Attack in Nice, France

About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day) is incomplete because not all such attacks are picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

From and I've noticed a number are not included. I believe they are just getting too numerous to keep up with.
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

I'm sure your in depth analysis will be of comfort to the orphans,childless parents, and the severely wounded languishing in a Nice hospital.

Quite right.....the libtards who are are once again trying to defend islam and muslim jihadists simply do not care least as long as the victims are other people or people they do not know...they have no sympathy for those who have been victimized...and their mindset is not likely to change unless something happens to them personally or someone they know or some of their own family.
Quite we must understand some of these are muslims and thus their views are to be expected....but no doubt many of them are white, liberal and supposedlly American....just reciting the liberal narrative out of ignorance and stupidity.
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About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day) is incomplete because not all such attacks are picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

From and I've noticed a number are not included. I believe they are just getting too numerous to keep up with.
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

It is really not rocket science.....when a muslim attacks and kills westerners and shouts allah akbar.....what about that is so difficult for you to understand?

You have no problem on the very rare occasions when a white man attacks a black man of shouting 'WAYCISM'.....try and be consistent.
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

The lengths Lefties go to excuse Moslem terrorism is astounding.

Terrorists Beware! We have flowers and candles and we're not afraid to use them! WEAK-KNEED AND WHINY response to Islamism has to stop!

Not going to stop anytime soon....the liberal narrative has taken up the cause of poor muslims being castagized, discriminated against, blahblah Once obama leaves if he does leave and if he is not replaced by hillary...
God Forbid...then and only then will see any common sense or any kind of sense return to Washington....until then expect more of the same.

Everyday life on the streets of Britain.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Islamist preacher ABUSES Brit police on high street in Birmingham
You ignore the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks are not committed by Muslims. You also conveniently ignore the fact that most of the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks are Muslims.

If you take the time to look at these lone wolf attacks, you will almost always find that there are strong motivations that have nothing to do with ISIS or religion.

Could you provide a link to that estimate? I have not seen that one so would be very interested in how they arrived at those percentages.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
When you say, "it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks", that is simply not true. What is true is that attacks with large numbers of causalities, which dominate media attention are usually Islamic terrorist attacks. However, there are literally thousands of terrorists attacks around the world with less causalities that get little media attention which are not religiously inspired. If you want to look at the sources of terrorism, you have to look deeper than the small number of high causality attacks that dominate the media.

In the last five years, less than 2 percent of all terrorist attacks in the E.U. have been “religiously motivated.” In 2013, there were 152 terrorist attacks in the EU. Two of them were “religiously motivated.” In 2012, there were 219 terrorist attacks in EU countries, six of them were “religiously motivated.” n 2011, not one of the 174 terrorist attacks in EU countries in 2011 were “affiliated or inspired” by terrorist organizations. 2010, 249 terrorist attacks, three of them were considered by Europol to be “Islamist.” In 2009, of 294 terrorist attacks, only one was related to Islamist militancy – though Europol added the caveat, “Islamist terrorists still aim to cause mass casualties.”

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered.

Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close
37 Americans! Does this include the 49 in Orlando, the 14 in San Bernardino, the ones at Fort Hood, Boston. Chattanooga? I can see individuals being ignored like the woman who was beheaded by a coworker, You can see that 37 was pulled out of someone's ass.

Exactly....see no evil, hear no evil blahblahblah......Islamic Attacks on America
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

The lengths Lefties go to excuse Moslem terrorism is astounding.

Terrorists Beware! We have flowers and candles and we're not afraid to use them! WEAK-KNEED AND WHINY response to Islamism has to stop!

Not going to stop anytime soon....the liberal narrative has taken up the cause of poor muslims being castagized, discriminated against, blahblah Once obama leaves if he does leave and if he is not replaced by hillary...
God Forbid...then and only then will see any common sense or any kind of sense return to Washington....until then expect more of the same.

Everyday life on the streets of Britain.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Islamist preacher ABUSES Brit police on high street in Birmingham

Britain is a good example of political correctness run amok....but of course but we are not far behind them....we will catch up.
Another venue of muslim atrocities that are not even kept up with in the statistics, at least as far as I know are the so called 'honor killings' when a family member kills another family member because the victim allegedly has brought dishonor to the the libtards will claim this is just a cultural thing....I ask....which came first the islam or the culture?

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The brother of Qandeel Baloch, whose risqué social media posts both titillated and appalled conservative Pakistan, on Sunday admitted to strangling her in a crime that reignited debate about so-called "honor killings" in the South Asian nation.

