Atheists Want Proof Of God?

Well, astronomers told us they existed 400 years ago but we just couldn't see them.

Um...every human who has ever lived was able to see Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Venus.

Again, put down the crack pipe.
Not with the naked least not clearly.
They just look like any other star.
Unless you're in the field you have to rely on someone else to tell you what they are.
LHC. We supposedly found Higgs boson, a possible 4th dimension particle..
So that particle is god? :dunno:

No, it's a quantum particle that could travel from the 4th dimension and back. It would show that there is a way there and back.
Why is that? What else did they find in this supposedly 4th dimension?

You better ask ding that or find out yourself. You just continue to not accept my answer and keep coming back.
Why do you mention this 4th dimension?

Because we live in the physical world of space made up of length, width, and depth. We also have time and that is the 4th dimension. In terms of physics, I suppose we call it spacetime. God is spirit and that means he is beyond our physical senses. Thus, there is no way to prove God. God as supernatural is only described in Genesis. He tells us that there is no other supernatural like ghosts, superstition, fortune tellers, psychics, and so on. The spirit world is his world. The Bible tells us that God is timeless, "For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past,or as a watch in the night." Psalm 90:4

The 4th dimension means God does not care about time. It is irrelevant to him because he transcends it in the 4th dimension. We may be able to transcend time in the afterlife, but not in our lifetimes. That is why this physical world isn't the real world. I don't know if paradise will be physical or spiritual, so I'm not sure if we will be able to transcend time. If the real life is spiritual, then we will be able to..

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Not with the naked least not clearly.
Um, yes, you can clearly see Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars with the naked eye.

In fact, I invite you to go outside tonight, look straight up, then tilt your head slightly downward toward the south. You will see a brilliant Jupiter in the sky.

No, they don't look like any other star. For one, planets don't twinkle, like stars do. Second, they move from night to night, while stars do not. Third, all 4 of them are among the brightest objects in the night sky. Copernicus was tracking them in the early 1500s and identified them as planets. By the way, that was more than 400 years ago. ;)
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Not with the naked least not clearly.
Um, yes, you can clearly see Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars with the naked eye.

In fact, I invite to go outside tonight, look straight up, then tilt your head downward slightly to the south. You will see a brilliant Jupiter in the sky.

No, they dont look like any other star. For one, planets dont twinkle, like stars do. Second, they move from night to night, while stars do not. Third, all 4 of them are among the brightest objects on the night sky. Copernicus was tracking them in the early 1500s and identifoed them as planets. By the way, thats more than 400 years ago. ;)
Again you're talking about stuff you read online or heard on television.
It wasn't common knowledge 400 years ago.
Something you libs seem to think is that the way things used to be only matters when you can use it against someone politically.....but you really don't know what it was like for humans on this planet when Copernicus was alive. It's not like the internet existed back then. So what he knew wasn't known by everyone, idiot.
Again you're talking about stuff you read online or heard on television.
False. I took physics, astronomy, and cosmology courses in college. I own a telescope and have had time in an observatory.

And I don't have to read anything to look up to see that planets dont twinkle like stars, that they change position every night, and that they are among the brightest objects in the sky.

Dude, put down the crack pipe.
but you really don't know what it was like for humans on this planet when Copernicus was alive.
I know that the ones who weren't ignorant knew the difference between planets and stars.

As you just demonstrated, that also holds true today.
So that particle is god? :dunno:

No, it's a quantum particle that could travel from the 4th dimension and back. It would show that there is a way there and back.
Why is that? What else did they find in this supposedly 4th dimension?

You better ask ding that or find out yourself. You just continue to not accept my answer and keep coming back.
Why do you mention this 4th dimension?

