Attack in Nice, France

Appalling stabbing incident in Russell Square, London. A woman in her 60s has been murdered; five others are being treated for knife wounds. According to the BBC: ā€œA 19-year-old man was arrested at 22:39 after a Taser was discharged by an officer. The Met said mental health was a ā€˜significant factorā€™ in the events.ā€ Thatā€™s a remarkably swift diagnosis of psychiatric health. Perhaps we can assume that all people who go on rampages with knives have ā€œsignificantā€ mental health issues. Perhaps mental health is now defined this way.

Perhaps the assailant was carrying Prozac. Perhaps, as he was being tasered, he demanded serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors as a human right. Perhaps he spoke of how he felt misunderstood, outcast, rejected by society. Perhaps he was unemployed and depressed. We just donā€™t know.
The human mind and heart can be moved in various ways, depending on how those facts are presented (or not). The Met and BBC can suggest shadowy lines of thought, and the Mayor of London can issue a command to be calm and vigilant. But neither can command the mind to move to assent to something, especially if something more is suspected. Is it too much to ask that the establishment bear witness to truth? Or do they presume we have no interest in finding it? Isnā€™t it rather patronising to withhold it and exhort calmness and vigilance, when that very exhortation releases passions and induces concerns? Vigilant about what? Teenagers with mental health problems? Isnā€™t that a rather malleable conviction or manipulated truth, not to mention a slander on all who suffer mental health problems?

Isnā€™t the whole truth a far better breastplate against extremism and shield against stereotyping than filtered facts and mediated knowledge?

London stabbing: Met and BBC say mental health a "significant factor"

I would say upsetting a handful of muslims by imposing stricter controls on them, and if a few innocents get caught up and deported that is better than having even one person harmed as a result of islamonazi violence
Appalling stabbing incident in Russell Square, London. A woman in her 60s has been murdered; five others are being treated for knife wounds. According to the BBC: ā€œA 19-year-old man was arrested at 22:39 after a Taser was discharged by an officer. The Met said mental health was a ā€˜significant factorā€™ in the events.ā€ Thatā€™s a remarkably swift diagnosis of psychiatric health. Perhaps we can assume that all people who go on rampages with knives have ā€œsignificantā€ mental health issues. Perhaps mental health is now defined this way.

Perhaps the assailant was carrying Prozac. Perhaps, as he was being tasered, he demanded serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors as a human right. Perhaps he spoke of how he felt misunderstood, outcast, rejected by society. Perhaps he was unemployed and depressed. We just donā€™t know.
The human mind and heart can be moved in various ways, depending on how those facts are presented (or not). The Met and BBC can suggest shadowy lines of thought, and the Mayor of London can issue a command to be calm and vigilant. But neither can command the mind to move to assent to something, especially if something more is suspected. Is it too much to ask that the establishment bear witness to truth? Or do they presume we have no interest in finding it? Isnā€™t it rather patronising to withhold it and exhort calmness and vigilance, when that very exhortation releases passions and induces concerns? Vigilant about what? Teenagers with mental health problems? Isnā€™t that a rather malleable conviction or manipulated truth, not to mention a slander on all who suffer mental health problems?

Isnā€™t the whole truth a far better breastplate against extremism and shield against stereotyping than filtered facts and mediated knowledge?

London stabbing: Met and BBC say mental health a "significant factor"

I would say upsetting a handful of muslims by imposing stricter controls on them, and if a few innocents get caught up and deported that is better than having even one person harmed as a result of islamonazi violence

Do you believe some of these emerging conspiracy theories: that all the attacks are staged, and the evil CIA is orchestrating the whole thing?
Appalling stabbing incident in Russell Square, London. A woman in her 60s has been murdered; five others are being treated for knife wounds. According to the BBC: ā€œA 19-year-old man was arrested at 22:39 after a Taser was discharged by an officer. The Met said mental health was a ā€˜significant factorā€™ in the events.ā€ Thatā€™s a remarkably swift diagnosis of psychiatric health. Perhaps we can assume that all people who go on rampages with knives have ā€œsignificantā€ mental health issues. Perhaps mental health is now defined this way.

