Attack in Nice, France

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me.

Tyrannies throughout history have been realized by minorities. Islam is no different.

I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque"

Then you don't understand Islam. The point of the ground zero mosque is symbolic conquest. Islam's purpose in America is to destroy America and establish an Islamic State.

That's their goal.

A Caliphate. A Muslim world and all those countries who let Muslims in are bellying up to that bar folks.
I've fucking had enough of this crap!!!
It's time we do something!!!

Like WHAT?

For starters we can stop importing the sorry fucks.
And how about we start playing their game?
If they want to kill innocents we might have to start doing the same. They plow a truck through a crowd we bomb the shit out of a city.
Brute force is the only thing these scum bags understand.

How about we: recognize that Radical Islam is engaged in a guerrilla war against the West, declare war, and stop calling them terrorists - they are enemy combatants.
I've fucking had enough of this crap!!!
It's time we do something!!!

Like WHAT?

For starters we can stop importing the sorry fucks.
And how about we start playing their game?
If they want to kill innocents we might have to start doing the same. They plow a truck through a crowd we bomb the shit out of a city.
Brute force is the only thing these scum bags understand.

How about we: recognize that Radical Islam is engaged in a guerrilla war against the West, declare war, and stop calling them terrorists - they are enemy combatants.

When these scumbags grow the balls to put on a uniform and challenge a western army directly instead of targeting civilians like little fucking cowards they can be called anything but terrorists. As it stands, they are nothing but suicidal pussies.

Nonsense. They are the vanguard of an invading army fighting in guerrilla mode.
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*

We rounded up a lot of them.

We dropped bombs on germans regardless of whether they were nazis or not.

We shelled germans, we shoot germans, we bayoneted germans.

And we never gave a thought to whether or not they were actually nazis.

We declared war on the whole nation of Germany.
I've fucking had enough of this crap!!!
It's time we do something!!!

Like WHAT?

For starters we can stop importing the sorry fucks.
And how about we start playing their game?
If they want to kill innocents we might have to start doing the same. They plow a truck through a crowd we bomb the shit out of a city.
Brute force is the only thing these scum bags understand.

How about we: recognize that Radical Islam is engaged in a guerrilla war against the West, declare war, and stop calling them terrorists - they are enemy combatants.

When these scumbags grow the balls to put on a uniform and challenge a western army directly instead of targeting civilians like little fucking cowards they can be called anything but terrorists. As it stands, they are nothing but suicidal pussies.

They would be pussies if they kept their suicidal tendencies to themselves, and not drag little children and babies along with them.
.......someone in circa 1939 could have and no doubt did aka lindgergh [sic]....make the same claim that you make but about the nazis......

We fought the Nazis. We did not fight all German people. There were many millions of people of German ancestry in the United States at the time. We did not demonize, kill or deport all German-Americans. We did not even round up all Americans of German ancestry on the east coast and throw them into concentration camps. *ahem*

We rounded up a lot of them.

We dropped bombs on germans regardless of whether they were nazis or not.

We shelled germans, we shoot germans, we bayoneted germans.

And we never gave a thought to whether or not they were actually nazis.

We declared war on the whole nation of Germany.

We were at war, and that is what happens in war.

Currently, The Islamic State is at war with us, and we are treating it as a community organizing issue and something with which we should just learn to live.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.

I'd never try to impose on a free thinker.
Feel free to head to France for a year abroad.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.
I think you are mis-interpeting the comments....there is a condemntion of Islam the so called religion but not of all muslims.

Here's the problem with that kind of thinking:

Once you understand that the very nature of the Islamic doctrine is evil (yes, it's really evil) then it's logical to see that every single Moslem supports evil, since every single Moslem supports the Islamic doctrine. One can claim that some Moslems don't understand that they're supporting evil and that they're good people. This would be true but being a Moslem means supporting the doctrine whether consciously or not. The profession of Moslemhood (if you will) is worthy of condemnation. I would encourage all good people who happen to be Moslem to leave Islam.
Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.

I'd never try to impose on a free thinker.
Feel free to head to France for a year abroad.

I would. It's certainly safer than here.

