Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

So mentally ill parents starved their kids.

I can show you starving children laying in the gutters as people walk by going to work.
You asked, I provided. The fact remains those people, most of whom are likely Christians, starved children. Does this mean they were mentally ill? Probably so. Does this mean Christianity is bad? No, it does not. However, you have displayed several instances of having a double standard; one for US Christians and another for everyone else.

My point is as stated before; religion is a tool. An inanimate object which does no good and no bad until a human being uses it. Are you denying that people have ever done anything bad in the name of Christianity? If not, then why do you persist in applying that standard to everyone else?
If you really spent time in WestPac, you'd know how those Faith's impact society.
I know the impact of religion in several nations from Japan, Korea and the Philippines (Christianity) to Mediterranean nations to South American nations.

You continually want to blame other religions for the causes of problems in those countries, but when it comes to blaming Christianity, you backpedal and blame the people instead. Try applying that same standard to other nations. It's not the religion, it's the people.
Getting back to Christianity. Most "Christians" think dying is the end of everything instead of rejoicing that a loved one is now with Jesus in Heaven. WTF? While parting is sweet sorrow, most "Christians" seem to lack faith that a loved one has moved on to eternal love. Why is that?
If you really spent time in WestPac, you'd know how those Faith's impact society.
I know the impact of religion in several nations from Japan, Korea and the Philippines (Christianity) to Mediterranean nations to South American nations.

You continually want to blame other religions for the causes of problems in those countries, but when it comes to blaming Christianity, you backpedal and blame the people instead. Try applying that same standard to other nations. It's not the religion, it's the people.
Let me see, problems of the West vs problems of the East...... Kids starving in streets vs kids being overweight.....which one shall we consider a better problem to have.....
Getting back to Christianity. Most "Christians" think dying is the end of everything instead of rejoicing that a loved one is now with Jesus in Heaven. WTF? While parting is sweet sorrow, most "Christians" seem to lack faith that a loved one has moved on to eternal love. Why is that?
Where'd you dig that one up? Never met a Christian who thinks death is the end.
Let me see, problems of the West vs problems of the East...... Kids starving in streets vs kids being overweight.....which one shall we consider a better problem to have.....
Your propensity to apply a double standard continues. You're talking about comparing a First World nation, the US, to a Third World shithole, Cambodia. Why don't you compare the US to Japan? Is it because your double standard falls apart when you do?
Where'd you dig that one up? Never met a Christian who thinks death is the end.
Then why aren't they rejoicing at a funeral?


Let me see, problems of the West vs problems of the East...... Kids starving in streets vs kids being overweight.....which one shall we consider a better problem to have.....
Your propensity to apply a double standard continues. You're talking about comparing a First World nation, the US, to a Third World shithole, Cambodia. Why don't you compare the US to Japan? Is it because your double standard falls apart when you do?
OK. Let's take some excerpts from the book Unbroken.

Louie had been on Kwajalein for about a week when his cell door was thrown open and two guards pulled him out. He flushed with fear, thinking that he was being taken to the sword. As he was hustled toward what seemed to be an officers’ quarters, he passed two girls with Asian features, walking with heads down, eyes averted, as they retreated from the building. … The ranking officer stared coolly at his captive. How do American soldiers satisfy their sexual appetites? he asked. Louie replied that they don’t— they rely on willpower. The officer was amused. The Japanese military, he said, provides women for its soldiers, an allusion to the thousands of Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, and Filipino women whom the Japanese military had kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery. Louie thought of the girls outside. …

And then there was Gaga. Something about this affectionate little duck, perhaps the fact that he was beloved to the captives, provoked the guards. They tortured him mercilessly, kicking him and hurling him around. Then one day, in full view of the captives, Shithead opened his pants and violated the bird. Gaga died. Of all the things he witnessed in war, Louie would say, this was the worst. …

Raymond “Hap” Halloran was a navigator who parachuted into Tokyo after his B-29 was shot down. Once on the ground, Halloran was beaten by a mob of civilians, then captured by Japanese authorities, who tortured him, locked him in a pig cage, and held him in a burning horse stall during the firebombings. They stripped him naked and put him on display at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo, tied upright in an empty tiger cage so civilians could gawk at his filthy, sore-encrusted body. He was starved so severely that he lost one hundred pounds. …