Perhaps the assailant was carrying Prozac. Perhaps, as he was being tasered, he demanded serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors as a human right. Perhaps he spoke of how he felt misunderstood, outcast, rejected by society. Perhaps he was unemployed and depressed. We just donā€™t know.
The human mind and heart can be moved in various ways, depending on how those facts are presented (or not). The Met and BBC can suggest shadowy lines of thought, and the Mayor of London can issue a command to be calm and vigilant. But neither can command the mind to move to assent to something, especially if something more is suspected. Is it too much to ask that the establishment bear witness to truth? Or do they presume we have no interest in finding it? Isnā€™t it rather patronising to withhold it and exhort calmness and vigilance, when that very exhortation releases passions and induces concerns? Vigilant about what? Teenagers with mental health problems? Isnā€™t that a rather malleable conviction or manipulated truth, not to mention a slander on all who suffer mental health problems?

Isnā€™t the whole truth a far better breastplate against extremism and shield against stereotyping than filtered facts and mediated knowledge?

London stabbing: Met and BBC say mental health a "significant factor"

I would say upsetting a handful of muslims by imposing stricter controls on them, and if a few innocents get caught up and deported that is better than having even one person harmed as a result of islamonazi violence

Do you believe some of these emerging conspiracy theories: that all the attacks are staged, and the evil CIA is orchestrating the whole thing?

Not at all as I have intimate knowledge of the muslim mindset and have seen how they work. They will never go one on one or even two to four on one, they need odds that mean they will win everytime. So the way to curb them is to make sure we are always more than them and fight them on their own terms.
Here it is-
Two police officers attacked by man with machete in Charleroi
Two police officers got injured in a machete attack in Charleroi this afternoon. The assailant reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" before the attack

Another mental case on the rampage?

A machete attack on two police officers in Charleroi.
About 6 weeks ago a French policeman and his wife were stabbed to death in their home, in front of their toddler. Didn't seem to get much coverage at the time. Horrific.

French police officer and partner murdered in 'odious terrorist attack'

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

Well...except, it's not everytime. That's the dishonesty in your argument. Only times, like when people and authorities who know the person, or have examined the person state there are mental health issues. The odd thing is, people have no trouble accepting that with the Jared Loughners of the world, but refuse to when it's a Muslim. I wonder why? The person can be psychotic, delusional, etc. and it's still a "jihadi". A woman was psychotic with a history of mental illness when she killed her kids because "God told her to"...but no one insists it's her religion making her do it- she's mentally ill.

David Vance, also, is an interesting figure - his website was apparently closed down for hate speech...if it's the same David Vance.
Last edited:

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

There is an attempt to 'condition' the public to associate Islamic terrorists not with the filthy butchering animals they are, but instead with vulnerability and mental illness - which - arguably-is easier to identify with than terrorism, and which elicits sympathy rather than anger or hatred. However, judging by the comments sections of the various media where these near instantaneous 'diagnoses' appear, people just aren't that stupid. Yet.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks
2149 by OLIVER JJ LANE5 Aug 2016359

A senior Viennese mental health expert has expressed his concern at the speed with which the media leaps to blame high-profile attacks across Europe on mental health issues, remarking those suffering from genuine conditions should not be ā€œlumped together with criminalsā€.

Chief doctor at the leading Vienna Social-Psychiatric Clinic and vice president of the Austrian Society of Psychiatry, Dr. Georg Psota, is a respected name in mental health in central European Austria.
Speaking to the nationā€™s best-selling newspaper
Kronen Zeitung he has said that ā€œtoo often and too quickly atrocities and the frequently perpetrated attacks in Europe are mixed with mental illnessā€.

Clearly concerned at the very negative press for genuine mental health patients the several recent attacks may have generated, the psychiatrist said: ā€œThe acts of political extremists and religious fanatics are not the result of depression or other mental illness, but of the highest criminal energy.ā€

The Austrian newspaper featured a number of examples of recent attacks where, rightly or wrongly, mental health has been cited as a likely cause very quickly after the event including Wednesdayā€™s stabbing in London, an axe attack by an Afghan migrant in Wurzburg, Germany, and the ram-raid attack in Nice that killed 84.

