Attack on whites in NYC

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Originally posted by wonderwench
In today's news in the Bay Area:

A 39 year old hispanic woman and her daughter were found bludgeoned to death in Fremont. The daughter had been walking to work with her mother when they were attacked and beaten.

The suspect is a middle aged white male approximately 6' tall.

If this is true it is absolutely disgusting and the person who did this crime should be put to sleep. It is extreamly rare for a white person to attack a person of another race.

When a white person commits a crime I am more upset then if it was a person of another race. I have higher expectations for whites then I do for other races.

Do you have a link?
Yeah! How dare immigrants come here and try to pursue the American Dream?
No I do not have a link. I saw the story on the local TV news as I was getting ready for work this am.
I found an article:

A Newark woman and her daughter were viciously clubbed to death early Sunday morning in Fremont's second and third killings of 2004, police said.

The women were found on Thornton Ave. at approximately 2:30 a.m., ``severely beaten,'' said Fremont Police Detective Bill Veteran. ``It's bad head and face trauma. It's very violent. It's very unusual for Fremont.''

The mother, a 39-year-old woman who lives with her boyfriend in Newark. Police believe she works in a ``care facility'' on Country Drive on was on her way there when the assaults occurred. Her boyfriend usually drives her to work, but was unable to Sunday morning, Veteran said. Her daughter, 19, walked with her because she didn't want her to walk alone, Veteran said.

A witness told police that he saw a man coming out of a car next to the two women just before police officers arrived. The man fled in one direction, the car in the other as police were arriving.

Police found a club at the scene.

``We're confident this is the murder weapon,'' Veteran said.

Police said they have no motive and have questioned ``tons'' of people, including the woman's boyfriend.

``He hasn't been named as a suspect as of yet. We always start at the inner circle and then move out,'' Veteran said, adding that it is not clear that is a case of domestic violence.

Police described the suspect as a white man, approximately six-feet tall. He was wearing a blue denim jacket with tan sleeves.

The vehicle is a light colored Honda. The year of manufacture is placed between 1988 and 1992. Police believe three suspects were inside the vehicle when it fled the murder scene.

Anyone with information about these slayings should contact the Fremont Police Department, 510-790-6800.
Thanks Wonderwench,

I hope they catch all three of these sick pieces of crap, and put them all to sleep.
To me it sounds like a planned inside job, I am interested to see the outcome.
I'm sure there are examples of white people who have attacked blacks and Hispanics. But the overwhelming trend is in the opposite direction. If we were to duke it out with dueling posts about race-to-race crime, you would run out of ammunition way before me. Take the "Upper East Side" rapist busted yesterday. He raped nothing but white woman after white woman.

See here:
Thanks Jon. Saw this and thought what a pity. At the same time, I do know what he's going through, though I have some positives (?), he doesn't. I'm nearly 50, with only 5 years of teaching experience. I am working on MS, which he isn't yet, but I'm nearly deaf. I have to 'high-tech' hearing aids, which help, but the kids recognize the problem. They take advantage, but also are very compassionate. I know I'm an assest, which my school recognizes, but alas, as parochial doesn't pay for.

I am going to make a couple of comment here :

First of all Kathianne I am very sorry that anyone would take advantage of something like this, that is vile in my opinion ! I have read and enjoyed your posts for some time now, and I believe you to be a very measured, fair, compassionate, and intelligent person. I think you are an absolute asset to the teaching community, and society as a whole, and I would be honored if you were my childrens teacher !

Please do not let anyone here get to you with their stupid ass, uneducated remarks, please consider the source of the comments. I will tell you this; I am the CEO of a mid-size NY based Corporation and would hire someone like you in a heartbeat ! You posses qualities that are hard to find in many people today and an employer should go out of their way to do what they can to retain someone like you ! :)
Marquis Harris --- did you guys get a look at that guy? What a fruit. And what a stupid article. Oh, black people in Mensa! Oh, wow! He's just TOO GOOD, that Marquis! Please.

Kathianne, would cochlear implants be an option for you? If you are a unionized teacher, your health plan might pay for it.

