Attention Democrats. My fellow Democrats what have you done to support diversity?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Diversity is what America‘s all about. We have always been a melting pot of cultures. Bring me your tired bring me your poor this is the message of America.

-I worked at a Islamic school for two years. A good number of the Muslim parents there were adamant supporters of Donald Trump by the way.

-I am a Catholic but I have visited a mosque quite a few times to talk with people to learn about the glorious Arab nation, to learn about the Arab Christians the Arab Muslims who stand up for what is right.

—When I was paralyzed in the hospital I gave $500 to one of my good friends a refugee from Iraq who was forced to flee Iraq in 2003. This man is an honorable Iraqi he is proud of his country history and he wants his country back.

-If I see a union member I often congratulate them. I am brainstorming ideas to try and do some sort of a sitdown strike at Walmart. Utilizing the great images and lessons from the American past when we had sweatshops when we had slavery in the workforce and understanding how men and women fought literally on the streets for better rights. They formed pickket lines and they preventing people from crossing them by physical force. Now today we have a anti-American site where rich corrupt people are trying to teach Americans how to get past picket lines…. and that it’s OK to try and break a picket line. One of the worst things you could ever do is break up a picket line and be a scab. There’s nothing worse than a scab.

back when we had over 35% of our jobs being unionized, back when we had a stronger middle class ….that was when our country was tough…. now look at how weak we are. So many men have become feminized you have got to stand up to this. It is vitally important to my fellow Democrats that you understand our history is one of glory and honor. Please understand when the 100 year old World War II veteran said our country “is going to hell in a hand basket”. that we need to change in America and we need to understand that the past is what got us the great middle class. The best Americans were those who lived in the 1940s and in the 1970s we need to learn from them.


I would hope all of you have supported the unions…. because you have shown on this board that you do not support unions. Prove it otherwise. You got your sleeves rolled up you’re ready to get to work huh, this country needs you to do what is right. Support the workingman support this country and support this country‘s history. What have you done to support diversity in this country list your credentials.
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I would hope all of you have supported the unions….
I worked a union job and paid my dues for a year.
Never again!!
Union workers are the laziest, complaining, over paid people.
It's almost impossible to fire one of them.
We had one guy drunk and asleep on the job.
Union fought for him against the company. Union won, he stayed.
Now I know why the US Post Office loses billions every year?
Workers are all in the postal union.
Want to know why new cars cost soo much?
All the assembly plants have union workers.
Unions are the bane of the US economy and its citizens.
Diversity is what America‘s all about. We have always been a melting pot of cultures. Bring me your tired bring me your poor this is the message of America.

-I worked at a Islamic school for two years. A good number of the Muslim parents there were adamant supporters of Donald Trump by the way.

-I am a Catholic but I have visited a mosque quite a few times to talk with people to learn about the glorious Arab nation, to learn about the Arab Christians the Arab Muslims who stand up for what is right.

—When I was paralyzed in the hospital I gave $500 to one of my good friends a refugee from Iraq who was forced to flee Iraq in 2003. This man is an honorable Iraqi he is proud of his country history and he wants his country back.

-If I see a union member I often congratulate them. I am brainstorming ideas to try and do some sort of a sitdown strike at Walmart. Utilizing the great images and lessons from the American past when we had sweatshops when we had slavery in the workforce and understanding how men and women fought literally on the streets for better rights. They formed pickket lines and they preventing people from crossing them by physical force. Now today we have a anti-American site where rich corrupt people are trying to teach Americans how to get past picket lines…. and that it’s OK to try and break a picket line. One of the worst things you could ever do is break up a picket line and be a scab. There’s nothing worse than a scab.

back when we had over 35% of our jobs being unionized, back when we had a stronger middle class ….that was when our country was tough…. now look at how weak we are. So many men have become feminized you have got to stand up to this. It is vitally important to my fellow Democrats that you understand our history is one of glory and honor. Please understand when the 100 year old World War II veteran said our country “is going to hell in a hand basket”. that we need to change in America and we need to understand that the past is what got us the great middle class. The best Americans were those who lived in the 1940s and in the 1970s we need to learn from them.


I would hope all of you have supported the unions…. because you have shown on this board that you do not support unions. Prove it otherwise. You got your sleeves rolled up you’re ready to get to work huh, this country needs you to do what is right. Support the workingman support this country and support this country‘s history. What have you done to support diversity in this country list your credentials.
Their plan to support diversity is to call everyone on the other side racists.
The North American continent has been diverse since Columbus stepped his pointed little shoes onto it.

