"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

I would not expect this movie to be either a critical success or a box office smash, either.

The subject matter itself (regardless of what you think of Rand or her toxic social theories) just doesn't appeal much to the average movie goer.

I'll probably watch it if I can, but then I'm not remotely part of an average movie audience.
Ayn Rand is perhaps one of the worst authors I've ever wasted my time on. I got through 3/4ths of the Fountainhead before I tossed the book where it belonged..the trash.

It's comforting to know that before she died..she, like many Americans, had to rely on SSI because she went broke due to Medical expenses.

The irony was thick with this one.

Even many people that hate Atlas Shrugged seem to like The Fountainhead. I agree with you though, I came away from the book shaking my head at what an asshole Roark was.

Howard Roark As the protagonist and hero in the book, Roark is an aspiring architect who firmly believes that a person must be a "prime mover" to achieve pure art, not mitigated by others, as opposed to councils or committees of individuals which lead to compromise and mediocrity and a "watering down" of a prime mover's completed vision. He represents the triumph of individualism over the slow stagnation of collectivism. Bowing to none, Roark rises from an unknown architect who was kicked out of school for "drawing outside of the lines". It is widely believed that Rand modeled the character of Howard Roark after Frank Lloyd Wright.[19] The descriptions of the character also have much in common with her earlier writings influenced by the murderer William Edward Hickman.[20] Roark goes on to design many landmark buildings. Roark rails against convention. He is eventually arrested and brought to trial for dynamiting a building he designed, but whose design was compromised by other architects brought in to negate his vision of the project. With a powerful speech condemning "second-handers" and declaring the superiority of prime movers, Roark prevails and is vindicated by the jury.

The Fountainhead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I had two issues with Roark.

1) Rape.
2) Blowing things up.

That said, it was a great novel, and a great movie.
you and your fellow right wing conservatives believe in a dog eat dog mentality and work diligently to assure that a smalll portion of the populace reap GREAT REWARDS while MILLIONS living in poverty

is that so wrong ?

Is it wrong to work to assure that millions live in poverty?
Yes, it is.

What kind of fucked up world do you live in?

That is exactly what liberals in government do - Work to ensure millions live in poverty.

And yes it is wrong and thats why there are millions who oppose liberals being in power.
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I would not expect this movie to be either a critical success or a box office smash, either.

The subject matter itself (regardless of what you think of Rand or her toxic social theories) just doesn't appeal much to the average movie goer.

I'll probably watch it if I can, but then I'm not remotely part of an average movie audience.

I was thinking of going to watch it, mostly to see the mass of RWers lap it up like the mindless lemmings they are.

However, I thought about it and I wont spend a red cent on that swill.

I'll just wait for it to be released on DVD in 3 to 4 weeks and download it from the Torrents.

I would not expect this movie to be either a critical success or a box office smash, either.

The subject matter itself (regardless of what you think of Rand or her toxic social theories) just doesn't appeal much to the average movie goer.

I'll probably watch it if I can, but then I'm not remotely part of an average movie audience.

I was thinking of going to watch it, mostly to see the mass of RWers lap it up like the mindless lemmings they are.

However, I thought about it and I wont spend a red cent on that swill.

I'll just wait for it to be released on DVD in 3 to 4 weeks and download it from the Torrents.


Typically liberal insisting someone else to pay for what he wants. What a shock.
I would not expect this movie to be either a critical success or a box office smash, either.

The subject matter itself (regardless of what you think of Rand or her toxic social theories) just doesn't appeal much to the average movie goer.

I'll probably watch it if I can, but then I'm not remotely part of an average movie audience.

I was thinking of going to watch it, mostly to see the mass of RWers lap it up like the mindless lemmings they are.

However, I thought about it and I wont spend a red cent on that swill.

I'll just wait for it to be released on DVD in 3 to 4 weeks and download it from the Torrents.


Typically liberal insisting someone else to pay for what he wants. What a shock.

He never said he wouldn't pay. He just said he would defer the satisfaction of laughing at it.

Atlas Shrugged may make a good substitute for Rocky Horror Picture Show

They could show it midnight on Saturdays and the audience can laugh and throw things at the screen
Sorry to bust your bubble Iran. Life doesn't imitate art except in the minds of fools who grew up watching MTV.
I was thinking of going to watch it, mostly to see the mass of RWers lap it up like the mindless lemmings they are.

