Atheist/Scientist Francis Collins Converts to Christ

I've taken several IQ tests. I always fall between 132 and 136. Nope ... I'm not genius but I'm above average.

There are lots of modern geniuses who are also Christians.
The Intelligent Christian

Same here.
But the anecdotal evidence of the two of us unzipping and comparing IQ size has no relevance to the statistical evidence that genius level people overwhelmingly become less and less connected to the idea of a deity.
Counting the outliers doesn't change the trend.

The problem with most genius-level individuals is that they get so high on their own intellect that they're blinded by the fact that there's something greater than they are. It's hard to be humble when you see yourself as a little god.

I like what Bacon said here:

Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627) = "Bacon was a philosopher who is known for establishing the scientific method of inquiry based on experimentation and inductive reasoning. "It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion; ..."

But Bacon was proved wrong.
Ironic you first want to show geniuses can be believers, and then you want to denigrate geniuses when the data goes against you.
Hilarious stuff.
Same here.
But the anecdotal evidence of the two of us unzipping and comparing IQ size has no relevance to the statistical evidence that genius level people overwhelmingly become less and less connected to the idea of a deity.
Counting the outliers doesn't change the trend.

The problem with most genius-level individuals is that they get so high on their own intellect that they're blinded by the fact that there's something greater than they are. It's hard to be humble when you see yourself as a little god.

I like what Bacon said here:

Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627) = "Bacon was a philosopher who is known for establishing the scientific method of inquiry based on experimentation and inductive reasoning. "It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion; ..."

But Bacon was proved wrong.
Ironic you first want to show geniuses can be believers, and then you want to denigrate geniuses when the data goes against you.
Hilarious stuff.

I'm neither elevating nor denigrating geniuses. I'm simply stating that being a genius may not be an especially great benefit. You, not I, tout the fact that most geniuses deny God. That, in and of itself, proves my point. But the key word is "most" (as in not all). So you may find it hilarious that most genius won't see the Kingdom of God but I'm joyous that some will.

As for many folks who are high on their own finite intellect?

2 Timothy 3:7 says it all:

"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
It only takes a wee bit of online legwork to find that he's an evangelical Christian.

Francis Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

that's to bad, an opportunity lost.


You'd think someone as intelligent as you could have found out the above information without relying on a dumb, country Christian like me. Oh well. :lol: But the man's accomplishments are no less significant just because he's a Christian. That's faulty reasoning and intellectual dishonesty. At least attempt to explain why it's "too bad" that he's a Christian and why an "opportunity" was "lost."

because he did not know better than to believe the Bible ... "man is not without sin" - "No one comes to the Father except through me".

good luck Sands ...

Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology

Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God(s)."

Nobel Prize winners in the "hard" sciences (e.g.; chemistry, physics, biology), the rate is about 95% -- roughly the inverse of their representation among the general populace.


That is because atheists have lied and misquoted the greatest minds such as Einstein. In this video you'll note Einsteins many references to God and his belief in Gods existence as well as the historical account of Jesus Christ.

In fact, the atheists were misquoting Einstein when he was still alive. He said he didn't understand why they continually misquoted him in order to make him look like an atheist. Einstein was never an atheist. He never denied the existence of G-d only our ability to "know Him" at any depth or understanding... Einstein did believe we would never understand the 4 dimensions - not only do we understand those dimensions but due to the discovery of Super Strands we now there are at least 10 dimensions - not four.

I would have thought Einstein would have erred on the side of imagining MORE dimensions and not less. It was Einstein who said imagination is greater than knowledge. He could not have been more accurate. It is quite possible it was his own knowledge of the universe that led to a wrong conclusion. This happens with Gods word too. People get into a rut of believing G-d can only do something one way and it locks them out of faith to see the supernatural. You cannot see anything without believing first that it is. That is what Faith is all about.

[ame=]Albert Einstein on God.flv - YouTube[/ame]

As you can see Einstein was never an atheist.

This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.
that's to bad, an opportunity lost.


You'd think someone as intelligent as you could have found out the above information without relying on a dumb, country Christian like me. Oh well. :lol: But the man's accomplishments are no less significant just because he's a Christian. That's faulty reasoning and intellectual dishonesty. At least attempt to explain why it's "too bad" that he's a Christian and why an "opportunity" was "lost."

because he did not know better than to believe the Bible ... "man is not without sin" - "No one comes to the Father except through me".

good luck Sands ...


From your perspective when a person dies - that's it - no afterlife - just dead. So in what manner will it hurt the Dr. if he believes the Bible? Will he end up more dead than you?
Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology

Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God(s)."

