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Atheist grouped bullies school dropping nativity scenes from 3rd Christmas specail

We're wasting our key strokes. He is a fucking moron

Yet neither one of them will answer the question. Will you? Is a school the US Congress passing a law? Being taxpayer funded or even a government “entity” does not make it the United States Congress which passes laws.

You’re all morons for thinking a school having a Christmas show is the equivalent of US Congress passing a law establishing a state sponsored religion.

Nobody said schools could pass laws, you dumb ass. Only a feeble minded right winger could come up with such a goofy idea.

Then why did you bring up the Constitution?

If you can't figure that out on your own, I doubt I could explain it in a way you are capable of understanding.

In other words you can’t back up your idiotic claims.

There is no “separation of church and state” in the constitution, progressives have just been repeating that lie so often they actually believe in it.

Some remarks are just too stupid to discuss. That was one of them
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?

New Years Day. MLK jr Day. Columbus Day. Memorial Day. Veterans Day. Spring break.
Just to name a few...

My mistake. I should have said one non-christian religious celebration. I'll proof read my posts more closely.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?

New Years Day. MLK jr Day. Columbus Day. Memorial Day. Veterans Day. Spring break.
Just to name a few...

My mistake. I should have said one non-christian religious celebration. I'll proof read my posts more closely.

Labor Day is a big one you communists like to celebrate. Marxism is a religion so there you go.

MLK Day is another one for the race baiter types, which falls into that Marxist religion of the left.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God


Did America Have a Christian Founding?

Yet neither one of them will answer the question. Will you? Is a school the US Congress passing a law? Being taxpayer funded or even a government “entity” does not make it the United States Congress which passes laws.

You’re all morons for thinking a school having a Christmas show is the equivalent of US Congress passing a law establishing a state sponsored religion.

Nobody said schools could pass laws, you dumb ass. Only a feeble minded right winger could come up with such a goofy idea.

Then why did you bring up the Constitution?

If you can't figure that out on your own, I doubt I could explain it in a way you are capable of understanding.

In other words you can’t back up your idiotic claims.

There is no “separation of church and state” in the constitution, progressives have just been repeating that lie so often they actually believe in it.

Some remarks are just too stupid to discuss. That was one of them

Prove him wrong then. Show us the phrase "separation of church and state" in the Constitution.
When are you zealots gonna learn that not everyone going to a public school is a christian just like you want them to be?

Not everyone who goes to a public school is a faggot or a tranny or some other degenerate sexual pervert. So why is it OK to push your sick, evil, insane agenda at them, but not OK to promote something wholesome and good, like Christianity?
Show us that "sick, evil, insane agenda".....all state curriculums are available to be viewed on line....link what you object to for us.
^ A prime example as to why it's best to keep religion out of public schools....keeps a lot of the Crazies out.

And there's the problem. You think that Christians, who stand up for basic essential moral and ethical values, are “crazies”, but that dangerous, immoral and insane sexual predators who go after children are not.
Most christians are quite sane....but by your ranting posts, you are not included in that sane catagory...you are just the other side of the coin from ISIS.
America is not a Christian nation.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."


You were saying?
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

Indeed...Atheists are far more dogmatic than the most devout Catholics and Orthodox Jews.


It has nothing to do with ‘atheists.’

The Supreme Court has long held that government sanctioned religious displays absent a secular context violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

It has everything to do with whining bitch ass atheists like you....Were it not for you sniveling little shits, the other 99.99% of us could just go about a live-and-let-live existence....But no, every acknowledgement of religion (other than worship of The State) is a federal case to you assholes.

So take your "case law" and shove it up your ass.

Notice the intolerance towards Atheists in this post.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God

These sycophants have been brainwashed into believing in multiculturalism and think we can and should “do away” with Christianity. What they fail to grasp, or won’t acknowledge, is that multiculturalism never works. One culture will always be the dominant one. Just look at what happened to the Indians in the Americas. Look what happens to any country overrun by Muslims, the non-Muslims get wiped out or regulated down to a “manageable” population.

The only form of “multiculturalism” that works is an exchange of ideas between cultures, but maintaining their independence and sovereignty from each other.
So...you have no problem with public schools putting up displays of and holding holiday programs for other religions like Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Satanism, Voodoo, etc.

