"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

YouTube - Atlas Is Shrugging

Ever wonder why this stupid movie makes sense now?

Now that a Democrat is in office? Companies are making record profits. The only state control is on the individual. Corporations control the government.

Indeed they do, that is why I wish righties would stop blaming Obama for everything and try to see that no matter who holds the position of president doesn't really have that much power. There is too much money in Washington, and that will always be the more powerful. Money is our president. Debt is our owner. All this bickering between right and left is exactly what the money interests want- to keep us distracted with the illusion that voting in another president who will save us all is somehow going to fix things. If ever there was a president who actually tried to change things, they would be somehow ousted. Obama WAS that person, and now has been conditioned by the climate in Washington, by the money interests, by the massive and complex interplay between government and corporations. While we tussel over the last piece of catfood, they are doing what they want. WAKE UP! Stop fighting with eachother, and spend your money in better places. Take the power back from corporations, and get the money out of washington. Until we do, we will always be slave to them, constantly deluding ourselves that we actually have any power with our vote. The president is, and always will be a puppet. You say Reagan wasn't? Well, that's because he basically stood for the money interests (big oil, military contracts), so he didn't need much coaxing. We all mistook it as the American dream. In reality, we made things much worse by giving him our faith. Again, wake up America. You are being duped by the very people into which you have put your faith. I'm talking about the right and the left... so don't give me any partisan bullshit.
Interesting the demise of this film is being touted, yet it had the second highest per theater gross this weekend. Next weekend, 1000 more theaters. Now, that could be because devotees went. Or it could be it's actually good. We'll see.

No it didn't. Where'd you get that? It had the ninth highest per screen average.

Weekend Box Office Results for April 15-17, 2011 - Box Office Mojo

April 15-17 weekend:

Double Hour $15,123 per screen average
Evil Bong 3-D $12,265 per screen average
Rio $10,252 per screen average
Blank City $9,184 per screen average
The Princess of Montpensier $7,819 per screen average
Meek's Cutoff $7,046 per screen average
Deep Sea 3-D $6,852 per screen average
Scream 4 $5,656 per screen average
Atlas Shrugged: Part I $5,640 per screen average

Per screen numbers do mean something, but the fewer the number of theaters the higher that number will be, which is why independent films often have a higher per screen average yet obviously don't make nearly as much money as studio productions and more often than not fail to make back their budget and marketing costs. When an independent film is a big hit in a small number of theaters and that justifies a wider release and suggests there's sufficient interest that it will do well in say 1,000 or even 3,000 theaters, it tends to have a significantly higher per screen average than $5,640. Black Swan for instance had an $80, 212 per screen average its first week of release. Or to use a lower budget film than Swan or Atlas that had no stars and was a political polemic, Fahrenheit 9/11 had a per screen average of $27, 588 its opening weekend and in only 868 theaters or less than 3 times as many as Atlas Shrugged, it was the #1 film at the box-office overall, taking in $23.9 million and beating out 12 films that were playing in 2,000-3,400 hundred theaters. $5,000 per screen in 300 theaters suggests it will not gross nearly enough to be considered a hit or cultural phenomenon and is not even likely to make back its $10 million. Hell, it made less than half the per screen of a movie called "Evil Bong 3-D."

I like how the goal posts have been moved too from changing the face of American politics to not being a dismal failure. Fahrenheit grossed $119 million domestic and even that certainly didn't change the face of American politics.
Must have been early numbers I heard reported on the Jason Lewis Show then.

The point still remains that this movie is not box office poison nor an inherent bomb or smash. It is having a good showing. Sort of like "UHF" was an excellent release... if it hadn't come out the same weekend as blockbusters like "Robocop", "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and some other major hits of that year IIRC, it would have done far better. Not saying that Atlas Shrugged lost business to other movies, but that the cries of triumph and doom are bogus.
It is not playing in very many Theaters in or around NYC. It is out there, just hard to find.
Oh, damn. A box office bomb.

It must be the fault of the damned Hollywood liberals.

With a $10 million price tag, it doesn't need too many sales to be profitable.

As usual, what you KOS Kiddies klaim doesn't match reality.

Let's see how it stacks up against "The Motorcycle Diaries" (lost $17 million,) the Communist equivalent. Granted, the hero worship of communist terrorist Guevara got a Hollywood big budget, had every critic in the nation bubbling over how wonderful it was - yet still lost more money than this film cost to begin with.
It is not playing in very many Theaters in or around NYC. It is out there, just hard to find.

Yet here in liberal California, it's in 29 theaters in the Orange County/Riverside area.

Fandango Atlas Shrugged Corona - Google Search

Manhattan is a leftist Mecca, perhaps once you get out of it there is more saturation.

I saw it Friday at the only Theater I could find it playing in, in all of Queens County. I find one Listing in Brooklyn, none in the Bronx.