Nobel Prize winners in the "hard" sciences (e.g.; chemistry, physics, biology), the rate is about 95% -- roughly the inverse of their representation among the general populace.


That is because atheists have lied and misquoted the greatest minds such as Einstein. In this video you'll note Einsteins many references to God and his belief in Gods existence as well as the historical account of Jesus Christ.

In fact, the atheists were misquoting Einstein when he was still alive. He said he didn't understand why they continually misquoted him in order to make him look like an atheist. Einstein was never an atheist. He never denied the existence of G-d only our ability to "know Him" at any depth or understanding... Einstein did believe we would never understand the 4 dimensions - not only do we understand those dimensions but due to the discovery of Super Strands we now there are at least 10 dimensions - not four.

I would have thought Einstein would have erred on the side of imagining MORE dimensions and not less. It was Einstein who said imagination is greater than knowledge. He could not have been more accurate. It is quite possible it was his own knowledge of the universe that led to a wrong conclusion. This happens with Gods word too. People get into a rut of believing G-d can only do something one way and it locks them out of faith to see the supernatural. You cannot see anything without believing first that it is. That is what Faith is all about.

[ame=]Albert Einstein on God.flv - YouTube[/ame]

As you can see Einstein was never an atheist.

This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.

I haven't watched the video yet but I knew that he believed in intelligent design. He concluded that what we see in the universe could not have occurred by mistake. I'll watch as soon as possible.
If the Doctor is wrong he has lost nothing. If he is right - he has gained eternal life and those who didn't listen to him are the losers.
You'd think someone as intelligent as you could have found out the above information without relying on a dumb, country Christian like me. Oh well. :lol: But the man's accomplishments are no less significant just because he's a Christian. That's faulty reasoning and intellectual dishonesty. At least attempt to explain why it's "too bad" that he's a Christian and why an "opportunity" was "lost."

because he did not know better than to believe the Bible ... "man is not without sin" - "No one comes to the Father except through me".

good luck Sands ...


From your perspective when a person dies - that's it - no afterlife - just dead. So in what manner will it hurt the Dr. if he believes the Bible? Will he end up more dead than you?

it is you who will be unfulfilled and perish, not those who aspire and accomplish Admittance to the Everlasting.

... too bad for you sinner.

Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology

Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God(s)."

Nobel Prize winners in the "hard" sciences (e.g.; chemistry, physics, biology), the rate is about 95% -- roughly the inverse of their representation among the general populace.


That is because atheists have lied and misquoted the greatest minds such as Einstein. In this video you'll note Einsteins many references to God and his belief in Gods existence as well as the historical account of Jesus Christ.

In fact, the atheists were misquoting Einstein when he was still alive. He said he didn't understand why they continually misquoted him in order to make him look like an atheist. Einstein was never an atheist. He never denied the existence of G-d only our ability to "know Him" at any depth or understanding... Einstein did believe we would never understand the 4 dimensions - not only do we understand those dimensions but due to the discovery of Super Strands we now there are at least 10 dimensions - not four.

I would have thought Einstein would have erred on the side of imagining MORE dimensions and not less. It was Einstein who said imagination is greater than knowledge. He could not have been more accurate. It is quite possible it was his own knowledge of the universe that led to a wrong conclusion. This happens with Gods word too. People get into a rut of believing G-d can only do something one way and it locks them out of faith to see the supernatural. You cannot see anything without believing first that it is. That is what Faith is all about.

[ame=]Albert Einstein on God.flv - YouTube[/ame]

As you can see Einstein was never an atheist.

This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.

See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.
That is because atheists have lied and misquoted the greatest minds such as Einstein. In this video you'll note Einsteins many references to God and his belief in Gods existence as well as the historical account of Jesus Christ.

In fact, the atheists were misquoting Einstein when he was still alive. He said he didn't understand why they continually misquoted him in order to make him look like an atheist. Einstein was never an atheist. He never denied the existence of G-d only our ability to "know Him" at any depth or understanding... Einstein did believe we would never understand the 4 dimensions - not only do we understand those dimensions but due to the discovery of Super Strands we now there are at least 10 dimensions - not four.

I would have thought Einstein would have erred on the side of imagining MORE dimensions and not less. It was Einstein who said imagination is greater than knowledge. He could not have been more accurate. It is quite possible it was his own knowledge of the universe that led to a wrong conclusion. This happens with Gods word too. People get into a rut of believing G-d can only do something one way and it locks them out of faith to see the supernatural. You cannot see anything without believing first that it is. That is what Faith is all about.

Albert Einstein on God.flv - YouTube

As you can see Einstein was never an atheist.

This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.

See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.

