Attack in Nice, France

Normal Muslims?

I think when he says "normal" Muslims, he is referring to those nominal Muslims who DON'T follow the Q'ran and Hadiths.

Of course, he is abjectly ignorant of the subject matter, so simply relies on his imagination to conjure up an image of Islam that is all about puppies and kitties and unicorns instead of the real Islam.

One cannot be a muslim if he does not follow the Q'ran and Hadiths...such are only imposters and the most devout muslims are the ones practicing jihad.
Normal Muslims?

I think when he says "normal" Muslims, he is referring to those nominal Muslims who DON'T follow the Q'ran and Hadiths.

Of course, he is abjectly ignorant of the subject matter, so simply relies on his imagination to conjure up an image of Islam that is all about puppies and kitties and unicorns instead of the real Islam.

Whether he thinks there are normal ones or abnormal ones, I wonder if his simplistic notions include a knowledge of Sharia Law; the thread which runs through the whole religion.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."
Normal Muslims?

I think when he says "normal" Muslims, he is referring to those nominal Muslims who DON'T follow the Q'ran and Hadiths.

Of course, he is abjectly ignorant of the subject matter, so simply relies on his imagination to conjure up an image of Islam that is all about puppies and kitties and unicorns instead of the real Islam.

Whether he thinks there are normal ones or abnormal ones, I wonder if his simplistic notions include a knowledge of Sharia Law; the thread which runs through the whole religion.

We do not need to get into complicated studies of Islam to understand what they are is giving them too much respectability to even consider their fallacious beliefs as somehow important....the religion is garbage, those who practice it are deluded dupes.... not following The Great Creator...they are following Satan the father of all evil and deception....the great organizer of the biggest death cult on earth...they will tell you to your face...they want to die...they want to be martyrs...they want to go to paradise and be with their promised virgins.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims? that is what is known as a oxymoron.....All muslims are not really this is a much better argument than not all muslims are terrorists aka the more religious a muslim is the more apt he supports jihad....the other class of muslim are just arabs or persians going through the motions in order to go along with their community and not suffer repercussions...they are not really believers in Islam....sometimes they are referred to as 'secular muslims'...but they know they cannot survive in a muslim culture if they oppose islam they go along to get along...go to the mosque, observe the holidays, pretend to pray etc. Basically hypocrites...but one has to do what one has to do to survive.

Is mind reading your mutant power?
I would not argue against that assessment.

So why does the Western World have so much trouble understanding the threat islam poses? Could it be we have been indoctrinated so long with the notion that we must be tolerant of all peoples and beliefs....even if their belief is to kill us? Does that make any sense?

When the framers of the constitution guranteed ALL...freedom of religion...did they have any idea of a rogue religion that would be welcomed into our fold and then proceed to deal death? I think not.

I think it is that and also an inability to differentiate between ideology and race. We have been so bludgeoned onto submission by the constant witch hunt against real or imagined racists that we will support just about anything if it arises from a group besides our own.

We scrutinize our own to the point we now have to dredge up "microaggressions" in order to jump on the victim bandwagon, while applying absolutely NO standards to those who aren't.

It strikes me almost as a group psychosis. People get all worked up over a tabby cat peeing in their petunia bed while ignoring the saber-toothed tiger with it's jaws closing down on their child. It'a almost as if an entire group of people somehow managed to grow into adulthood completely lacking in what psychologists call executive function.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

We've all got Muslim friends, know someone who is Muslim. So?

Why, I even had a Muslim doctor in Morocco. There wasn't any other kind.


That post sounded all about you, not Muslims.
This is what happens when you can't be critical of immigrants and mindlessly welcome "diversity". You have mass murders committed by minorities that can't accept or adapt to the culture they live in. Let's end the pretenses of diversity. It doesn't work.
Hunny, Muslims have been living in France as long as Frenchmen have been living in Muslim nations...which is about 150 years...

