Atheists worship the evilest god

Science is evil? That's good to know. :)
Science doesn't care what happens to you, doesn't offer a way of salvation, lets you be subjected to natural disasters and lets you find out how to cope with them through pure trial and error and doesn't care if there is even a solution to begin with.

Science as "gospel" therefore sounds like a much eviler God than any of those of world religions.

--- and you stuck it there as a Strawman, so you made no point.
Science is evil? That's good to know. :)
Science doesn't care what happens to you, doesn't offer a way of salvation, lets you be subjected to natural disasters and lets you find out how to cope with them through pure trial and error and doesn't care if there is even a solution to begin with.

Science as "gospel" therefore sounds like a much eviler God than any of those of world religions.

--- and you stuck it there as a Strawman, so you made no point.
What do you expect from Alex Jones fans..
You people who don't believe in bigfoot, you worship your own of big foot. And you don't wash your socks nearly enough. And you use your big foot to step on bigfoot worshippers.

You worship your own hairy ugly big foot. Because all thoughts are equally valid and real so your big foot is no more believable or unbelievable than my bigfoot.

In one bible Jesus says "sell your wealth and help the poor, forgive your enemies, return evil with good, what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me."

And in the other bible Jesus says "lay up wealth, care not for your brethren for they are lazy, let their children not have access to doctors for they cannot afford it so too bad, drop bombs on thine enemies and kill as many as is possible and worship the bomb makers and droppers, judge others nonstop as you are annointed the judges of the world rather than me, thine ego is most important so argue with your brethren because being right is more important than being kind and, again, you are annointed the judges of the world, wall up thine land from those who would come to yours and work for they are the wretched refuse of humanity and you should not care about them at all - what do they think this is, a shining city on a hill and a beacon for all humanity?, ignore the 20,000 children that die every day around the world but scream like banshees about the relatively few abortions because screaming like a banshee takes little effort and costs you no money...

No one has found the second version of this bible but it must be real, so many follow it.

The whole thing looks so evil when in context doesn't it? Who in hell ever looks in a babies eyes and thinks "you are guilty of your crimes". Disgusting.

Why is it disgusting? Nothing in atheism prohibits eating babies. If an atheist feels like doing so, there's no reason not to. Some animals kill and eat their young so why should an atheist have any objection to it, since he's just an animal?
Science is evil? That's good to know. :)
Science doesn't care what happens to you, doesn't offer a way of salvation, lets you be subjected to natural disasters and lets you find out how to cope with them through pure trial and error and doesn't care if there is even a solution to begin with.

Science as "gospel" therefore sounds like a much eviler God than any of those of world religions.

I hate to break the news, but everything you're afraid of already happens. You are subjected to natural disasters now. Have you ever been in a tornado, a wildfire, an earthquake, a hurricane?
We don't look to the material world for our salvation, so whatever happens is of no ultimate cost to us. But atheists' entire 'salvation plan' boils down to pure luck.
In part, you have described the hopelessness of the religious zealots position. It's a complete abandonment of any ethical standard.

Don't pollute the environment? Why not? I'll go a magical heaven when I die.

Global warming? Screw it! I'll go a magical heaven when I die.

Over population? Who cares. The long haired hippie walking around in sandals is waiting for me in heaven.
Who cares if it happens on earth?

Rape, steal, murder? Why not if it makes me happy? There's no penalty as long as I can get away with it. Jeffery Dahmer and Ghandi are both just going to cease to exist, so if I want to become a serial killer, why not?

Why not? Make it a holy and merciful act just as the Spanish (Christian) conquistadors did as they decimated the Aztec population. While crushing the skulls of children on rocks at the river, they would perform baptismal ceremonies, thus ensuring the dying child's safe passage into heaven.

Why would they bother with this ritual if they were not men of faith? Certainly they were.

So since the child (ostensibly) ascended directly to Heaven, was the baptism a merciful act?