The comments of Dr. Psota were backed by the chairman of Austrian mental health and human rights charity Ganznormal Christian Deutsch. He remarked: ā€œAttacks by terrorists have achieved their goal of spreading fear and loathing in Europe. It happened primarily due to fanatical criminal energy and terrorist strategy. This [motivation] should be kept strictly separate from the possible mental illness of the offender.

ā€œOn one hand, it is not easy to explain the cruel acts by [terrorists], but on the other hand, the many thousands of mentally ill people should not be lumped together with criminals to be stigmatised together.ā€

A statement from the charity read: ā€œTerrorist bombers are frequently presented as being affected by mental illness, leading to a stigmatisation of mentally ill people. And this stigma makes it even harder for those who need help to benefit from itā€¦We therefore call for acts of terrorism and acts of violence to be seen for what they are, namely expressions of aggressive criminal energy.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

Well...except, it's not everytime. That's the dishonesty in your argument. Only times, like when people and authorities who know the person, or have examined the person state there are mental health issues. The odd thing is, people have no trouble accepting that with the Jared Loughners of the world, but refuse to when it's a Muslim. I wonder why? The person can be psychotic, delusional, etc. and it's still a "jihadi". A woman was psychotic with a history of mental illness when she killed her kids because "God told her to"...but no one insists it's her religion making her do it- she's mentally ill.

David Vance, also, is an interesting figure - his website was apparently closed down for hate speech...if it's the same David Vance.

David Vance is a regular contributer to The Big Question on BBC TV, Sunday mornings.

What was hateful about his article? I don't like discrediting tactics.

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

Well...except, it's not everytime. That's the dishonesty in your argument. Only times, like when people and authorities who know the person, or have examined the person state there are mental health issues. The odd thing is, people have no trouble accepting that with the Jared Loughners of the world, but refuse to when it's a Muslim. I wonder why? The person can be psychotic, delusional, etc. and it's still a "jihadi". A woman was psychotic with a history of mental illness when she killed her kids because "God told her to"...but no one insists it's her religion making her do it- she's mentally ill.

David Vance, also, is an interesting figure - his website was apparently closed down for hate speech...if it's the same David Vance.

David Vance is a regular contributer to The Big Question on BBC TV, Sunday mornings.

What was hateful about his article? I don't like discrediting tactics.

I like to know what's behind a writer or source.

As to what is "hateful" - mostly, it's what I already wrote - the sudden claim that when it comes a violent act by someone who happens to be Muslim, mental illness is now automatically ruled out by you folks. It makes no sense since it is clearly behind certain violent acts by non-Muslims. A Muslim can be psychotic, delusional, hearing voices, claiming God is telling him to do this, authorities can state that there are "significant mental health issues" (as in a recent case) and you will deny mental illness is a factor in that case solely on the basis of that person's religion. I like things to make sense, that does not. It's not like folks are attributing every violent act to mental illness.

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

Well...except, it's not everytime. That's the dishonesty in your argument. Only times, like when people and authorities who know the person, or have examined the person state there are mental health issues. The odd thing is, people have no trouble accepting that with the Jared Loughners of the world, but refuse to when it's a Muslim. I wonder why? The person can be psychotic, delusional, etc. and it's still a "jihadi". A woman was psychotic with a history of mental illness when she killed her kids because "God told her to"...but no one insists it's her religion making her do it- she's mentally ill.

David Vance, also, is an interesting figure - his website was apparently closed down for hate speech...if it's the same David Vance.

David Vance is a regular contributer to The Big Question on BBC TV, Sunday mornings.

What was hateful about his article? I don't like discrediting tactics.
David Vance is virulently anti Hamas and anti other Islamic terrorists :)

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

There is an attempt to 'condition' the public to associate Islamic terrorists not with the filthy butchering animals they are, but instead with vulnerability and mental illness - which - arguably-is easier to identify with than terrorism, and which elicits sympathy rather than anger or hatred. However, judging by the comments sections of the various media where these near instantaneous 'diagnoses' appear, people just aren't that stupid. Yet.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks
2149 by OLIVER JJ LANE5 Aug 2016359

A senior Viennese mental health expert has expressed his concern at the speed with which the media leaps to blame high-profile attacks across Europe on mental health issues, remarking those suffering from genuine conditions should not be ā€œlumped together with criminalsā€.