Atlas Shrugged Movie - Theaters & Tickets. There is more at play here than you suggest.
YouTube - Atlas Is Shrugging

Ever wonder why this stupid movie makes sense now?

Now that a Democrat is in office? Companies are making record profits. The only state control is on the individual. Corporations control the government.

Indeed they do, that is why I wish righties would stop blaming Obama for everything and try to see that no matter who holds the position of president doesn't really have that much power. There is too much money in Washington, and that will always be the more powerful. Money is our president. Debt is our owner. All this bickering between right and left is exactly what the money interests want- to keep us distracted with the illusion that voting in another president who will save us all is somehow going to fix things. If ever there was a president who actually tried to change things, they would be somehow ousted. Obama WAS that person, and now has been conditioned by the climate in Washington, by the money interests, by the massive and complex interplay between government and corporations. While we tussel over the last piece of catfood, they are doing what they want. WAKE UP! Stop fighting with eachother, and spend your money in better places. Take the power back from corporations, and get the money out of washington. Until we do, we will always be slave to them, constantly deluding ourselves that we actually have any power with our vote. The president is, and always will be a puppet. You say Reagan wasn't? Well, that's because he basically stood for the money interests (big oil, military contracts), so he didn't need much coaxing. We all mistook it as the American dream. In reality, we made things much worse by giving him our faith. Again, wake up America. You are being duped by the very people into which you have put your faith. I'm talking about the right and the left... so don't give me any partisan bullshit.

A lot of it has to do with how elections are financed. Our representitives spend too much of their time selling their votes to whomever can bundle the largest amount of contributions. They should be spending that time on OUR business, NOT selling us out. The only solution I see is public financing of elections. They do it in Britain. I'd really like to hear from someone familiar with the system that can tell us how it works and how well. Anyone? :eusa_pray:
Atlas Shrugged: Part I was the top-grossing limited release of the weekend, generating $1.7 million at 299 single-screen locations.

For a pure independent release, Atlas Shrugged: Part I's opening was fine. But for the first-ever adaptation of Ayn Rand's influential mega-selling 1957 novel that had far more media hype than any other independent movie could dream of, it was disappointing.

There aren't many direct comparisons, because it's rare that an adaptation of such a famous book gets such a modest release. Atlas Shrugged: Part I opened higher than recent limited Christian movies The Grace Card and To Save a Life, and it was distributor Rocky Mountain Pictures' third highest-grossing launch, behind End of the Spear and Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. But none of those movies are significant in the grand scheme of things. They're all still blips, even if Atlas was a slightly bigger blip than many.

'Atlas Shrugged: Part I' Derails? - Box Office Mojo
I saw it Friday at the only Theater I could find it playing in, in all of Queens County. I find one Listing in Brooklyn, none in the Bronx.

Atlas Shrugged Movie - Theaters & Tickets. There is more at play here than you suggest.

There may well be.

I went back through my list and noticed that every theater playing it is a "Regal" theater. None of the other theater chains are running it. Could be that it is only getting wide distribution out here because a major chain is sympathetic. The other theater chains may be black balling it. If so, it's stupid on their part. This isn't 1970. Most movies make FAR more on DVD sales than in the theater. This will be no exception.
Atlas Shrugged: Part I was the top-grossing limited release of the weekend, generating $1.7 million at 299 single-screen locations.

For a pure independent release, Atlas Shrugged: Part I's opening was fine. But for the first-ever adaptation of Ayn Rand's influential mega-selling 1957 novel that had far more media hype than any other independent movie could dream of, it was disappointing.

There aren't many direct comparisons, because it's rare that an adaptation of such a famous book gets such a modest release. Atlas Shrugged: Part I opened higher than recent limited Christian movies The Grace Card and To Save a Life, and it was distributor Rocky Mountain Pictures' third highest-grossing launch, behind End of the Spear and Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. But none of those movies are significant in the grand scheme of things. They're all still blips, even if Atlas was a slightly bigger blip than many.

'Atlas Shrugged: Part I' Derails? - Box Office Mojo

What about "The Passion Of The Christ"???

I saw it Friday at the only Theater I could find it playing in, in all of Queens County. I find one Listing in Brooklyn, none in the Bronx.

Atlas Shrugged Movie - Theaters & Tickets. There is more at play here than you suggest.

There may well be.

I went back through my list and noticed that every theater playing it is a "Regal" theater. None of the other theater chains are running it. Could be that it is only getting wide distribution out here because a major chain is sympathetic. The other theater chains may be black balling it. If so, it's stupid on their part. This isn't 1970. Most movies make FAR more on DVD sales than in the theater. This will be no exception.

It's difficult to read you guys who have no idea how movie distribution works making these ridiculous conspiratorial assumptions.

