Attack in Nice, France

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.

Every killer has different reasons for what he did - just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he was driven by ideology. (Not saying that in this instance because I haven't seen anything on motives yet).

Right...I hear has to be much more complicated than muslims wanting to kill has to be something more sinister than we know for sure not all muslims are not condemn anyone until they are proven guilty...that is the American Way. I know this muslim guy where i buy my gas..he is just as much a human as I am...but a lot of people would like to send him back to Syria...he has just as much right to be here as anyone else. We must not discriminate against is not their fault a few muslims want to kill infidels. We must protect is our duty if we want to be on the right side of history. Anyhow, I think this jihadi thing is just a fad...I am sure they will tire of it soon and all we need to do is be a tad more patient with them. They will come around and eventually learn to be peaceful.
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.

Yes, but he IS disarming Americans so that the people murdering Americans have an easier time of it.

Hillary will bring more of the same.

Wait, Wait...muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...whatever would make you think they did.
Muslim involvement in terrorism is a generalization and an incorrect one. Although less than 1 in a million Muslims are directly involved in terrorism attacks, we use the term Muslim terrorism liberally. 90% of terrorist attacks are perpetrated by men but we don't use the term male terrorism. Most of the terrorist attacks in the US are not perpetrated by Muslims but rather those identifying themselves as Christians or Jews. Yet we rarely hear them referred to as Christian or Jewish terrorist.
Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.

Yes, but he IS disarming Americans so that the people murdering Americans have an easier time of it.

Hillary will bring more of the same.

Wait, Wait...muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...whatever would make you think they did.
Muslim involvement in terrorism is a generalization and an incorrect one. Although less than 1 in a million Muslims are directly involved in terrorism attacks, we use the term Muslim terrorism liberally. 90% of terrorist attacks are perpetrated by men but we don't use the term male terrorism. Most of the terrorist attacks in the US are not perpetrated by Muslims but rather those identifying themselves as Christians or Jews. Yet we rarely hear them referred to as Christian or Jewish terrorist.

Isis made it quite quite clear there was going to be war on Europe. Everything they have threatened has come to pass. I'm surprised you don't know about it.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.

Yes, but he IS disarming Americans so that the people murdering Americans have an easier time of it.

Hillary will bring more of the same.

Wait, Wait...muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...whatever would make you think they did.
Muslim involvement in terrorism is a generalization and an incorrect one. Although less than 1 in a million Muslims are directly involved in terrorism attacks, we use the term Muslim terrorism liberally. 90% of terrorist attacks are perpetrated by men but we don't use the term male terrorism. Most of the terrorist attacks in the US are not perpetrated by Muslims but rather those identifying themselves as Christians or Jews. Yet we rarely hear them referred to as Christian or Jewish terrorist.

Isis made it quite quite clear there was going to be war on Europe. Everything they have threatened has come to pass. I'm surprised you don't know about it.
Including using vehicles to mow down and slaughter innocent people.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.

Yes, but he IS disarming Americans so that the people murdering Americans have an easier time of it.

Hillary will bring more of the same.

Wait, Wait...muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...whatever would make you think they did.
Muslim involvement in terrorism is a generalization and an incorrect one. Although less than 1 in a million Muslims are directly involved in terrorism attacks, we use the term Muslim terrorism liberally. 90% of terrorist attacks are perpetrated by men but we don't use the term male terrorism. Most of the terrorist attacks in the US are not perpetrated by Muslims but rather those identifying themselves as Christians or Jews. Yet we rarely hear them referred to as Christian or Jewish terrorist.

Isis made it quite quite clear there was going to be war on Europe. Everything they have threatened has come to pass. I'm surprised you don't know about it.
Including using vehicles to mow down and slaughter innocent people.

The Palestinians are using that technique.
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these lone wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad
behind the attack. However, it's still too early to understand the motivations for the attack.

Yes; there always are other reasons that useful idiots do the bidding of "the cause". But in the case of Nice it is imperative that the links be established. I suspect strongly that ISIS was inspirational rather than directly involved; it is how they work in places beyond their direct control. That and bringing in operatives to organise local events.


Let us look to President obama for guidance...I am sure he will issue some words of wisdom soon.

Just as soon as his think tank explains how they can spin this thing to make it look like it was just suicide by cop or sumptin like dat.

Oh sure the guy probably really believes he will go directly to paradise and live with virgins...but he is a muslim after all and that should not be looked down on or seen as a motive...the guy was probably depressed and perhaps had a drinking problem etc.etc. so many things to blame it on...main thing do not say anything to make people panic or get overly alarmed...let us get real...we have more people killed in traffic accidents than by muslim no one should get overly concerned about all this stuff...just relax and be happy.
You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Care to explain or show us who it is that is comitting 94% of all terrorist got a link on that? That might make for interesting reading...oh yeh all the victims of terrorist attacks are muslims...oh yieh data da ticket hillary loves you for saying that....finally somone has proved hillary to be correct and not the liar so many think she is. You deserve a gold star...maybe hillary will even send you an autographed photo ....bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
America has enough crazy lunatucs, many are armed. We don't need to import more nuts from abroad. Thank you in advance.

I saw a guy on TV state that Tunisian make up largest group of ISIS recruits. Google can't hide it.....

It depends what the definition of IS IS is. Tee hee
You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t Don't trip over your rug there Flop.......
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims.

Flopped again. There have been 28,822 MOSLEM DEADLY TERRORIST ATTACKS since 9/11.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
A small amount of Muslims cause the trouble. Would you keep Italians out because if organized crime? Or Irish because they are terrorists?
Fucking muslim sub-human scum!
I used to live a few miles from Nice.
The muslims have destroyed Nice!
They destroy everywhere they go!
Time for WAR!
Kick EVERY fuckijg muslim out of europe!
Send them back to the fucking shitholes in Africa where they came from NOW!

Time for war with whom??? Are you suggesting the United States continue this "war on terror" that has been absolute failure? WTF? You know the definition of insanity?
Fucking muslim sub-human scum!
I used to live a few miles from Nice.
The muslims have destroyed Nice!
They destroy everywhere they go!
Time for WAR!
Kick EVERY fuckijg muslim out of europe!
Send them back to the fucking shitholes in Africa where they came from NOW!

Oh boy, the fact that this post got so many "yays" means we are really screwed! Too many stupid people.

This poster that I quoted comes across as an absolute psychopath, IMO.
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Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

I am sure that if the victims of the WTC attack or any other muslim attack had been informed that those killing them only represented one percent of muslims that it would have been a great comfort to them.
Have you ever noticed that the 1% of anything is only bad when libs don't like that demographic?
No, never noticed that.

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