Attack in Nice, France


I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

Well I am smart enough to know that the jihadists are outnumbered by the supposedly peaceful Muslims.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.

So, no. You are not smart enough.
Probably because they get blamed by stupid hateful Americans, although they are peaceful people.

Knee-jerk blanket denunciations of Americans is just as irrational, dope.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

Fear? How bout pissed the hell off.

I don't fear Muslims but I'm smart enough to be leery of them and not take the "religion of Peace" moniker seriously.

How bout you?

I'm logical enough to know that the actions of a number of violent, subhuman scum do not indict 1.6 billion people, the vast majority of whom are unrelated with and themselves most often the victims of those vile animals. I've been around the block enough times to have met, befriended, worked with, and assisted with Muslim people from many countries who have assimilated to life in the United States. Unlike your fearful clinging to stereotypes, I have seen the process of assimilation for myself, and have in many instances played a role in facilitating same. I've had dinner in the homes of Muslims, played with their children, in some places and circumstances around the world gotten good and drunk with them, one instance participated in other sorts of human interactions. Not being a frightened child, I take people as individuals rather than faceless exemplars of generalizations. Like all other peoples, some are criminals, some are assholes, some stupid, some highly intelligent, some are remarkably generous and kind, and most are just getting on with their lives in the same manner as most everyone else.

So no, you are not "smart enough."

Well I am smart enough to know that the jihadists are outnumbered by the supposedly peaceful Muslims.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.

So, no. You are not smart enough.

Probably because they get blamed by stupid hateful Americans, although they are peaceful people.

Peaceful people who do nothing to curb the jihadists.

Oh and we stupid hateful Americans unlike a useless enabler like you, have no problem putting the blame where it rightfully belongs.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.
That is just what these extremists want. What are the chances something happening to you if you went to Paris? You would deny yourself seeing one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Yep. Even asked my kids. Their response .... Hell no.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.
I used to live a few miles from Nice.
Just like in every fucking city in France on the outskirts are fucking muslim shitholes no one, not even LE is brave enough to go into.
They are fucking ANIMALS!
NO 'western' person without a death wish will enter this shitholes.
They have their own laws.
They literally believe going into the 'civilized' parts of the cities and selling heroin to little kids is doing the work of 'Mr. Stinky Finger' because in so doing these degenerates know they are aiding in destroying 'western lives.
They consider dealing hard drugs part of their arsenal to destroy Western society.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.....

That's sort of like blaming the majority of law-abiding people who live in poverty-stricken inner city neighborhoods for not rising up and taking out the gangs that terrorize the area and commit horrible crimes.

Totally different. There are millions of Muslims out there and the jihadists are a very small minority.

Yet those millions of Muslims never do anything about that very small minority. They either agree with them or they don't care about how many they kill.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.
I used to live a few miles from Nice.
Just like in every fucking city in France on the outskirts are fucking muslim shitholes no one, not even LE is brave enough to go into.
They are fucking ANIMALS!
NO 'western' person without a death wish will enter this shitholes.
They have their own laws.
They literally believe going into the 'civilized' parts of the cities and selling heroin to little kids is doing the work of 'Mr. Stinky Finger' because in so doing these degenerates know they are aiding in destroying 'western lives.
They consider dealing hard drugs part of their arsenal to destroy Western society.

Have you seen the Banlieus in Paris?

A breeding ground.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims? that is what is known as a oxymoron.....All muslims are not really this is a much better argument than not all muslims are terrorists aka the more religious a muslim is the more apt he supports jihad....the other class of muslim are just arabs or persians going through the motions in order to go along with their community and not suffer repercussions...they are not really believers in Islam....sometimes they are referred to as 'secular muslims'...but they know they cannot survive in a muslim culture if they oppose islam they go along to get along...go to the mosque, observe the holidays, pretend to pray etc. Basically hypocrites...but one has to do what one has to do to survive.

Is mind reading your mutant power?

Your overblown emotive use of rhetoric is over the top.
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*

You are quite mistaken.....suspect Germans in America along with Italians in the same category of suspicion...were rounded up and incarcerated....

Why are you trying to be dishonest instead of admitting your argument has hit a dead end? I said "We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps."

There you g
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.

Normal Muslims? that is what is known as a oxymoron.....All muslims are not really this is a much better argument than not all muslims are terrorists aka the more religious a muslim is the more apt he supports jihad....the other class of muslim are just arabs or persians going through the motions in order to go along with their community and not suffer repercussions...they are not really believers in Islam....sometimes they are referred to as 'secular muslims'...but they know they cannot survive in a muslim culture if they oppose islam they go along to get along...go to the mosque, observe the holidays, pretend to pray etc. Basically hypocrites...but one has to do what one has to do to survive.

Is mind reading your mutant power?

Your overblown emotive use of rhetoric is over the top.
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*

You are quite mistaken.....suspect Germans in America along with Italians in the same category of suspicion...were rounded up and incarcerated....

Why are you trying to be dishonest instead of admitting your argument has hit a dead end? I said "We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps."

There you go again with another 'specious' argument. We rounded up the suspicious Germans and Italians wherever they were...east or west....the ones thought to pose a danger to America....unlike today where we just 'monitor' or try to monitor those muslims on the watch list...those we think have been radicalized or are suspicous for some reason and wind up on the FBI list of muslims who need to be watched.