The movie is low budget, independent, and has a small niche-market distributor that specializes in religious and conservative films. The distributor has little money, little reach, few connections - just like most indie distributors. They're trying a platform release strategy and, having little money and established relationships with theater chains, may only have a deal with Regal. Many small distribution companies that release independent films only have deals worked out with the Landmark chain. That's how distribution on this scale works, all the time, with hundreds of films a year. Playing in only one chain or in a small amount of theaters is not "black balling" by other chains and striking a deal with another doesn't mean they're sympathetic to the film's content.

In terms of its release, Atlas Shrugged is being moved like any low budget independent film with a small distributor and no stars, there's nothing about the release strategy particularly unique to this film or a result of its content.

But sure, if you want, you can speculate how maybe George Soros is behind it.

As for the idea that movies make more on DVD than in theaters, much less FAR more, it's just demonstrably untrue. Movies that make $100 million at the box-office are lucky to make $15 million in DVD sales. There are examples of rare films making more on DVD than in theaters, but they're quite few and far between and the exception to the overwhelming rule.
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I saw it Friday at the only Theater I could find it playing in, in all of Queens County. I find one Listing in Brooklyn, none in the Bronx.

Atlas Shrugged Movie - Theaters & Tickets. There is more at play here than you suggest.

There may well be.

I went back through my list and noticed that every theater playing it is a "Regal" theater. None of the other theater chains are running it. Could be that it is only getting wide distribution out here because a major chain is sympathetic. The other theater chains may be black balling it. If so, it's stupid on their part. This isn't 1970. Most movies make FAR more on DVD sales than in the theater. This will be no exception.

It's difficult to read you guys who have no idea how movie distribution works making these ridiculous conspiratorial assumptions.

The movie is low budget, independent, and has a small niche-market distributor that specializes in religious and conservative films. The distributor has little money, little reach, few connections - just like most indie distributors. They're trying a platform release strategy and, having little money and established relationships with theater chains, may only have a deal with Regal. Many small distribution companies that release independent films only have deals worked out with the Landmark chain. That's how distribution on this scale works, all the time, with hundreds of films a year. Playing in only one chain or in a small amount of theaters is not "black balling" by other chains and striking a deal with another doesn't mean they're sympathetic to the film's content.

In terms of its release, Atlas Shrugged is being moved like any low budget independent film with a small distributor and no stars, there's nothing about the release strategy particularly unique to this film or a result of its content.

But sure, if you want, you can speculate how maybe George Soros is behind it.

As for the idea that movies make more on DVD than in theaters, much less FAR more, it's just demonstrably untrue. Movies that make $100 million at the box-office are lucky to make $15 million in DVD sales. There are examples of rare films making more on DVD that in theaters, but they're quite rare and the exception to the overwhelming rule.

Good points, and not arguable. If I would lay claim to any conspiracy theories, it would involve those trashing the film, not having seen it, and encouraging people to not see it, based on Political agenda. Those calling it a flop using the numbers, without regard to it's limited availability. "The Passion of the Christ" comes to mind, which got a bad rap from the start, still it blew the dissenters out of the water.

There are shenanigans going on, separate from distribution or showing issues. As an Indie, it is pretty well done. The Cast, did a great job keeping to the theme of the Novel. Unlike movies like "Troy" which probably should have been named "Achilles", where the plot and everything about the Movie served as setting and background for Brad Pitt. I found the movie very refreshing, in that it was about the message, not the players or their ego's. ;)
who would dare move my magnificent atlas thread to media. why don't you move politics to the bottom and bring humor to the top gunny ? that would solve the problem.... too many people try to aire their grevences in the political zone. this board should have a few rules... (tongue in cheek)
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who would dare move my magnificent atlas thread to media. why don't you move politics to the bottom and bring humor to the top gunny ? that would solve the problem.... too many people try to aire their grevences in the political zone. this board should have a few rules... (tongue in cheek)

I would have moved this thread to the Sports subforum. But that's just me.

Prolly why I'm not a mod...
who would dare move my magnificent atlas thread to media. why don't you move politics to the bottom and bring humor to the top gunny ? that would solve the problem.... too many people try to aire their grevences in the political zone. this board should have a few rules... (tongue in cheek)

I would have moved this thread to the Sports subforum. But that's just me.

Prolly why I'm not a mod...

That, and your refusal to use the appropriate Avatar

Ayn Rand is perhaps one of the worst authors I've ever wasted my time on. I got through 3/4ths of the Fountainhead before I tossed the book where it belonged..the trash.

It's comforting to know that before she died..she, like many Americans, had to rely on SSI because she went broke due to Medical expenses.

The irony was thick with this one.

Even many people that hate Atlas Shrugged seem to like The Fountainhead. I agree with you though, I came away from the book shaking my head at what an asshole Roark was.

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