The Japanese military surrounded the city of Nanking, stranding more than half a million civilians and 90,000 Chinese soldiers. The soldiers surrendered and, assured of their safety, submitted to being bound. Japanese officers then issued a written order: ALL PRISONERS OF WAR ARE TO BE EXECUTED. What followed was a six-week frenzy of killing that defies articulation. Masses of POWs were beheaded, machine-gunned, bayoneted, and burned alive. The Japanese turned on civilians, engaging in killing contests, raping tens of thousands of people, mutilating and crucifying them, and provoking dogs to maul them. Japanese soldiers took pictures of themselves posing alongside hacked-up bodies, severed heads, and women strapped down for rape. The Japanese press ran tallies of the killing contests as if they were baseball scores, praising the heroism of the contestants. Historians estimate that the Japanese military murdered between 200,000 and 430,000 Chinese, including the 90,000 POWs, in what became known as the Rape of Nanking. …

Away from their officers, the guards told a different story, telling the POWs that the army had issued orders to kill them all in August. This might have been dismissed as a lie, but that July, a civilian worker known for his sympathy for POWs warned a prisoner that an execution date had been set. The date he gave was the same as one that had reportedly been mentioned to prisoners in at least two other camps. All of the Naoetsu POWs, the civilian said, would be killed on August 22. …

The POWs were so disturbed by the obvious famine among the civilians that they stopped stealing at the work sites. It was clear to them that Japan had long ago lost this war. But Japan was a long way from giving in. If a massively destructive air war would not win surrender, invasion seemed the only possibility. POWs all over the country were noticing worrisome signs. They saw women holding sharpened sticks, practicing lunges at stacks of rice straw, and small children being lined up in front of schools, handed wooden mock guns, and drilled. Japan, whose people deemed surrender shameful, appeared to be preparing to fight to the last man, woman, or child. …

In its rampage over the east, Japan had brought atrocity and death on a scale that staggers the imagination. In the midst of it were the prisoners of war. Japan held some 132,000 POWs from America, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Holland, and Australia. Of those, nearly 36,000 died, more than one in every four. Americans fared particularly badly; of the 34,648 Americans held by Japan, 12,935— more than 37 percent— died. By comparison, only 1 percent of Americans held by the Nazis and Italians died. Japan murdered thousands of POWs on death marches, and worked thousands of others to death in slavery, including some 16,000 POWs who died alongside as many as 100,000 Asian laborers forced to build the Burma-Siam Railway. Thousands of other POWs were beaten, burned, stabbed, or clubbed to death, shot, beheaded, killed during medical experiments, or eaten alive in ritual acts of cannibalism. And as a result of being fed grossly inadequate and befouled food and water, thousands more died of starvation and easily preventable diseases. Of the 2,500 POWs at Borneo’s Sandakan camp, only 6, all escapees, made it to September 1945 alive. Left out of the numbing statistics are untold numbers of men who were captured and killed on the spot or dragged to places like Kwajalein, to be murdered without the world ever learning their fate. …

In accordance with the kill-all order, the Japanese massacred all 5,000 Korean captives on Tinian, all of the POWs on Ballale, Wake, and Tarawa, and all but 11 POWs at Palawan. They were evidently about to murder all the other POWs and civilian internees in their custody when the atomic bomb brought their empire crashing down. On the morning of September 2, 1945, Japan signed its formal surrender. The Second World War was over.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

it's not only atheists who think christianity is misguided. personally, i don't care what you choose to believe. my issue is that you're arrogant enough to think others are supposed to believe it too.
If a Christian really believed in what they say they do, how much would they have to hate you to not tell you the good news?

my religion doesn't proselytize and i believe in my own which tells me not to follow false pharisees. i find the whole proselytizing thing obnoxious and arrogant.
So you either don't believe your faith has positive things to offer, or you just don't give a damn about other people.

Excellent observation.

Many people teach that the Law, the way to eternal life, was given to the Jewish people only for the Jewish people.

Not only that, there is hidden teaching in the law that is kept secret from comprehension by gentiles and even other Jews who have been judged as being froward.

"No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law [Torah]." Dead sea scrolls, Manual of Discipline.

This is what Jesus objected to, because scripture clearly teaches that the law was given as a light to the nations.....for everybody. Don't fall for that Noachide law for gentiles bullshit.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

A city on a hill cannot be hidden.......

you can't use your scripture to prove your scripture
it's not only atheists who think christianity is misguided. personally, i don't care what you choose to believe. my issue is that you're arrogant enough to think others are supposed to believe it too.
If a Christian really believed in what they say they do, how much would they have to hate you to not tell you the good news?

my religion doesn't proselytize and i believe in my own which tells me not to follow false pharisees. i find the whole proselytizing thing obnoxious and arrogant.
So you either don't believe your faith has positive things to offer, or you just don't give a damn about other people.

Excellent observation.

