Attention is Drawn to Hogg for Spending Almost Half of His PAC’s Donor Funds on Non-essential Items

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Brian Williams Jr appears to be another dyed in the wool shyster. Half of his PAC money that's supposed to be going to support the election of young regressive candidates have been funneled into non-essential expenses, including exorbitant consulting fees for Democratic operatives. This kid is a narcissist who by unfortunate chance was able to worm his way into the spotlight and profit off of it, like so many others.

Brian Williams Jr appears to be another dyed in the wool shyster. Half of his PAC money that's supposed to be going to support the election of young regressive candidates have been funneled into non-essential expenses, including exorbitant consulting fees for Democratic operatives. This kid is a narcissist who by unfortunate chance was able to worm his way into the spotlight and profit off of it, like so many others.

Why the sudden pearl clutching about David Hogg?
He is the direct result and creation of Democrat Neo-Marxist infiltration of our education system.
Brian Williams Jr appears to be another dyed in the wool shyster. Half of his PAC money that's supposed to be going to support the election of young regressive candidates have been funneled into non-essential expenses, including exorbitant consulting fees for Democratic operatives. This kid is a narcissist who by unfortunate chance was able to worm his way into the spotlight and profit off of it, like so many others.

There aren't that many who do this. I spent 30 years working in non profits and didn't see this. But as long as you stay on the cynica roght, you will overstate the occurrences of things like this. And Mark Elias, a lawyer, is not non essential spending if you want to change laws.
Another story from Breitbart.
Brian Williams Jr appears to be another dyed in the wool shyster. Half of his PAC money that's supposed to be going to support the election of young regressive candidates have been funneled into non-essential expenses, including exorbitant consulting fees for Democratic operatives. This kid is a narcissist who by unfortunate chance was able to worm his way into the spotlight and profit off of it, like so many others.

EDIT: just read that is is based on breitbart reporting so I withdraw my previous comment as the accusations are almost certainly not true.
Brian Williams Jr appears to be another dyed in the wool shyster. Half of his PAC money that's supposed to be going to support the election of young regressive candidates have been funneled into non-essential expenses, including exorbitant consulting fees for Democratic operatives. This kid is a narcissist who by unfortunate chance was able to worm his way into the spotlight and profit off of it, like so many others.

What has Brian Williams Jr to do with this?
The OP would be better served to comment about how Trumps PAC is paying his living expenses and how the RNC is paying his legal fees.
The OP would be better served to comment about how Trumps PAC is paying his living expenses and how the RNC is paying his legal fees.

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