Attack in Nice, France

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these lone wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad
behind the attack. However, it's still too early to understand the motivations for the attack.

I've read nothing about motive yet, it takes time to go through things - but the most recent articles I've found indicate a violent person with a criminal history and personal problems:
Attack in Nice: Driver of truck identified as 31-year-old Tunisia native -
EXCLUSIVE: Truck terrorist 'beat his wife and NEVER went to mosque'
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these lone wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad
behind the attack. However, it's still too early to understand the motivations for the attack.

Yes; there always are other reasons that useful idiots do the bidding of "the cause". But in the case of Nice it is imperative that the links be established. I suspect strongly that ISIS was inspirational rather than directly involved; it is how they work in places beyond their direct control. That and bringing in operatives to organise local events.

Bastille Day truck attack hoax for dummies: Tour de France chaos, Tom Brady, Deflategate
The Tour de France was the first major global sports events to be in fact terminated by the illuminati: almost all great champions were falsely accused of doping and stripped.
Now, as all other shows are about to be terminated, the Tour was used to announce the "nearly 100 dead in Nice, after rammed by a truck" hours in advance.

Jul 2016 - Two stages in the Tour de France before and after the Euro 2016 final, to:
- celebrate the destruction of the Tour de France
- pass two messages about the end of the show, each time literally fulfilling "order out of chaos" by including each time the CHAOS word in the headlines.
But the relateed subliminal name is not Lance Armstrong but rather Tom Brady and he's yet to be stripped, same as Obama and Usain Bolt.
Headlines one day after the "Nice truck attack": "Tom Brady’s battle over Deflategate appears to be over.".

1. Jul 8, 2016 - "Chaos at Tour de France as flamme rouge deflates".
Goal: to remind human cattle about the end of show and in particular the most extreme inversion of illuminnati scripts ever.
The end of show series "hero to zero" and "stripped of" are part of both setting the stage and celebrating the inversion.

2. July 14, 2016 - "On Bastille Day, storming fans spark chaos at Tour de France"
Goal: to announce another satanic celebration for Bastille day, hours later, at Nice.
In other words:another fake blood episode
- served in the parallel reverse format: after bystanders rammed the Tour cyclists it's now their turn to be rammed, this time by a truck.
- setting the stage for the manhunt for muslims, arabs, non-whites and dissidents, which includes extending the "state of emergency" (it won't be lifted until the genocide is completed) .

Why is the truck in script
The "most mundane of weapons" advances the same agenda as "the terrorist was apparently a perfectly integrated muslim who never showed any signs of being radicalized".
In other words, scripted to pass this message: "it's impossible to prevent such attacks unless muslims are all interned in camps".

Chaos at Tour de France 2016 in two stages
Jul 8 - Chaos at Tour de France as flamme rouge deflates
July 14 - Froome keeps the yellow jersey after dramatic tour stage

Jul 15 - Tom Brady says he will ‘no longer proceed with the legal process’ in Deflategate
Tom Brady says he will 'no longer proceed with the legal process' in Deflategate

"From hero to zero", "stripped of" and "first woman leading"
Not only Tom Brady and the Patriots but also Peyton Manning and the Broncos from their Superbowl titles and beyond: the NFL books stripped from the Superbowl 2016.
Peyton Manning 2014 as loser part of "hero to zero" while 2016, as winner, part of the coming "stripped of".
On the other hand Tom Brady, both times related to 2015: first "hero to zero" alias "deflategate scandal" before the coming "stripped of".
Superbowl 2016, stripped from the books. The Seattle Seahawks will be declared the very last champions, winners not only in 2014 but also in 2015. In other words: the Superbowl 2016 will be declared a sCam, null and void,.
Simulated reality terminated NOW: From hero to zero, stripped of, first woman leading: END OF SHOW series

From Nice, France to Vice, USA
Manhunt from muslims to blacks: Undeniable evidence:
Miss Alabama and Trumpence on stage on a day Of Last Trumpets in the illuminati anti-bible: all predicted 2009
End Times Prophet: Manhunt for blacks: Miss Alabama and Trumpence on stage on a day Of Last Trumpets in tge all predicted 2009
All in Blog
Illuminati sport agenda: Tour de France chaos Bastille Day truck announced
Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.


After the Orlando massacre, she gave herself a few hours off to celebrate, but was then right back at it.

She even indicated she thought posts were funny for not defending the perp in the same way she did.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are at tracking back with a vengeance.

The civil war in Syria is nothing to do with Bush. It started as a revolt against the government, Arab Spring and all that. And look how it turned out. I watched a live interview with Assad last night.

