Attack on whites in NYC

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Originally posted by wonderwench
You're welcome JF. The 60s is when Oakland started going downhill - not coincidentally, this happened as the New Society programs started kicking in.

There's no link to that assertion because it's a conservative lie.

Conservatives lie for the same reason that liberals lie: they're afraid of the TRUTH.

Liberal Lie: Blacks are poor and commit crime because whites are evil.

Conservative Lie: Blacks are poor and commit crime because of liberal programs.

Truth: Blacks commit crime because they're black, and that's what blacks do.

Sorry, wrongo. Ever hear of displaced conclusions? Conservatives are not afraid of the truth, problem is the truth is not popular.

Liberals do not say that whites are evil, causing black crime. Where the f do you get such nonsense? They seem to blame poverty for the crime rate, though I think that is specious.

Your 'truth' is a lie. You are racist, no better than that, which is pretty despicable in and of itself.

Blacks are arrested at a higher level than they should be, because a disproportianate level of crime is committed proportionately by young black men. No duh, they do not have the same level of home monitoring of some other groups, however Hispanics are rapidly overtaking blacks in the age category.
Originally posted by jon_forward
no your post before made no reference to race...but I will say this anger makes a man do stupid things....

You think a man raping a women is just some "stupid" thing he's done?

I don't care how angry or mad or poor a person is, raping a women is not just some kind of "stupid" act.

Since you live in Nashville, keep a look out for this guy who just did something "stupid".
if you compare your two post you will notice in the last one you omitted the word black....I do NOT condone rape nor violence in any way.... please dont put words in my mouth...there are alot of sick folks out there both male and female... as for rape being a "stupid act" do you call it smart? this is what you imply.
Originally posted by jon_forward
if you compare your two post you will notice in the last one you omitted the word black....I do NOT condone rape nor violence in any way.... please dont put words in my mouth...there are alot of sick folks out there both male and female... as for rape being a "stupid act" do you call it smart? this is what you imply.

Rape is a act that proves that one is not human.

You said that blacks commit more crime because they are poor.
I asked you if blacks commit rape at such high levels because they are poor.
And you answered by saying, being poor makes people angery and then they do stupid things.
"Blacks are arrested at a higher level than they should be, because a disproportianate level of crime is committed proportionately by young black men."

Uh, help me out a minute. If the last part of your sentence is true, how can the first part be?
Originally posted by Kathianne

Blacks are arrested at a higher level than they should be, because a disproportianate level of crime is committed proportionately by young black men.

This makes no sence.
Yes, if a disproportionate number commit crime, THEN A CORRESPONDINGLY DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER WILL BE ARRESTED. Ding dong.
Originally posted by Big D
Rape is a act that proves that one is not human.

You said that blacks commit more crime because they are poor.
I asked you if blacks commit rape at such high levels because they are poor.
And you answered by saying, being poor makes people angery and then they do stupid things.

please, there you go putting words in my mouth again, where did I say anything about color????? when people are angery at the world and have reached the breaking point, they break....and do things normal sane folks wouldnt dream of doing....robbery, rape murder...road rage multiplied many times over.... you my friend need to realize that no matter the color of skin or place of birth most everyone here is be and large an AMERICAN. wake up and smell the coffee... I will make one remark aimed at color...why are there more minorities in the armed services protecting our rights than caucasans????
Ok guys, that certainly did come out wrong. I'll take another stab at this.

Young males, (16-25, unmarried) commit a disproportionate amount of crime, to society as a whole. (They also drive too fast).

Poor youths are more likely to commit crime than their wealthier peers. When socioeconomic factors are consistant, there is an insignificant percentage of differences in crimes committed across racial lines. HOWEVER, minorities are more likely to be arrested.

Before anyone goes off on racial profiling, which does exist, I grant that there is some justification for it. Because minorities make up a larger percentage of the lower classes, statistically more minority young men commit crimes than the age category as a whole. Thus when the police are 'profiling' they will tend to make more arrests for minorities, across all socioeconomic lines. The police can't tell parents background from the kids.

