Atheists Want Proof Of God?

Doesn't bother me.

Why would it?

I don't take anything on faith. You want me to believe? Show me.
Can you see air?
You know it's there but you can't see it.
Take in a deep breath and see what happens.
Lol, yes. Air is transparent, but you can still observe it. Step outside on a windy day.
That's the effects of pressure differential in the atmosphere, humidity, and the spinning of the Earth. It also tells us the Earth isn't flat.

There is also proof that God exists but you'll never admit that.

  1. The fact that you have a conscience.
How does that prove god?
The world around you exists nowhere else. They have tried to find life on other planets but none exists that they can find. If you believe there is intelligent life on other planets maybe God doesn't exist, but I doubt it. Do you think that the Earth was created out of chaos?
There likely is but that certainly does not disprove god. I think it is rather arrogant to think that god would create a universe so vast that it contains billions on billions of galaxies let alone planets and leave them all devoid of life.

More than that, why would expect us to have located life when we have been able to directly observe just one of those planets out of the uncountable billions. Add to that the one planet that we have really been able to observe (Mars) is right next door meaning it certainly does not contain the right circumstances to sustain life that is similar to ours.

Finally, we are even unsure of how to define life in a concrete manner. There very well could be something that qualifies as life but is so foreign that we have not detected it yet.

The top reason I know he exists is because of his son's sacrifice. Why would anyone want to put himself thru a crucifixion?
That requires faith in the first place. That is not proof, that is circular logic. You find faith before you find belief in the crucifixion.
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Can you see air?
Absolutely, with the right instrument.

What instrument can i use to see gods?

LHC. We supposedly found Higgs boson, a possible 4th dimension particle..
So that particle is god? :dunno:

No, it's a quantum particle that could travel from the 4th dimension and back. It would show that there is a way there and back.
Why is that? What else did they find in this supposedly 4th dimension?
Can you see air?
Absolutely, with the right instrument.

What instrument can i use to see gods?

LHC. We supposedly found Higgs boson, a possible 4th dimension particle..
So that particle is god? :dunno:

No, it's a quantum particle that could travel from the 4th dimension and back. It would show that there is a way there and back.
Why is that? What else did they find in this supposedly 4th dimension?

You better ask ding that or find out yourself. You just continue to not accept my answer and keep coming back.
Absolutely, with the right instrument.

What instrument can i use to see gods?

LHC. We supposedly found Higgs boson, a possible 4th dimension particle..
So that particle is god? :dunno:

No, it's a quantum particle that could travel from the 4th dimension and back. It would show that there is a way there and back.
Why is that? What else did they find in this supposedly 4th dimension?

You better ask ding that or find out yourself. You just continue to not accept my answer and keep coming back.
Why do you mention this 4th dimension?
Doesn't bother me.

Why would it?

I don't take anything on faith. You want me to believe? Show me.
Can you see air?
You know it's there but you can't see it.
Take in a deep breath and see what happens.
Lol, yes. Air is transparent, but you can still observe it. Step outside on a windy day.
That's the effects of pressure differential in the atmosphere, humidity, and the spinning of the Earth. It also tells us the Earth isn't flat.

There is also proof that God exists but you'll never admit that.

  1. The fact that you have a conscience.
  2. The world around you exists nowhere else. They have tried to find life on other planets but none exists that they can find. If you believe there is intelligent life on other planets maybe God doesn't exist, but I doubt it. Do you think that the Earth was created out of chaos?
  3. The top reason I know he exists is because of his son's sacrifice. Why would anyone want to put himself thru a crucifixion?
None of those things are proof of goD. Those are all things you choose to believe because you want too, no actual evidence.
Can you see air?
Absolutely, with the right instrument.

What instrument can i use to see gods?
A Bible.
Nope,sorry. You knew that was a dumb answer.
Not at all.
200 years ago we didn't know how many planets were in the solar system.
Now we have pictures. Up until then you just had to take someone's word for it.
Before they landed on the moon people thought that space bugs might kill us when the astronauts came back.
You just don't know about these things until we develop the technology to find out.
There's some folks that think the Earth has only existed for 6000 years.
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200 years ago we didn't know how many planets were in the solar system.
Now we have pictures. Up until then you just had to take someone's word for it.
Haha, wow, this is so dumb. So whose "word" were we taking on the number of planets, before the planets were discovered, and when nobody knew there were planets? Wha? Lay off the crack,son.
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200 years ago we didn't know how many planets were in the solar system.
Now we have pictures. Up until then you just had to take someone's word for it.
Haha, wow, this is so dumb. So whose "word" were we taking on the number of planets, before the planets were discovered, and when nobody knew there were planets? Wha? Lay off the crack,son.
Well, astronomers told us they existed 400 years ago but we just couldn't see them.
So we just had to trust them.
Course you're such a dipshit that you think everything we know now....they knew then.
4000 years ago the Hebrews saw proof that God existed.....but they're all gone now.
God actually walked among them. Moses talked to him.
But gee.....I guess God never existed.
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200 years ago we didn't know how many planets were in the solar system.
Now we have pictures. Up until then you just had to take someone's word for it.
Haha, wow, this is so dumb. So whose "word" were we taking on the number of planets, before the planets were discovered, and when nobody knew there were planets? Wha? Lay off the crack,son.
Well, astronomers told us they existed 400 years ago but we just couldn't see them.
So we just had to trust them.
That is not how science works mud and you know that. No one said that they exist but we had to take their word for it. Instead, scientists stated they existed because of a set of verifiable and repeatable measurements.

There is a very large difference between that and what you claim.
Faith is something I believe. How would I prove I believe it?
Why would I lie about it? Why does it bother you?
1. please explain in detail how you came to the conclusion that it bothers me/etc
I see that stupid shit a lot:
it bothers atheists
atheists must live a miserable life/hate life/etc
2. you CAN'T prove it = not true
3. it's not really lying, but dreaming/wanting/needing/etc
200 years ago we didn't know how many planets were in the solar system.
Now we have pictures. Up until then you just had to take someone's word for it.
Haha, wow, this is so dumb. So whose "word" were we taking on the number of planets, before the planets were discovered, and when nobody knew there were planets? Wha? Lay off the crack,son.
Well, astronomers told us they existed 400 years ago but we just couldn't see them.
So we just had to trust them.
That is not how science works mud and you know that. No one said that they exist but we had to take their word for it. Instead, scientists stated they existed because of a set of verifiable and repeatable measurements.

There is a very large difference between that and what you claim.
Actually there is no difference to someone who doesn't do math.
Most people wouldn't know what in the heck you were talking about.
And the fact is....none of us has stepped foot on anything other than the moon.
So the existence of other planets is still something we have to take on faith.
Seeing is believing apparently to some.
Doesn't bother me.

Why would it?

I don't take anything on faith. You want me to believe? Show me.

I'm glad it doesn't bother you as your lack of faith doesn't bother me.

I can only think if you do not believe in the Biblical God, then you lose your life and end up in hell.

As for taking things on faith, those who do not believe the Biblical God, believe in silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis. I hope you don't as there is no proof. Otherwise, you are a liar.

Creation science tells me that there are no aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis because God didn't create them. So far, I am right as rain.

ETA: I believe because I had faith and God revealed himself to me. Thus, I was able to verify my belief. Also, I ended comparing what I believed before in evolution and found out it was a lie (after comparing it with creation).
I can only think if you do not believe in the Biblical God, then you lose your life and end up in hell.

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