Science doesn't care what happens to you, doesn't offer a way of salvation, lets you be subjected to natural disasters and lets you find out how to cope with them through pure trial and error and doesn't care if there is even a solution to begin with.

Science as "gospel" therefore sounds like a much eviler God than any of those of world religions.

I hate to break the news, but everything you're afraid of already happens. You are subjected to natural disasters now. Have you ever been in a tornado, a wildfire, an earthquake, a hurricane?
We don't look to the material world for our salvation, so whatever happens is of no ultimate cost to us. But atheists' entire 'salvation plan' boils down to pure luck.
In part, you have described the hopelessness of the religious zealots position. It's a complete abandonment of any ethical standard.

Don't pollute the environment? Why not? I'll go a magical heaven when I die.

Global warming? Screw it! I'll go a magical heaven when I die.

Over population? Who cares. The long haired hippie walking around in sandals is waiting for me in heaven.
Who cares if it happens on earth?

Rape, steal, murder? Why not if it makes me happy? There's no penalty as long as I can get away with it. Jeffery Dahmer and Ghandi are both just going to cease to exist, so if I want to become a serial killer, why not?

Why not? Make it a holy and merciful act just as the Spanish (Christian) conquistadors did as they decimated the Aztec population. While crushing the skulls of children on rocks at the river, they would perform baptismal ceremonies, thus ensuring the dying child's safe passage into heaven.

Why would they bother with this ritual if they were not men of faith? Certainly they were.

So since the child (ostensibly) ascended directly to Heaven, was the baptism a merciful act?
Seems to be a step above the Aztecs who practice ritual cannibalism and human sacrifice, at least they honored their dead enemies.
Science is evil? That's good to know. :)
Science doesn't care what happens to you, doesn't offer a way of salvation, lets you be subjected to natural disasters and lets you find out how to cope with them through pure trial and error and doesn't care if there is even a solution to begin with.

Science as "gospel" therefore sounds like a much eviler God than any of those of world religions.

I hate to break the news, but everything you're afraid of already happens. You are subjected to natural disasters now. Have you ever been in a tornado, a wildfire, an earthquake, a hurricane?
We don't look to the material world for our salvation, so whatever happens is of no ultimate cost to us. But atheists' entire 'salvation plan' boils down to pure luck.
‘Salvation’ is the myth contrived by Christian dogma intended to exploit man’s fear of death during a time when politics and religion were one in the same, and the only means by which large populations could be subdued and controlled.

Those free from faith have already reconciled themselves with their own mortality, and simply don’t need an emotional/psychological crutch such as ‘salvation.’

But please, continue to ‘tell’ those free from faith what they ‘believe,’ it provides further confirmation of the arrogance common to far too many Christians.
You people who don't believe in bigfoot, you worship your own of big foot. And you don't wash your socks nearly enough. And you use your big foot to step on bigfoot worshippers.

You worship your own hairy ugly big foot. Because all thoughts are equally valid and real so your big foot is no more believable or unbelievable than my bigfoot.

In one bible Jesus says "sell your wealth and help the poor, forgive your enemies, return evil with good, what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me."

And in the other bible Jesus says "lay up wealth, care not for your brethren for they are lazy, let their children not have access to doctors for they cannot afford it so too bad, drop bombs on thine enemies and kill as many as is possible and worship the bomb makers and droppers, judge others nonstop as you are annointed the judges of the world rather than me, thine ego is most important so argue with your brethren because being right is more important than being kind and, again, you are annointed the judges of the world, wall up thine land from those who would come to yours and work for they are the wretched refuse of humanity and you should not care about them at all - what do they think this is, a shining city on a hill and a beacon for all humanity?, ignore the 20,000 children that die every day around the world but scream like banshees about the relatively few abortions because screaming like a banshee takes little effort and costs you no money...

No one has found the second version of this bible but it must be real, so many follow it.

