Attack in Nice, France

The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.

Jews due to their history do not trust Christians...even Evangelicals who are the strongest supporters of Israel.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Do not let your fear of panic and hysteria overide logic or common sense aka Islam is was and has always been and will always be as long as it exists a radical and intolerant not grasp it to your bosom and be supprised when it bites you.
How charming :rolleyes-41: Of course the Leftists think that if we only were more friendly to the Islamists and gave them all a hug or something, well then we could all get along fine with each other :rolleyes-41:

No, normal people know that you don't tar 1 billion people with the same brush. Only alarmist, xenophobic retards look towards a group of people and say the majority are like that. 99.99% of rapists are men. Are you saying all men are rapists? Yes. That is how fucking braindead your argument is.

If you are to accuse others of being "retards", shouldn't you be capable of something beyond the parroting of the most absolutely vapid platitudes you have been trained to repeat?

Damn, child, I might as well stick a cracker through the bars on your cage.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Do not let your fear of panic and hysteria overide logic or common sense aka Islam is was and has always been and will always be as long as it exists a radical and intolerant not grasp it to your bosom and be supprised when it bites you.

How do you type with your hands shaking like that?
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims? that is what is known as a oxymoron.....All muslims are not really this is a much better argument than not all muslims are terrorists aka the more religious a muslim is the more apt he supports jihad....the other class of muslim are just arabs or persians going through the motions in order to go along with their community and not suffer repercussions...they are not really believers in Islam....sometimes they are referred to as 'secular muslims'...but they know they cannot survive in a muslim culture if they oppose islam they go along to get along...go to the mosque, observe the holidays, pretend to pray etc. Basically hypocrites...but one has to do what one has to do to survive.
If you are to accuse others of being "retards", shouldn't you be capable of something beyond the parroting of the most absolutely vapid platitudes you have been trained to repeat?

Damn, child, I might as well stick a cracker through the bars on your cage.

Says the guy who obviously agrees with all the other parrots with regard to Muslims.

Seriously, I couldn't make this shit up...
I lived a few doors down from a mosque, and they lived in he neighborhood. I know. I also am very familiar with how they treated women and female children.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Do not let your fear of panic and hysteria overide logic or common sense aka Islam is was and has always been and will always be as long as it exists a radical and intolerant not grasp it to your bosom and be supprised when it bites you.

How do you type with your hands shaking like that?

Oh brave one ...lead us to the light...what should we do? Give us your plan.
Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I liken it to pit bulls. Not all pit bulls are killers, and some are gentle enough.

A person would have to be nuts to put one in a playpen with a toddler without knowing much about the beastie in question, though.
I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.

Jews due to their history do not trust Christians...even Evangelicals who are the strongest supporters of Israel.
Yes and it is most nonsensical.

It is a good example of how propaganda dupes people. Jews have been told that Nazis were Christians, when clearly they were not. The Nazis were leftists and yet, Jews side with the left.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.


Gay bashing, Antisemitic violence, Hell, anti-women violence is part and parcel of having a sizable muslim population.

Muslim ‘refugees’ threaten Minnesota community with rape!

"A mob of up to 30 young Somali men paraded through one of Minneapolis’ more upscale neighborhoods last week, yelling disparaging comments and threats against homeowners.

A female resident of the neighborhood, obviously shaken in a TV interview, related how she was screamed at by a Somali man who threatened to kidnap and rape her.

“They were screaming at the house that they were going to kidnap you and they were going to rape you,” one Minneapolis resident told KSTP TV. “It was a very traumatizing experience.”

Somalis living in Minneapolis are almost all Sunni Muslims, and residents of the Lake Calhoun area say this isn’t the first time a group of Somali men has made an intimidating march through their neighborhood, which is filled with million-dollar homes.

No hate-crime charges are apparently being considered by either the Minnesota authorities or the Obama Justice Department headed by Loretta Lynch"
I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.

Jews due to their history do not trust Christians...even Evangelicals who are the strongest supporters of Israel.

They need to adapt to changed circumstances, before it is too late.
If you are to accuse others of being "retards", shouldn't you be capable of something beyond the parroting of the most absolutely vapid platitudes you have been trained to repeat?

Damn, child, I might as well stick a cracker through the bars on your cage.

Says the guy who obviously agrees with all the other parrots with regard to Muslims.

Seriously, I couldn't make this shit up...

You do not know or understand the first thing about Islam. You only know what you have been trained to say.
I lived a few doors down from a mosque, and they lived in he neighborhood. I know. I also am very familiar with how they treated women and female children.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.
If you are to accuse others of being "retards", shouldn't you be capable of something beyond the parroting of the most absolutely vapid platitudes you have been trained to repeat?

Damn, child, I might as well stick a cracker through the bars on your cage.

Says the guy who obviously agrees with all the other parrots with regard to Muslims.

Seriously, I couldn't make this shit up...

You do not know or understand the first thing about Islam. You only know what you have been trained to say.

The first thing anyone needs to know about Islam is that it is not a peaceful is currently the only religion going around the world killing people in the name of its god...who in the case of islam is the moon god....definitely not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...though muhammed did quite a bit of plagairizing...from the Jewish Holy Book.

ALLAH MOON GOD - Is Allah Arabia's Pagan Moon God?

Muhammad's Plagiarism and Use of Apocryphal Sources
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims?
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.

The only thing that really differentiates most of the so-called "moderate" Muslims from those called "radical" is the methods used to spread Islam. The "radicals" use terrorism to fight Jihad, while the "moderates" might disavow the specific methods, but still support the same ends -- namely, a spirit-crushing totalitarian quasi-religious political ideology inimical to every advancement in human society experienced in the last 1500 years.
Now how many millions of muslims does hillary want to bring over here....think there is any chance she might re-think that policy?
Normal Muslims?

I think when he says "normal" Muslims, he is referring to those nominal Muslims who DON'T follow the Q'ran and Hadiths.

Of course, he is abjectly ignorant of the subject matter, so simply relies on his imagination to conjure up an image of Islam that is all about puppies and kitties and unicorns instead of the real Islam.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.

The only thing that really differentiates most of the so-called "moderate" Muslims from those called "radical" is the methods used to spread Islam. The "radicals" use terrorism to fight Jihad, while the "moderates" might disavow the specific methods, but still support the same ends -- namely, a spirit-crushing totalitarian quasi-religious political ideology inimical to every advancement in human society experienced in the last 1500 years.

I would not argue against that assessment.

So why does the Western World have so much trouble understanding the threat islam poses? Could it be we have been indoctrinated so long with the notion that we must be tolerant of all peoples and beliefs....even if their belief is to kill us? Does that make any sense?

When the framers of the constitution guranteed ALL...freedom of religion...did they have any idea of a rogue religion that would be welcomed into our fold and then proceed to deal death? I think not.

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