Whatever Bush did or didn't do, one could argue that there was a moral obligation for the allies to remin in Iraq, to stabilise the region. Which to a large extent was happening, till Obama withdrew the troops, and the whole thing flared up again.
Obama was not going to let more American soldiers die because of Bush's mistake. What is going on in Nice has little to do with what happened in Syria. This was a crazy Myslim guy doing suicude by police.

Yeh...just another crazy muslim guy dat explains and simplifies it....thanx pal Now we know not to worry...I mean there cannot be that many crazy muslim guys can there? We should not try to stop hillary from allowing more of them to come in...cant blame all of them can we? The odds are with us...right? Only a few of them want to kill us....main thing is not to be afraid. We have nothing to fear but fear itself right? BTW could i get a refund on them tickets to paris.
Is it safe to visit NYC at Christmas?
Don't know ... I would never waste the money to even go to that cesspool.

I'm referring to the possibility of a terror attack, don't you know? A nice soft target, as we all stand outside gazing at Macy's Christmas window displays could be one scenario.
France has had multiple terrorist attacks involving mass murder. My friend was there to move her kids back home to the US since they were studying abroad. They didn't like it because it was not safe for Americans. She even said... That could have been us... We were just there watching fireworks. So...

Your snotty snarking really has no effect on my opinion.
I was trying to show you how you should not let a small amount of Muslims, less than 1 % should effect your life. Sorry if I was snarky.

I am sure that if the victims of the WTC attack or any other muslim attack had been informed that those killing them only represented one percent of muslims that it would have been a great comfort to them.
Have you ever noticed that the 1% of anything is only bad when libs don't like that demographic?
What excactly IS "radical Islam"?

Answer my question first.

No. Quit dodging. I answered enough of your questions.[/QUOTE]

It is a mix of the usual shit; pursuit of Power, Stalinist handbook and Useful idiots. Much the same as the "Communism" of the last century. (imo). Let's face it; folks on a prayer mat are in a rather vulnerable position.

Bastille Day truck attack hoax for dummies: Tour de France chaos, Tom Brady, Deflategate
The Tour de France was the first major global sports events to be in fact terminated by the illuminati: almost all great champions were falsely accused of doping and stripped.
Now, as all other shows are about to be terminated, the Tour was used to announce the "nearly 100 dead in Nice, after rammed by a truck" hours in advance.

Jul 2016 - Two stages in the Tour de France before and after the Euro 2016 final, to:
- celebrate the destruction of the Tour de France
- pass two messages about the end of the show, each time literally fulfilling "order out of chaos" by including each time the CHAOS word in the headlines.
But the relateed subliminal name is not Lance Armstrong but rather Tom Brady and he's yet to be stripped, same as Obama and Usain Bolt.
Headlines one day after the "Nice truck attack": "Tom Brady’s battle over Deflategate appears to be over.".

1. Jul 8, 2016 - "Chaos at Tour de France as flamme rouge deflates".
Goal: to remind human cattle about the end of show and in particular the most extreme inversion of illuminnati scripts ever.
The end of show series "hero to zero" and "stripped of" are part of both setting the stage and celebrating the inversion.

2. July 14, 2016 - "On Bastille Day, storming fans spark chaos at Tour de France"
Goal: to announce another satanic celebration for Bastille day, hours later, at Nice.
In other words:another fake blood episode
- served in the parallel reverse format: after bystanders rammed the Tour cyclists it's now their turn to be rammed, this time by a truck.
- setting the stage for the manhunt for muslims, arabs, non-whites and dissidents, which includes extending the "state of emergency" (it won't be lifted until the genocide is completed) .

Why is the truck in script
The "most mundane of weapons" advances the same agenda as "the terrorist was apparently a perfectly integrated muslim who never showed any signs of being radicalized".
In other words, scripted to pass this message: "it's impossible to prevent such attacks unless muslims are all interned in camps".

Chaos at Tour de France 2016 in two stages
Jul 8 - Chaos at Tour de France as flamme rouge deflates
July 14 - Froome keeps the yellow jersey after dramatic tour stage

Jul 15 - Tom Brady says he will ‘no longer proceed with the legal process’ in Deflategate
Tom Brady says he will 'no longer proceed with the legal process' in Deflategate

"From hero to zero", "stripped of" and "first woman leading"
Not only Tom Brady and the Patriots but also Peyton Manning and the Broncos from their Superbowl titles and beyond: the NFL books stripped from the Superbowl 2016.
Peyton Manning 2014 as loser part of "hero to zero" while 2016, as winner, part of the coming "stripped of".
On the other hand Tom Brady, both times related to 2015: first "hero to zero" alias "deflategate scandal" before the coming "stripped of".
Superbowl 2016, stripped from the books. The Seattle Seahawks will be declared the very last champions, winners not only in 2014 but also in 2015. In other words: the Superbowl 2016 will be declared a sCam, null and void,.
Simulated reality terminated NOW: From hero to zero, stripped of, first woman leading: END OF SHOW series