Why, are you scared?
How about we: recognize that Radical Islam is engaged in a guerrilla war against the West, declare war, and stop calling them terrorists - they are enemy combatants.

When these scumbags grow the balls to put on a uniform and challenge a western army directly instead of targeting civilians like little fucking cowards they can be called anything but terrorists. As it stands, they are nothing but suicidal pussies.

Nonsense. They are the vanguard of an invading army fighting in guerrilla mode.

Your admiration of the murderous pussies is noted.

Your acceptance of terrorism in our midst is duly noted.

No, your dishonesty is noted - again.

I am rubber
You are glue
The mean things you say
Bounce off of me
And stick to you

And your glaring lack of awareness is duly noted.
Nonsense. They are the vanguard of an invading army fighting in guerrilla mode.

Wrongo! They are not affiliated with any established or recognized government. They are simply terrorist thugs.
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

THat is really hard core.

Don't let a small amount of Muslims effect your life.

I like it.

You know who really needs that message?

This woman.


Dumb cow let that small amount of muslims effect her life.

Why is she cancelling her Bastille celebration plans?

Because of a few muslims?

I bet she is a racist too.
I am in London today, surrounded by Muslims, that are not bothering me. Less than 1% of all the Muslims in the world are involved in this violence.

BS. A conservative estimate is 7% of 1.6 billion people and that was back in 2005.

We rounded up a lot of them.

We dropped bombs on germans regardless of whether they were nazis or not.

We shelled germans, we shoot germans, we bayoneted germans.

And we never gave a thought to whether or not they were actually nazis.

We declared war on the whole nation of Germany.

And we won - in less than 4 years.

Perpetual war is the result of the refusal to fight war as war.

We rounded up a lot of them.

We dropped bombs on germans regardless of whether they were nazis or not.

We shelled germans, we shoot germans, we bayoneted germans.

And we never gave a thought to whether or not they were actually nazis.

We declared war on the whole nation of Germany.

And we won - in less than 4 years.

Perpetual war is the result of the refusal to fight war as war.

I think a big problem is: we don't know where the next attack will come from. (It's usually a soft target)

It never crossed my mind it would be in Nice.

This is where they have the advantage. The element of surprise.
You should think before you post.

You should follow your own advice. Enabler.
Rather childish of you.

Right back at ya.
How are things in the school yard today?

I am in London today, surrounded by Muslims, that are not bothering me. Less than 1% of all the Muslims in the world are involved in this violence.

Why would they bother you?
They do not bother me. I know many Muslim families and they are peaceful, lovely people. I am in one of the capitals of the western world enjoying myself and do not have a bit of fear or worry that something bad will happen. We cannot live our lives this way.
How are things in the school yard today?

I am in London today, surrounded by Muslims, that are not bothering me. Less than 1% of all the Muslims in the world are involved in this violence.

Say shitferbrains, didn't England just Brexit because the nation is waking up to the Muslims?

Oh and BTW you mindless twit, less than 1% of Germans in WWII were involved in the Holocaust.

Does that make Nazism "The Politics of Peace?"

If you fucktards were around in 1930 - we'd all be speaking German now.

We rounded up a lot of them.

We dropped bombs on germans regardless of whether they were nazis or not.

We shelled germans, we shoot germans, we bayoneted germans.

And we never gave a thought to whether or not they were actually nazis.

We declared war on the whole nation of Germany.

And we won - in less than 4 years.

Perpetual war is the result of the refusal to fight war as war.

I think a big problem is: we don't know where the next attack will come from. (It's usually a soft target)

It never crossed my mind it would be in Nice.

This is where they have the advantage. The element of surprise.

All bad guys have that advantage.

Their victims are just going about their lives.

The bad guys get to pick when their is trouble.

THEY won't be surprised when violence breaks out, because it won't until they start it.

If they go check out their target and it looks hard, they go look for another.
I am in London today, surrounded by Muslims, that are not bothering me. Less than 1% of all the Muslims in the world are involved in this violence.

BS. A conservative estimate is 7% of 1.6 billion people and that was back in 2005.
I just heard the figure on the news here in London. Guess you have to consider the source. That was a Freachman speaking, so perhaps he meant in France.

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