Chief doctor at the leading Vienna Social-Psychiatric Clinic and vice president of the Austrian Society of Psychiatry, Dr. Georg Psota, is a respected name in mental health in central European Austria.
Speaking to the nationā€™s best-selling newspaper
Kronen Zeitung he has said that ā€œtoo often and too quickly atrocities and the frequently perpetrated attacks in Europe are mixed with mental illnessā€.

Clearly concerned at the very negative press for genuine mental health patients the several recent attacks may have generated, the psychiatrist said: ā€œThe acts of political extremists and religious fanatics are not the result of depression or other mental illness, but of the highest criminal energy.ā€

The Austrian newspaper featured a number of examples of recent attacks where, rightly or wrongly, mental health has been cited as a likely cause very quickly after the event including Wednesdayā€™s stabbing in London, an axe attack by an Afghan migrant in Wurzburg, Germany, and the ram-raid attack in Nice that killed 84.

The comments of Dr. Psota were backed by the chairman of Austrian mental health and human rights charity Ganznormal Christian Deutsch. He remarked: ā€œAttacks by terrorists have achieved their goal of spreading fear and loathing in Europe. It happened primarily due to fanatical criminal energy and terrorist strategy. This [motivation] should be kept strictly separate from the possible mental illness of the offender.

ā€œOn one hand, it is not easy to explain the cruel acts by [terrorists], but on the other hand, the many thousands of mentally ill people should not be lumped together with criminals to be stigmatised together.ā€

A statement from the charity read: ā€œTerrorist bombers are frequently presented as being affected by mental illness, leading to a stigmatisation of mentally ill people. And this stigma makes it even harder for those who need help to benefit from itā€¦We therefore call for acts of terrorism and acts of violence to be seen for what they are, namely expressions of aggressive criminal energy.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks

So the attacker can be delusional, hearing voices or outright psychotic but he's not mentally ill?

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

Well...except, it's not everytime. That's the dishonesty in your argument. Only times, like when people and authorities who know the person, or have examined the person state there are mental health issues. The odd thing is, people have no trouble accepting that with the Jared Loughners of the world, but refuse to when it's a Muslim. I wonder why? The person can be psychotic, delusional, etc. and it's still a "jihadi". A woman was psychotic with a history of mental illness when she killed her kids because "God told her to"...but no one insists it's her religion making her do it- she's mentally ill.

David Vance, also, is an interesting figure - his website was apparently closed down for hate speech...if it's the same David Vance.

David Vance is a regular contributer to The Big Question on BBC TV, Sunday mornings.

What was hateful about his article? I don't like discrediting tactics.
He is also one of the BBCs biggest critics, in terms of their biases, so it's good to see him on there. He's also viewed as a 'filthy zionist' by many leftards, and is not exactly popular with Palestinian and Hamas supporters ;)

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

There is an attempt to 'condition' the public to associate Islamic terrorists not with the filthy butchering animals they are, but instead with vulnerability and mental illness - which - arguably-is easier to identify with than terrorism, and which elicits sympathy rather than anger or hatred. However, judging by the comments sections of the various media where these near instantaneous 'diagnoses' appear, people just aren't that stupid. Yet.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks
2149 by OLIVER JJ LANE5 Aug 2016359

A senior Viennese mental health expert has expressed his concern at the speed with which the media leaps to blame high-profile attacks across Europe on mental health issues, remarking those suffering from genuine conditions should not be ā€œlumped together with criminalsā€.

Chief doctor at the leading Vienna Social-Psychiatric Clinic and vice president of the Austrian Society of Psychiatry, Dr. Georg Psota, is a respected name in mental health in central European Austria.
Speaking to the nationā€™s best-selling newspaper
Kronen Zeitung he has said that ā€œtoo often and too quickly atrocities and the frequently perpetrated attacks in Europe are mixed with mental illnessā€.