Muhammad Waseem said he gave a "tablet" to Baloch to subdue her and then strangled her in their family home over the weekend.

"I have no regrets," he told journalists in a press conference arranged by the police early on Sunday.

The killing sent shockwaves across Muslim Pakistan and triggered an outpouring of grief on social media for Baloch, whose real name was Fauzia Azeem.

Brother admits 'honor killing' of Pakistani social media star

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself oh yeh dats da ticket...tell dat to all the vicitms....tell that to the families....tell it to the marines chump.

I've never met any Marine who was frightened of every single Muslim person the way you are, sackless.

Irrelevant diversion.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself oh yeh dats da ticket...tell dat to all the vicitms....tell that to the families....tell it to the marines chump.

I've never met any Marine who was frightened of every single Muslim person the way you are, sackless.

Irrelevant diversion.

You say that every time I directly answer a question or address a point in a manner that makes you uncomfortable. I don't think you understand the terms you are using.

I agree as Muslims don't acclimate to any country they land in.....

Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself oh yeh dats da ticket...tell dat to all the vicitms....tell that to the families....tell it to the marines chump.

I've never met any Marine who was frightened of every single Muslim person the way you are, sackless.

Irrelevant diversion.

You say that every time I directly answer a question or address a point in a manner that makes you uncomfortable. I don't think you understand the terms you are using.

Nonsensical narrative.
Don't let your fear make you hysterical.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself oh yeh dats da ticket...tell dat to all the vicitms....tell that to the families....tell it to the marines chump.

I've never met any Marine who was frightened of every single Muslim person the way you are, sackless.

Irrelevant diversion.

You say that every time I directly answer a question or address a point in a manner that makes you uncomfortable. I don't think you understand the terms you are using.

Nonsensical narrative.

You seem very fond of avoidance.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself oh yeh dats da ticket...tell dat to all the vicitms....tell that to the families....tell it to the marines chump.

I've never met any Marine who was frightened of every single Muslim person the way you are, sackless.

Irrelevant diversion.

You say that every time I directly answer a question or address a point in a manner that makes you uncomfortable. I don't think you understand the terms you are using.

Nonsensical narrative.

You seem very fond of avoidance.

Particularly of you.

I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
When you say, "it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks", that is simply not true. What is true is that attacks with large numbers of causalities, which dominate media attention are usually Islamic terrorist attacks. However, there are literally thousands of terrorists attacks around the world with less causalities that get little media attention which are not religiously inspired. If you want to look at the sources of terrorism, you have to look deeper than the small number of high causality attacks that dominate the media.

In the last five years, less than 2 percent of all terrorist attacks in the E.U. have been “religiously motivated.” In 2013, there were 152 terrorist attacks in the EU. Two of them were “religiously motivated.” In 2012, there were 219 terrorist attacks in EU countries, six of them were “religiously motivated.” n 2011, not one of the 174 terrorist attacks in EU countries in 2011 were “affiliated or inspired” by terrorist organizations. 2010, 249 terrorist attacks, three of them were considered by Europol to be “Islamist.” In 2009, of 294 terrorist attacks, only one was related to Islamist militancy – though Europol added the caveat, “Islamist terrorists still aim to cause mass casualties.”

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered.

Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

I have a huge problem with that Think Progress report. Nowhere do they provide the slightest support for their statement. They toss out a bunch of numbers and then they never provide a source for those numbers. I have looked and looked and can't find their source. Can you?

The report that they reference likewise tosses out numbers that are unsubstantiated, and if you try to look at the actual report, it requires authorization. Thus, they can basically tell you anything they want and there is no way to check them. The video evidence we have is very compelling that they are not telling the truth. And go figure governments worldwide have been caught repeatedly lying about things so this appears to me to be more of the same.

If you click on the links in my post (they are in red), they should show you documents or links to reports. I think all the reports are in pdf format so they should not be hard to access. I verified the 2012, 2013 and 2011 figures. I did not check the 2014 figures.

One thing you have to understand is that most terrorist attacks are not mass killings. In fact, most terrorist attacks result in few if any casualties. Even attacks that result in only property damage are still consider terrorist attacks if they meet the terrorism criteria.

Classifying a violent act as terrorism depends on the person(s) motive. A Muslim may have killed 5 people, but that does make him an Islamic terrorist. It all depends on motive.

