Attack in Nice, France

The perp, Mohammed Something, is not a terrorist.

He just went wacko.

He was having a bad day.

He lost his job.

His wife left him and took the kid.

He was mad at the world so he killed about 100 Bastille Day celebrants and injured another 100.

An American father and his infant child were killed.

Another American is missing.

Amazing what a run-away freight truck can do.

He just ran over people for about a mile along the celebration street.

His neighbors said he was not religious at all.

He was some kind of alcoholic.

Probably drunk when he pulled this stunt.

We need to outlaw alcohol again -- world wide.

He also had an AK-47 and an AR-15 but those are already illegal in France.
France has a huge Moslem community - upwards of 10% near as I can figure. I'm not surprised they're experiencing so many deadly terror attacks. This is likely another. We'll see.
The moslems don't seem to fit in well with the rest of the French for some reason.

This one was even married with a kid too.

Not exactly a young Islamist this time.

Just some wacko guy who lost it.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
Yes, the common denominator is their particular Islamic beliefs which are not shared by most Muslims.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
That really makes no sense because the terrorist attacks we are having in the US are perpetrated mostly by American citizens or permanent residents that have lived here for years.

Stopping Muslim immigration into the US is far more likely to increase the number of homegrown attacks and create the kind of hostility we are seeing in Europe. Compared to other countries Muslim-Americans are far more supportive of anti-terrorist measures. According to Homeland Security, Muslims in the US are a vital resource in preventing terrorist attacks and we need to keep it that way.
The perp, Mohammed Something, is not a terrorist.

He just went wacko.

He was having a bad day.

He lost his job.

His wife left him and took the kid.

He was mad at the world so he killed about 100 Bastille Day celebrants and injured another 100.

An American father and his infant child were killed.

Another American is missing.

Amazing what a run-away freight truck can do.

He just ran over people for about a mile along the celebration street.

His neighbors said he was not religious at all.

He was some kind of alcoholic.

Probably drunk when he pulled this stunt.

We need to outlaw alcohol again -- world wide.

He also had an AK-47 and an AR-15 but those are already illegal in France.

Outlaw alcohol worldwide? Good luck with your endeavor. Lol.
Warning: Grapic Content Warning (Meaning people ran over by a terrorist in a truck)

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

This actually captures the good vibes right before the attack. It was a nice place to have one's family. People need to wake up to the reality of Islam. This is just a waste. The one kid is on his cell phone videoing. He never even saw it coming. You hear family members and friends then just screaming at the nightmare.
Yup, my sympathies to the families and victims. Nothing beyond that. All this talk about going to "war" with an undefined group of people doesn't sit well with me. I wonder how many would send their OWN sons to the ME to fight these savages?
Warning: Grapic Content Warning (Meaning people ran over by a terrorist in a truck)

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Yup, my sympathies to the families and victims. Nothing beyond that. All this talk about going to "war" with an undefined group of people doesn't sit well with me. I wonder how many would send their OWN sons to the ME to fight these savages?

ISIS is only like 20K people. That's really low when you think about it. That's how weak the west has become. But my point would be that you could get an all volunteer army to do the job if our governments simply paid for it. There are many fighting men and women who care at the end of the day.

And frankly, there's enough mercenaries that would love a pay day as well. Don't listen to all the hot air concerns.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.
Moron thinks the 93 WTC bombing was because W invaded Iraq.
You are as thick as two planks.

It's not because of just one party or one guy. It is because of our POLICIES. We need to stay out of others' business for a change. Let these other countries work out their own problems, and we work on our problems here at home.

You're saying that we minded our own business, Nice would not have happened?
ISIS is only like 20K people. That's really low when you think about it. That's how weak the west has become. But my point would be that you could get an all volunteer army to do the job if our governments simply paid for it. There are many fighting men and women who care at the end of the day.

And frankly, there's enough mercenaries that would love a pay day as well. Don't listen to all the hot air concerns.
A single mercenary usually costs about $100K per year.

Where is the money going to come from?

Do you think the American Eagle sh!ts golden eggs?
ISIS is only like 20K people. That's really low when you think about it. That's how weak the west has become. But my point would be that you could get an all volunteer army to do the job if our governments simply paid for it. There are many fighting men and women who care at the end of the day.

And frankly, there's enough mercenaries that would love a pay day as well. Don't listen to all the hot air concerns.
A single mercenary usually costs about $100K per year.

Where is the money going to come from?

Do you think the American Eagle sh!ts golden eggs?

How poor do you think America (and its allies are) for fuck's sake? And you can get that back in oil, btw.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.
Moron thinks the 93 WTC bombing was because W invaded Iraq.
You are as thick as two planks.

It's not because of just one party or one guy. It is because of our POLICIES. We need to stay out of others' business for a change. Let these other countries work out their own problems, and we work on our problems here at home.

You're saying that we minded our own business, Nice would not have happened?

I'm saying that we need to stop sending these countries "aid" money, stop having anything to do with them! If it was up to me, I would completely wash our hands of that entire region of the world. They are nothing but a thorn in side of the whole WORLD. They sure aren't worth OUR blood and OUR money.
Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
Yes, the common denominator is their particular Islamic beliefs which are not shared by most Muslims.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
That really makes no sense because the terrorist attacks we are having in the US are perpetrated mostly by American citizens or permanent residents that have lived here for years.

