Attack in Nice, France

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

Condemnation comes from the heart, not a posting on a messageboard and certainly not a thread full of baiting.

You want condemnation? You can have it. I condemn terrorists - anyone who chooses to deliberately kill innocent people out some misbegotten ideology or perversion of religion or pissed off attitude. I think most liberals would say the same thing but things are so partisan no one listens. You'd think a tragedy would unite people.

It was only a matter of time before you came here to defend terrorists...

:lol: I can see questioning his sincerity; but how was he defending terrorists?

Not in that particular post, but it is his MO.

Then you should be able to link to somewhere I defended terrorists or terrorism. Strangely enough, when ever I ask.....silence. Surely you can find something?

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.
Condemnation comes from the heart, not a posting on a messageboard and certainly not a thread full of baiting.

You want condemnation? You can have it. I condemn terrorists - anyone who chooses to deliberately kill innocent people out some misbegotten ideology or perversion of religion or pissed off attitude. I think most liberals would say the same thing but things are so partisan no one listens. You'd think a tragedy would unite people.

It was only a matter of time before you came here to defend terrorists...

:lol: I can see questioning his sincerity; but how was he defending terrorists?

Not in that particular post, but it is his MO.

Then you should be able to link to somewhere I defended terrorists or terrorism. Strangely enough, when ever I ask.....silence. Surely you can find something?

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

I'm inclined to believe that from what I recall.
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.
Condemnation comes from the heart, not a posting on a messageboard and certainly not a thread full of baiting.

You want condemnation? You can have it. I condemn terrorists - anyone who chooses to deliberately kill innocent people out some misbegotten ideology or perversion of religion or pissed off attitude. I think most liberals would say the same thing but things are so partisan no one listens. You'd think a tragedy would unite people.

It was only a matter of time before you came here to defend terrorists...

:lol: I can see questioning his sincerity; but how was he defending terrorists?

Not in that particular post, but it is his MO.

Then you should be able to link to somewhere I defended terrorists or terrorism. Strangely enough, when ever I ask.....silence. Surely you can find something?

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Every thread? Not even close. And I've never defended radical Islam. If I had, you'd be able to provide evidence.
You want condemnation? You can have it. I condemn terrorists - anyone who chooses to deliberately kill innocent people out some misbegotten ideology or perversion of religion or pissed off attitude.

Which "misbegotten ideology" would that be?
What "perversion of religion" are you referring to?

As always, Liberals assign no connection of terrorism to Islam or Moslems.
You want condemnation? You can have it. I condemn terrorists - anyone who chooses to deliberately kill innocent people out some misbegotten ideology or perversion of religion or pissed off attitude.

Which "misbegotten ideology" would that be?
What "perversion of religion" are you referring to?

As always, Liberals assign no connection of terrorism to Islam or Moslems.

As usual, Conservatives only condmen terrorism or the targeting and killing of innocent people when it's perpetrated by Muslims.
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.

Every killer has different reasons for what he did - just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he was driven by ideology. (Not saying that in this instance because I haven't seen anything on motives yet).
A friend of mine was just there 2 weeks ago. Could have been her killed and her kids if she had delayed her trip. Crazy.

My company is giving away a trip for two to Paris. Guess I will withdraw my raffle tickets now. Not worth it.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

I am sure that if the victims of the WTC attack or any other muslim attack had been informed that those killing them only represented one percent of muslims that it would have been a great comfort to them.
A simple question: is all Islam radical?? Are those Muslims murdered by other Muslims radical?? I condemn in the strongest terms the murder of French citizens in Nice. I also condemn the murder of Muslims in Syria, Iraq, etc etc etc by other Muslims for whatever cause they may be fighting. I also condemn the murders of Israelis by Hamas Muslims in Israel....seems to me that the root cause of the problem is a cult of death WITHIN the Muslim Mid-East extending out to Pakistan, Afghanistan and west to the Caucasus.

BTW: I consider the root cause of the problem to be a mix of Stalinist methods and Religion being used as a vehicle for POWER!!! As for Bush; merely one player in the saga. Yes; there was some blundering but he saw a tyrant at war with his own people and his neighbours and tried to stop him. Saddam's removal was a wonderful thing; the power grab after it indeed showed that even the best of actions can have unintended consequences. Obama's withdrawal when a skilled negotiator was needed was a catastrophic event. His line in the sand in Syria a failure that also had unintended consequences. But in all this one must remember that it is the pursuit of power by Totalitarian Muslims that is the driver of the killing; it has stuff all to do with the worship of Allah.

Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

I am sure that if the victims of the WTC attack or any other muslim attack had been informed that those killing them only represented one percent of muslims that it would have been a great comfort to them.

Do you think they would hate all Muslims because of the actions of terrorists?
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.

Every killer has different reasons for what he did - just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he was driven by ideology. (Not saying that in this instance because I haven't seen anything on motives yet).

I disagree; he was driven by ideology all right, but not by the Worship of Allah. I really believe that the driver is Stalinist (EDIT: methods) with "religion" just the vehicle being used to suck in "useful idiots".

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Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these lone wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad
behind the attack. However, it's still too early to understand the motivations for the attack.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Do you want them to win?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

I am sure that if the victims of the WTC attack or any other muslim attack had been informed that those killing them only represented one percent of muslims that it would have been a great comfort to them.

Do you think they would hate all Muslims because of the actions of terrorists?

A difficult one. Selecting and targeting those who were the actual perpetrators and their enablers is always difficult. The question really is; is Western Intelligence up to the job??

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

I am sure that if the victims of the WTC attack or any other muslim attack had been informed that those killing them only represented one percent of muslims that it would have been a great comfort to them.

Do you think they would hate all Muslims because of the actions of terrorists?

A difficult one. Selecting and targeting those who were the actual perpetrators and their enablers is always difficult. The question really is; is Western Intelligence up to the job??


That's a big issue, and in recent terrorist attacks in Europe - no, it hasn't been. Intelligence sharing vs. jurisdictional competition seems to be an issue.

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