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Atheist grouped bullies school dropping nativity scenes from 3rd Christmas specail

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God

These sycophants have been brainwashed into believing in multiculturalism and think we can and should “do away” with Christianity. What they fail to grasp, or won’t acknowledge, is that multiculturalism never works. One culture will always be the dominant one. Just look at what happened to the Indians in the Americas. Look what happens to any country overrun by Muslims, the non-Muslims get wiped out or regulated down to a “manageable” population.

The only form of “multiculturalism” that works is an exchange of ideas between cultures, but maintaining their independence and sovereignty from each other.
Christ! Can you possibly be serious??!! Who exactly wants to do away with Christianity. That is totally absurd . It's those voices in your head feeding your paranoia. If you don't like multiculturalism , buy an island somewhere that will just be for white , straight Christian men. You might want to specify exactly what brand of Christian would be acceptable though
Not everyone who goes to a public school is a faggot or a tranny or some other degenerate sexual pervert. So why is it OK to push your sick, evil, insane agenda at them, but not OK to promote something wholesome and good, like Christianity?
Show us that "sick, evil, insane agenda".....all state curriculums [sic] are available to be viewed on line....link what you object to for us.

A few examples, from previous threads…

Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.
The evil I see today doesn't come from Satanism...it comes from fundie patriarchal religions like fundie Islam and fundie Christianity....two sides of the same coin. You sound just like one of those Middle East crazies.

That's only because your mind and your soul are so f•••-ed-up that you see basic standards of morality and decency and reason as “evil”, and true evil and madness as benign.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

You cannot even bring yourself to admit that the sexual brainwashing, manipulation, grooming, and abuse of children, as is being imposed on the public school system by your allies, is wrong.
Evil people shouldn’t be tolerated.

It is notable that one of the left' wrong's great “virtues” is “tolerance”, but only for that which sane, decent people recognize as evil and/or insane, particularly immoral sexual perversions, violent crime, treason against their own country, drug abuse, and so on. There is no genuine tolerance for those of us who recognize these evils for what they truly and obviously are, and who stand against them, no tolerance for those of us who stand for genuine virtue.
Public school? No place for the Nativity.

Of course... they could feel free to represent ALL religious beliefs, and non-beliefs, in the pageant. That would be fair.

The really funny thing here is, if someone were to suggest a re-enactment of the first Hajj as part of a school pageant, those who "outraged" in this thread about the lack of The Nativity would be absolutely apoplectic.

And before you shit stains start in, I am not a liberal, I'm just a moderate with conservative leanings and the ability to think critically.
Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.


So people can’t do anything if it “alienates” or “marginalizes” people. In other words if it hurts your feelings. Wow, what a criteria for exercising first amendment rights, if it hurts someone’s feelings then you can’t do it.
Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.


So people can’t do anything if it “alienates” or “marginalizes” people. In other words if it hurts your feelings. Wow, what a criteria for exercising first amendment rights, if it hurts someone’s feelings then you can’t do it.

You're doing a lot of whining about not being able to have our schools promote your religion. Does that hurt your feelings?
Public school? No place for the Nativity.

Of course... they could feel free to represent ALL religious beliefs, and non-beliefs, in the pageant. That would be fair.

The really funny thing here is, if someone were to suggest a re-enactment of the first Hajj as part of a school pageant, those who "outraged" in this thread about the lack of The Nativity would be absolutely apoplectic.

And before you shit stains start in, I am not a liberal, I'm just a moderate with conservative leanings and the ability to think critically.

How can you expect them to represent ALL religions? That’s a ridiculous idea that could never be met. If it didn’t represent Wiccans or a Satanic cult then it would be just as obsolete by that criteria. Again, it’s a Christmas show for people not offended by Christmas, if Christmas offends you then DON’T GO.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

It would appear that YOU are the ass clown since no one here has suggested that what the school was doing establishes a state religion. However, what they were doing is showing religious favoritism and that has been ruled unconstitutional

The Supreme Court first addressed the constitutionality of public religious displays in 1980 when it reviewed a Kentucky law requiring public schools to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms. The court determined that the Kentucky measure amounted to government sponsorship of religion and was therefore unconstitutional.
Religious Displays and the Courts | Pew Research Center

Here is more:


Facts of the case
Two public-sponsored holiday displays in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, were challenged by the American Civil Liberties Union. The first display involved a Christian nativity scene inside the Allegheny County Courthouse. The second display was a large Chanukah menorah, erected each year by the Chabad Jewish organization, outside the City-County building. The ACLU claimed the displays constituted state endorsement of religion. This case was decided together with Chabad v. ACLU and City of Pittsburgh v. ACLU of Greater Pittsburgh.

