Atlanta Fed GDP estimate for Q2 = Holy Crap!!

My God this is the big old bumpy cucumber for the DUMS. 4.8% was never uttered once in the Soetoro days..... it's jackpot territory unless you were progressive. Throw in Kanye and Rodman = bad month for the DUMS:113:
talk is cheap
My God this is the big old bumpy cucumber for the DUMS. 4.8% was never uttered once in the Soetoro days.
Obama had an actual quarter of OVER 5%, just because you lying scum never talked about it doesn't mean it didn't happen, just like your constant talking about Donnie Dirt Bag's 4% to 5% doesn't mean Tramp ever made it happen.
You got a link for that
You should know by now I ALWAYS have a link!
Real GDP growth in the United States, by quarter 2011-2017 | Statistic
Dang....more bad news for progressives already reeling after the Rodman appearance on CNN.

Atlanta Fed predicting 4.8% growth for Q2 :ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Atlanta Fed: Q2 GDP estimate rises to 4.8% from 4.6% story on DRUDGE right now :2up:

Ahem, those were OBAMA'S POLICIES, finally kicking in just as he h ad planned after two years.


Dont be shocked to see the Dims downplay this.

They all said Trump would crash the economy in one year once taking office.

How many times do these retards have to be proven completely wrong before people get it; the Dimocrats are nothing more than a criminal syndicate influence selling racket.

And the RINO Establishment right along with them.
Great news about the rise, although I still have a concern about these tariffs. I see there was a slight slip in manufacturing last month. I'm not going Debbie Downer here because a 0.7% drop seems to me minimal, but since they write it was the largest monthly decline in over 4 years it is something to continue to keep an eye on.

U.S. industrial output dips in May as manufacturing declines

The economy of our Republic was BUILT on tariffs.

Dont worry, when a nation is consistently having trade deficits like ours, a trade war puts that money back in their own pockets.

We have nothihng to lose by telling our so-called trading partners to fix the deficits or we will raise tariffs across the board.
Dang....more bad news for progressives already reeling after the Rodman appearance on CNN.

Atlanta Fed predicting 4.8% growth for Q2 :ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Atlanta Fed: Q2 GDP estimate rises to 4.8% from 4.6% story on DRUDGE right now :2up:

Well well. Yet another person who has not the foggiest idea how the GDPNow actually works (and I had this same discussion with Obamabots when Obama was in office).

For the umpteenth time to someone...the GDPNow is NOT - repeat NOT - a forecast for the GDP for the entire quarter.

It says so right on their site:

'Our GDPNow forecasting model provides a "nowcast" of the official estimate prior to its release by estimating GDP growth using a methodology similar to the one used by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

GDPNow is not an official forecast of the Atlanta Fed. Rather, it is best viewed as a running estimate of real GDP growth based on available data for the current measured quarter.'

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

People...ALL the GDPNow does is estimate what the GDP growth for the present quarter would be TODAY based ONLY on the data that has been released so far this quarter. And much of that data only comes out every TONS opf data is not yet available on the present quarter GDP growth.

In other words - it means NOTHING.

The GDPNow usually starts out REALLY high. And then as the 1/4 progresses - and more data comes in - it drops back down to the actual number.

This was the GDPNow chart for Q1 2018:


And people around year were going nuts that the growth rate for that quarter would be over 5%. WRONG. Look where it ended? Under 2. In reality it was 2.2%.

Sheesh...I wish you people would stop getting your economic news from the MSM...THEY ARE USUALLY CLUELESS ON MACROECONOMICS.
NEVER believe headlines...always check the stats out yourself.

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