However, I thought about it and I wont spend a red cent on that swill.

I'll just wait for it to be released on DVD in 3 to 4 weeks and download it from the Torrents.


Typically liberal insisting someone else to pay for what he wants. What a shock.

He never said he wouldn't pay. He just said he would defer the satisfaction of laughing at it.

Atlas Shrugged may make a good substitute for Rocky Horror Picture Show

They could show it midnight on Saturdays and the audience can laugh and throw things at the screen

It's cute watching you whip out one liners, and you could be right. The movie might suck. But clever as you think you are, I have yet to hear an actual argument as to any fallacy of her philosophy.
Typically liberal insisting someone else to pay for what he wants. What a shock.

He never said he wouldn't pay. He just said he would defer the satisfaction of laughing at it.

Atlas Shrugged may make a good substitute for Rocky Horror Picture Show

They could show it midnight on Saturdays and the audience can laugh and throw things at the screen

It's cute watching you whip out one liners, and you could be right. The movie might suck. But clever as you think you are, I have yet to hear an actual argument as to any fallacy of her philosophy.

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He never said he wouldn't pay. He just said he would defer the satisfaction of laughing at it.

Atlas Shrugged may make a good substitute for Rocky Horror Picture Show

They could show it midnight on Saturdays and the audience can laugh and throw things at the screen

It's cute watching you whip out one liners, and you could be right. The movie might suck. But clever as you think you are, I have yet to hear an actual argument as to any fallacy of her philosophy.


If that were actually accurate that Rand's philosophy somehow stipulated that entrepreneurs and CEO's didnt have to make their own lunch, you might have a point. Unfortuantely nothing about her philosophy actually says that. You're like every other Rand basher out there. You really don't know shit about the philosophy, only what someone else who doesn't know shit about it thinks. In short what those entreprenuers would do under Rand's philosophy, in the opinion of this moron cartoonist, simply isnt' accurate. You might be better off actually making your OWN argument.
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I would not expect this movie to be either a critical success or a box office smash, either.

The subject matter itself (regardless of what you think of Rand or her toxic social theories) just doesn't appeal much to the average movie goer.

I'll probably watch it if I can, but then I'm not remotely part of an average movie audience.

I was thinking of going to watch it, mostly to see the mass of RWers lap it up like the mindless lemmings they are.

However, I thought about it and I wont spend a red cent on that swill.

I'll just wait for it to be released on DVD in 3 to 4 weeks and download it from the Torrents.


I don't advise you watching it either Marc. You have good Survival Instinct. ;)
It's cute watching you whip out one liners, and you could be right. The movie might suck. But clever as you think you are, I have yet to hear an actual argument as to any fallacy of her philosophy.


If that were actually accurate that Rand's philosophy somehow stipulated that entrepreneurs and CEO's didnt have to make their own lunch, you might have a point. Unfortuantely nothing about her philosophy actually says that. You're like every other Rand basher out there. You really don't know shit about the philosophy, only what someone else who doesn't know shit about it thinks. In short what those entreprenuers would do under Rand's philosophy, in the opinion of this moron cartoonist, simply isnt' accurate. You might be better off actually making your OWN argument.
Another constant failing of Rand bashers is that they don't see how it works for the poor. They also have ownership and the right to their labor and profit from their work. It's about people who do, make and create. The drivers of the world are not all captains of industry who made their own businesses. They are just the best examples. If you actually read the book and understand how John Galt became who he was, you know that it's not about only the rich.

The brave souls who buck convention and stand up to create and make a better world are the ones who we should honor. Not the faceless masses who tear down the brilliant. The individual has the right to exist, experiment, triumph or fall in their own right and owe no fealty or debt to those who could benefit or have need.

If that were actually accurate that Rand's philosophy somehow stipulated that entrepreneurs and CEO's didnt have to make their own lunch, you might have a point. Unfortuantely nothing about her philosophy actually says that. You're like every other Rand basher out there. You really don't know shit about the philosophy, only what someone else who doesn't know shit about it thinks. In short what those entreprenuers would do under Rand's philosophy, in the opinion of this moron cartoonist, simply isnt' accurate. You might be better off actually making your OWN argument.
Another constant failing of Rand bashers is that they don't see how it works for the poor. They also have ownership and the right to their labor and profit from their work. It's about people who do, make and create. The drivers of the world are not all captains of industry who made their own businesses. They are just the best examples. If you actually read the book and understand how John Galt became who he was, you know that it's not about only the rich.