You are hung up on the term 'ALL' no one has said we should treat them all the same...but it is just common sense to deport the suspicious ones...much cheaper and more effective than monitoring them or even incarcerating them.

Keep trotting out those red herrings though...makes you look very stupid.

The muslim jihadists have declared war upon is only common sense to take them at their many more attacks must we suffer before we begin to take them seriously?

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.....

That's sort of like blaming the majority of law-abiding people who live in poverty-stricken inner city neighborhoods for not rising up and taking out the gangs that terrorize the area and commit horrible crimes.
Thanks for proving my point you little turd.
'Peaceful' muslims are too shit scared to turn in the sub-human degenerates who they know live among them. They know the degenerates will kill them and their families.
Negroes who live in shitholes are too shit scared to turn in the fucking thugs who live among them because they know: "Snitches Get Stitches".
What a pathetic way to waste one's life being afraid the sub-human's living among you will murder you if you stand up to them.These sub-human degenerates need to be eliminated.
Round up every fucking gang member and use them to fuel the nearest garbage incinerator.
These vermin have never contributed anything positive to our society.
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If this is ISIS I'll bet Obama still won't say it's Islam.
He won't even say isis. He will continue to send them a message that he is on their side by calling them ISIL. It is after all a direct slap in the face of Israel.

He, and the others in HIS administration are the only ones in the world to refer to them as that.

Huh, I wonder why.

And he used the same plan in his Dallas Speech....he justified the killing of those policemen.

One has to wonder why the billions who aren't jihadists don't do something about those that are.....

That's sort of like blaming the majority of law-abiding people who live in poverty-stricken inner city neighborhoods for not rising up and taking out the gangs that terrorize the area and commit horrible crimes.

Totally different. There are millions of Muslims out there and the jihadists are a very small minority.

Yet those millions of Muslims never do anything about that very small minority. They either agree with them or they don't care about how many they kill.

How many innocent people can one muslim jihadist kill? Well it only took a handfull to kill over 3,000 Ameicans in N.Y.

So one muslim jihadist in America is one too many.

Not even to mention we have a very long list of suspicious muslims that the FBI monitors...or at least tries to...but the FBI is overwhelmed...and thus you get scenarios like in Orlando...a suspicious radicalized muslim that slipped through the cracks and was able to perpetrate one of the most horrendous attacks on Americans here in many more are there like that out there...just waiting for the opportune moment to martyr themselves in the name of the moon god allah?

It is more than stupid to try and defend them...those who try to defend them should be deported with them.
You people really need to drop your 'inside the conservative fake bubble' crap.

10,000 + sorties against Isis targets by the US alone. More than 2,000 drone strikes against terrorist targets, the PEOPLE, not buildings. Bin Laden shot in the face and dead. I mean you have your political leanings but you speak nonsense that even you know is a lie.

My opinion is and has been that NATO should mount up 200,000 troops for an old style war of attrition, go into the middle east and clean in of all these groups, and then leave 50,000 troops there in perpetuity as we have in South Korea because this problem is going to take generations to die out. Only when moderate Muslims in the region have raised one or two generations without the brutality of an Isis or Al Qaeda group hanging over them will this crap die away.

Don't forget, Isis and Al Qaeda are killing far more Muslims than any other group they attack.

So have your opinions but at least deal in the realm of honest reality. This president has authorized a mountain of attacks against these enemies and killed tens of thousands of them. Isis is on the run and their captured territory is shrinking daily but many on the right have some great need to put all the blame on Americans.

We aren't the ones to blame for this. Our enemies are.

Enuff bullcrap Issac. We know 70% minimal strikes come back loaded. They allowed them to run Oil for years. BHO did nothing till Putin shamed his lying ass.

Pooting thug has been there for several months but ISIS still producing oil by the millions gallons of oil daily. ISIS still fully operational in Syria. But he is busy killing civilians. Why is that? Can you explain that?

Our sorties came back loaded because we don't murder civilians like Putin. We can always come back the next day. If we just keep bombing disregards of all people in that area....... Then we are part of ISIS.
I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me.

Tyrannies throughout history have been realized by minorities. Islam is no different.

I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque"

Then you don't understand Islam. The point of the ground zero mosque is symbolic conquest. Islam's purpose in America is to destroy America and establish an Islamic State.
If this is ISIS I'll bet Obama still won't say it's Islam.
He won't even say isis. He will continue to send them a message that he is on their side by calling them ISIL. It is after all a direct slap in the face of Israel.

He, and the others in HIS administration are the only ones in the world to refer to them as that.

Huh, I wonder why.

And he used the same plan in his Dallas Speech....he justified the killing of those policemen.

Even President Hollande has conceded to saying radical Islamist terror.

I think there was one occasion after a Paris attack, when he ordered a bombing of Isis in Syria.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.
That is just what these extremists want. What are the chances something happening to you if you went to Paris? You would deny yourself seeing one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Yep. Even asked my kids. Their response .... Hell no.
It would be a shame for your family to miss such an incredible experience.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I've fucking had enough of this crap!!!
It's time we do something!!!

Like WHAT?

For starters we can stop importing the sorry fucks.
And how about we start playing their game?
If they want to kill innocents we might have to start doing the same. They plow a truck through a crowd we bomb the shit out of a city.
Brute force is the only thing these scum bags understand.

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