Because we live in the physical world of space made up of length, width, and depth. We also have time and that is the 4th dimension. In terms of physics, I suppose we call it spacetime. God is spirit and that means he is beyond our physical senses. Thus, there is no way to prove God. God as supernatural is only described in Genesis. He tells us that there is no other supernatural like ghosts, superstition, fortune tellers, psychics, and so on. The spirit world is his world. The Bible tells us that God is timeless, "For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past,or as a watch in the night." Psalm 90:4

The 4th dimension means God does not care about time. It is irrelevant to him because he transcends it in the 4th dimension. We may be able to transcend time in the afterlife, but not in our lifetimes. That is why this physical world isn't the real world. I don't know if paradise will be physical or spiritual, so I'm not sure if we will be able to transcend time. If the real life is spiritual, then we will be able to..

you/us/humans have no idea what the f you are babbling about
you CAN'T know anything about a ''god''/supernatural/etc
Agnostics are Atheists for fact.
.the only difference is that they actually are not yet ready to come to conclusion that God doesn't exist.
Hypocrites ?
But for sure have no clue.
you/us/humans have no idea what the f you are babbling about
you CAN'T know anything about a ''god''/supernatural/etc

Haha. It's because you do not understand physics.

Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes | CERN

Why would we atheists ask for proof of something that doesn't exist?

How do you know it doesn't exist? People didn't think quantum particles such as the Higgs boson existed until the 60s and it wasn't found until 2012. Now, we're looking to see if we can show the 4th dimension or extra dimensions exists.
Here's the latest on Higgs boson -- ATLAS Experiment explores the Higgs boson 'discovery channels'.

Like most of you, the terms used in subatomic particles is not something that I am really familiar with, but eventually we should learn more from how they interact as we learned with electrons, protons and photons. Higgs boson is associated with the Higgs field which is thought to exist everywhere in the universe. The particle that make up the Higgs field is the Higgs boson. It gives mass to the other particles except the photon which is massless.
I own a telescope and have had time in an observatory.

What kind of telescope? I suppose you take photos. Let's see them. There was a thread about a friend of a poster sending him photos of Jupiter. They were spectacular. I've only seen Jupiter and Venus with the naked eye and took photos with my camera, but they're only meaningful to me lol.
Again you're talking about stuff you read online or heard on television.
False. I took physics, astronomy, and cosmology courses in college. I own a telescope and have had time in an observatory.

And I don't have to read anything to look up to see that planets dont twinkle like stars, that they change position every night, and that they are among the brightest objects in the sky.

Dude, put down the crack pipe.
You still don't understand what I'm trying to say.


Imagine yourself 400 years ago. How many physics, astronomy, and cosmology courses would you have studied living in a dirt hut in the middle of, say, Scotland?
I guess you'd feel that science was witchcraft.
It would be about as believable as the existence of a higher being is to you today.
Seems the more man learns, the more he thinks he's God.
So that particle is god? :dunno:

No, it's a quantum particle that could travel from the 4th dimension and back. It would show that there is a way there and back.
Why is that? What else did they find in this supposedly 4th dimension?

You better ask ding that or find out yourself. You just continue to not accept my answer and keep coming back.
Why do you mention this 4th dimension?

Because we live in the physical world of space made up of length, width, and depth. We also have time and that is the 4th dimension. In terms of physics, I suppose we call it spacetime. God is spirit and that means he is beyond our physical senses. Thus, there is no way to prove God. God as supernatural is only described in Genesis. He tells us that there is no other supernatural like ghosts, superstition, fortune tellers, psychics, and so on. The spirit world is his world. The Bible tells us that God is timeless, "For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past,or as a watch in the night." Psalm 90:4

The 4th dimension means God does not care about time. It is irrelevant to him because he transcends it in the 4th dimension. We may be able to transcend time in the afterlife, but not in our lifetimes. That is why this physical world isn't the real world. I don't know if paradise will be physical or spiritual, so I'm not sure if we will be able to transcend time. If the real life is spiritual, then we will be able to..

Man, that's a lot of fartsmoke, even for you. Do you make this up as you go along?
Man, that's a lot of fartsmoke, even for you. Do you make this up as you go along?

Haha. You don't understand physics, either.

To you and harmonica, the evidence of a real 4th dimension would be cause for the believers to break out some champagne. Of course, you simpletons will remain duh.
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