"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

So did part 3 glorify John Galt for killing billions of people by deliberately causing the collapse of civilization, all just because he wanted to make a philosophical point?

Normal humans define John Galt as a genocidal monster. Randians, OTOH, tend to look at him as a messiah figure. Apparently, any degree of killing is justifiable to a Randian, so long as it serves the glory of the cult.
just a little snippet:

"Who is John Goat?" Dallas turned away from the window and looked at the man in the seat beside her. He had got on at one of the stops outside New York City but she had not noticed him before now. He had a bald head that seemed to rest like an unused bowling ball atop a pillow of fat that had once been a neck. His eyes were pale and lifeless.

"Pardon me?"

"Who is John Goat?""I don't know. Besides, those words are just meaningless nonsense."

The man nodded dully. His nod seemed to reject the possibility of objective knowledge. Dallas turned back to the window and gazed out on the vast blank prairies. A lighted billboard flickered and her heart trembled with joy. She remember her thrill when, long ago, she first heard a radio commercial. Her brother had told her that bird songs were prettier but Francisco had laughed and said, "When I grow up I will make birds out of copper and sell them for money!" And the next day he had presented her with his first copper bird made from metal he had mined with his own hands.

"Does it know any songs," she had asked.

"Only radio commercials."And, then, they had made love.

"Pardon me Miss." It was the bald man.


"My name is Waldo Mudge. What's yours?""Stank. Dallas Stank."

"Stank! The same Stank who runs the railroad?""Yes!" Dallas proudly threw back her head.

"You loathsome capitalist, I hate you! I abhor you! Don't look at me that way; you have no right! I give all my blood to the poor! Organs, too, when I have the chance. All I have left are three ribs and a testicle. Stop looking at me like that! I live for others, for love...something YOU would never understand!" He sneered hysterically.

"You're right, I wouldn't," she said.

She turned back to the window. Suddenly, she felt a rush of air go past her head. She turned around and gasped. Waldo Mudge had deflated.

An anonymous tribute to Ayn Rand through parody - WendyMcElroy.com

and great resource: Parodies and Humor about Ayn Rand and Objectivism
this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
i remember thinking, someday, once the internet is invented, this will be my political philosohpy and i will take it to the people..

life imitates art. we are dagney taggert and hank rearden (the protagonists) and the democratic party (led by one barrak obama... if that is your real name), is the government, and "mr. thompson".

you are going to be seeing and hearing and feeling atlas shrugged a lot in the coming time until the 2012 election.

as wonderfual as the original novel is, no, magnificient... the movie will better present to the masses, that big government is not only wrong, in this country, according to our constitution, it is immoral.

i further suggest that this hollywood production will play a large roll in unseating the president of obama, how ultimately and deliciously ironic. how do you like us now.

it looks good, no, great.

If that shit changed your life for the better then your life must have been a very sad and pointless one.
Don't worry, they made it every bit as tedious as Ayn Rand wrote it...

Which is why it DIED in the theatres...

Much to the tears of you Marxists, both of the first two films have found moderate success on Netflix. Both have recouped production costs and turned a profit. Pt. 3 is complete and will be in theaters in August. It will do poorly in theaters, as the first two did, then go to DVD and Netflix, to again find a moderate level of success.

Neither Part I nor Part II recouped their production costs, neither came close to making a profit, and Part III managed to somehow do worse than either of the previous two.

I question where you're getting your information from.

I bump this thread only because I hadn't even realized that Part III had even been released until looking at year-end lists.

How'd it do on "changing the face of American politics"?

Part III hasn't even been released yet, so you're obviously just making shit up.


See what I mean? It made such a little impact that even you didn't know it had come out.

It came out on Sept. 12th...

Atlas Shrugged Who Is John Galt 2014 - IMDb


Gee, I missed that completely.

I do remember reading her books in junior high but then I grew up.
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Gee, I missed that completely.

I do remember reading her books in junior high but then I grew up.

Pillowbite, you wouldn't have successfully completed "Green Eggs and Ham" in Jr. High. You would have ZERO chance of comprehending the vocabulary used in Atlas even today.
So did part 3 glorify John Galt for killing billions of people by deliberately causing the collapse of civilization, all just because he wanted to make a philosophical point?

Normal humans define John Galt as a genocidal monster. Randians, OTOH, tend to look at him as a messiah figure. Apparently, any degree of killing is justifiable to a Randian, so long as it serves the glory of the cult.

Sorry to disabuse you of your delusions, but John Galt didn't kill a single person. It takes some commie fascist lib to call declining to save people from themselves as "killing them." That's a truly servile state of mind. Society doesn't own John Galt or any of the other characters in the book. It isn't entitled to a single thing from them. That's what boot-licking toads like you fail to understand. It's the whole point of the book.
Gee, I missed that completely.

I do remember reading her books in junior high but then I grew up.

Pillowbite, you wouldn't have successfully completed "Green Eggs and Ham" in Jr. High. You would have ZERO chance of comprehending the vocabulary used in Atlas even today.

Ayn Rand's writing style is a joke ... Her vocabulary? :laugh2:

And your support for this claim is? Her vocabulary is obviously about 5 time the size of yours.
So did part 3 glorify John Galt for killing billions of people by deliberately causing the collapse of civilization, all just because he wanted to make a philosophical point?

Normal humans define John Galt as a genocidal monster. Randians, OTOH, tend to look at him as a messiah figure. Apparently, any degree of killing is justifiable to a Randian, so long as it serves the glory of the cult.

