Attack in Nice, France

Another venue of muslim atrocities that are not even kept up with in the statistics, at least as far as I know are the so called 'honor killings' when a family member kills another family member because the victim allegedly has brought dishonor to the the libtards will claim this is just a cultural thing....I ask....which came first the islam or the culture?

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The brother of Qandeel Baloch, whose risqué social media posts both titillated and appalled conservative Pakistan, on Sunday admitted to strangling her in a crime that reignited debate about so-called "honor killings" in the South Asian nation.

Muhammad Waseem said he gave a "tablet" to Baloch to subdue her and then strangled her in their family home over the weekend.

"I have no regrets," he told journalists in a press conference arranged by the police early on Sunday.

The killing sent shockwaves across Muslim Pakistan and triggered an outpouring of grief on social media for Baloch, whose real name was Fauzia Azeem.

Brother admits 'honor killing' of Pakistani social media star
Yes, it is cultural. Honor Killings existed long before Islam. They were very common in ancient Rome and sanctioned by law. Nomadic tribes in the Middle East, and Jews, practiced stoning and other forms of punish for disgracing the family.

Today, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights acknowledges that so-called ‘honour killings’ have occurred in Great Britain, Brazil, India, Ecuador, Israel, Italy, Sweden, and Uganda as well as in Muslim nations such as Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan, and Morocco.

The notion that Islam condones ‘honor killing’ is a misconception. Murder in the name of honor is not prescribed by any interpretation of Sharia. In fact, many laws that excuse ‘honor killings’ do not trace back to Islamic law, but are rather derived from the Napoleonic code. Islam strongly prohibits the killing of any person without lawful reasons. Islamic teachings do not allow any person to take the law into their own hands and to commit murder, no matter what justification is used.

Frequently Asked Questions About ‘Honour Killing’ | Violence is not our Culture
Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irregardless...........muslims engage in this practice quite frequently.....In fact they are the only ones i have ever heard of doing it.....I well remember a case of it years ago in the city where I was living at the time....the muslim parents killed their daughter for dating a black was all caught on tape...The FBI were monitoring the family for some reason............long before all the terrorism began this was back in the eighties.

Honor killing in America: DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats | Fox News
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Another venue of muslim atrocities that are not even kept up with in the statistics, at least as far as I know are the so called 'honor killings' when a family member kills another family member because the victim allegedly has brought dishonor to the the libtards will claim this is just a cultural thing....I ask....which came first the islam or the culture?

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The brother of Qandeel Baloch, whose risqué social media posts both titillated and appalled conservative Pakistan, on Sunday admitted to strangling her in a crime that reignited debate about so-called "honor killings" in the South Asian nation.

Muhammad Waseem said he gave a "tablet" to Baloch to subdue her and then strangled her in their family home over the weekend.

"I have no regrets," he told journalists in a press conference arranged by the police early on Sunday.

The killing sent shockwaves across Muslim Pakistan and triggered an outpouring of grief on social media for Baloch, whose real name was Fauzia Azeem.

Brother admits 'honor killing' of Pakistani social media star
Yes, it is cultural. Honor Killings existed long before Islam. They were very common in ancient Rome and sanctioned by law. Nomadic tribes in the Middle East, and Jews, practiced stoning and other forms of punish for disgracing the family.

Today, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights acknowledges that so-called ‘honour killings’ have occurred in Great Britain, Brazil, India, Ecuador, Israel, Italy, Sweden, and Uganda as well as in Muslim nations such as Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan, and Morocco.

The notion that Islam condones ‘honor killing’ is a misconception. Murder in the name of honor is not prescribed by any interpretation of Sharia. In fact, many laws that excuse ‘honor killings’ do not trace back to Islamic law, but are rather derived from the Napoleonic code. Islam strongly prohibits the killing of any person without lawful reasons. Islamic teachings do not allow any person to take the law into their own hands and to commit murder, no matter what justification is used.

Frequently Asked Questions About ‘Honour Killing’ | Violence is not our Culture
Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irregardless...........muslims engage in this practice quite frequently.....In fact they are the only ones i have ever heard of doing it.....I well remember a case of it years ago in the city where I was living at the time....the muslim parents killed their daughter for dating a black was all caught on tape...The FBI were monitoring the family for some reason............long before all the terrorism began this was back in the eighties.

Honor killing in America: DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats | Fox News
Quite frequently, I don't think so. There are no accurate statistics as to the number of honor killings because they are part of domestic violence resulting in murder of women and children of which there are approximate 5,000 a year in the world, according to the UN Commission on Human Rights. Most of these killings of women and children have nothing to do with family honor.