The whole thing looks so evil when in context doesn't it? Who in hell ever looks in a babies eyes and thinks "you are guilty of your crimes". Disgusting.

Why is it disgusting? Nothing in atheism prohibits eating babies. If an atheist feels like doing so, there's no reason not to. Some animals kill and eat their young so why should an atheist have any objection to it, since he's just an animal?

nothing stops a Christian from doing the same, since all they have to do is ask to be forgiven....
I hate to break the news, but everything you're afraid of already happens. You are subjected to natural disasters now. Have you ever been in a tornado, a wildfire, an earthquake, a hurricane?
We don't look to the material world for our salvation, so whatever happens is of no ultimate cost to us. But atheists' entire 'salvation plan' boils down to pure luck.
In part, you have described the hopelessness of the religious zealots position. It's a complete abandonment of any ethical standard.

Don't pollute the environment? Why not? I'll go a magical heaven when I die.

Global warming? Screw it! I'll go a magical heaven when I die.

Over population? Who cares. The long haired hippie walking around in sandals is waiting for me in heaven.
Who cares if it happens on earth?

Rape, steal, murder? Why not if it makes me happy? There's no penalty as long as I can get away with it. Jeffery Dahmer and Ghandi are both just going to cease to exist, so if I want to become a serial killer, why not?

Why not? Make it a holy and merciful act just as the Spanish (Christian) conquistadors did as they decimated the Aztec population. While crushing the skulls of children on rocks at the river, they would perform baptismal ceremonies, thus ensuring the dying child's safe passage into heaven.

Why would they bother with this ritual if they were not men of faith? Certainly they were.

So since the child (ostensibly) ascended directly to Heaven, was the baptism a merciful act?
Seems to be a step above the Aztecs who practice ritual cannibalism and human sacrifice, at least they honored their dead enemies.
They also honored their gawds during their quaint practices of human sacrifice.

Any lambs running around by you?
You people who don't believe in bigfoot, you worship your own of big foot. And you don't wash your socks nearly enough. And you use your big foot to step on bigfoot worshippers.

You worship your own hairy ugly big foot. Because all thoughts are equally valid and real so your big foot is no more believable or unbelievable than my bigfoot.

In one bible Jesus says "sell your wealth and help the poor, forgive your enemies, return evil with good, what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me."

And in the other bible Jesus says "lay up wealth, care not for your brethren for they are lazy, let their children not have access to doctors for they cannot afford it so too bad, drop bombs on thine enemies and kill as many as is possible and worship the bomb makers and droppers, judge others nonstop as you are annointed the judges of the world rather than me, thine ego is most important so argue with your brethren because being right is more important than being kind and, again, you are annointed the judges of the world, wall up thine land from those who would come to yours and work for they are the wretched refuse of humanity and you should not care about them at all - what do they think this is, a shining city on a hill and a beacon for all humanity?, ignore the 20,000 children that die every day around the world but scream like banshees about the relatively few abortions because screaming like a banshee takes little effort and costs you no money...

No one has found the second version of this bible but it must be real, so many follow it.

The whole thing looks so evil when in context doesn't it? Who in hell ever looks in a babies eyes and thinks "you are guilty of your crimes". Disgusting.

Why is it disgusting? Nothing in atheism prohibits eating babies. If an atheist feels like doing so, there's no reason not to. Some animals kill and eat their young so why should an atheist have any objection to it, since he's just an animal?

You live in a bizarre unreality. You are free to do so, just keep it in your own home, thanks.
‘Salvation’ is the myth contrived by Christian dogma intended to exploit man’s fear of death during a time when politics and religion were one in the same, and the only means by which large populations could be subdued and controlled.

Salvation is not a myth. Salvation is not about fear of death. Salvation is not about controlling and subduing populations.

Salvation is about quality of life.