Government should never be in the position of promoting evil over good. On that basis, Satanism, no, as that is a religion that specifically, willfully, openly promotes evil.

Other than that, and possibly any other examples that may exist of openly evil religions, no I have no problem with religions like Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism being presented along with Christianity.

I guess you won't understand this, because you explicitly support the promotion of evil and madness in public schools, in the form of the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda, and you openly oppose the promotion of good in schools, in the form of Christianity. You don't seem to understand why anyone would think that evil should not be promoted over good, much less why anyone would think that evil should not even be treated as equal to good.
The evil I see today doesn't come from Satanism...it comes from fundie patriarchal religions like fundie Islam and fundie Christianity....two sides of the same coin. You sound just like one of those Middle East crazies.
Simple enough.....Keep your religion out of our schools

Why? We are a predominantly Christian nation. I’d you don’t like it, go to a private atheist school.

The constitution forbids a State sponsored religion. This country is equally for people of all religions, or no religion.

No, the Constitution forbids Congress from making a law respecting a religious establishment. Is this local school the US Congress?

It might help if you idiots actual read the constitution before trying to use it for your lame ass Agenda.
So any part of government besides Congress can tell us what religion we have to practice and how to practice it? You want to go there?
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.


It's utter insanity. Christmas is all about
Christ and christianity for Christ's sake. You simply can't take Christ out of Christmas because all you'd be left with is mas or mass which is still a Christian rite. Christmas is 100% religion so the non religious assholes can just go fuck off and STFU.

Christmas is 100% religion? Santa is religion? Rudolph is religion? The Hallmark Channel is religion? Black Friday is religion? Frosty the Snowman is religion? Christmas presents is religion? Egg Nog is religion? Elves is religion? Nutcrackers is religion?

The word “Christmas” means Christ’s mass. What good is it to just remove references to Jesus if the name Christ is still there?

If it’s a Christmas theme, it’s allowed to have Jesus.
So we all go to Mass now?
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

Indeed...Atheists are far more dogmatic than the most devout Catholics and Orthodox Jews.


It has nothing to do with ‘atheists.’

The Supreme Court has long held that government sanctioned religious displays absent a secular context violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

It has everything to do with whining bitch ass atheists like you....Were it not for you sniveling little shits, the other 99.99% of us could just go about a live-and-let-live existence....But no, every acknowledgement of religion (other than worship of The State) is a federal case to you assholes.

So take your "case law" and shove it up your ass.

Notice the intolerance towards Atheists in this post.

Evil people shouldn’t be tolerated.
We're wasting our key strokes. He is a fucking moron

Yet neither one of them will answer the question. Will you? Is a school the US Congress passing a law? Being taxpayer funded or even a government “entity” does not make it the United States Congress which passes laws.

You’re all morons for thinking a school having a Christmas show is the equivalent of US Congress passing a law establishing a state sponsored religion.

Nobody said schools could pass laws, you dumb ass. Only a feeble minded right winger could come up with such a goofy idea.

Then why did you bring up the Constitution?

If you can't figure that out on your own, I doubt I could explain it in a way you are capable of understanding.

In other words you can’t back up your idiotic claims.

There is no “separation of church and state” in the constitution, progressives have just been repeating that lie so often they actually believe in it.
Yes, Yes! We all know that the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the Constitution and you impress no one by pointing that out.

Now the question of what the founders intended is a more complicated question. I know, you ridged conservatives who are given to concrete thought process always want a nice, neat true or false answer but not all questions lend themselves well to such brevity.

The Separation of Church and State -- Then and Now | HuffPost

Historians generally agree that the Founding Fathers were not bent on creating a Christian theocracy. The Constitution merely states that it was made “in the year of our Lord [1787].” Neither God nor Christianity are otherwise alluded to. Rather, the Constitution explicitly precludes a religious test for office. The 1776 Declaration of Independence mentions God but it is not a constitutional or statutory text, and was written by Thomas Jefferson, a deist, secularist, and anti-clerical who undoubtedly would have been repulsed by the idea that his writing would be used to defend Christian theocratic ideas as late as the 21st century.