We do know that there have been many "honor killings" in South America particularly Brazil. In 1991, there were over 800 "honor killings" in which men were not charge or release from custody because they killed wives or children to preserve family honor. In Italy, killing your wife to preserve family honor was legal until 2006 when the law was changed. In India, many such honor killings were committed by Hindus and Sikhs. In fact, honor killings are certainly not restricted to Muslims. They occur worldwide among all cultures.

UN News - Impunity for domestic violence, ‘honour killings’ cannot continue – UN official
Honour killing outside the world of Islam
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Another venue of muslim atrocities that are not even kept up with in the statistics, at least as far as I know are the so called 'honor killings' when a family member kills another family member because the victim allegedly has brought dishonor to the the libtards will claim this is just a cultural thing....I ask....which came first the islam or the culture?

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The brother of Qandeel Baloch, whose risqué social media posts both titillated and appalled conservative Pakistan, on Sunday admitted to strangling her in a crime that reignited debate about so-called "honor killings" in the South Asian nation.

Muhammad Waseem said he gave a "tablet" to Baloch to subdue her and then strangled her in their family home over the weekend.

"I have no regrets," he told journalists in a press conference arranged by the police early on Sunday.

The killing sent shockwaves across Muslim Pakistan and triggered an outpouring of grief on social media for Baloch, whose real name was Fauzia Azeem.

Brother admits 'honor killing' of Pakistani social media star
Yes, it is cultural. Honor Killings existed long before Islam. They were very common in ancient Rome and sanctioned by law. Nomadic tribes in the Middle East, and Jews, practiced stoning and other forms of punish for disgracing the family.

Today, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights acknowledges that so-called ‘honour killings’ have occurred in Great Britain, Brazil, India, Ecuador, Israel, Italy, Sweden, and Uganda as well as in Muslim nations such as Turkey, Jordan, Pakistan, and Morocco.

The notion that Islam condones ‘honor killing’ is a misconception. Murder in the name of honor is not prescribed by any interpretation of Sharia. In fact, many laws that excuse ‘honor killings’ do not trace back to Islamic law, but are rather derived from the Napoleonic code. Islam strongly prohibits the killing of any person without lawful reasons. Islamic teachings do not allow any person to take the law into their own hands and to commit murder, no matter what justification is used.

Frequently Asked Questions About ‘Honour Killing’ | Violence is not our Culture
Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irregardless...........muslims engage in this practice quite frequently.....In fact they are the only ones i have ever heard of doing it.....I well remember a case of it years ago in the city where I was living at the time....the muslim parents killed their daughter for dating a black was all caught on tape...The FBI were monitoring the family for some reason............long before all the terrorism began this was back in the eighties.....

You really think terrorism began sometime after the 80s?
Then you should be able to link to somewhere I defended terrorists or terrorism. Strangely enough, when ever I ask.....silence. Surely you can find something?

You are a radical leftist who has utter contempt for American culture and the values underpinning it. Smirking leftist who decry the consumer mentality they detest, whilst they pull their iPhone from their Louis Vuitton purse to post on Facebook the hatred they have for the Bourgeois values of the middle class they so detest.

Of course you don't "defend" terrorism. Instead, you understand it and sympathize with the goal of ending this middle class that has appetites that should be reserved for the elite. This brash middle who demands fast cars and fast food. Ending them is such a noble goal that you have an understanding, if not comradarie with any who further the noble aims of putting an end to American consumerism and this detested middle class.

Surely you recoil at the violence done by the Muslims. Still, the damage done to the Bourgeois makes up for much of it. Ending America is a worthy goal, even if you object to the methods used, Da Comrade?
Maybe the French are waking up.

Mourners boo and shout 'murderer' at French PM Manuel Valls over his failure to prevent terror attacks as thousands - and a Premier League football star - pack Nice promenade to remember the dead

  • Thousands of people came out today to pay their respect to the 84 people killed in the Nice attacks Thursday night
  • Large sections of crowd voiced their anger by booing the Prime Minister Manuel Valls as he arrived at the scene
  • His government has faced criticism for not doing enough to prevent terror in the last 18 months after Paris attacks
  • Talking last month, he said, 'more innocents will lose their lives' and revealed 13 terror plots had been scuppered
  • Crowds called for his resignation, but he dismissed them as 'disgraceful' and reflected the 'attitude of a minority'

PUBLISHED: 11:37, 18 July 2016 | UPDATED: 17:12, 18 July 2016
The attacker was a male 17 year old Afghan refugee.