This northern part of the continent had American Indians, who have been said by some historians, to be derived from Asians that had found a way over to this continent long before Europeans. And some other historians claim Vikings surveyed these lands far before the Asian/American Indians landed here.

It's even documented that the Europeans escaping tyrannical Kings and Queens during Columbuses era, were all from different countries.
WHAT is more diverse than THAT???!!!!!

Even in "modern" times (since industrialization), this country has been infused with Irish, British, Spanish, African, Asian, and Russian, among many of the others............ This also includes these people as citizens of the United States of America..........wage earners of all types, farmers, builders, contractors, morticians, doctors, lawyers, store vendors, and every other job you can think of.

There is NO question of AMERICA being diverse...........its a question of WHY are YOU so fucking RACIST that you feel the need to force your FALSE, FAKE, and PRO-RACIST opinions down other peoples throats in order to sow discontent, hate, and anger????

Is YOUR life so pathetic and useless that you have to try and destroy everybody elses life as well????

I worked a union job and paid my dues for a year.
Never again!!
Union workers are the laziest, complaining, over paid people.
It's almost impossible to fire one of them.
We had one guy drunk and asleep on the job.
Union fought for him against the company. Union won, he stayed.
Now I know why the US Post Office loses billions every year?
Workers are all in the postal union.
Want to know why new cars cost soo much?
All the assembly plants have union workers.
Unions are the bane of the US economy and its citizens.

What do you say to the corrupt employer who wants sweatshops who wants to pay Americans one dollar an hour. What do you say to some Chinese company that comes to America that hates union because that’s happened here in this country. What do you say to the Chinese employer who wants to pay four dollars an hour to Americans. This is why we need workers protection. And so unfortunately you hear the words I’m saying and you immediately have negative thoughts you delete huge portions of my posts. I don’t give a damn.

Eventually this country is going down to complete and utter shit if we don’t get back to union jobs. We have way too many men in the prime of their life who have shit wages who live in shit hole apartments.

Every thing you can imagine has it’s good and bad. You are talking about a local union. Like every poster literally every poster who opposes unions here they never talk about the good unions it’s only these bizarre oddball local unions. And certainly to your point there are lazy people all over the world and they get away with all sorts of tomfoolery. So your point is certainly noted my friend but It cannot apply all around the world.

But were unions are needed for example when there was the buffalo shooter the Nazi guy who shot up a Tops market killing 10 Black people there were some prison guards otherwise known as correctional officers who made some distasteful comments. Now if it was up to the far left they would’ve been fired but that’s what the union protected these guys until they were suspended they were taught a lesson but they did not lose their job. And so there’s many other examples where unions are absolutely necessary just for example one thing above all Islam and Christianity demands union protection. The great Arab nation you call yourself Sunni man OK you call yourself an Arab the great Arab nation demands workers protection my friend.

You see that’s what it’s all about and that’s what you did not quote. So there’s much more to the picture than you’re quoting. But also because there are corrupt employers brutal slave masters in our economy that’s why we need unions. That’s why today America sucks and our economy is terrible because we’ve lost a lot of union jobs and we have a lot of slaves in this country who think that making 15 or 20 bucks an hour is good when it’s no good. We have men in the prime of their life the prime age of their life and they accept a wage of $15 an hour that’s unacceptable. So we need to get back to the 1940s go back to the 1950s when men were tough and we had better wages.
Well part of the reason that a lot of Democrats do wanna bring in some of these immigrants is that they believe that the immigrants are weak and that they’re so terrified to join the union that they will work as slaves. So this is garbage. This is why America is sometimes considered a shit hole country. Because we got rich corrupt politicians that have brainwashed Americans In the prime of their life young American men to accept at $15 an hour is a good job.

. I don’t understand what’s going on in this country anymore.

You got your sleeves rolled up !!!

You must be one of those Democrats that wants to import as many illegal immigrants as possible because you know you can treat them like slaves and they won’t wanna join the union because they will be terrified to get deported. Come on man you gotta get on the right side of history my brother
Here is how the anti-American and anti-Christian convinces young men in the prime of their life to accept a bad life , to accept a low wage and just a life of doing nothing worthy… basically the matrix lifestyle. Here’s how it happens,

The anti-American will say hey why do you want to join a union? “ you know you’re gonna have to pay union dues”.