Clearly concerned at the very negative press for genuine mental health patients the several recent attacks may have generated, the psychiatrist said: ā€œThe acts of political extremists and religious fanatics are not the result of depression or other mental illness, but of the highest criminal energy.ā€

The Austrian newspaper featured a number of examples of recent attacks where, rightly or wrongly, mental health has been cited as a likely cause very quickly after the event including Wednesdayā€™s stabbing in London, an axe attack by an Afghan migrant in Wurzburg, Germany, and the ram-raid attack in Nice that killed 84.

The comments of Dr. Psota were backed by the chairman of Austrian mental health and human rights charity Ganznormal Christian Deutsch. He remarked: ā€œAttacks by terrorists have achieved their goal of spreading fear and loathing in Europe. It happened primarily due to fanatical criminal energy and terrorist strategy. This [motivation] should be kept strictly separate from the possible mental illness of the offender.

ā€œOn one hand, it is not easy to explain the cruel acts by [terrorists], but on the other hand, the many thousands of mentally ill people should not be lumped together with criminals to be stigmatised together.ā€

A statement from the charity read: ā€œTerrorist bombers are frequently presented as being affected by mental illness, leading to a stigmatisation of mentally ill people. And this stigma makes it even harder for those who need help to benefit from itā€¦We therefore call for acts of terrorism and acts of violence to be seen for what they are, namely expressions of aggressive criminal energy.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks

So the attacker can be delusional, hearing voices or outright psychotic but he's not mentally ill?

No idea. We're not doctors.
ISIS is exceptionally good at drawing in people who are already vulnerable or mentally ill. Denying that means you're overlooking a critical component of how ISIS recruits and why people can get drawn into it. You're also ignoring something that should be looked into.

The Line Between Terrorism and Mental Illness - The New Yorker

ā€œIslamic-extremist online recruiters are very good at pulling in people who are mentally vulnerable,ā€ Heather Hurlburt, of the Washington-based think tank New America, said. She suggests that an effective response to the problem will draw at least as much on the insights of mental health as on the intrusions of the security state. The constant balance that needs to be struck, she said, is between monitoring dangers without alienating allies in the community, as happened with New York City Police Departmentā€™s polarizing surveillance of mosques. As Hurlburt noted, ā€œSome of the efforts, such as surveillance of college studentsā€™ social-media accounts and police informers in mosques, have been controversial and counterproductive. Insights from mental health, especially post-Columbine, tend to focus on more community-centered efforts, which may give family and clergy tools and non-stigmatizing places to turn for help. Tragically, the father of the Canadian who killed a Canadian soldier with his car on Monday had previously reported him to the authorities.ā€

Recruiting troubled individuals who can be pushed toward violence ties in well with ISISā€™s larger strategy. As Hurlburt observed, ISIS ā€œseems to calculateā€”correctly, in my viewā€”that small-scale lone-wolf attacks on symbolic targets will get it outsized attention. So you see these propaganda broadcasts encouraging individuals who may be mentally unstable, who may have had little or no actual training, to use weapons like knives and cars that will surely lead to the attackersā€™ capture or death. The propagandists seem to understand the link between certain forms of mental illness and susceptibility to mass violence, even if we donā€™t.ā€

Couture-Rouleau was identified as a ā€œhigh-risk travellerā€ by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and was prevented from leaving the country for fear that he would join up with foreign fighters abroad. Zehaf-Bibeau had applied for a passport and talked about travelling to Saudi Arabia; R.C.M.P. officials suggested that difficulty in renewing his passport may have played a role in the shooting.* Zehaf-Bibeau is, according to Hegghammer, ā€œone of several examples of what Iā€™ve called the ā€˜obstruction effectā€™ā€”the tendency for some candidate foreign fighters to attack at home when they are prevented from leaving.ā€ He cited the Holsworthy Barracks plot, in a suburb of Sydney, as one such example.

A decade ago, in the early days of the Iraq War, we were told that, if we donā€™t fight them overseas, weā€™ll have to fight them at home; absent some deeper form of intervention, the implication is now that, if we donā€™t let them fight there, we will have to fight them here. Perhaps in recognition of the danger of playing into grand martial fantasies, the Canadian military advised its soldiers on Wednesday not to wear uniforms unless theyā€™re on active duty.