It's as if all these attacks have a common element - even the Dallas police murders, but I can't put my finger on what it is?

Why is the truck in script
The "most mundane of weapons" advances the same agenda as "the terrorist was apparently a perfectly integrated muslim who never showed any signs of being radicalized".
In other words, scripted to pass this message: "it's impossible to prevent such attacks unless muslims are all interned in camps".
All in Blog

Video surveillance mockery pushed to the limits
No Video surveillance footage of truck hitting peole but of this:
"Video surveillance placed Chokri, who had no previous police record, with Bouhlel in the truck on the Promenade Des Anglais prior to the attack."

Tramscript from
Nice killer and suspected accomplices: what we know
July 21, 2016
Nice killer and suspected accomplices: what we know[/QUOTE]
Did you here about the unnamed man arrested at the Nice vigil with a machete? I know I just found out this morning.
A reporter from buzzfeed Ryan Broderick was there and saw it. It is said the crowds started screaming at him when put in the police car.

Thank goodness they got him before he hurt anyone.

Maybe the French are waking up.

Mourners boo and shout 'murderer' at French PM Manuel Valls over his failure to prevent terror attacks as thousands - and a Premier League football star - pack Nice promenade to remember the dead

  • Thousands of people came out today to pay their respect to the 84 people killed in the Nice attacks Thursday night
  • Large sections of crowd voiced their anger by booing the Prime Minister Manuel Valls as he arrived at the scene
  • His government has faced criticism for not doing enough to prevent terror in the last 18 months after Paris attacks
  • Talking last month, he said, 'more innocents will lose their lives' and revealed 13 terror plots had been scuppered
  • Crowds called for his resignation, but he dismissed them as 'disgraceful' and reflected the 'attitude of a minority'

PUBLISHED: 11:37, 18 July 2016 | UPDATED: 17:12, 18 July 2016
The attacker was a male 17 year old Afghan refugee.

It's as if all these attacks have a common element - even the Dallas police murders, but I can't put my finger on what it is?


The common thread is becoming mental illness.

The latest knife attacker in London.

But don’t worry he came to Britain at the age of 5. He’s not radicalized, just CRAZY.
Italy knew of the attacker back in 2015. Said he has an association with the Muslim Brotherhood. And he had contacts with ISIS.

Italy police ID'd Nice attacker in 2015 - English
(ANSA) - Genoa, July 28 - Italian police had identified the gun-wielding truck driver who slaughtered over 80 people on Bastille Day in Nice this year as having connections with the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood in June last year, sources said Thursday.

Nice truck killer had support, accomplices for carefully planned attack - France 24
I found this interesting regarding attempts to classify him as mentally ill andmother attackers -

These horrific acts have raised the question of whether there is a relationship between mental illness and terrorism. But for Dr. Samuel Leistedt, a psychiatrist and professor at the Free University of Brussels who specialises in terrorism, the situation is more complex.

FRANCE 24: Is there a link between terrorism and mental illness?

Dr. Samuel Leistedt: It’s fundamental to understand that a terrorist is not mentally ill in the strictest scientific terms. There are no real signs of mental illness among those we have been able to study. Even if we’ve observed highly narcissistic and paranoid personality traits, it’s not enough to qualify as pathological...

FRANCE 24: What can we make so far of Nice attacker Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s profile?

Dr. Samuel Leistedt: We can’t yet determine if he belongs to the pseudocommando category, because he was apparently in contact with the Islamic State group, even though he never travelled to Syria or Iraq. What’s more, it seems as though there was extensive preparation beforehand.

The difference between a pseudocommando and a terrorist is that a terrorist functions as part of a network.

Attacks across Europe: ‘Terrorists are not mentally ill’ - France 24
See my post 854. Seems a specialist doesn't agree with the ridiculous attempt by authorities to classify as mentally ill.
The attacker was a male 17 year old Afghan refugee.

It's as if all these attacks have a common element - even the Dallas police murders, but I can't put my finger on what it is?


The common thread is becoming mental illness.

The latest knife attacker in London.

But don’t worry he came to Britain at the age of 5. He’s not radicalized, just CRAZY.
Appalling stabbing incident in Russell Square, London. A woman in her 60s has been murdered; five others are being treated for knife wounds. According to the BBC: “A 19-year-old man was arrested at 22:39 after a Taser was discharged by an officer. The Met said mental health was a ‘significant factor’ in the events.” That’s a remarkably swift diagnosis of psychiatric health. Perhaps we can assume that all people who go on rampages with knives have “significant” mental health issues. Perhaps mental health is now defined this way.