Einstein doesn't make the case for something that can never be known. He actually believes in Spinozo's God. When you say it is making the case for something that can never be known, you are imposing your views on Einstein.

Your question [about God] is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza's Pantheism. I admire even more his contributions to modern thought. Spinoza is the greatest of modern philosophers, because he is the first philosopher who deals with the soul and the body as one, not as two separate things.[20]

Religious views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is because atheists have lied and misquoted the greatest minds such as Einstein. In this video you'll note Einsteins many references to God and his belief in Gods existence as well as the historical account of Jesus Christ.

In fact, the atheists were misquoting Einstein when he was still alive. He said he didn't understand why they continually misquoted him in order to make him look like an atheist. Einstein was never an atheist. He never denied the existence of G-d only our ability to "know Him" at any depth or understanding... Einstein did believe we would never understand the 4 dimensions - not only do we understand those dimensions but due to the discovery of Super Strands we now there are at least 10 dimensions - not four.

I would have thought Einstein would have erred on the side of imagining MORE dimensions and not less. It was Einstein who said imagination is greater than knowledge. He could not have been more accurate. It is quite possible it was his own knowledge of the universe that led to a wrong conclusion. This happens with Gods word too. People get into a rut of believing G-d can only do something one way and it locks them out of faith to see the supernatural. You cannot see anything without believing first that it is. That is what Faith is all about.

Albert Einstein on God.flv - YouTube

As you can see Einstein was never an atheist.

This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.

See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.

If a person is in "awe" of the unknown and believes that "something" or "someone" may very well be out there then they shouldn't be so quick and willing to unequivocally tell the world who God isn't. If you don't know then you don't know. Pouncing all over the Christian God without "knowing" He doesn't exist is a confused stance to take.
This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.

See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.

If a person is in "awe" of the unknown and believes that "something" or "someone" may very well be out there then they shouldn't be so quick and willing to unequivocally tell the world who God isn't. If you don't know then you don't know. Pouncing all over the Christian God without "knowing" He doesn't exist is a confused stance to take.

The video makes the point clearly that Einstein believed that understanding was not his own and that the truth would never be accessible, yet evangelicals want to lie about it and try to use him for their own selfish purposes.
Very embarrassing, both ethically and intellectually.
See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.

If a person is in "awe" of the unknown and believes that "something" or "someone" may very well be out there then they shouldn't be so quick and willing to unequivocally tell the world who God isn't. If you don't know then you don't know. Pouncing all over the Christian God without "knowing" He doesn't exist is a confused stance to take.

The video makes the point clearly that Einstein believed that understanding was not his own and that the truth would never be accessible, yet evangelicals want to lie about it and try to use him for their own selfish purposes.
Very embarrassing, both ethically and intellectually.

Einstein makes the case for a limited mind but does see the mysterious force called "God" in the universe.

The truth isn't inaccessible. God revealed Himself to man.
If a person is in "awe" of the unknown and believes that "something" or "someone" may very well be out there then they shouldn't be so quick and willing to unequivocally tell the world who God isn't. If you don't know then you don't know. Pouncing all over the Christian God without "knowing" He doesn't exist is a confused stance to take.

The video makes the point clearly that Einstein believed that understanding was not his own and that the truth would never be accessible, yet evangelicals want to lie about it and try to use him for their own selfish purposes.
Very embarrassing, both ethically and intellectually.

Einstein makes the case for a limited mind but does see the mysterious force called "God" in the universe.

The truth isn't inaccessible. God revealed Himself to man.

I accept this is your belief.
It simply isn't how Einstein saw it.
His was a simple awe and acceptance of what can't be known. He used the familiar placeholder word "god" to describe the unifying truth that can never be known.
You may think that is accessible. The point is, he did not, and trying to use him to carry your cross for you is either dishonest or ignorant.
Atheists change, christians change. Doesn't meant much either way.

This video is worth watching. I always knew Einstein was too intelligent not to believe in G-d.

See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.

Einstein doesn't make the case for something that can never be known. He actually believes in Spinozo's God. When you say it is making the case for something that can never be known, you are imposing your views on Einstein.

Your question [about God] is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza's Pantheism. I admire even more his contributions to modern thought. Spinoza is the greatest of modern philosophers, because he is the first philosopher who deals with the soul and the body as one, not as two separate things.[20]

Religious views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He SPECIFICALLY makes this case in the video!
He says it will NEVER be known.
Even the Wiki quote you have cited here says "Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations."
He admires "Spinozo"(sic) but never endorses him.
You guys desperately want to hire Einstein, but he stubbornly refuses to be for sale.
The video makes the point clearly that Einstein believed that understanding was not his own and that the truth would never be accessible, yet evangelicals want to lie about it and try to use him for their own selfish purposes.
Very embarrassing, both ethically and intellectually.