Not true small fry! They have always been a percent of a percent. It wasn't until recently they moved to 10%+ of the population and the bigger the percent the more and more problems they cause.

Radical Islam is not the problem, Islam itself is the problem. Fuck allah!

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

and all of that is relevant how? Totally irrelevant to be completely honest....someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis.

But....look what happend there. It is not difficult to humanize the most evil person in the world...simply because we are all human....but humans do some terribly evil things...yet you want to over look all that because we are all stupid!

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Do not let your fear of panic and hysteria overide logic or common sense aka Islam is was and has always been and will always be as long as it exists a radical and intolerant not grasp it to your bosom and be supprised when it bites you.

How do you type with your hands shaking like that?

Oh brave one ...lead us to the light...what should we do? Give us your plan.

Shine a light on those engaging in, planning, or providing material support to terrorist fucking animals - whether that means individuals, groups, or foreign governments - and destroy them utterly, without hesitation or remorse. If more scum emerges from under their rocks, crush them quickly and completely. This is on-going work requiring vigilance and endurance, not a 'mission' that wraps up neatly in time for your favorite TV show to begin.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims? that is what is known as a oxymoron.....All muslims are not really this is a much better argument than not all muslims are terrorists aka the more religious a muslim is the more apt he supports jihad....the other class of muslim are just arabs or persians going through the motions in order to go along with their community and not suffer repercussions...they are not really believers in Islam....sometimes they are referred to as 'secular muslims'...but they know they cannot survive in a muslim culture if they oppose islam they go along to get along...go to the mosque, observe the holidays, pretend to pray etc. Basically hypocrites...but one has to do what one has to do to survive.

Is mind reading your mutant power?

Your overblown emotive use of rhetoric is over the top.
Whether he thinks there are normal ones or abnormal ones, I wonder if his simplistic notions include a knowledge of Sharia Law; the thread which runs through the whole religion.

Oh, heavens no.

You need to understand that the mere act of knowing anything about Islam is enough to be called a "right winger" in the simple-minded world view of the anti-conservatives, and so they take great pains to ensure they remain ignorant so as to not run the risk they will be considered one.

These children are not liberals, as liberalism is an actual ideology. They do not live in a world of concepts and principles and values. All they know is that they receive props from their little peeps if they say one thing and are called names if they say something else.
This is what happens when you can't be critical of immigrants and mindlessly welcome "diversity". You have mass murders committed by minorities that can't accept or adapt to the culture they live in. Let's end the pretenses of diversity. It doesn't work.
Hunny, Muslims have been living in France as long as Frenchmen have been living in Muslim nations...which is about 150 years...

Not true small fry! They have always been a percent of a percent. It wasn't until recently they moved to 10%+ of the population and the bigger the percent the more and more problems they cause.

Radical Islam is not the problem, Islam itself is the problem. Fuck allah!

You got it and more people are getting it every day...but is there enough time left to turn this country around and get back on track before we are so weakened as to not be able to resist...8 more years of democrats should do the trick...for all those who want to die for allah.
If they have assimilated they do not follow Islam, therefore muslim is not really a proper term for them.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.

Jews due to their history do not trust Christians...even Evangelicals who are the strongest supporters of Israel.
Yes and it is most nonsensical.

It is a good example of how propaganda dupes people. Jews have been told that Nazis were Christians, when clearly they were not. The Nazis were leftists and yet, Jews side with the left.

Well lots of Nazis were catholic...even hitler.... Jews did mistakenly believe Catholics were can hardly blame in europe for hundreds of years at the mercy of these so called Christians aka Roman Catholics.

Even today in America a lot of so called Christians aka Presbyterians and other left wing protestants are very full of Jew Hatred.

Jews associate liberals with socialists and communists...and they much prefer a Russian Communist over a Christian Fascist. They view Russia for the most part very favorably crediting them with coming in and destroying nazism and wrecking vengance on those who murdered jews in a mechanical method of mass murder. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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