Attack in Nice, France

A man from Texas and his young son are among the dead.

Murdered in the Bastille Day massacre: First pictures emerge of victims killed in Nice terror attacks
  • 84 victims of Nice terror attack on Bastille Day started to be identified
  • Among those killed are an American father and his young son from Texas
  • German school teacher also killed in the attacks, according to authorities
  • Polina Serebryannikova, 22, watched friend Victoria Savchenko killed
Victims of Bastille Day attack named

'I am delivering ice cream': What truck terrorist told police when they stopped his truck hours before on the SAME promenade where he massacred 84
  • Nice terrorist was parked on the street for nearly nine hours before attack
  • Police officers allegedly questioned him but did nothing to move him on
  • He was already known to police for domestic violence and use of weapons
  • Named as father-of-three Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, living in Nice

PUBLISHED: 09:41, 15 July 2016 | UPDATED: 13:33, 15 July 2016P

Truck terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel told police he was delivering ice cream when police stopped his truck hours before on the same promenade where he massacred 84 in the Bastille Day massacre.

Bouhlel had been parked on the street nearly nine hours before he was questioned by police who failed check his vehicle, which was reportedly packed full of explosives and ammunition.

The 31-year-old married father-of-three was known to police as he was arrested for his involvement in a pub brawl in January.

Bouhlel, a delivery driver in Nice, who separated from his wife two years ago, has a criminal record for domestic violence, theft and possession of weapons.

He was also on probation after he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into four vehicles on a highway, it is claimed....

Did police talk to Nice killer hours before his deadly killing spree?
How charming :rolleyes-41: Of course the Leftists think that if we only were more friendly to the Islamists and gave them all a hug or something, well then we could all get along fine with each other :rolleyes-41:

No, normal people know that you don't tar 1 billion people with the same brush. Only alarmist, xenophobic retards look towards a group of people and say the majority are like that. 99.99% of rapists are men. Are you saying all men are rapists? Yes. That is how fucking braindead your argument is.

"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.
AP is reporting-
2:00 p.m.

Passengers have been ordered out of Nice Airport, an Associated Press reporter at the scene says. She said the terminal building has been sealed off and that military personnel are visible inside.
The gunman was known to police for crimes of theft and violence
Martin Robinson | Daily Mail - JULY 15, 2016 135 Comments

A terrorist gunman has killed 84 people and seriously injured dozens more after he used a 25-tonne lorry to go on a mile-long killing spree by mounting pavements at high speed and ploughing through crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice last night.

The killer, a 31-year-old French Tunisian named by Nice Matin as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, then got out and sprayed fleeing revellers with bullets before being shot dead by police after his 30 minute rampage, which has left 54 children injured alone.

One eyewitness described seeing ā€˜bodies flying like bowling pinsā€™ and others ā€˜jammedā€™ under the lorryā€™s wheels as the horror unfolded at around 10.30pm local time last night.

The truck driver, who was known to police, was said to have shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ ā€“ God is great in Arabic ā€“ before being killed in a clear suicide mission. Pro-ISIS groups have been celebrating the attack, orchestrated to coincide with Franceā€™s most important national holiday.

The gunman was known to police for crimes of theft and violence, but not intelligence services, a police source said. A suspected accomplice is on the run.

Read more.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

'I am delivering ice cream': What truck terrorist told police when they stopped his truck hours before on the SAME promenade where he massacred 84
  • Nice terrorist was parked on the street for nearly nine hours before attack
  • Police officers allegedly questioned him but did nothing to move him on
  • He was already known to police for domestic violence and use of weapons
  • Named as father-of-three Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, living in Nice

PUBLISHED: 09:41, 15 July 2016 | UPDATED: 13:33, 15 July 2016P

Truck terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel told police he was delivering ice cream when police stopped his truck hours before on the same promenade where he massacred 84 in the Bastille Day massacre.

Bouhlel had been parked on the street nearly nine hours before he was questioned by police who failed check his vehicle, which was reportedly packed full of explosives and ammunition.

The 31-year-old married father-of-three was known to police as he was arrested for his involvement in a pub brawl in January.

Bouhlel, a delivery driver in Nice, who separated from his wife two years ago, has a criminal record for domestic violence, theft and possession of weapons.

He was also on probation after he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into four vehicles on a highway, it is claimed....

Did police talk to Nice killer hours before his deadly killing spree?

Delivering ice cream? In a vehicle like that?
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.

Poll? Link? Don't get me wrong, I also believe that when this shit happens normal Muslims need to stand up and be counted. Too often they are too quiet.

They are usually quiet for two reasons:
1) As you say, they secretly agree; or
2) In the vast majority of cases they are too scared.

Neither excuse works for me. If it is the former they deserve all they get. If it is the latter they need to man up.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.
Most practicing Islam do believe in the caliphate and silently cheer when attacks happen and that is disturbing to most people.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is a straw man argument.
u/neotropic92145d, 19h
"Not all Muslims are terrorists" is almost always a straw man argument when deployed in the context of a debate on Islam.

A straw man argument is a type of red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy is a response to an argument/position that is intended to shift attention away from the real issue at hand. When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists" (or an equivalent phrase, like "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Al Qaeda) they are shifting attention away from the real issue. Specifically, they are shifting attention away from whatever it is their opponent is actually saying by pretending that their opponent holds a position that they do not -the position that all Muslims are terrorists.

I do not believe that every single Muslim is a terrorist. I have never spoken to anyone who does. Even Pat Robertson doesn't believe this. So to anyone who insists on injecting "not all Muslims are terrorists" into a debate, please be aware that you are almost certainly committing a logical fallacy.

I am opposed to Islam for ideological reasons. My opposition is not based on a mistaken belief that all Muslims are terrorists. Do not impart this belief onto me. I am not opposed to the so called "Ground Zero Mosque", although I can understand the point of view of those who are, and it is not helping the debate to deploy a logical fallacy against them by saying that "not all Muslims are terrorists". From their point of view, you look stupid and ignorant, because you are unwilling to actually respond to their actual beliefs.

You may not believe all Muslims are terrorists. However, the part I bolded in your post above is total BS. Absolutely, all the loons on this board believe most muslims either are - or have the potential to be - terrorists. So no, your strawman argument is a strawman in itself.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.

Sure they do. They are just too dumb to learn.

How many surviving gays in Orlando are going to vote for HIllary, to bring more Muslims to America?

Good point.

My reference to them never suffering consequences was aimed at progressive politicians.

I would say any homosexual voting for Clinton, has to have their head examined. But, then look at the Jewish vote. They continue to vote it is hard to understand, other than it is just insanity.

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