department of Defense. He now has until November to comply with the requirement or leave when his contract expires, according to an Air Force official.

Atheist Airman Threatens Suit After He Is Denied Reenlistment for Refusing to Say 'So Help Me God;' Air Force Says It's Law
Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson told the Air Force Times that the unidentified airman stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada continues to serve and will remain in service until November, when his contract expires. If he does not take the oath as required by then, he will have to leave.

Interesting that so called christians are demanding that this man lie.

And apparently, the Constitution ceases to exist once you enter military service.


You are too smart for them if you don't believe in god. How can they lie to you about your mission if you think too much? If you question god then you'll question your commander.

It is amazing that you have to believe in god to be voted into political office too.

As a thinking person, nothing should be off the table, but it seems religion doesn't like to be questioned. So while science, reason & logic have advanced, they are still asking us to believe a story that is over 2000 years old. But back then we didn't have quantum physics. Religion was the best we had and people took those miracle stories literally. As a modern day thinking scientist, religion makes absolutely no sense. None of them do.

So really it boils down to this. Most people think something must have created everything. Scientists see no signs of a "creator". And this is all we have. Most people believe something must have created all this and scientists say no or not necessarily.

Notice the Air Force isn't making him say Jesus Christ? So all they care is that you are dumb enough to believe in a god. Any god. Pick one. But if you don't believe in god then you aren't dumb enough to be in the services or you are too smart.
Atheist airman must swear so help me God or get out in November Air Force Times

An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada has until November to change his mind and swear a reenlistment oath to God, the Air Force said.

The unnamed airman was denied reenlistment Aug. 25 for refusing to take an oath that concludes with the phrase “so help me God,” the American Humanist Association said in a Sept. 2 letter to the inspectors general for the Air Force and Creech. In her letter, Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Apignani Humanist Legal Center, said the airman should be given the choice to reenlist by swearing a secular oath. She said the AHA will sue if the airman is not allowed to reenlist.

Atheist Airman Told Swear Oath To God Or Get Out Crooks and Liars
Much of the military is infiltrated with rabid Christian fundmentalists. This is what happens when you let them have their way.

Atheist Air Force airman must swear religious oath to reenlist.

An atheist member of the U.S. Air Force has been told he must swear “so help me God” as part of his military oath or else he will be forced to leave the service, the Air Force Times reports.

Atheist Airman Who Refuses to Swear So Help Me God in Reenlistment Oath Has Until November to Comply or Leave
An atheist airman who is refusing to say "so help me God" in the Oath of Enlistment statutorily required to reenlist in the Air Force, has threatened to file a lawsuit against the Department of Defense. He now has until November to comply with the requirement or leave when his contract expires, according to an Air Force official.

Atheist Airman Threatens Suit After He Is Denied Reenlistment for Refusing to Say 'So Help Me God;' Air Force Says It's Law
Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson told the Air Force Times that the unidentified airman stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada continues to serve and will remain in service until November, when his contract expires. If he does not take the oath as required by then, he will have to leave.

Interesting that so called christians are demanding that this man lie.

And apparently, the Constitution ceases to exist once you enter military service.


Old news. The Air Force allowed him to change the oath. it was a change in the regs that caused problem.

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