Often the lone wolf terrorist will have several motives. Mateen, the lone wolf killer in the Orlando attack called 911 before the attack pledging his allegiance to ISIS, yet the FBI could found little to indicate he had been radicalized. From all accounts he harbored a deep hatred for gays and had made violent threats against gays. There was no indication that he was devout Muslim. A number of people indicated he had mental problems. So was his primary motive to kill gays, to further the goals of Islamic terrorism, or was he just a nut case?

All of the reports I clicked on all reference the same story and that story references the paper that can not be accessed.
Here are the links:

EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report: TE-SAT 2012 | Europol

TE-SAT 2013 - EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report | Europol

TE-SAT 2011: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report | Europol

TE-SAT 2010: EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report | Europol
About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day) is incomplete because not all such attacks are picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

From and I've noticed a number are not included. I believe they are just getting too numerous to keep up with.
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

It is really not rocket science.....when a muslim attacks and kills westerners and shouts allah akbar.....what about that is so difficult for you to understand?

You have no problem on the very rare occasions when a white man attacks a black man of shouting 'WAYCISM'.....try and be consistent.
In most attacks where terrorism is suspected, the perpetrator is not shouting "God is Great." It is up the those investigating to determine the motive and whether it's a terrorist attack and if so the the major influences.
About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day) is incomplete because not all such attacks are picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

From and I've noticed a number are not included. I believe they are just getting too numerous to keep up with.
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

It is really not rocket science.....when a muslim attacks and kills westerners and shouts allah akbar.....what about that is so difficult for you to understand?

You have no problem on the very rare occasions when a white man attacks a black man of shouting 'WAYCISM'.....try and be consistent.
In most attacks where terrorism is suspected, the perpetrator is not shouting "God is Great." It is up the those investigating to determine the motive and whether it's a terrorist attack and if so the the major influences.

What other kind of attack could it be?
I finally found the FBI report. Interestingly enough if they weren't Islamic terrorists, and they weren't anti abortion slime, they were Earth Liberation Front progressive loons. And, this only looks at domestic terrorism over a very short period. 2002, to 2005. I think we can safely say that the world has changed in the last eleven years. And when looking at worldwide terrorism it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks, whether they are Syrian, Tunisian, Chechen, Bosnian, etc. The one common denominator for almost all of them is their particular Islamic beliefs.

Terrorism 2002/2005
When you say, "it is also obvious that it is mainly Islamic terrorists doing the attacks", that is simply not true. What is true is that attacks with large numbers of causalities, which dominate media attention are usually Islamic terrorist attacks. However, there are literally thousands of terrorists attacks around the world with less causalities that get little media attention which are not religiously inspired. If you want to look at the sources of terrorism, you have to look deeper than the small number of high causality attacks that dominate the media.

In the last five years, less than 2 percent of all terrorist attacks in the E.U. have been “religiously motivated.” In 2013, there were 152 terrorist attacks in the EU. Two of them were “religiously motivated.” In 2012, there were 219 terrorist attacks in EU countries, six of them were “religiously motivated.” n 2011, not one of the 174 terrorist attacks in EU countries in 2011 were “affiliated or inspired” by terrorist organizations. 2010, 249 terrorist attacks, three of them were considered by Europol to be “Islamist.” In 2009, of 294 terrorist attacks, only one was related to Islamist militancy – though Europol added the caveat, “Islamist terrorists still aim to cause mass casualties.”

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered.

Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

I have a huge problem with that Think Progress report. Nowhere do they provide the slightest support for their statement. They toss out a bunch of numbers and then they never provide a source for those numbers. I have looked and looked and can't find their source. Can you?

The report that they reference likewise tosses out numbers that are unsubstantiated, and if you try to look at the actual report, it requires authorization. Thus, they can basically tell you anything they want and there is no way to check them. The video evidence we have is very compelling that they are not telling the truth. And go figure governments worldwide have been caught repeatedly lying about things so this appears to me to be more of the same.

If you click on the links in my post (they are in red), they should show you documents or links to reports. I think all the reports are in pdf format so they should not be hard to access. I verified the 2012, 2013 and 2011 figures. I did not check the 2014 figures.

One thing you have to understand is that most terrorist attacks are not mass killings. In fact, most terrorist attacks result in few if any casualties. Even attacks that result in only property damage are still consider terrorist attacks if they meet the terrorism criteria.

Classifying a violent act as terrorism depends on the person(s) motive. A Muslim may have killed 5 people, but that does make him an Islamic terrorist. It all depends on motive.