Like no one out there is screwed up in the head........
IndependantAce believes that if the if one doesn't believe in the big Sky Daddy one will simply rape and murder and do what they want at will. Maybe not wanting to rape and murder at will is doing what we want. This is because we realized these actions are wrong. We are not children that need a big sky daddy to keep us in line with a promise of salvation and heaven or some other ultimate reward. We also don't need some fear of eternal punishment like hell to keep us from going on a killing or rape spree. We don't do it because we know it is wrong. It is wrong on an individual level and on a societal level. If you truly believe that the course of your life would put you on a path to rape and murder if you stopped believing in your sky daddy, then by all means, keep believing.
And if you think that's harsh, if you believe... I could just aswell say that christians have caused torture, wars, hatred and a number of other horrible things. Don't you think in this manner, the Jews who were exterminated, if christian God existed, it would be karma for the jews killing jesus? because if the bible is true with it's venemous words, then it would be a fact that it is karma.

In the OT the jews did the extermination and in the NT, Rome went to stop the civil war amongst the Jews.
Still a load of garbage at the same time. It just isn't true.Jesus was real, he was a messenger, I only say this because I think we need to stop fighting over who is god and who isn't, like I say it causes problems for the world.

If you know both sides of history its true.
You people who don't believe in bigfoot, you worship your own of big foot. And you don't wash your socks nearly enough. And you use your big foot to step on bigfoot worshippers.

You worship your own hairy ugly big foot. Because all thoughts are equally valid and real so your big foot is no more believable or unbelievable than my bigfoot.

In one bible Jesus says "sell your wealth and help the poor, forgive your enemies, return evil with good, what you do to the least of these my brothers you do also to me."

And in the other bible Jesus says "lay up wealth, care not for your brethren for they are lazy, let their children not have access to doctors for they cannot afford it so too bad, drop bombs on thine enemies and kill as many as is possible and worship the bomb makers and droppers, judge others nonstop as you are annointed the judges of the world rather than me, thine ego is most important so argue with your brethren because being right is more important than being kind and, again, you are annointed the judges of the world, wall up thine land from those who would come to yours and work for they are the wretched refuse of humanity and you should not care about them at all - what do they think this is, a shining city on a hill and a beacon for all humanity?, ignore the 20,000 children that die every day around the world but scream like banshees about the relatively few abortions because screaming like a banshee takes little effort and costs you no money...

No one has found the second version of this bible but it must be real, so many follow it.

The whole thing looks so evil when in context doesn't it? Who in hell ever looks in a babies eyes and thinks "you are guilty of your crimes". Disgusting.

Why is it disgusting? Nothing in atheism prohibits eating babies. If an atheist feels like doing so, there's no reason not to. Some animals kill and eat their young so why should an atheist have any objection to it, since he's just an animal?

Since atheism doesn't offer any moral guidelines nore an afterlife we have to get them elsewhere.We call that place secular law and common sense. We don't get a do over so we have to get it right the first time. So implying like you do a lot that atheism is evil is not only wrong but it tells a whole lot about you as a person. It sais that altough you might say you follow christ, you sure as hell are pretty deaf to his message.
It is a fallacy that only religion provides for 'morality'. If this were the case civilization never would have arose some 8-10,000 years ago as everyone would have been killing each other and taking their wives and their shit. But this is one of the things religious people love to tell themselves, that only religion makes people moral. Civilization 8,000 years ago yet Christianity only came into existence 2,000 years ago? Say it isn't so.

Now we'll get the few whacks who want to claim the Earth is 6,000 years old. :bye1:
It is a fallacy that only religion provides for 'morality'. If this were the case civilization never would have arose some 8-10,000 years ago as everyone would have been killing each other and taking their wives and their shit. But this is one of the things religious people love to tell themselves, that only religion makes people moral. Civilization 8,000 years ago yet Christianity only came into existence 2,000 years ago? Say it isn't so.

Now we'll get the few whacks who want to claim the Earth is 6,000 years old. :bye1:
Young earthers..SMH

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