The religious right correctly notes that the phrase “separation of church and state” appears nowhere in the Constitution. But it oddly claims that this principle does not derive from the First Amendment’s prohibition on “an establishment of religion.” The expression “separation of church and state” has actually been traced to Jefferson. Fellow Founding Father John Adams wrote that the U.S. government was created “merely by the use of reason and the senses.” “It will never be pretended,” Adams stressed, that the Founders “were in any degree under the inspiration of Heaven.” The 1796 Treaty of Tripoli, signed by Adams, stipulates that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”

But here is where there my be a sliver of truth to your claim

While the religious right falsely claims that the Constitution is based on Biblical principles, the secular left also engages in revisionism by claiming that the Founding Fathers wanted an absolute separation of church and state in the modern sense. In fact, legislative sessions commonly began with public prayers in the epoch of the framers, as they still do nowadays. In the early years of the republic, churches in certain states were funded by taxes, whereas other states like Virginia rejected that practice. There was actually no clear consensus among the Founding Fathers about what the First Amendment meant.

You should actually stop bloviating long enough to read the rest of this and learn something
Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God

These sycophants have been brainwashed into believing in multiculturalism and think we can and should “do away” with Christianity. What they fail to grasp, or won’t acknowledge, is that multiculturalism never works. One culture will always be the dominant one. Just look at what happened to the Indians in the Americas. Look what happens to any country overrun by Muslims, the non-Muslims get wiped out or regulated down to a “manageable” population.

The only form of “multiculturalism” that works is an exchange of ideas between cultures, but maintaining their independence and sovereignty from each other.

It's amazing how brain dead these morons really are. You can't tell them anything you can't teach them, show them it seems they are so fkd in the head all they can react with is " that's fake" lmfao. How weak have they made these losers aye.


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Simple enough.....Keep your religion out of our schools

Why? We are a predominantly Christian nation. I’d you don’t like it, go to a private atheist school.

The constitution forbids a State sponsored religion. This country is equally for people of all religions, or no religion.

No, the Constitution forbids Congress from making a law respecting a religious establishment. Is this local school the US Congress?

It might help if you idiots actual read the constitution before trying to use it for your lame ass Agenda.
So any part of government besides Congress can tell us what religion we have to practice and how to practice it? You want to go there?

How is a school Christmas show forcing anyone to practice a religion? It’s a show for Christians to enjoy, or even non-Christians that like to experience a different culture.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

Just as soon as you link us to the part in the Constitution denying freedom to practice religion! Specifically freedom to practice Christmas during Christmas! You see, the Constitution only says that the state shall not limit YOU from practicing religion, nothing about the state itself being free from and wholly secular. That's why there are 10,000 government buildings, documents even currency which place glory onto God.

Meantime, show me one place such complaints have been levied against any muslim or other non-christian religious holidays and events? What's wrong now, Profusive Patriot, got a little slobber drooling down yer chin?

Can you name one non-christian celebration that is supported by schools or other government entities?
You think there are no Jewish or muslim or other religious celebrations anywhere in this country, fuckwit? Name one that has been shut down due to prejudice? Half the schools are pushing muslim indoctrination and tolerance. Gee, you're even dumber than I thought, not to mention totally evading and deflecting from my point. You see, this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, founded by CHRISTIANS, and Christmas is the very centerpiece of American tradition and morality. Now, I know you're not a moral person, and certainly not a Christian, so when Christmas time comes, please don't accept any Christmas vacation, any Christmas bonus or pay, no Christmas trees, no Christmas cards or presents, no Christmas greetings or decorations, and certainly no Christmas TV specials, food or parties. You are hereby barred. The little Santa Scrooge will be by your house Christmas Eve to make sure you haven't been naughty. And put down that Christmas cookie.

Nobody has shut down any religion's celebration of its holidays. None. But no other religion but certain cults arising from Christianity has insisted that its beliefs, symbols, and rituals be featured as part of the official program in events at public institutions. No other faith has demanded special treatment.

All faiths celebrate their holidays in their homes and houses of worship, praying, feasting, decorating, partying, dancing, and giving presents.

This is not a "Christian nation." American values are based on universally accepted values. Being "American" is in no way synonymous with being a member of the Christian faith or any other.

The actions of some Christians, of which you seem to be one, serve only to denigrate the Christian faith, make a mockery of it, and drive people, including other Christians, away from it.