“Hey do you want to get a wage increase well you know that the prices are just gonna go up then.”

So yeah you’re bringing a union shop you raise the wages for workers and guess what happens the company‘s profits go from $2 billion a year to $1.8 billion a year.

That’s affectively what happens but you see the greedy brutal anti-Christian employer in America wants his much for the bottom line is possible they don’t give a damn about workers if they don’t have to. That is why we had unions in the purse first place … to all those here who oppose unions if they are a corrupt employer they are going to go to hell for some time they are the enemy anyways …there’s not really much to say to those folks ..

But to those who don’t understand why we had unions in the first place… the reason is if we never had unions we would have a situation in America today where many men in the prime of their life are making a 1$ an hour affectively living as slaves.

we have two people who are against unions one is the evil devil the corrupt employer…. and the other one is the well meaning hard-working American who has been misled.

and so for example the united auto workers doesn’t allow lazy people to just do whatever the hell they want go to sleep on the job.. That is anti-union garbage propaganda it has no place in America.

I can see that corrupt employers in this country have brainwashed some immigrants to hate their lives so much to accept a low wage to accept living in a two bedroom apartment instead of a four or five bedroom house, to accept a life with no pension , no benefits I don’t think that’s normal that is anything but normal. This is why Democrats and Republicans are letting millions of immigrants in because they know that they will be terrified to join the union and to accept a good job and so this is driving our wages down. This is why America has so many feminine men because we’re not talk anymore but don’t worry my brothers and sisters American spirit always prevails and before you know it we’re gonna have a lot better job in this country we’re gonna have more Christians in this country church attendance will go up things will get a lot better
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The government shouldn't be involved in forcing employers to pay their workers a minimum wage.
Each job will naturally determine what its worth.
Pay to little and they will have trouble finding people to hire.
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The government shouldn't involved in forcing employers to pay their workers a minimum wage.
Each job will naturally determine what its worth.
Pay to little and they will have trouble finding people to hire.

They keep wondering why what used to be 7 dollars of fast-food is now 15 dollars
Diversity is what America‘s all about. We have always been a melting pot of cultures. Bring me your tired bring me your poor this is the message of America.

-I worked at a Islamic school for two years. A good number of the Muslim parents there were adamant supporters of Donald Trump by the way.

-I am a Catholic but I have visited a mosque quite a few times to talk with people to learn about the glorious Arab nation, to learn about the Arab Christians the Arab Muslims who stand up for what is right.

—When I was paralyzed in the hospital I gave $500 to one of my good friends a refugee from Iraq who was forced to flee Iraq in 2003. This man is an honorable Iraqi he is proud of his country history and he wants his country back.

-If I see a union member I often congratulate them. I am brainstorming ideas to try and do some sort of a sitdown strike at Walmart. Utilizing the great images and lessons from the American past when we had sweatshops when we had slavery in the workforce and understanding how men and women fought literally on the streets for better rights. They formed pickket lines and they preventing people from crossing them by physical force. Now today we have a anti-American site where rich corrupt people are trying to teach Americans how to get past picket lines…. and that it’s OK to try and break a picket line. One of the worst things you could ever do is break up a picket line and be a scab. There’s nothing worse than a scab.

back when we had over 35% of our jobs being unionized, back when we had a stronger middle class ….that was when our country was tough…. now look at how weak we are. So many men have become feminized you have got to stand up to this. It is vitally important to my fellow Democrats that you understand our history is one of glory and honor. Please understand when the 100 year old World War II veteran said our country “is going to hell in a hand basket”. that we need to change in America and we need to understand that the past is what got us the great middle class. The best Americans were those who lived in the 1940s and in the 1970s we need to learn from them.


I would hope all of you have supported the unions…. because you have shown on this board that you do not support unions. Prove it otherwise. You got your sleeves rolled up you’re ready to get to work huh, this country needs you to do what is right. Support the workingman support this country and support this country‘s history. What have you done to support diversity in this country list your credentials.
They support child drag shows, and child sex change operations they call gender affirming care.

Don't you?

You got your sleeves rolled up !!!

You must be one of those Democrats that wants to import as many illegal immigrants as possible because you know you can treat them like slaves and they won’t wanna join the union because they will be terrified to get deported. Come on man you gotta get on the right side of history my brother
Nope....that would be all those big corporate farmers and businesses who get away with it because they are protected by the GOP.

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