Attack in Nice, France

The first thing anyone needs to know about Islam is that it is not a peaceful is currently the only religion going around the world killing people in the name of its god...who in the case of islam is the moon god....definitely not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...though muhammed did quite a bit of plagairizing...from the Jewish Holy Book.

ALLAH MOON GOD - Is Allah Arabia's Pagan Moon God?

Muhammad's Plagiarism and Use of Apocryphal Sources

Radical Islamists. The vast, vast majority are not. Most serial killers are white men. Yet, most white men are not serial killers. Go figure.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.
Moron thinks the 93 WTC bombing was because W invaded Iraq.
You are as thick as two planks.

It's not because of just one party or one guy. It is because of our POLICIES. We need to stay out of others' business for a change. Let these other countries work out their own problems, and we work on our problems here at home.
This is the legacy of the Bush administration. We were warned that this could happen when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld poked the hornets nest.

Oh blow it out your ass you fucking halfwit. You lecture everyone else about how they need to do some reading so here is me telling you that YOU need to do some reading. This, all of this stems from the meddling of the British government under Disraeli who wanted to play his little games against the Russian bear and the easiest way to do that was from the southern regions. To do that he had to stir up the hornets nest. Then, they took control of Egypt for all intents and purposes to safeguard the Suez canal, and then after WWI they divided up the Ottoman Empire and drew borders on maps without paying the slightest bit of attention to which tribes were being mingled with which tribes, nor which sect of Islam was going where.

Almost the entirety of the situation that is going on now can be laid at the feet of the incompetent British bureaucrats you ignorant boob.
Bush attacking Iraq caused this. He created so many terrorists. We were warned at the time, and now is had come to happen. You are the ignorant boob. The west attacked Muslims, they are attacking back with a vengeance.

Well, at least you admit the muslim are attacking. And indiscriminately so. More reason to ban anymore muslims coming to this country till we get a handle on things, like Trump is saying he would do.
A small amount of Muslims cause the trouble. Would you keep Italians out because if organized crime? Or Irish because they are terrorists?

Taken as a percentage that is true. It is a small percentage of the total population. However, that small percentage equals over 300 million people. How many people in Ireland? The UK? Europe? Now, a thinking person would would be going. "Hmmm...that's a LOT!"
Obama was not going to let more American soldiers die because of Bush's mistake. What is going on in Nice has little to do with what happened in Syria. This was a crazy Myslim guy doing suicude by police.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.
The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.
The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.

Annnnnd, once again, when have they NOT been attacking? Give us a year that there were no Islamic attacks. Just one.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.
The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.

Some, and some are doing it for other reasons, I'm sure. Anyways, I wouldn't object to putting the kibosh on immigration here from war zones in the ME. We are NOT doing ourselves any favors by inviting these people into our country. Seriously!
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.

.....and I have a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you. :rolleyes:

My, people are morons!
If we have a bad product, say bagged spinach contaminated with E Coli, or a bad bunch of airbags in cars, we don't worry about offending the people that made it happen. But when it comes to bad actors from a questionable religion, we tippy toe around the whole issue like cowards try to shift the blame. No. Let's nip the issue of Islamic terrorism in the bud. Islam IS the problem here. If it was a vegetable or a car product, we would pull it from the public until it was proven safe. I don't have a problem with that.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.
The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.

I'm starting to think you are really just a right winger trying to sound like the most moronic lefty imaginable.

Obama was not going to let more American soldiers die because of Bush's mistake. What is going on in Nice has little to do with what happened in Syria. This was a crazy Myslim guy doing suicude by police.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

You are an idiot. The truck driver was barely a Muslim. He didn't follow Muslim rituals. He was pissed off because his ex wife took his children away. It was just an extension of his domestic situation.

You people really need to get facts before blaming everything on Muslim terrorists.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

You are an idiot. The truck driver was barely a Muslim. He didn't follow Muslim rituals. He was pissed off because his ex wife took his children away. It was just an extension of his domestic situation.

You people really need to get facts before blaming everything on Muslim terrorists.

And yet he was, wasn't he. I will grant you that he was mainly a criminal, based on reports, but criminals in general don't go on suicidal jihads.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

You are an idiot. The truck driver was barely a Muslim. He didn't follow Muslim rituals. He was pissed off because his ex wife took his children away. It was just an extension of his domestic situation.

You people really need to get facts before blaming everything on Muslim terrorists.

And yet he was, wasn't he. I will grant you that he was mainly a criminal, based on reports, but criminals in general don't go on suicidal jihads.

That's right, he was a criminal and a mental case. He was no more an extension of ISIS than the wacko that tore up Sandy Hook Elementary. It happens.

Certainly ISIS is a danger to be vigilant of. We don't need to blame EVERYTHING on them. It serves us no purpose.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

You are an idiot. The truck driver was barely a Muslim. He didn't follow Muslim rituals. He was pissed off because his ex wife took his children away. It was just an extension of his domestic situation.