Sorry to disabuse you of your delusions, but John Galt didn't kill a single person. It takes some commie fascist lib to call declining to save people from themselves as "killing them." That's a truly servile state of mind. Society doesn't own John Galt or any of the other characters in the book. It isn't entitled to a single thing from them. That's what boot-licking toads like you fail to understand. It's the whole point of the book.

THERE IS NO JOHN GALT John Galt is a character in an Ayn Rand Novel

So did part 3 glorify John Galt for killing billions of people by deliberately causing the collapse of civilization, all just because he wanted to make a philosophical point?

Normal humans define John Galt as a genocidal monster. Randians, OTOH, tend to look at him as a messiah figure. Apparently, any degree of killing is justifiable to a Randian, so long as it serves the glory of the cult.

Sorry to disabuse you of your delusions, but John Galt didn't kill a single person. It takes some commie fascist lib to call declining to save people from themselves as "killing them." That's a truly servile state of mind. Society doesn't own John Galt or any of the other characters in the book. It isn't entitled to a single thing from them. That's what boot-licking toads like you fail to understand. It's the whole point of the book.

THERE IS NO JOHN GALT John Galt is a character in an Ayn Rand Novel


Then why are you accusing him of genocide?

I have read worse books, but I honestly do not remember the titles. Wait! Stephen King's "Cell" was every bit as bad at "Atlas"!
I have read worse books, but I honestly do not remember the titles. Wait! Stephen King's "Cell" was every bit as bad at "Atlas"!

Yeah, I'm sure any book that doesn't kow-tow to the liberal self-immolation theory of morality is "bad" from your perspective.
Gee, I missed that completely.

I do remember reading her books in junior high but then I grew up.

Pillowbite, you wouldn't have successfully completed "Green Eggs and Ham" in Jr. High. You would have ZERO chance of comprehending the vocabulary used in Atlas even today.

Ayn Rand's writing style is a joke ... Her vocabulary? :laugh2:

And your support for this claim is? Her vocabulary is obviously about 5 time the size of yours.

Listening to her affectations and her crazy immigrant from a totalitarian regime rants is enough to push any sane person into fits of seizure. Reading her books is entertaining when taken for what they are --- fantasy.

Anyone who advocates Rand's writings as a philosophy is almost always exposing their own arrested emotional and intellectual development

Rand was a crazy immigrant who never recovered from her nightmares
So did part 3 glorify John Galt for killing billions of people by deliberately causing the collapse of civilization, all just because he wanted to make a philosophical point?

Normal humans define John Galt as a genocidal monster. Randians, OTOH, tend to look at him as a messiah figure. Apparently, any degree of killing is justifiable to a Randian, so long as it serves the glory of the cult.

Sorry to disabuse you of your delusions, but John Galt didn't kill a single person. It takes some commie fascist lib to call declining to save people from themselves as "killing them." That's a truly servile state of mind. Society doesn't own John Galt or any of the other characters in the book. It isn't entitled to a single thing from them. That's what boot-licking toads like you fail to understand. It's the whole point of the book.

THERE IS NO JOHN GALT John Galt is a character in an Ayn Rand Novel


Then why are you accusing him of genocide?


Genocide? you confused posters
Gee, I missed that completely.

I do remember reading her books in junior high but then I grew up.

Pillowbite, you wouldn't have successfully completed "Green Eggs and Ham" in Jr. High. You would have ZERO chance of comprehending the vocabulary used in Atlas even today.

Ayn Rand's writing style is a joke ... Her vocabulary? :laugh2:

And your support for this claim is? Her vocabulary is obviously about 5 time the size of yours.

Listening to her affectations and her crazy immigrant from a totalitarian regime rants is enough to push any sane person into fits of seizure. Reading her books is entertaining when taken for what they are --- fantasy.

Anyone who advocates Rand's writings as a philosophy is almost always exposing their own arrested emotional and intellectual development

Rand was a crazy immigrant who never recovered from her nightmares

Of course, that's pure opinion driven by a viral hatred of freedom.
Wait! I just remembered that "Johnathan Livingston Seagull" was even WORSE that "Atlas"!
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Ayn Rand's writing style is a joke ... Her vocabulary? :laugh2:

The chance of Pillowbite knowing the word "superlative" is less than zero, as you know.

I find it pathetic that the left cannot debate the ideas presented, and instead take this tack. Clearly Pillowbite is just reciting memes he memorized on the hate sites, this is one that floats around a lot, with folks who have an IQ of 85 thinking they are really clever for reciting it.

It shows the weakness of collectivists that you must stoop to such idiocy. Pillowbit is one of the dumber people on the board - you are not. I doubt Pillowbite has ever read a book in his life, anything beyond a hate script on DailKOS is beyond his attention span. But YOU know what you claim is false, and thus expose the weakness of the ideas you promote.
Ayn Rand's writing style is a joke ... Her vocabulary? :laugh2:

The chance of Pillowbite knowing the word "superlative" is less than zero, as you know.

I find it pathetic that the left cannot debate the ideas presented, and instead take this tack. Clearly Pillowbite is just reciting memes he memorized on the hate sites, this is one that floats around a lot, with folks who have an IQ of 85 thinking they are really clever for reciting it.

It shows the weakness of collectivists that you must stoop to such idiocy. Pillowbit is one of the dumber people on the board - you are not. I doubt Pillowbite has ever read a book in his life, anything beyond a hate script on DailKOS is beyond his attention span. But YOU know what you claim is false, and thus expose the weakness of the ideas you promote.

Yep, the people who attack Rand's writing can never explain what's wrong with it - not with examples, at least. It's the same meme regurgitated over and over.

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