Often the lone wolf terrorist will have several motives. Mateen, the lone wolf killer in the Orlando attack called 911 before the attack pledging his allegiance to ISIS, yet the FBI could found little to indicate he had been radicalized. From all accounts he harbored a deep hatred for gays and had made violent threats against gays. There was no indication that he was devout Muslim. A number of people indicated he had mental problems. So was his primary motive to kill gays, to further the goals of Islamic terrorism, or was he just a nut case?

All of the reports I clicked on all reference the same story and that story references the paper that can not be accessed.
Here are the links:

EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report: TE-SAT 2012 | Europol

TE-SAT 2013 - EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report | Europol

TE-SAT 2011: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report | Europol

TE-SAT 2010: EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report | Europol

Thank you. I will read it today.
Another venue of muslim atrocities that are not even kept up with in the statistics, at least as far as I know are the so called 'honor killings' when a family member kills another family member because the victim allegedly has brought dishonor to the the libtards will claim this is just a cultural thing....I ask....which came first the islam or the culture?

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The brother of Qandeel Baloch, whose risqué social media posts both titillated and appalled conservative Pakistan, on Sunday admitted to strangling her in a crime that reignited debate about so-called "honor killings" in the South Asian nation.

Muhammad Waseem said he gave a "tablet" to Baloch to subdue her and then strangled her in their family home over the weekend.

"I have no regrets," he told journalists in a press conference arranged by the police early on Sunday.

The killing sent shockwaves across Muslim Pakistan and triggered an outpouring of grief on social media for Baloch, whose real name was Fauzia Azeem.

Brother admits 'honor killing' of Pakistani social media star
Yes, it is cultural. Honor Killings existed long before Islam. They were very common in ancient Rome and sanctioned by law. Nomadic tribes in the Middle East, and Jews, practiced stoning and other forms of punish for disgracing the family.

Today, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights acknowledges that so-called ‘honour killings’ have occurred in Great Britain, Brazil, India, Ecuador, Israel, Italy, Sweden, and Uganda as well as in Muslim nations such as Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan, and Morocco.

The notion that Islam condones ‘honor killing’ is a misconception. Murder in the name of honor is not prescribed by any interpretation of Sharia. In fact, many laws that excuse ‘honor killings’ do not trace back to Islamic law, but are rather derived from the Napoleonic code. Islam strongly prohibits the killing of any person without lawful reasons. Islamic teachings do not allow any person to take the law into their own hands and to commit murder, no matter what justification is used.

Frequently Asked Questions About ‘Honour Killing’ | Violence is not our Culture
Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Multiculturalism, political correctness and mass migration are responsible for terror attacks in Europe, Poland’s interior minister has said. Blasting Western Europe’s response to terror — holding marches and drawing pictures of flowers — as ineffective, Mariusz Blaszczak said governments should protect their citizens.

Poland: Multiculturalism, Immigration, Political Correctness Responsible For Nice Attacks

He's absolutely correct, Poland is a Monocultural society, within the next few years, we'll all return to Monocultural societies, we the majority of the people never wanted Multiculturalism to begin with, it was brought in using the back door.

Death to Political Correctness and Death to Multiculturalism.

Poland has a government of Patriots, we love our Polish brothers and sisters, a great part of our European family.
About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day) is incomplete because not all such attacks are picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

From and I've noticed a number are not included. I believe they are just getting too numerous to keep up with.
I suggest you look at the definition of a terrorist act. I have seen listing of Islamic terrorist attacks in the US that list attacks by Muslim regardless of motive. I've also seen lists that only include murder or battery with a proven connection to a terrorist organization. Most of these lists on the internet are there to make a point, not to give you a clear picture of terrorism.

Mass murder can be a terrorist act but it all depends on the motive of the perpetrator. Often the FBI does not render an opinion.

It is really not rocket science.....when a muslim attacks and kills westerners and shouts allah akbar.....what about that is so difficult for you to understand?

You have no problem on the very rare occasions when a white man attacks a black man of shouting 'WAYCISM'.....try and be consistent.
In most attacks where terrorism is suspected, the perpetrator is not shouting "God is Great." It is up the those investigating to determine the motive and whether it's a terrorist attack and if so the the major influences.

What other kind of attack could it be?
There're many reasons for mass murder other than terrorism. We see them everyday in the news, school shooting, police murders, serial killings, Freeway shooters, etc. Terrorism is the use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature.

The killer may have strong religious, political, or other ideological beliefs but that in itself does not make him terrorist. It is motivation for the act that determines whether it is an act terrorism or not.

When it comes to putting tags such as Islamic terrorist, Christian terrorist, Eco terrorist, etc., it can be obvious are complicated depending on the major influences for the person's actions.

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