The brave souls who buck convention and stand up to create and make a better world are the ones who we should honor. Not the faceless masses who tear down the brilliant. The individual has the right to exist, experiment, triumph or fall in their own right and owe no fealty or debt to those who could benefit or have need.

I'm almost halfway through the book. Who is John Galt?

Wait!!! Don't spoil it for me, I want to read the rest of the book. It is a lot better than I expected.

I was thinking of going to watch it, mostly to see the mass of RWers lap it up like the mindless lemmings they are.

However, I thought about it and I wont spend a red cent on that swill.

I'll just wait for it to be released on DVD in 3 to 4 weeks and download it from the Torrents.


Typically liberal insisting someone else to pay for what he wants. What a shock.

He never said he wouldn't pay. He just said he would defer the satisfaction of laughing at it.

Atlas Shrugged may make a good substitute for Rocky Horror Picture Show

They could show it midnight on Saturdays and the audience can laugh and throw things at the screen

Atlas Shrugged will NOT change the face of American Politics.

It is shite written by a particularly ugly propagandist who didn't have the balls to sign up for medicare and social security under his/her own name. However, blame the liberal elite Hollywood folk if you like for its poor reviews and failure.

Have fun wanking to it. :)
"While Whittaker Chambers’ famous 1957 condemnation of Rand may sound over-torqued half a century later: “From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: “To a gas chamber — go!” It remains true that Ayn Rand seems to revel in the death and destruction that follows by disregarding her philosophy: most famously in the ghoulish scene in Atlas Shrugged where Rand details the suffocation of the passengers on a train as it enters a tunnel. Rand explains how everyone on the train deserved to die because they held incorrect ideas: "It is said that catastrophes are a matter of pure chance, and there were those who would have said that the passengers of the Comet were not guilty or responsible for the thing that happened to them."" Tea Party Embraces Ayn Rand | FrumForum and http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/164072-ayn-rand-conservatives-tea-party-republicans.html
Atlas Shrugged will NOT change the face of American Politics.

It is shite written by a particularly ugly propagandist who didn't have the balls to sign up for medicare and social security under his/her own name. However, blame the liberal elite Hollywood folk if you like for its poor reviews and failure.

Have fun wanking to it. :)

.....still waiting for an objective rationale argument as to the deficencies of Rand's philosopy.

It truly is amazing. From my close friends who refuse to read the book to you lib tards here, the best you can do is 'it's shite' or post stupid comics, or proclaim 'well I just don't like it'. Yet none of you can come up with a reasoned argument as to the deficencies of objectivist philosophy or why, if followed, it would harm society. How long do I have to wait before you idiot liberals progress past immature condemnations normally reserved for the average 12 year old?
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Typically liberal insisting someone else to pay for what he wants. What a shock.

He never said he wouldn't pay. He just said he would defer the satisfaction of laughing at it.

Atlas Shrugged may make a good substitute for Rocky Horror Picture Show

They could show it midnight on Saturdays and the audience can laugh and throw things at the screen


Great Idea. Throw in "1984", "Brave New World", "Future Shock", and "Soylent Green". How about "Animal Farm"??? Party till Dawn! Love it!!! Throw in "Empire Of The Sun" and I'll bring my whole Family! :):):)
Atlas Shrugged will NOT change the face of American Politics.

It is shite written by a particularly ugly propagandist who didn't have the balls to sign up for medicare and social security under his/her own name. However, blame the liberal elite Hollywood folk if you like for its poor reviews and failure.

Have fun wanking to it. :)

.....still waiting for an objective rationale argument as to the deficencies of Rand's philosopy.

It truly is amazing. From my close friends who refuse to read the book to you lib tards here, the best you can do is 'it's shite' or post stupid comics, or proclaim 'well I just don't like it'. Yet none of you can come up with a reasoned argument as to the deficencies of objectivist philosophy or why, if followed, it would harm society. How long do I have to wait before you idiot liberals progress past immature condemnations normally reserved for the average 12 year old?

Heres an argument

Atlas Shrugged has been out for over 50 years and not one singe nation on earth has embraced objectivism as a practical theory
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