Attack on whites in NYC

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"how in the world does one home make for a ghetto?"

Don't underestimate the decivilizing power of blacks. It's incredible. They can turn anything into shit. And do. It's what happens when the world's least able race is treated like white people who simply happen to have darker skin. Give them computers and they'll bang them like bongos. Give them guns and they'll treat them like toys. Give them judgships and they'll behave like African chieftains. It's like all the world woke up one day and decided to pretend that everyone, no matter their age, was an adult: put three-year-olds in charge of flying planes, infants in charge of brain surgery and nine-year-olds in charge college administration. Common sense would tell you what would happen, but it appears we've lost common sense.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"how in the world does one home make for a ghetto?"

Don't underestimate the decivilizing power of blacks. It's incredible. They can turn anything into shit. And do. It's what happens when the world's least able race is treated like white people who simply happen to have darker skin. Give them computers and they'll bang them like bongos. Give them guns and they'll treat them like toys. Give them judgships and they'll behave like African chieftains. It's like all the world woke up one day and decided to pretend that everyone, no matter their age, was an adult: put three-year-olds in charge of flying planes, infants in charge of brain surgery and nine-year-olds in charge college administration. Common sense would tell you what would happen, but it appears we've lost common sense.

This is one of the most despicable comments I have ever read.

Your parents must have really done a number on your value system when you were a kid.
But am I wrong? If so, how? I encounter that reaction a lot. Often, it's people who are hearing what they KNOW is the truth but don't want to ADMIT is the truth. Sort of like finding out you have cancer.

Your racist attitudes are your own - not mine. The fact that I dislike them doesn't mean that I secretly believe them.

Your beliefs are patently UnAmerican. Instead of judging individuals on their own merits - you have written off vast numbers of people due to their DNA.

Well, now, we are making progress here. By acknowledging that genetics are at the heart of racial difference, you have at least advanced from the "race is only skin-deep" nonsense. I think we should take this opportunity for a round of applause.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by wonderwench

Your racist attitudes are your own - not mine. The fact that I dislike them doesn't mean that I secretly believe them.

Your beliefs are patently UnAmerican. Instead of judging individuals on their own merits - you have written off vast numbers of people due to their DNA.


well said WW..... It is you William that needs to explain how a single dwelling occupied by a family make a ghetto??? people are not rats,rabbits are aliens. I find it interesting that it is only you that keeps being up the sexuality, color or nationality of people..why is that???? and I do have to agree with WW...Your beliefs are patently un-American. are there bars on your windows to keep people out? or do you have an armed guard watch over you while you sleep? do you even leave the confines of your bunker?
Originally posted by William Joyce
Well, now, we are making progress here. By acknowledging that genetics are at the heart of racial difference, you have at least advanced from the "race is only skin-deep" nonsense. I think we should take this opportunity for a round of applause.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

No - I have not. Genetics determines skin color and other physical characteristics. You erroneously attribute character, actions and ability purely to DNA.

Don't lay that crap at my door. You do that all on your own.
"You erroneously attribute character, actions and ability purely to DNA."

Actually, I don't. A good book for you to read would be the interview with Arthur Jensen by Frank Miele. There is little doubt among geneticists that genes determine more than "skin color." They determine intelligence and temperament as well. But there are dozens of other sources, if you are interested. I know that it's tough to accept this fact, because it challenges what you think are the fundamentals of America --- all races are equal. "UnAmerican" as you put it. But facts remain facts.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"You erroneously attribute character, actions and ability purely to DNA."

Actually, I don't. A good book for you to read would be the interview with Arthur Jensen by Frank Miele. There is little doubt among geneticists that genes determine more than "skin color." They determine intelligence and temperament as well. But there are dozens of other sources, if you are interested. I know that it's tough to accept this fact, because it challenges what you think are the fundamentals of America --- all races are equal. "UnAmerican" as you put it. But facts remain facts.

Those differences apply to all races, not just those you deem inferior.
Originally posted by William Joyce
No, they don't. Asians outscore whites who in turn outscore blacks in terms of intelligence.

Bald. R. Dash.

Doing well on standardized tests is more indicative of rote learning than intelligence.
<TITLE>How smart are you?</TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor="black" text="#ffffff">
<P align="center"><U><FONT size="+3"><B>Is you a redneck racist?</B></FONT></U></P>
<INPUT type="button" name="but1" value="Click here to find out if you are a racist!" onclick="alert('*TEST COMPLETED*: Your a racist turd, now get back under your rock');">
"Doing well on standardized tests is more indicative or rote learning than intelligence."