From Nice, France to Vice, USA
Manhunt from muslims to blacks: Undeniable evidence:
Miss Alabama and Trumpence on stage on a day Of Last Trumpets in the illuminati anti-bible: all predicted 2009
End Times Prophet: Manhunt for blacks: Miss Alabama and Trumpence on stage on a day Of Last Trumpets in tge all predicted 2009
All in Blog
Illuminati sport agenda: Tour de France chaos Bastille Day truck announced

Sorry; too early in the morning to read and make sense of that. lol

No. Quit dodging. I answered enough of your questions.

You've answered none. Good bye.

Just as I expected. Once a Liberal is asked to back up their assertions, they fold like a cheap deck of cards - unable to support their vacuous claims. This member defends an ideology she know nothing about.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are at tracking back with a vengeance.

The civil war in Syria is nothing to do with Bush. It started as a revolt against the government, Arab Spring and all that. And look how it turned out. I watched a live interview with Assad last night.

Whatever Bush did or didn't do, one could argue that there was a moral obligation for the allies to remin in Iraq, to stabilise the region. Which to a large extent was happening, till Obama withdrew the troops, and the whole thing flared up again.
Obama was not going to let more American soldiers die because of Bush's mistake. What is going on in Nice has little to do with what happened in Syria. This was a crazy Myslim guy doing suicude by police.

Yeh...just another crazy muslim guy dat explains and simplifies it....thanx pal Now we know not to worry...I mean there cannot be that many crazy muslim guys can there? We should not try to stop hillary from allowing more of them to come in...cant blame all of them can we? The odds are with us...right? Only a few of them want to kill us....main thing is not to be afraid. We have nothing to fear but fear itself right? BTW could i get a refund on them tickets to paris.

The Communists had MILLIONS of useful idiots. You think they aren't a dime a dozen?? It will be a long war.

No. Quit dodging. I answered enough of your questions.

You've answered none. Good bye.

Just as I expected. Once a Liberal is asked to back up their assertions, they fold like a cheap deck of cards - unable to support their vacuous claims. This member defends an ideology she know nothing about.

???????????????? I often disagree with Coyote but knowing "nothing about it" isn't what I observe. However, one must do the work to identify the PROBLEM. Our response must be as follows; IDENTIFY and eliminate!!! Oh; and smash ISIS, AQ, Hamas and any other terrorist orgs lurking out there....and that comes back to IDENTIFY!!!

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.
BBL; my prayers and thoughts are with the French today. Vive La France!!!

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread.
True. Investigators found evidence of alcohol use and no prayer rug and so far no connection to ISIS. In these load wolf attacks, ISIS is more often an excuse than a reason for the attack. I think in this attack like the Orlando and San Bernadine attack, there were other reasons other than worldwide Jihad behind the attack.

Yes, you are on to is just a co-incidence that all these perps are muslim......their religion had nothing to do with their desire to kill westerners...yeh dats da ticket...lets run wid dat boyos...even hillary agrees with us....she said muslims have nothing to do with terrorism...look how many support her....yeh we on a run...especiallly since obama and the media also support can we lose?
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

You mean EXCLUDING the WTC or are you going by the number of incidents; the WTC being just two??

Surely you jest. Every thread about radical islam you are there to defend it. You know it, i know it, and everyone who knows you knows it.

Watching all her taqiyya, I almost wonder if this site is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood, sometimes.

You know what's coming don't you?

Stories are coming out that the perp was deeply troubled and distressed because of marital problems. Was a Muslim, but did not live a Muslim life.

So he'll be exonerated from Isis connections. Similar to the Orlando massacre and the gay issue. It's already started on another thread. is the American way....we must defend all religions. We must tolerate all peoples...yes it is the American way. Yes I am voting for hillary because she understands this. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Vote for hillary and defend the Americn way....we will be on the right side of history. Islam is a peaceful religion...we must remember that. All those who kill in the name of Allah and for Allah....not really muslims...we must not forget that as George Bush taught us...islam has been hijacked. Real Islam is a peaceful religion.... So open up your hearts and welcome the muslims to America ...after all it is the American Way.
No. Quit dodging. I answered enough of your questions.

You've answered none. Good bye.

Just as I expected. Once a Liberal is asked to back up their assertions, they fold like a cheap deck of cards - unable to support their vacuous claims. This member defends an ideology she know nothing about.

I frequently provide sources for my claims in my posts.

I'm not going to keep answering your questions when you won't answer mine.

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