Many people teach that the Law, the way to eternal life, was given to the Jewish people only for the Jewish people.

Not only that, there is hidden teaching in the law that is kept secret from comprehension by gentiles and even other Jews who have been judged as being froward.

"No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law [Torah]." Dead sea scrolls, Manual of Discipline.

This is what Jesus objected to, because scripture clearly teaches that the law was given as a light to the nations.....for everybody. Don't fall for that Noachide law for gentiles bullshit.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

A city on a hill cannot be hidden.......

you can't use your scripture to prove your scripture

I used your scripture to prove that your position is in error.
If a Christian really believed in what they say they do, how much would they have to hate you to not tell you the good news?

my religion doesn't proselytize and i believe in my own which tells me not to follow false pharisees. i find the whole proselytizing thing obnoxious and arrogant.
So you either don't believe your faith has positive things to offer, or you just don't give a damn about other people.

Excellent observation.

Many people teach that the Law, the way to eternal life, was given to the Jewish people only for the Jewish people.

Not only that, there is hidden teaching in the law that is kept secret from comprehension by gentiles and even other Jews who have been judged as being froward.

"No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law [Torah]." Dead sea scrolls, Manual of Discipline.

This is what Jesus objected to, because scripture clearly teaches that the law was given as a light to the nations.....for everybody. Don't fall for that Noachide law for gentiles bullshit.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

A city on a hill cannot be hidden.......

you can't use your scripture to prove your scripture

I used your scripture to prove that your position is in error.

the dead sea scrolls are by the essenes. not part of the old testament. and while I appreciate it, the messiah hasn't come. if the messiah had come then the things prophesized would have occurred.

but thanks so much .

like I said... arrogant and obnoxious to think your beliefs are superior to mine. I don't care what you matter how misguided I see it.
my religion doesn't proselytize and i believe in my own which tells me not to follow false pharisees. i find the whole proselytizing thing obnoxious and arrogant.
So you either don't believe your faith has positive things to offer, or you just don't give a damn about other people.

Excellent observation.

Many people teach that the Law, the way to eternal life, was given to the Jewish people only for the Jewish people.

Not only that, there is hidden teaching in the law that is kept secret from comprehension by gentiles and even other Jews who have been judged as being froward.

"No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law [Torah]." Dead sea scrolls, Manual of Discipline.

This is what Jesus objected to, because scripture clearly teaches that the law was given as a light to the nations.....for everybody. Don't fall for that Noachide law for gentiles bullshit.

No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

A city on a hill cannot be hidden.......

you can't use your scripture to prove your scripture

I used your scripture to prove that your position is in error.

the dead sea scrolls are by the essenes. not part of the old testament. and while I appreciate it, the messiah hasn't come. if the messiah had come then the things prophesized would have occurred.

but thanks so much .

like I said... arrogant and obnoxious to think your beliefs are superior to mine. I don't care what you matter how misguided I see it.

The scripture that I was referring to was the part where God gives the law to the Jewish people for the specific purpose of being a light to the nations.

Your position of keeping it to yourselves is what is at odds with your own scripture. Its not about me being superior, its about what is either true or false.

The verse from the dead sea scrolls that I posted, contemporaries of Jesus, shows that there was secret meaning and teaching in the law that was deliberately being held back, hidden, and kept secret from both gentiles and uninitiated Jews which was the vast majority of the population..

This shows what Jesus was arguing about when he said no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel.

This also explains why so many religious authorities were shocked at his teaching saying, "where did he get this teaching from", not because it was so revolutionary but because it was supposed to be being kept secret especially from people like Jesus.

And I really don't care what you believe either. listen don't listen.

It won't stop me from speaking my mind.

If it bothers you so much, find another hobby.
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People mourn at funerals because they will miss the loved one, especially when the person who died was young and his or her life was cut short. Christians believe in heaven, but there is no hurry to get there. There is a natural desire to prolong this life as long as possible before moving on to the next. As for me, I am not eager to die right away, but I do not fear death either. It will happen when it happens.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

it's not only atheists who think christianity is misguided. personally, i don't care what you choose to believe. my issue is that you're arrogant enough to think others are supposed to believe it too.
If a Christian really believed in what they say they do, how much would they have to hate you to not tell you the good news?

my religion doesn't proselytize and i believe in my own which tells me not to follow false pharisees. i find the whole proselytizing thing obnoxious and arrogant.
So you either don't believe your faith has positive things to offer, or you just don't give a damn about other people.
Jews don't recruit. In fact they're supposed to discourage people who say they want to convert.

They don't care to make you a Jew. If you aren't a Jew that's OK with them

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