In a 5-to-4 decision, the Court held that the creche inside the courthouse unmistakably endorsed Christianity in violation of the Establishment Clause.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?

New Years Day. MLK jr Day. Columbus Day. Memorial Day. Veterans Day. Spring break.
Just to name a few...

My mistake. I should have said one non-christian religious celebration. I'll proof read my posts more closely.

Labor Day is a big one you communists like to celebrate. Marxism is a religion so there you go.

MLK Day is another one for the race baiter types, which falls into that Marxist religion of the left.
Wow....and now you are against Labor and MLK jr. This gets more and more revealing as we go along. :71:
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God
Where is Christianity mentioned in the Constitution?
Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.


So people can’t do anything if it “alienates” or “marginalizes” people. In other words if it hurts your feelings. Wow, what a criteria for exercising first amendment rights, if it hurts someone’s feelings then you can’t do it.

You're doing a lot of whining about not being able to have our schools promote your religion. Does that hurt your feelings?

Am I the one butthurt by a school Christmas show or mention of Jesus? No, that’s you.
Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.


So people can’t do anything if it “alienates” or “marginalizes” people. In other words if it hurts your feelings. Wow, what a criteria for exercising first amendment rights, if it hurts someone’s feelings then you can’t do it.

You're doing a lot of whining about not being able to have our schools promote your religion. Does that hurt your feelings?

Am I the one butthurt by a school Christmas show or mention of Jesus? No, that’s you.
Would you be butthurt by a school Ramadan show or mention of Mohammed? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Not everyone who goes to a public school is a faggot or a tranny or some other degenerate sexual pervert. So why is it OK to push your sick, evil, insane agenda at them, but not OK to promote something wholesome and good, like Christianity?
Show us that "sick, evil, insane agenda".....all state curriculums [sic] are available to be viewed on line....link what you object to for us.

A few examples, from previous threads…

You sure think a lot about homosexuality Bobby, even on a thread that has nothing to do with it. Why don't you just come out and be done with it? You'll feel a lot better
Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.


So people can’t do anything if it “alienates” or “marginalizes” people. In other words if it hurts your feelings. Wow, what a criteria for exercising first amendment rights, if it hurts someone’s feelings then you can’t do it.

You're doing a lot of whining about not being able to have our schools promote your religion. Does that hurt your feelings?

Am I the one butthurt by a school Christmas show or mention of Jesus? No, that’s you.

You're the one whining because your religion doesn't get enough preferential treatment.
Everyone note that NO leftwinger here can demonstrate that a school, whether you consider it “the government” or not, putting on a Christmas show or display featuring Jesus is in any way forcing people to believe in Christianity.
You don't get it!! Again, you take an issue and dumb it to the most simplistic level while pretending that we are saying something that we are not saying at all. It has nothing to do with "forcing people to be Christian" It is about the alienation and marginalization of those who are part of that school community who do not believe or who believe differently . And they most certainly to exposed to a Christian centric environment whether they went to the show or not. And again, a public school is government run.


So people can’t do anything if it “alienates” or “marginalizes” people. In other words if it hurts your feelings. Wow, what a criteria for exercising first amendment rights, if it hurts someone’s feelings then you can’t do it.
Call it what you will. I made my point and it is supported by case law
The left preaches diversity and tolerance, but they actually annihilate diversity and tolerance. The left wants conformity.
Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God
Where is Christianity mentioned in the Constitution?

There is this tidbit from Article VII:
“Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth....”

What do you think the “Year of our Lord” pertains to?

Also from Article I:
“Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution: “If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law,”

Funny, why are Sundays excepted? It’s only a Sabbath day for Christians.

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