William I am going to say this once, I received a complaint from a member about this post, and no, it was not Kathianne !!

I hope you were not being sarcasitic with your comment to Kathianne, and I am not saying your were, I don't find it cute or funny to poke fun at someone's disability !

You are completely free to express your opinions here, other than pure mindless hate speech, but making fun of a persons disability will not be tolerated !
Originally posted by eric
You are completely free to express your opinions here, other than pure mindless hate speech, but making fun of a persons disability will not be tolerated !

I'll second this. Spew your beliefs all you like but lay off the attacks. Well said, Eric.
Jimnyc, Eric,

Are you guys serious?

William was being sincere and trying to help Kathianne.
Originally posted by Big D
Jimnyc, Eric,

Are you guys serious?

William was being sincere and trying to help Kathianne.

He wasn't trying to be helpful. If you guys want to post your stats and links to pages supporting your viewpoint, that's fine. William has made quite a few unwanted comments regarding Jews, Blacks and other members of this board directly in the short time he has been here. Kathianne has done nothing to deserve ridicule or snide remarks.

My point was overall, not just in reference to what Eric quoted.
Originally posted by Kathianne
I have to 'high-tech' hearing aids, which help, but the kids recognize the problem. They take advantage, but also are very compassionate. I know I'm an assest, which my school recognizes, but alas, as parochial doesn't pay for.

Posted by William:
Kathianne, would cochlear implants be an option for you? If you are a unionized teacher, your health plan might pay for it.

I don't understand how you guys concluded that William was somehow making fun of Kathianne?

Kathianne states how her hearing aids are recognize by the kids she is teaching and they take advantage of that.

William suggested a hearing aid that is hidden, and is supposed to provide better hearing might be a better option.

How do you see this as a personal attack?
Big D, did you even read my reply? Did you not understand this part?:

My point was overall, not just in reference to what Eric quoted.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Big D, did you even read my reply? Did you not understand this part?:

My point was overall, not just in reference to what Eric quoted.

Sure I did, there are other things that William has written that upset you.
But his comment to Kathianne should not be one of them.

How did you see his comment as a personal attack?
Originally posted by Big D
Sure I did, there are other things that William has written that upset you.
But his comment to Kathianne should not be one of them.

How did you see his comment as a personal attack?

I never stated that particular comment was an attack. Reread what I wrote again and you'll see that.

Eric said what he had to say, he's the moderator of this forum. I reiterated the fact that he should lay off the attacks.

Case closed.
BIG D, we are all judged in relation to what we've said before. My first impulse and post was to take William's post the wrong way. I responded and as did he, saying he meant to be helpful. I accepted that and felt chagrined.

Eric, thank you for all you posted and not making me feel silly for responding as I did to William, though now I'm assuming he did mean to be helpful. You may be sorry you said you'd hire me, I may take you up on that!

Cochlear implants are for the profoundly deaf, ie. no real recognition of language. I have bi-lateral, 70% hearing loss. Unfortunatly for me, (not to mention those trying to speak to me), it's all in the 'middle range' where language is. Bottom line: Speak up and distinctly!

I'm looking at applying for public high schools this year, if that doesn't pan out, I'll try for parochial high schools or middle schools closer to home. I'll keep plugging away at my MS degree and already have committment from local university for part-time teaching. All will work out. I know I'm good, the standardized test scores for 5 years bear that out. I've been accepted for every program I've applied to-over 10k worth. I've been solicited by C-Span and History Week programs for advisory boards-they don't know about my hearing, but heh, they have to make allowances for disabilities! LOL.
It remains beyond me how anyone could have taken the cochlear implant idea as making fun of someone's disability. I did not mean it that way. As soon as I saw it mentioned, I immediately thought of my father and was just trying to be helpful. My guess is that because my racial opinions are highly non-traditional, I am automatically "the bad guy" no matter what I say. Well, lesson learned --- I'll not give unwanted advice.
William, I don't know how to make it any clearer to you, I apologize for misinterpreting your post. You are correct in assuming that your previous posts made me suspicious. Considering your background, I'm even more perplexed at your bigotry, notice not prejudice.
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