But this has been accounted for and rejected by most in the field. Intelligence testing goes far beyond standardized tests. Raven's Progressive Matrices and other tests require no knowledge or even cultural grounding. Blacks perform as poorly on these tests as they do standardized tests.
some folks test better then others, big long as people are law-biding,work hard, are respectful of others and pay their taxes I dont care what country they WERE from, what language they USED to speak or what there sexual preferance is.
"some folks test better then others"

The point is that not only do some folks test better than others, some races test better than others. And that is a big deal. Because it means that it DOES matter what country you are from. Because that means you're likely to be less hard-working, less law-abiding, assuming the country is black or Hispanic, racially. People from Nigeria are NOT hard-working or law-abiding. That's a fact. People from Mexico aren't, either, despite the media images you see.
It is only a BIG DEAL to you...not myself nor my family or I should say any of my friends. tolerance is a trait you dont have any of... how do you explain George washington Carver??? How about Colin Powell?? these two people just popped into my head, do I need to do a search ????I am sure that I can find all sorts of folks that are smart and law-biding that you say are not !!! pick most any town in the will find folks from somalia, russia..thailand..veitnam..mexico...shit, throw a dart... most folks get along...I would much rather have these folks than you and you like.
Both GW Carver and Colin Powell are heavily white. Just look at pictures of them. You can't cite them as examples of how much like us black people are, because they aren't really black people.

I question your ability to get along with Somalians better than whites. That's not realistic. You're trying to say everyone in the world is the same, and that's just not true.

Races are different. And this is not just "a big deal" to me. It's a big deal to everyone, whether they admit it or not.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Both GW Carver and Colin Powell are heavily white. Just look at pictures of them. You can't cite them as examples of how much like us black people are, because they aren't really black people.

I question your ability to get along with Somalians better than whites. That's not realistic. You're trying to say everyone in the world is the same, and that's just not true.

Races are different. And this is not just "a big deal" to me. It's a big deal to everyone, whether they admit it or not.
WHY CANT i CITE THESE FINE PEOPLE AS EXAMPLES?? because they dont fit your discription??? or because of their success you have no snappy comeback. as I have stated earlier I can get along with just about everybody, It matters little to me where they were born.It is not A BIG DEAL to everyone..just a very small handfull who think they are saving the world when all they are really doing is showing everybody what fools they are.
Carver or Powell, well both pretty 'old', maybe this can be explained: Check out the site, there's a pic, he looks pretty 'black' to me, notice we aren't even discussing the harm done to the students who are not being exposed to him:

Brains can hurt job applicants


Could anyone imagine the day when an aspiring educator would be told that he is, in essence, overqualified?

Perhaps my story is merely an exception to the rule. In either circumstance, the outcome is appalling.

I am a 22-year-old African-American male and recent graduate of a respectable liberal arts college in Kentucky. I acquired a 3.75 grade-point average with a double major in Social Studies Secondary Education and sociology.

I was a Rhodes Scholar nominee, inducted into the Mensa society in May 2001, named to the National Dean's List for three consecutive years, successfully competed in intercollegiate forensics and served as student body president.

While in college I was also privileged to serve on mission trips to Mexico, Guatemala and Jamaica. In the summer of 2002 I was granted the opportunity to intern with Saxby Chambliss, who was then a U.S. representative running for the U.S. Senate. I served for two years as a court-appointed special advocate for the state of Kentucky.

These experiences have proved to be beyond memorable and life changing. I did not become another faceless statistic of a failed minority or foster care youth. I chose to take charge of my future rather than allow myself to fall prey to the alluring, though deceiving, clutches of victimhood.

As a young black male, I am often perceived as dumb, lazy, promiscuous and criminally inclined. If I sound at all pretentious for wanting to prove that I am anything but the above, then please accept my sincere apologies. In any event, lately it appears that my achievements have proved to be a liability rather than an asset.

Anyone who meets me will attest to the fact that I am an extremely passionate individual. My passion is for people, which explains my choice of studies. Originally I planned to attend law school after college, though I wasn't entirely sure this was the right path for me.

Over the summer, I came to realize that my true calling lay in inspiring, motivating, challenging and educating other young adults. After investigating, I assumed that Atlanta would perhaps be a viable market for teaching jobs. I applied to metro Atlanta counties including Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton, Cobb, Gwinnett, plus the Atlanta public schools, all to no avail.

Certification was not the issue. I am certified to teach in Kentucky and have applied for certification in Georgia. My application is still being processed.

Recently, I interviewed with a school in one of the metro Atlanta counties, only to receive an e-mail from the principal stating, "Though your qualifications are quite impressive, I regret to inform you that we have selected another candidate. It was felt that your demeanor and therefore presence in the classroom would serve as an unrealistic expectation as to what high school students could strive to achieve or become. However, it is highly recommended that you seek employment at the collegiate level; there your intellectual comportment would be greatly appreciated. Good luck."

After reading the e-mail several times over, I felt as if I had been slapped in the face. It is truly a sad day in the world of education when a 22-year-old aspiring educator is informed that he is too intellectual to teach high school.

I am neither looking for a handout nor a free ride. I would simply like some insight as to some possible answers to a seemingly unsolvable conundrum.
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