"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

Consumers can, and do. No one will buy an electrical appliance that isn't US certified, no one will use parts or procedures in electronics that are not IEEE certified.

Consumers can not regulate the market solely by themselves. There are some people who honestly do not give a shit whether a product was made ethically or not (by ethical I mean whether the company's workers were payed well, or whether jobs were outsourced, etc.). I don't see how anyone that claims to support America doesn't support legislation that makes sure that rampant outsourcing, etc. is not allowed. The consumer sure as hell isn't doing it.

Government can cover criminal acts, industry is FAR more effective at regulating itself. ISO-9001 and AS9100 are vastly more effective than any government regulation. It's government regulation that is a proven failure. Self-regulation is a demonstrable, irrefutable and overwhelming success.

See above response.

I know.

There are many who fear and resist liberty. Along with liberty comes responsibility. Many would rather live under authoritarian rule than take responsibility for their own lives.

When did I advocate authoritarian rule? All I'm saying is that some people are better suited to lead than others. I believe that a reasonable percentage of America could live in an anarchy, but I also believe a more sizable portion would go crazy and pillage, loot, rape etc.

Leading point toward a goal. You advocate rulers who micromanage the lives of a captive populace.

Nobody has to live in a country. If you didn't want to live in my ideal country, I wouldn't make you stay. And I don't want micromanagement, I want fair and sensible rules and regulations.

You confuse "don't" with can't. That fact is, birth has nothing to do with success - not a damned thing. This ain't India or Mexico, there is no caste system. "From shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations" was a phrase Dale Carnegie coined explaining that even among the wealthy, the great grandchildren slide right back into the masses in America. The overwhelming majority of those YOU would consider "rich," started with nothing. Yes, wealthy parents offer a better education than the socialized cesspool of public schools - that's about it.

Are you really that naïve? For one, we do have a caste system; it just isn't as pronounced or acknowledged as it is in India. Secondly, wealthy parents offer a much bigger advantage to their kids than schooling. Ever hear of inheritance? What about the fact that wealthy people are more likely to have "friends in high places."

So this is all about envy then? You'd gladly have less just as long as you could ensure that everyone else has as little as you?

Again, you are driven purely by envy, willing to suffer just for the opportunity to make others suffer.

I have a differing view point. If I have continuous improvement, it doesn't bother me that someone else may have even more.

Why is it that conservatives always view liberals as being jealous about wealth? Is it because maybe they themselves can't imagine not being obsessed with money. I am honestly quite happy with my current life; I have everything I need. I just happen to have a conscience (look it up sometime; its an interesting concept), and I believe that being obscenely rich while others are struggling to make ends meet is inherently immoral and evil.

Yet your entire premise is "NO FAIR, THEY GOT MORE!"

See above response.
Well, another weekend passes with new results in showing another dive at the box-office for the complete non-phenomenon and abject failure that was Atlas Shrugged the movie.

The film fell to 31st place at the box-office, dropping 57.8% of its audience from last week, losing more than a third of its theaters, and taking in just $197, 500 dollars with a miserable per-screen average of $866.

After a month in release, the movie has only recouped $4.3 million of its $20 million dollar production budget, less than a quarter, and is moving swiftly toward being yanked from the few remaining theaters still showing it as continuing to screen it continues to increase the distributor's substantial losses.

I predicted 3 weeks ago it would make only $5 million while naysayers predicted an expansion and a surge; even a phenomenon that would change the face of American politics. It's fun to rub it in but a shame that those who made such lofty predictions, despite apparently continuing to read and participate in the thread, cowardly refuse to acknowledge how incredibly wrong they were.

So washamericon, what say you about Atlas Shrugged's performance? Surely you must have some thoughts...

Do you expect it will become a phenomenon and make back its money on home video? Or can we put a fork in it and its planned sequels?
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I hear somebody's going to make DAS KAPITAL into a film, too.

I suspect that isn't going to do all that well, either.

Speaking of movies with a political POV that bombed at the box office?