Stopping Muslim immigration into the US is far more likely to increase the number of homegrown attacks and create the kind of hostility we are seeing in Europe. Compared to other countries Muslim-Americans are far more supportive of anti-terrorist measures. According to Homeland Security, Muslims in the US are a vital resource in preventing terrorist attacks and we need to keep it that way.

Yes, "most". The problem of course is there are 300 million who do....
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
Yes, the common denominator is their particular Islamic beliefs which are not shared by most Muslims.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
That really makes no sense because the terrorist attacks we are having in the US are perpetrated mostly by American citizens or permanent residents that have lived here for years.

Stopping Muslim immigration into the US is far more likely to increase the number of homegrown attacks and create the kind of hostility we are seeing in Europe. Compared to other countries Muslim-Americans are far more supportive of anti-terrorist measures. According to Homeland Security, Muslims in the US are a vital resource in preventing terrorist attacks and we need to keep it that way.

Yes, "most". The problem of course is there are 300 million who do....

You can't tell the "bad" ones by looking at them either. I've read that a lot of times they recruit those with no record. They might be crazy but they aren't necessarily stupid. I've read about people in high places (relatively speaking) advocating, aiding and abetting and even participating in terrorism themselves. So it's pretty scary to think a doctor from one of these countries with no background of doing anything would be allowed into our country and later go on to commit a terrorist attack. I don't understand the logic of the leftists. Something about the Statue of Liberty??? :dunno: Maybe some day they can wake the hell up!
Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
Yes, the common denominator is their particular Islamic beliefs which are not shared by most Muslims.
Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
That really makes no sense because the terrorist attacks we are having in the US are perpetrated mostly by American citizens or permanent residents that have lived here for years.

Stopping Muslim immigration into the US is far more likely to increase the number of homegrown attacks and create the kind of hostility we are seeing in Europe. Compared to other countries Muslim-Americans are far more supportive of anti-terrorist measures. According to Homeland Security, Muslims in the US are a vital resource in preventing terrorist attacks and we need to keep it that way.

Yes, "most". The problem of course is there are 300 million who do....

You can't tell the "bad" ones by looking at them either. I've read that a lot of times they recruit those with no record. They might be crazy but they aren't necessarily stupid. I've read about people in high places (relatively speaking) advocating, aiding and abetting and even participating in terrorism themselves. So it's pretty scary to think a doctor from one of these countries with no background of doing anything would be allowed into our country and later go on to commit a terrorist attack. I don't understand the logic of the leftists. Something about the Statue of Liberty??? :dunno: Maybe some day they can wake the hell up!

Evil's not as good at masking itself as you think. We know who these people are and how to take them out. Our weapons far surpass there's. Politicians have other interests. They make cold calculations in their interests; not the people's.
As jihadists around the world expressed their joy over Thursday evening’s terror attack in southern France, one ISIS sympathizer hailed Palestinian terrorists for pioneering the use of vehicles to attack civilians, the Middle East Media Research Institute(MEMRI) reported on Friday.

“Killing by ramming using civilian cars and trucks is an idea born from the Maqdisi [Palestinian] mind, which has an innovative nature of thinking up jihad tactics,” read a posting on a pro-ISIS forum online. “Yesterday they taught us [about] the explosive vest, and many plans for street fighting, and today they taught us this tactic. May Allah bless Jerusalem and the environs of Jerusalem, and may Allah bless all of the Levant…Oh Aqsa, we are coming.”

Palestinians Hailed for Developing ‘Innovative’ Car-Ramming Terror Tactic Used in Nice Attack

So... ISIS has thought up a lot of ways to kill people.. And THAT proves that every form of murder lays at the feet of those wack extremists?

They sure have a lot of Americans on the run. Not me.

I suppose every time you see a truck speeding down the freeway you will call the cops! :lol:

No comment.
I'm saying that we need to stop sending these countries "aid" money, stop having anything to do with them! If it was up to me, I would completely wash our hands of that entire region of the world. They are nothing but a thorn in side of the whole WORLD. They sure aren't worth OUR blood and OUR money.

I'd stop giving them money but the Islamic State is based in the ME and we need to destroy it. Do you believe freedom is worth fighting for?
Bastille Day truck attack for dummies: Tour de France, Tom Brady and Deflategate
Why is the truck in script
The "most mundane of weapons" advances the same agenda as "the terrorist was apparently a perfectly integrated muslim who never showed any signs of being radicalized".
In other words, scripted to pass this message: "it's impossible to prevent such attacks unless muslims are all interned in camps".
All in Blog

One day later one of the lines (and videos) in the script of the fake "Coup attempt in Turkey" is a parallel to Nice: "Turkish Tank Crushes Citizens",
In other words: one day later the "victims" are scripted as muslims, the real targets of the Nice truck.

Turkey: FAKE Coup attempt, SCRIPT exposed: suppress sunni opposition to Syria Invasion
Protest Suppression Techniques, by the Illuminati: Turkey: FAKE Coup attempt, Illuminati theater, SCRIPT exposed:suppress sunni opposition to Syria Invasion

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