Yes, this holds true in wealthier suburbs, since minorities tend to be underrepresented, they are more noticible to the police and more likely to be stopped and questioned. If there is a crime and the description goes out, there are fewer that fit the description so they are also more likely to be picked up. It may not be fair, but hey, life isn't. My guess as more minorities gain higher levels of income, the discrepencies in arrests will go down.
Originally posted by jon_forward
wake up and smell the coffee... I will make one remark aimed at color...why are there more minorities in the armed services protecting our rights than caucasans????

Are you trying to lie to me or to yourself? Don't worry there are lots of people out there like you who make things up to try to convince themselfs and others because they are scared of reality.

Minorities only makeup 34% of the U.S armed forces.

You are a person who lies.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
You confuse facts with opinion. But that comes as no surprise.

I guess you did'nt read either article. Hey how about that McNabb?
Originally posted by Big D
I guess you did'nt read either article. Hey how about that McNabb?


Only received the notoriety he has because he is black. He's an average QB on a good team.
Big D, there is a differance between being mistaken and Lyin....
you sir are blinded by some kinda hatred for your fellow man...on this I am neither lying nor mistaken.... how bout Joe namath???? :fu2:
Originally posted by Kathianne
Ok guys, that certainly did come out wrong. I'll take another stab at this.

Young males, (16-25, unmarried) commit a disproportionate amount of crime, to society as a whole. (They also drive too fast).

Poor youths are more likely to commit crime than their wealthier peers. When socioeconomic factors are consistant, there is an insignificant percentage of differences in crimes committed across racial lines. HOWEVER, minorities are more likely to be arrested.

Before anyone goes off on racial profiling, which does exist, I grant that there is some justification for it. Because minorities make up a larger percentage of the lower classes, statistically more minority young men commit crimes than the age category as a whole. Thus when the police are 'profiling' they will tend to make more arrests for minorities, across all socioeconomic lines. The police can't tell parents background from the kids.

Yes, this holds true in wealthier suburbs, since minorities tend to be underrepresented, they are more noticible to the police and more likely to be stopped and questioned. If there is a crime and the description goes out, there are fewer that fit the description so they are also more likely to be picked up. It may not be fair, but hey, life isn't. My guess as more minorities gain higher levels of income, the discrepencies in arrests will go down.
:clap: :clap: well said
Originally posted by jon_forward
Big D, there is a differance between being mistaken and Lyin....
you sir are blinded by some kinda hatred for your fellow man...on this I am neither lying nor mistaken.... how bout Joe namath???? :fu2:

Making something up is not a mistake, it's a lie.
Correlation doesn't prove causality. The cause is welfare that encourages families to break up. Not voting rights.
by WW

Big D (what does the D stand for?): link please: 1965 Patrick J. Moynihan:

The Breakdown of the Negro Family Has Led to a Startling Increase in Welfare Dependency.

The majority of Negro children receive public assistance under the AFDC program at one point or another in their childhood.

At present, 14 percent of Negro children are receiving AFDC assistance, as against 2 percent of white children. Eight percent of white children receive such assistance at some time, as against 56 percent of nonwhites, according to an extrapolation based on HEW data. (Let it be noted, however, that out of a total of 1.8 million nonwhite illegitimate children in the nation in 1961, 1.3 million were not receiving aid under the AFDC program, although a substantial number have, or will, receive aid at some time in their lives.)

Again, the situation may be said to be worsening. The AFDC program, deriving from the long established Mothers' Aid programs, was established in 1935 principally to care for widows and orphans, although the legislation covered all children in homes deprived of parental support because one or both of their parents are absent or incapacitated.

In the beginning, the number of AFDC families in which the father was absent because of desertion was less than a third of the total. Today it is two-thirds. HEW estimates "that between two-thirds and three-fourths of the 50 percent increase from 1948 to 1955 in the number of absent-father families receiving ADC may be explained by an increase in broken homes in the population."10

A 1960 study of Aid to Dependent Children in Cook County, Ill. stated:

"The 'typical' ADC mother in Cook County was married and had children by her husband, who deserted; his whereabouts are unknown, and he does not contribute to the support of his children. She is not free to remarry and has had an illegitimate child since her husband left. (Almost 90 percent of the ADC families are Negro.)"11

The steady expansion of this welfare program, as of public assistance programs in general, can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States.
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