Itā€™s natural to see terrorism and counter-terrorism as a drama of violence and retribution played out on the international stage. Both Zehaf-Bibeau and Couture-Rouleau certainly seem to have seen themselves as part of a similarly apocalyptic sagaā€”Zehaf-Bibeau, in particular, was said by people at the shelter where he was staying in Ottawa to have spoken in his last days about the end of the world. But itā€™s worth remembering that Zehaf-Bibeau talked not just about an external battle but an internal struggle with demons, spiritual beings he felt had a real existence. That was a battle he was fighting in his own mind, which may have been the ultimate source of the violence that he inflicted on the world.

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

There is an attempt to 'condition' the public to associate Islamic terrorists not with the filthy butchering animals they are, but instead with vulnerability and mental illness - which - arguably-is easier to identify with than terrorism, and which elicits sympathy rather than anger or hatred. However, judging by the comments sections of the various media where these near instantaneous 'diagnoses' appear, people just aren't that stupid. Yet.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks
2149 by OLIVER JJ LANE5 Aug 2016359

A senior Viennese mental health expert has expressed his concern at the speed with which the media leaps to blame high-profile attacks across Europe on mental health issues, remarking those suffering from genuine conditions should not be ā€œlumped together with criminalsā€.

Chief doctor at the leading Vienna Social-Psychiatric Clinic and vice president of the Austrian Society of Psychiatry, Dr. Georg Psota, is a respected name in mental health in central European Austria.
Speaking to the nationā€™s best-selling newspaper
Kronen Zeitung he has said that ā€œtoo often and too quickly atrocities and the frequently perpetrated attacks in Europe are mixed with mental illnessā€.

Clearly concerned at the very negative press for genuine mental health patients the several recent attacks may have generated, the psychiatrist said: ā€œThe acts of political extremists and religious fanatics are not the result of depression or other mental illness, but of the highest criminal energy.ā€

The Austrian newspaper featured a number of examples of recent attacks where, rightly or wrongly, mental health has been cited as a likely cause very quickly after the event including Wednesdayā€™s stabbing in London, an axe attack by an Afghan migrant in Wurzburg, Germany, and the ram-raid attack in Nice that killed 84.

The comments of Dr. Psota were backed by the chairman of Austrian mental health and human rights charity Ganznormal Christian Deutsch. He remarked: ā€œAttacks by terrorists have achieved their goal of spreading fear and loathing in Europe. It happened primarily due to fanatical criminal energy and terrorist strategy. This [motivation] should be kept strictly separate from the possible mental illness of the offender.

ā€œOn one hand, it is not easy to explain the cruel acts by [terrorists], but on the other hand, the many thousands of mentally ill people should not be lumped together with criminals to be stigmatised together.ā€

A statement from the charity read: ā€œTerrorist bombers are frequently presented as being affected by mental illness, leading to a stigmatisation of mentally ill people. And this stigma makes it even harder for those who need help to benefit from itā€¦We therefore call for acts of terrorism and acts of violence to be seen for what they are, namely expressions of aggressive criminal energy.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks

So the attacker can be delusional, hearing voices or outright psychotic but he's not mentally ill?

No idea. We're not doctors.

But you are expert enough to identify a religious motive?

By David Vance On August 7th, 2016 at 9:51 am

Letā€™s cut to the chase. Many people struggle with mental illness yet have constructive and happy lives. They cope with it, they get on with it. We can all admire their fortitude and endeavour. However we now face a situation across the West where every time we witness an obvious act of terror by radical Islamists the authorities and media trot out the ā€œsuffering from mental illnessā€ line, even as the culprits shout Allahu Akbar. This is SUCH an insult to those who suffer genuine mental illness in my book.

Now we COULD argue that to be an Islamist IS a form of mental illness but thatā€™s not the media game. They are seeking to sanitise evil acts lest we come to the conclusion that there is a REAL danger amongst it and itā€™s called Islam.