One of the reasons why America has gotten so far off track is because most of the population has forgotten that our founders intended our country to be a Christian nation with laws based upon the principles found in the Word of God. The other day I encouraged my readers “to look into why our founders came to this country in the first place, what they believed was most important in life, and how they viewed the world”, and this is precisely what I was talking about. The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

America Was Founded As A Christian Nation By Christians That Believed That The Bible Is The Word Of God

The United States was founded by waves of Christian immigrants from Europe, and these were people that took their faith extremely seriously. These days there are so many people running around saying that we should “get back to the Constitution”, but the Constitution itself was based upon the laws, values and principles in the Bible. If we truly want to get back to the way that our founders intended this country to run, we have no choice but to get back to the Bible.

These "waves of Christian immigrants" who "took their faith extremely seriously" then proceeded to bicker and squabble among themselves the same way that they did back in Europe, all the while pondering how to get rid of the folks who were here before they came. They haven't stopped squabbling yet and I doubt that they ever will.

Which parts of the compilation put together by Constantine's committee do you mean when you say when you say "get back to the Bible"? Most of the quotes I have heard are cherry-picked by folks who have an agenda and who forget about the entire rest of it. Nobody does everything that is mandated by Leviticus, they just use selected quotes from it to find something to LGBTs with. Everybody can quote Paul, but nobody seems to quote anything attributable to Jesus, like the Sermon on the Mount. A lot of what passes for Christianity in this country seems to have nothing to do with Jesus at all.

Holy Boy, Your vocabulary is always soooo "Christian."
Yet neither one of them will answer the question. Will you? Is a school the US Congress passing a law? Being taxpayer funded or even a government “entity” does not make it the United States Congress which passes laws.

You’re all morons for thinking a school having a Christmas show is the equivalent of US Congress passing a law establishing a state sponsored religion.

Nobody said schools could pass laws, you dumb ass. Only a feeble minded right winger could come up with such a goofy idea.

Then why did you bring up the Constitution?

If you can't figure that out on your own, I doubt I could explain it in a way you are capable of understanding.

In other words you can’t back up your idiotic claims.

There is no “separation of church and state” in the constitution, progressives have just been repeating that lie so often they actually believe in it.
Yes, Yes! We all know that the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the Constitution and you impress no one by pointing that out.

Now the question of what the founders intended is a more complicated question. I know, you ridged conservatives who are given to concrete thought process always want a nice, neat true or false answer but not all questions lend themselves well to such brevity.

The Separation of Church and State -- Then and Now | HuffPost

Historians generally agree that the Founding Fathers were not bent on creating a Christian theocracy. The Constitution merely states that it was made “in the year of our Lord [1787].” Neither God nor Christianity are otherwise alluded to. Rather, the Constitution explicitly precludes a religious test for office. The 1776 Declaration of Independence mentions God but it is not a constitutional or statutory text, and was written by Thomas Jefferson, a deist, secularist, and anti-clerical who undoubtedly would have been repulsed by the idea that his writing would be used to defend Christian theocratic ideas as late as the 21st century.

The religious right correctly notes that the phrase “separation of church and state” appears nowhere in the Constitution. But it oddly claims that this principle does not derive from the First Amendment’s prohibition on “an establishment of religion.” The expression “separation of church and state” has actually been traced to Jefferson. Fellow Founding Father John Adams wrote that the U.S. government was created “merely by the use of reason and the senses.” “It will never be pretended,” Adams stressed, that the Founders “were in any degree under the inspiration of Heaven.” The 1796 Treaty of Tripoli, signed by Adams, stipulates that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”

But here is where there my be a sliver of truth to your claim

While the religious right falsely claims that the Constitution is based on Biblical principles, the secular left also engages in revisionism by claiming that the Founding Fathers wanted an absolute separation of church and state in the modern sense. In fact, legislative sessions commonly began with public prayers in the epoch of the framers, as they still do nowadays. In the early years of the republic, churches in certain states were funded by taxes, whereas other states like Virginia rejected that practice. There was actually no clear consensus among the Founding Fathers about what the First Amendment meant.

You should actually stop bloviating long enough to read the rest of this and learn something

HUFF POST lmfao . never bother with a leftist who writes what other LEFTIST want to see. NO facts to back any of it up EVER.

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