Perhaps the assailant was carrying Prozac. Perhaps, as he was being tasered, he demanded serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors as a human right. Perhaps he spoke of how he felt misunderstood, outcast, rejected by society. Perhaps he was unemployed and depressed. We just don’t know.
The human mind and heart can be moved in various ways, depending on how those facts are presented (or not). The Met and BBC can suggest shadowy lines of thought, and the Mayor of London can issue a command to be calm and vigilant. But neither can command the mind to move to assent to something, especially if something more is suspected. Is it too much to ask that the establishment bear witness to truth? Or do they presume we have no interest in finding it? Isn’t it rather patronising to withhold it and exhort calmness and vigilance, when that very exhortation releases passions and induces concerns? Vigilant about what? Teenagers with mental health problems? Isn’t that a rather malleable conviction or manipulated truth, not to mention a slander on all who suffer mental health problems?

Isn’t the whole truth a far better breastplate against extremism and shield against stereotyping than filtered facts and mediated knowledge?

London stabbing: Met and BBC say mental health a "significant factor"
Amazing how they know within moments, isn't it?
Appalling stabbing incident in Russell Square, London. A woman in her 60s has been murdered; five others are being treated for knife wounds. According to the BBC: “A 19-year-old man was arrested at 22:39 after a Taser was discharged by an officer. The Met said mental health was a ‘significant factor’ in the events.” That’s a remarkably swift diagnosis of psychiatric health. Perhaps we can assume that all people who go on rampages with knives have “significant” mental health issues. Perhaps mental health is now defined this way.

Perhaps the assailant was carrying Prozac. Perhaps, as he was being tasered, he demanded serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors as a human right. Perhaps he spoke of how he felt misunderstood, outcast, rejected by society. Perhaps he was unemployed and depressed. We just don’t know.
The human mind and heart can be moved in various ways, depending on how those facts are presented (or not). The Met and BBC can suggest shadowy lines of thought, and the Mayor of London can issue a command to be calm and vigilant. But neither can command the mind to move to assent to something, especially if something more is suspected. Is it too much to ask that the establishment bear witness to truth? Or do they presume we have no interest in finding it? Isn’t it rather patronising to withhold it and exhort calmness and vigilance, when that very exhortation releases passions and induces concerns? Vigilant about what? Teenagers with mental health problems? Isn’t that a rather malleable conviction or manipulated truth, not to mention a slander on all who suffer mental health problems?

Isn’t the whole truth a far better breastplate against extremism and shield against stereotyping than filtered facts and mediated knowledge?

London stabbing: Met and BBC say mental health a "significant factor"
See my post 854. Seems a specialist doesn't agree with the ridiculous attempt by authorities to classify as mentally ill.
The attacker was a male 17 year old Afghan refugee.

It's as if all these attacks have a common element - even the Dallas police murders, but I can't put my finger on what it is?


The common thread is becoming mental illness.

The latest knife attacker in London.

But don’t worry he came to Britain at the age of 5. He’s not radicalized, just CRAZY.

Too calm down the fears, this is more understand able rather than being spooked by every face a shade darker than their own.
The mental motivation that drives terrorist to kill for the certainty of going to heaven. The more blood, faster the trip, greater the reward there.

Maybe they can be found work at a pig slaughter house

Knife? carving meat.
Bomb? stuff the blood sausages, cure and smoke the bacon.
Truck? drive the pork to market.
Gun? taze the pigs, slaughter and hang
What those that push for the mass immigration of refugees coming from Islamic countries are not getting, is the refugees are coming from countries that have Islam as their law. That's all they know. To expect them to suddenly be able to accept an entirely different set of laws-not based on their Islamic laws and lives, is just nuts. To think assimilation will just happen is purely nuts. I would imagine in their minds eye it is blasphemy.
See my post 854. Seems a specialist doesn't agree with the ridiculous attempt by authorities to classify as mentally ill.
The attacker was a male 17 year old Afghan refugee.

It's as if all these attacks have a common element - even the Dallas police murders, but I can't put my finger on what it is?


The common thread is becoming mental illness.

The latest knife attacker in London.

But don’t worry he came to Britain at the age of 5. He’s not radicalized, just CRAZY.

Too calm down the fears, this is more understand able rather than being spooked by every face a shade darker than their own.
The mental motivation that drives terrorist to kill for the certainty of going to heaven. The more blood, faster the trip, greater the reward there.

Maybe they can be found work at a pig slaughter house

Knife? carving meat.
Bomb? stuff the blood sausages, cure and smoke the bacon.
Truck? drive the pork to market.
Gun? taze the pigs, slaughter and hang

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