Attack on whites in NYC

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Thanks Jon. Saw this and thought what a pity. At the same time, I do know what he's going through, though I have some positives (?), he doesn't. I'm nearly 50, with only 5 years of teaching experience. I am working on MS, which he isn't yet, but I'm nearly deaf. I have to 'high-tech' hearing aids, which help, but the kids recognize the problem. They take advantage, but also are very compassionate. I know I'm an assest, which my school recognizes, but alas, as parochial doesn't pay for.

Of the students I've taught, only 4 have failed to qualify for AP Global studies and American History, not one has failed to get the college credit.

Problem, I have degrees in history, pol. sci., and sociology. Have endorsements for Psych., journalism, language arts, and geography. Schools think I'll get 'bored'. Suggest I belong at college level. (like college students aren't boring?)

As you can see, this was a twofer. Racism, ageism, and overqualifiedism. lol
the over-qualified and age-ism I can totally relate to...Im not far behind in cronalogical[sp] age but physicially I am all but shoot....and what jobs I think I can still preform I am told I am over-qual.... Does no good to tell them I am NOT after their position and will in fact make them look very good[and lots of money]......I think it is a strange way to show fear...
OK Jon, we'll get together and commiserate. Smilie window not working, but I raise one to you!
thanx kathianne....thats why I tell folks that its not so important that you count your B-Ds...just that you are around for another one!!!!:)
Marquis Harris --- did you guys get a look at that guy? What a fruit. And what a stupid article. Oh, black people in Mensa! Oh, wow! He's just TOO GOOD, that Marquis! Please.

Kathianne, would cochlear implants be an option for you? If you are a unionized teacher, your health plan might pay for it.
Kathianne, would cochlear implants be an option for you? If you are a unionized teacher, your health plan might pay for it.

No, not an option. No, not a unionized teacher. No, not a red necked jerk, like some.
K - absolutely wonderful article.

It does cause one to ponder how many talented, intelligent people have had their lives derailed by that type of attitude.

No, not an option. No, not a unionized teacher. No, not a red necked jerk, like some."

Thank you. I'm glad my concern was appreciated. A friend had cochlear implants, and they have worked well for him. I thought maybe it was something for you to ask your doctor about. That friend happens to be my father. You anti-white types sure do come off as sweetie-pies. Maybe calling people assholes makes you feel better. Maybe mocking white workers who make their living farming outdoors makes you feel superior. I'm glad you get to work indoors to keep your neck unsunburned. Gee. What are you teaching those kids, anyway?
From the article:

"It was felt that your demeanor and therefore presence in the classroom would serve as an unrealistic expectation as to what high school students could strive to achieve or become."
This why this guy did not get the job, it was his attitude or demeanor. Being book smart is not being people smart. In his interview I am sure he came off as a Mr. know it all, with a I am better then you attitude.

The clue to him was the mention of the word demeanor, which means to be demeaning. They could tell he would teach kids with a demeaning attitude. When they told him he would serve unrealistic expectation, they knew that this guys expectation of his students would be unrealistic, this is the type of guy who thinks he is smarter then all others. You can tell by the way he presents himself in the article.

And that picture, Like they say " a picture says a thousand words".
In today's news in the Bay Area:

A 39 year old hispanic woman and her daughter were found bludgeoned to death in Fremont. The daughter had been walking to work with her mother when they were attacked and beaten.

The suspect is a middle aged white male approximately 6' tall.
WW...that cant be right way.... sick fucking perverted person.....probably related to someone that post on this board...wont say who but we all know..

Aw c'mon jon. You know it's not his fault. The bitch probably deserved it.
yea...she was on her way to work.....a person like her have a job....WTF...serves them right for walking on the street.....{see warning from prevous post]

Yeah, how dare she take a job away from some deserving white person.
serves the daughter right for being brought up wrong...

sound good to you william and co.....this is how you crap sounds to me and others...from one extreme to the other..only thing is we are kidding and you arent....what do you have to say about the suspect????
[William Joyce]It is the hispanic bitch and her daughter's fault for living in a white community instead of in a separate hispanic ghetto.[/William Joyce]
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