Einstein makes the case for a limited mind but does see the mysterious force called "God" in the universe.

The truth isn't inaccessible. God revealed Himself to man.

I accept this is your belief.
It simply isn't how Einstein saw it.
His was a simple awe and acceptance of what can't be known. He used the familiar placeholder word "god" to describe the unifying truth that can never be known.
You may think that is accessible. The point is, he did not, and trying to use him to carry your cross for you is either dishonest or ignorant.

Einstein said he wasn't an atheist.
If one of the greatest minds says he is not an atheist and says there is this mysterious force called God and says his mind is too limited to comprehend then there is a case for God and if missing God means spending eternity for a mistake then is your case any better? Your answer is, "no", your position isn't better.
See my signature. It is a very good summary of Einstein's relationship with a god. His is an awe and an admitted inability to see much beyond that. He has no understanding of what a god might actually look like, but has a sense of something by his observation of the grandeur of the universe.
The video is a very embarrassing attempt by evangelicals to co-opt a man who at most could be described as a Deist, if even that. They ignore throughout the video that Einstein scrupulously avoids any connection to Christianity or any other forced unsupportable description of a force he can not even to begin to imagine.
Only people who desperately want to believe that some case for Einstein being a fellow believer will watch this video with anything other than amusement, or perhaps disgust. The actual quotes, if anyone pays attention to them, continuously show Einstein with no words to describe a god, no way of understanding one, and makes the case that it will be something that never will be known.
His exact words, from the video.
Another swing and a miss from the slightly ridiculous Kirk Cameron.

If a person is in "awe" of the unknown and believes that "something" or "someone" may very well be out there then they shouldn't be so quick and willing to unequivocally tell the world who God isn't. If you don't know then you don't know. Pouncing all over the Christian God without "knowing" He doesn't exist is a confused stance to take.

The video makes the point clearly that Einstein believed that understanding was not his own and that the truth would never be accessible, yet evangelicals want to lie about it and try to use him for their own selfish purposes.
Very embarrassing, both ethically and intellectually.

Einstein has a right to his opinion but his word isn't the final one. To state that nobody can NEVER know the existence of God is a false claim based on ones best guess. Just because He can't be tangibly proven at this moment doesn't mean that He won't reveal His physical self at some other time (the return of Christ?).

Evolutionists routinely state that they can't prove how the universe came to exist but use the argument that they might someday. They say that they don't really know how life began but that someday they will find the evidence. No difference.
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If a person is in "awe" of the unknown and believes that "something" or "someone" may very well be out there then they shouldn't be so quick and willing to unequivocally tell the world who God isn't. If you don't know then you don't know. Pouncing all over the Christian God without "knowing" He doesn't exist is a confused stance to take.

The video makes the point clearly that Einstein believed that understanding was not his own and that the truth would never be accessible, yet evangelicals want to lie about it and try to use him for their own selfish purposes.
Very embarrassing, both ethically and intellectually.

Einstein has a right to his opinion but his word isn't the final one. To state that nobody can NEVER know the existence of God is a false claim based on ones best guess. Just because He can't be tangibly proven at this moment doesn't mean that He won't reveal His physical self at some other time (the return of Christ?).

Evolutionists routinely state that they can't prove how the universe came to exist but use the argument that they might someday. They say that they don't really know how life began but that someday they will find the evidence. No difference.

Don't get mad at me!
Get mad at Chuck for trying to use Einstein as a Christian apologist.
The difference between "evolutionists" and the god sellers is that the former admit they don't know, while the latter try to tell us they do.
Einstein makes the case for a limited mind but does see the mysterious force called "God" in the universe.

The truth isn't inaccessible. God revealed Himself to man.

I accept this is your belief.
It simply isn't how Einstein saw it.
His was a simple awe and acceptance of what can't be known. He used the familiar placeholder word "god" to describe the unifying truth that can never be known.
You may think that is accessible. The point is, he did not, and trying to use him to carry your cross for you is either dishonest or ignorant.

Einstein said he wasn't an atheist.
If one of the greatest minds says he is not an atheist and says there is this mysterious force called God and says his mind is too limited to comprehend then there is a case for God and if missing God means spending eternity for a mistake then is your case any better? Your answer is, "no", your position isn't better.

See my signature.
He also thought your idea of a personal god was a childish one.
He made no claims about an afterlife, punishment, atonement or any of the myriad doctrinal inventions of Christianity. He specifically rejected all of that.

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