Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Do you ever listen to yourself?

How do these statements sound to you:
Here's what I hate about Jews. A Jew can do something bad in the name of Judaism and Jews will say he wasn't a real Jew.

Here's what I hate about Muslims. A Muslim can do something bad in the name of Islam and Muslims will say he wasn't a real Muslim.

Here's what I hate about Blacks. A Black can do something bad in the name of African-Americanism and Blacks will say he wasn't a real Black.
I'm going back to Cambodia in a couple of months. I can show you what Buddhists can do.
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were no more Buddhists than the Third Reich was Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name

Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
I'm going back to Cambodia in a couple of months. I can show you what Buddhists can do.
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were no more Buddhists than the Third Reich was Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name

Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
I'm going back to Cambodia in a couple of months. I can show you what Buddhists can do.
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were no more Buddhists than the Third Reich was Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name

Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
I'm going back to Cambodia in a couple of months. I can show you what Buddhists can do.
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were no more Buddhists than the Third Reich was Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name

Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos


Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were no more Buddhists than the Third Reich was Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name

Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name of Christianity and Christians will say he wasn't a real Christian.
Here's what I hate about Christians. A Christian can do something bad in the name

Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Because we don't want Islam being blamed! We don't blame Christianity when an abortion clinic or gay bar is shot up
Well, Obama is not a real Christian, so what else can I say?
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Because we don't want Islam being blamed! We don't blame Christianity when an abortion clinic or gay bar is shot up
BS. The left falsly claim McVeigh was a Christian all the time.

And why not blame Islam? If they controlled their own the world would be at peace. Fake Koran flushing story or dumb YouTube video and its worldwide riots. The daily atrocities committed in the name of their god and not a peep.
No ones ever real enough for you weirdos
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Because we don't want Islam being blamed! We don't blame Christianity when an abortion clinic or gay bar is shot up
BS. The left falsly claim McVeigh was a Christian all the time.

And why not blame Islam? If they controlled their own the world would be at peace. Fake Koran flushing story or dumb YouTube video and its worldwide riots. The daily atrocities committed in the name of their god and not a peep.
Again, it's hard for me to defend any religion. I just know there are a lot of Muslims no different than you or me
And we can listen to lefties tell us how they aren't real Muslims after every terrorist attack. Maybe toss in a distorted history lesson on the Crusades while you're at it.
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Because we don't want Islam being blamed! We don't blame Christianity when an abortion clinic or gay bar is shot up
BS. The left falsly claim McVeigh was a Christian all the time.

And why not blame Islam? If they controlled their own the world would be at peace. Fake Koran flushing story or dumb YouTube video and its worldwide riots. The daily atrocities committed in the name of their god and not a peep.
Again, it's hard for me to defend any religion. I just know there are a lot of Muslims no different than you or me
Would be nice to see a worldwide riot when Muslims burn tied prisoners to death.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

1. Because you gave an answer to a question does not mean your answer is correct.

You have to verify your answer.

Assuming is a starting step to determing truth. Not the last step!

2. Following social rules is not predicated on the fear of God.

In fact, besides stories in some book, you lack reinforcement that your god will punish you!! Especially in the manner of what your book claims!!

Think about it. When was the last time sodomites were turned to salt?

Or when the ground open up under the feet of a group that decided to oppose the leadership of their church?

Or a man being swallowed up by a fish for ignoring gods command?

Without these psychological reinforcements, it is virtually impossible to believe you follow societal rules because you fear god. In fact, there are societal rules, not endorsed by your religion--and in some cases goes against your religion like usury, that you follow or practice!

Is that because of your fear God? Of course not!! It is due to your fear of man.

3. There are lots of people who are neither Atheist nor Christian!!

One christian rule these people break is that they do not recognize Jesus as a Divine being. There are even some, that are neither Atheist nor Christian, that claim Jesus never existed!!

Do you think they even care about not accepting Jesus?
Do you think they care about what Christian rules are, outside of intellectual curiosity?
You got me. But don't think I like Islam any more than I do Christianity. I don't.

But I do realize there are lots of good Christians/Muslims too.
Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Because we don't want Islam being blamed! We don't blame Christianity when an abortion clinic or gay bar is shot up
BS. The left falsly claim McVeigh was a Christian all the time.

And why not blame Islam? If they controlled their own the world would be at peace. Fake Koran flushing story or dumb YouTube video and its worldwide riots. The daily atrocities committed in the name of their god and not a peep.
Again, it's hard for me to defend any religion. I just know there are a lot of Muslims no different than you or me
Would be nice to see a worldwide riot when Muslims burn tied prisoners to death.
can you translate?

Nobody claims there are not good and bad in both religions.
But after every terrorist attack the left go running in to spin it to defend Islam.
Because we don't want Islam being blamed! We don't blame Christianity when an abortion clinic or gay bar is shot up
BS. The left falsly claim McVeigh was a Christian all the time.

And why not blame Islam? If they controlled their own the world would be at peace. Fake Koran flushing story or dumb YouTube video and its worldwide riots. The daily atrocities committed in the name of their god and not a peep.
Again, it's hard for me to defend any religion. I just know there are a lot of Muslims no different than you or me
Would be nice to see a worldwide riot when Muslims burn tied prisoners to death.
can you translate?

Shucks.....that ain't nuthin:

Mark 16:18
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


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