Released on December 4th, 1981, Reds opened to fairly positive reviews from critics. Due to its political subject matter and limited promotion by Warren Beatty, it managed to recoup its $35 million budget back and grossed $41 million in the United States. Although it was seen as a disappoinment, Beatty later remarked that the film "made a little money" in box office returns.

The movie currently holds a high rating on the website Rotten Tomatoes, scoring at 94%. The review stated that, "At a time when Ronald Reagan had just become the president of the United States, Beatty's sympathetic portrait of notorious American communist John Reed seemed even more daring. Yet, as it continues to age, the film only continues to grow in relevance, assuring its rightful place at the top of the Hollywood canon".[9]

Atals Shrugged needed more car chases, maybe a subplot involving a teen boy trying to get laid, and it might have helped if Dafney had been trying to keep a stuggling STRIPE JOINT from being taken over instead of a boring old railroad.

THEN it might have had some BO appeal, know what I mean?
Consumers can not regulate the market solely by themselves.

That claim has already been proven false. UL, IEEE and a dozen other such organizations prove that consumers can and do regulate markets - and do so far more effectively than government.

There are some people who honestly do not give a shit whether a product was made ethically or not (by ethical I mean whether the company's workers were payed well, or whether jobs were outsourced, etc.).

That is irrelevant - to both the discussion and to reality.

I don't see how anyone that claims to support America doesn't support legislation that makes sure that rampant outsourcing, etc. is not allowed. The consumer sure as hell isn't doing it.

So you are suggesting that no foreign goods be allowed in the USA?

See above response.

The above, idiotic response failed to address the point at hand.

When did I advocate authoritarian rule?

In your every post, with your every call for a managed economy where government dictates who may make what and who will pay how much for what they are permitted to buy.

All I'm saying is that some people are better suited to lead than others.

I think your SEUI "leaders" have done a piss-poor job of leading you.

I believe that a reasonable percentage of America could live in an anarchy, but I also believe a more sizable portion would go crazy and pillage, loot, rape etc.

No one has advocated anarchy.

Nobody has to live in a country. If you didn't want to live in my ideal country, I wouldn't make you stay.

Your ideal country seems to be North Korea, and they do make people stay.

And I don't want micromanagement,

You just want government to decide who can make what and how much they will be paid for it, not micromanagement.....

Are you really that naïve? For one, we do have a caste system;

No, we certainly don't.

Secondly, wealthy parents offer a much bigger advantage to their kids than schooling. Ever hear of inheritance?

Outside of the corrupt and failed dynasty of the Kennedy's, just who is it that inherited a thing? The Walton's? They are destroying the family fortune just like the Kennedy's did.

Top 10 richest.

1. Bill Gates - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing. Donating his wealth to Charity.
2. Warren Buffet - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing. Donating his wealth to Charity.
3. Larry Elison - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.
4. Christy Walton - Inherited from Sam Walton
5. Charles Koch - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.
6. David Koch - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.
7. - 9. Walton brats
10. Michael Bloomberg - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.

The Richest People in America - Forbes.com

Like most socialists - you are full on full of shit.

Why is it that conservatives always view liberals as being jealous about wealth?

Because of your seething envy.

It isn't about what YOU have or don't have, it's always "WAAAAHHHH - no fair they got more."

You leftists are spoiled children.

BTW, you're no "liberal," you are just another authoritarian leftist.
Ayn Rand was an idiot -- a very bright one, but an idiot. She had a twisted sense of self and life from being scarred as a child. She never did get the fact that Socialist Russia was not the USA. She's like the rape victim who sees a rapist in every male figure

She never did get the fact that Socialist Russia was not the USA.
Yes she did, and she saw whats coming, where we are headed. That is her whole point Dante, Good one. ;) Try reading "Anthem", you should be able to read it in a single sitting. Ayn knew exactly what to sound the alarm over, which is exactly why the Powers that be want her shut up.