You people really need to get facts before blaming everything on Muslim terrorists.

And yet he was, wasn't he. I will grant you that he was mainly a criminal, based on reports, but criminals in general don't go on suicidal jihads.

That's right, he was a criminal and a mental case. He was no more an extension of ISIS than the wacko that tore up Sandy Hook Elementary. It happens.

Certainly ISIS is a danger to be vigilant of. We don't need to blame EVERYTHING on them. It serves us no purpose.

No, they do plenty on their own. They don't need any help being wackadoodles.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

You are an idiot. The truck driver was barely a Muslim. He didn't follow Muslim rituals. He was pissed off because his ex wife took his children away. It was just an extension of his domestic situation.

You people really need to get facts before blaming everything on Muslim terrorists.

And yet he was, wasn't he. I will grant you that he was mainly a criminal, based on reports, but criminals in general don't go on suicidal jihads.

That's right, he was a criminal and a mental case. He was no more an extension of ISIS than the wacko that tore up Sandy Hook Elementary. It happens.

Certainly ISIS is a danger to be vigilant of. We don't need to blame EVERYTHING on them. It serves us no purpose.

No, they do plenty on their own. They don't need any help being wackadoodles.

If part of ISIS's strategy is to drive Americans crazy...they are succeeding.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.
The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.

Annnnnd, once again, when have they NOT been attacking? Give us a year that there were no Islamic attacks. Just one.

These attacks are happening now with alarming frequency and I fear they've only just got started, I sense there's some mega one's coming up, I wish I could say different, but after last night I'm very resigned to the unfortunate inevitable, this is because next to nothing is being done to take the bull by the horns with these Satanic monsters.
Obama is not going to go after the people murdering Americans.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.
The people doing these horrendous crimes are doing them because of American involvement in the Middle East.

They want to restore the Caliphate. It's a sacred duty.
Yes, you are.
Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq was a great moment.
As well as Bill saying Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Bush was warned and ignored it. Instead, he poked the hornets nest.

A hornets nest that would not exist save for BRITISH meddling. The attack on Nice was done because it is an easy target. Pretty much all of France is an easy target, but Nice was the best at that moment due to the celebrations. That's what these scumbags are looking for, easy targets where they can get the most bang for their buck.

You are an idiot. The truck driver was barely a Muslim. He didn't follow Muslim rituals. He was pissed off because his ex wife took his children away. It was just an extension of his domestic situation.

You people really need to get facts before blaming everything on Muslim terrorists.

And yet he was, wasn't he. I will grant you that he was mainly a criminal, based on reports, but criminals in general don't go on suicidal jihads.

That's right, he was a criminal and a mental case. He was no more an extension of ISIS than the wacko that tore up Sandy Hook Elementary. It happens.

Certainly ISIS is a danger to be vigilant of. We don't need to blame EVERYTHING on them. It serves us no purpose.

I beg your pardon? :alirulz:
As jihadists around the world expressed their joy over Thursday evening’s terror attack in southern France, one ISIS sympathizer hailed Palestinian terrorists for pioneering the use of vehicles to attack civilians, the Middle East Media Research Institute(MEMRI) reported on Friday.

“Killing by ramming using civilian cars and trucks is an idea born from the Maqdisi [Palestinian] mind, which has an innovative nature of thinking up jihad tactics,” read a posting on a pro-ISIS forum online. “Yesterday they taught us [about] the explosive vest, and many plans for street fighting, and today they taught us this tactic. May Allah bless Jerusalem and the environs of Jerusalem, and may Allah bless all of the Levant…Oh Aqsa, we are coming.”

Palestinians Hailed for Developing ‘Innovative’ Car-Ramming Terror Tactic Used in Nice Attack
As jihadists around the world expressed their joy over Thursday evening’s terror attack in southern France, one ISIS sympathizer hailed Palestinian terrorists for pioneering the use of vehicles to attack civilians, the Middle East Media Research Institute(MEMRI) reported on Friday.

“Killing by ramming using civilian cars and trucks is an idea born from the Maqdisi [Palestinian] mind, which has an innovative nature of thinking up jihad tactics,” read a posting on a pro-ISIS forum online. “Yesterday they taught us [about] the explosive vest, and many plans for street fighting, and today they taught us this tactic. May Allah bless Jerusalem and the environs of Jerusalem, and may Allah bless all of the Levant…Oh Aqsa, we are coming.”

Palestinians Hailed for Developing ‘Innovative’ Car-Ramming Terror Tactic Used in Nice Attack

So... ISIS has thought up a lot of ways to kill people.. And THAT proves that every form of murder lays at the feet of those wack extremists?

They sure have a lot of Americans on the run. Not me.

I suppose every time you see a truck speeding down the freeway you will call the cops! :lol:

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