I covered the jihad knife terror a few days ago. The Police were INSISTENT that this was a case of ā€œmental illnessā€ and that the killer, Zakaria Bulhan, had NO terror connections. This was repeated by an obliging media and the case was effectively reduced to one of street crime.

Except it wasnā€™t that simple.

In the past few days, on the social networks, the following facts have been revealed.

Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name ā€“ Zakaria Bulhan ā€“ has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there appears to be only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. He is registered as living at an address in Tooting, South London.

It is a near-certainty that this is the same person arrested by police and said to have ā€œno linksā€ to terrorism, but merely to be mentally ill.

Between January 2014 and September 2015, Zakaria Bulhan flagged up on Good Reads three books on Islam and Islamist theology as texts they intended to read. The most interesting, and the one that shows that at the age of 17 this person was at the very least exploring a book which is very clear on urging violent jihadism as a duty of Muslims, is Riyad-us-Saliheen, a 13th century text.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, thisā€¦

A crazed man hacked at a policewomanā€™s face with a machete and shouted ā€˜Allahu Akbarā€™ before turning on another officer just seconds before a third cop shot him dead in a suspected terror attack.

One can argue that these demented people DO suffer from mental illness. One can argue that they are being manipulated by others to carry out such acts. But one cannot distance them from the fact they carry out their terrorism in the name of Islam. It is Jihad and trying to redefine it is cowardly.

There is an attempt to 'condition' the public to associate Islamic terrorists not with the filthy butchering animals they are, but instead with vulnerability and mental illness - which - arguably-is easier to identify with than terrorism, and which elicits sympathy rather than anger or hatred. However, judging by the comments sections of the various media where these near instantaneous 'diagnoses' appear, people just aren't that stupid. Yet.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks
2149 by OLIVER JJ LANE5 Aug 2016359

A senior Viennese mental health expert has expressed his concern at the speed with which the media leaps to blame high-profile attacks across Europe on mental health issues, remarking those suffering from genuine conditions should not be ā€œlumped together with criminalsā€.

Chief doctor at the leading Vienna Social-Psychiatric Clinic and vice president of the Austrian Society of Psychiatry, Dr. Georg Psota, is a respected name in mental health in central European Austria.
Speaking to the nationā€™s best-selling newspaper
Kronen Zeitung he has said that ā€œtoo often and too quickly atrocities and the frequently perpetrated attacks in Europe are mixed with mental illnessā€.

Clearly concerned at the very negative press for genuine mental health patients the several recent attacks may have generated, the psychiatrist said: ā€œThe acts of political extremists and religious fanatics are not the result of depression or other mental illness, but of the highest criminal energy.ā€

The Austrian newspaper featured a number of examples of recent attacks where, rightly or wrongly, mental health has been cited as a likely cause very quickly after the event including Wednesdayā€™s stabbing in London, an axe attack by an Afghan migrant in Wurzburg, Germany, and the ram-raid attack in Nice that killed 84.

The comments of Dr. Psota were backed by the chairman of Austrian mental health and human rights charity Ganznormal Christian Deutsch. He remarked: ā€œAttacks by terrorists have achieved their goal of spreading fear and loathing in Europe. It happened primarily due to fanatical criminal energy and terrorist strategy. This [motivation] should be kept strictly separate from the possible mental illness of the offender.

ā€œOn one hand, it is not easy to explain the cruel acts by [terrorists], but on the other hand, the many thousands of mentally ill people should not be lumped together with criminals to be stigmatised together.ā€

A statement from the charity read: ā€œTerrorist bombers are frequently presented as being affected by mental illness, leading to a stigmatisation of mentally ill people. And this stigma makes it even harder for those who need help to benefit from itā€¦We therefore call for acts of terrorism and acts of violence to be seen for what they are, namely expressions of aggressive criminal energy.

Prominent Psychiatrist Blasts Mainstream Media For Blaming Mental Health For Attacks

So the attacker can be delusional, hearing voices or outright psychotic but he's not mentally ill?

No idea. We're not doctors.
And there are plenty of psychiatrists who are getting fed up with this tactic of using mental ill health in this way.

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