The powers that be want to shut her up? :lol::lol::lol:
As Michael Ford of Xavier University's Center for the Study of the American Dream wrote, “In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.” - Ayn Rand Railed Against Government Benefits, But Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Needed Them | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
Yep. That awkward gremlin turned out to be nothing more than a hypocrite, suckin' off the system she told her acolytes to not suck off of.
You internet dolts exist in a version of Brave New World and are as clueless as you are ignorant. An oxymoron with a distinction with a difference.:eusa_shhh:

Were you trying to formulate a meaningful sentence there, sparky?

I suppose that with you low-double digit IQ, it isn't that bad.

(Look, I AM giving positive reinforcement!)
You internet dolts exist in a version of Brave New World and are as clueless as you are ignorant. An oxymoron with a distinction with a difference.:eusa_shhh:

Were you trying to formulate a meaningful sentence there, sparky?

I suppose that with you low-double digit IQ, it isn't that bad.

(Look, I AM giving positive reinforcement!)

more proof of things as they are ... not as your infantile mind believes.

NOW it's a PARTY! Dante's here to lead the band!

and a one... and a two and a....

Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

very well put.


If this it what qualifies for well put objective criticism in your world I'm afraid your opinion is about as non-credible as his.
more proof of things as they are ... not as your infantile mind believes.


I'm sure that somewhere in the damaged wetware that constitutes a "mind" for you, that made some sort of sense..

Some friendly advice, cut down on the psychoactive drugs. Seriously!

You still here?

I thought you sulked away when this thread failed?

10,000 readers and 1000 comments... did it ?? i've been busy with the fake second brth certificate scandal which seems to be gaining interest again. thanks for caring, i'm deeply moved, by your warmth and compassion.

Fake second birth certificate? Get with the times bro...

We need to go after the fake Bin Laden death.....where you been?

I see you are a great representation of Rands philosophy

thank you
Consumers can not regulate the market solely by themselves.

That claim has already been proven false. UL, IEEE and a dozen other such organizations prove that consumers can and do regulate markets - and do so far more effectively than government.

There are some people who honestly do not give a shit whether a product was made ethically or not (by ethical I mean whether the company's workers were payed well, or whether jobs were outsourced, etc.).

That is irrelevant - to both the discussion and to reality.

So you are suggesting that no foreign goods be allowed in the USA?

The above, idiotic response failed to address the point at hand.

In your every post, with your every call for a managed economy where government dictates who may make what and who will pay how much for what they are permitted to buy.

I think your SEUI "leaders" have done a piss-poor job of leading you.

No one has advocated anarchy.

Your ideal country seems to be North Korea, and they do make people stay.

You just want government to decide who can make what and how much they will be paid for it, not micromanagement.....

No, we certainly don't.

Secondly, wealthy parents offer a much bigger advantage to their kids than schooling. Ever hear of inheritance?

Outside of the corrupt and failed dynasty of the Kennedy's, just who is it that inherited a thing? The Walton's? They are destroying the family fortune just like the Kennedy's did.

Top 10 richest.

1. Bill Gates - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing. Donating his wealth to Charity.
2. Warren Buffet - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing. Donating his wealth to Charity.
3. Larry Elison - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.
4. Christy Walton - Inherited from Sam Walton
5. Charles Koch - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.
6. David Koch - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.
7. - 9. Walton brats
10. Michael Bloomberg - Came from the middle class and inherited nothing.

The Richest People in America - Forbes.com

Like most socialists - you are full on full of shit.

Why is it that conservatives always view liberals as being jealous about wealth?

Because of your seething envy.

It isn't about what YOU have or don't have, it's always "WAAAAHHHH - no fair they got more."

You leftists are spoiled children.

BTW, you're no "liberal," you are just another authoritarian leftist.

I'm done. There is no use arguing with someone who plugs their ears and yells LALALALALALA while someone brings up legitimate counter-points. I tried to be polite (or at least moderately civil), but you really can't get through a single post without at least 10 ad hominem attacks. Grow up a bit, then I'll argue with you.
I honestly don't care if you want to gloat and say I'm just leaving because I can't argue my point anymore. I'm done arguing with pseudo-intellectual dipshits like you.

You are, quite literally, the cancer that is killing America.

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