Attack in Nice, France

Has Obabble called for gun control and blamed the attack on White Racist Americans yet?
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*

You are quite mistaken.....suspect Germans in America along with Italians in the same category of suspicion...were rounded up and incarcerated.

We carpet bombed and fire bombed Germany without regard to the civilian population.

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I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

Well I am smart enough to know that the jihadists are outnumbered by the supposedly peaceful Muslims.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.

So, no. You are not smart enough.
Another day, another abomination.

Any guesses as to the provenance?

"'30 dead' after truck crashes into crowd at Bastille Day celebrations in Nice 'terror attack'

The overwhelming problem for Obama remains.... will he twist this to be the result of guns....
...or of police bias.

pretty low taking a tragic event and hanging an Obama sign on it.
She is very low, down there with her IQ.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

Well I am smart enough to know that the jihadists are outnumbered by the supposedly peaceful Muslims.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.

So, no. You are not smart enough.
Probably because they get blamed by stupid hateful Americans, although they are peaceful people.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

Well I am smart enough to know that the jihadists are outnumbered by the supposedly peaceful Muslims.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.

So, no. You are not smart enough.

Border security: "Welcome to America Mohamed. What is the purpose of your visit?
Mohamad: "You're fucking kidding me right?
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.
That is just what these extremists want. What are the chances something happening to you if you went to Paris? You would deny yourself seeing one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims? that is what is known as a oxymoron.....All muslims are not really this is a much better argument than not all muslims are terrorists aka the more religious a muslim is the more apt he supports jihad....the other class of muslim are just arabs or persians going through the motions in order to go along with their community and not suffer repercussions...they are not really believers in Islam....sometimes they are referred to as 'secular muslims'...but they know they cannot survive in a muslim culture if they oppose islam they go along to get along...go to the mosque, observe the holidays, pretend to pray etc. Basically hypocrites...but one has to do what one has to do to survive.

Is mind reading your mutant power?

Your overblown emotive use of rhetoric is over the top.
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*

You are quite mistaken.....suspect Germans in America along with Italians in the same category of suspicion...were rounded up and incarcerated....

Why are you trying to be dishonest instead of admitting your argument has hit a dead end? I said "We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps."
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Is it safe going to the cinema in Colorado?
Whether he thinks there are normal ones or abnormal ones, I wonder if his simplistic notions include a knowledge of Sharia Law; the thread which runs through the whole religion.

Oh, heavens no.

You need to understand that the mere act of knowing anything about Islam is enough to be called a "right winger" in the simple-minded world view of the anti-conservatives, and so they take great pains to ensure they remain ignorant so as to not run the risk they will be considered one.

These children are not liberals, as liberalism is an actual ideology. They do not live in a world of concepts and principles and values. All they know is that they receive props from their little peeps if they say one thing and are called names if they say something else.
How many Muslims do you know?
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Is it safe going to the cinema in Colorado?

I should think so. It will probably be mostly empty.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

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