ATTENTION LIBERALS, you have just been DUMPED by your MESSIAH.

Obama abandoned liberals the day he was inaugurated.

i always said he was a moderate.

it's only the rightwingnuts who think he's hard left.

"Moderates" don't vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, nor do they make friends with openly radical communists types like Ayers.

He hasn't been able to implement his radical agenda because America already rejected his health care proposals.
Gosh. Barry is sure giving all light skinned negroes who don't speak with a negro dialect a bad name. Who's gonna trust any of them any more?
Get used to it libs.... you are getting your arses handed to you by a party out of power and supposedly hated by everyone around the world.

The butt kicking has just begun. Be prepared to lose one either the House or the Senate, maybe both.

Republicans will be getting rid of their own also that aren't conservative enough.

Like they did in Massachusetts? Upstate NY?

Like Mass.. NJ, VA and then the future in FL, NV and others. People are fed up with Obama and his socialist policies. Many of those people were also upset with Bush and some of his spending.
Obama abandoned liberals the day he was inaugurated.

i always said he was a moderate.

it's only the rightwingnuts who think he's hard left.

"Moderates" don't vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, nor do they make friends with openly radical communists types like Ayers.

He hasn't been able to implement his radical agenda because America already rejected his health care proposals.

of course they do... if you believe the bill is bogus and stupid ..

and 40 years after whatever? what planet do you live on? i used to know someone who was SDS in college, got arrested at the chicago convention, etc... who later became pretty prominent before he died. oh yeah, and i used to represent one of the chicago 7 in some civil matters.

normal people meet people who did all kinds of things in their youth.

like i said.. only rightwingnuts didn't realize he was a moderate. his supreme court pick should have solidified that for you.
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Obama abandoned liberals the day he was inaugurated.

I never considered Obama or Hillary Liberals. They do have Liberal issues that they support but in general they're both fairly moderate compared to Dems I grew up knowing.

I'm even more moderate than I was say 10 years ago.

Where the fuck have you been ??????

Which La La Land were you flip flopping around before you landed on this PLANET ?????

Did you read MARXIST Obami Salami's books ??????

About his FAMILY background ?????

Mother, Father.....even his fucking grandfather were off the wall Marxists. His mentor Frank Marshall Davis was the Notorious Commie Poet introduced to him by his COMMIE grandfather in his book Dreams of my Father.....although some of the PC stooges Obama has hired quibble with the term "mentor" because Frank Marshall Davis's advice was ONLY (????????) that of the family friend counselling him re his Grandmom....???

And, how come this NOTORIOUS COMMIE POET was such a CLOSE FAMILY FRIEND ?!?

And, HOWZABOUT ODINGA his COMMIE Kenyan cousin, the RAPIST and MURDERING leader of the ruling COMMIE "Orange Democratic Party"...... and also known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN"...... had rallies (pre-Presidential campaign) with Obami Salami attending, AND at least photo-oped in one of them .......visiting his Kenyan COMMIE relatives with Odinga there....arm in arm with Obami Salami......smiling !!!!!

About COMMIE infested ACORN where marxist OBAMI SALAMI not only was NOT a mediocre employee....but part of its MANAGEMENT with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE TERRORIST Bull Ayers.....when they collaborated at the Board Meetings, and MADE speeches TOGETHER ???????

And, DONCHA THINK IT'S SIGNIFICANT that MARXIST Obami Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career from this COMMIE/ Terrorist's HOME ?????

Do you think the COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers would let a NON-Commie, or a NON-Marxist kick off his career from his home if he wasn't a COMMIE or a MARXIST ????

Doncha know that MARXIST Obami Salami's METEORIC rise was thru the Mafioso and COMMIE infested NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine where no one......I REPEAT......NO ONE.....could even SNIFF the lowest political appointment as a DOG Catcher ......WITHOUT THE BLESSINGS OF THIS NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine ????

Do you think a NON-CORRUPT Politico could have such a METEORIC rise thru this Notoriously Corrupt Mafioso and COMMIE inspired Chicago Political Machine ????????

That MARXIST Obami Salami has the MOST Leftiest of the LEFT Senatorial Record in Senate History, even to the left of the Chappaquidick Murderer that POS Teddy Kennedy (may he broil in Hell ).

And YOU think this Marxist MESSIAH Obami Salami is a fucking YOU ???????

WHY the fuck do you even TRY to drag in the CANARD about YOUR "moderateness" as well as THE MARXIST Obami Salami's "MODERATENESS" ??????

In view of these OBVIOUS HIstorical FACTS......HAVE YOU NO SHAME ?!?!?

Do you have any inkling as to How DESPICABLE and CONTEMPTIBLE this OBVIOUS LIE about MARXIST Obami Salami is ?????

And, just because the LOONIES on the Far Left (HIS TRUE BASE) are disappointed with him.....IT IS NOT THAT he is NOT LEFTIER THAN THEM.......IT IS BECAUSE MARXIST Obami Salami REALIZES that AMERICA has his number and that he is DESPERATELY trying to DISGUISE and OBFUSCATE his UNRAVELLING MARXIST AGENDA that AMERICA IS BLATANTLY REJECTING even as his TWO STOOGES, the PELOSI/REID Combo are ramming his MARXIST HEALTH CARE down our throats after NEVER BEFORE SEEN CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, and ARM TWISTING in American History.

There has always been some coercion in politics, but this is NOT "Business as Usual" which, incidentally, he so eloquently campaigned against .....THE EXTENT and MAGNITUDE OF THIS BEHIND THE DOORS ACTIVITY IS UNPARALLELED....and COMPLETELY DISGUSTING......especially in the light of MARXIST Obami Salami's OUTRAGEOUS LIES about PROMISED "TRANSPARENCY" !!!!!

MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is the MOST FRAUDULENT FRAUD in America's History !!!!
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poor mentally ill gautama...

so sad...

someone medicate him before his head explodes, please.
Get used to it libs.... you are getting your arses handed to you by a party out of power and supposedly hated by everyone around the world.

The butt kicking has just begun. Be prepared to lose one either the House or the Senate, maybe both.

Republicans will be getting rid of their own also that aren't conservative enough.

Like they did in Massachusetts? Upstate NY?

Like Mass.. NJ, VA and then the future in FL, NV and others. People are fed up with Obama and his socialist policies. Many of those people were also upset with Bush and some of his spending.

How conservative are all those you listed?
Obama abandoned liberals the day he was inaugurated.

I never considered Obama or Hillary Liberals. They do have Liberal issues that they support but in general they're both fairly moderate compared to Dems I grew up knowing.

I'm even more moderate than I was say 10 years ago.

Where the fuck have you been ??????

Which La La Land were you flip flopping around before you landed on this PLANET ?????

Did you read MARXIST Obami Salami's books ??????

About his FAMILY background ?????

Mother, Father.....even his fucking grandfather were off the wall Marxists. His mentor Frank Marshall Davis was the Notorious Commie Poet introduced to him by his COMMIE grandfather in his book Dreams of my Father.....although some of the PC stooges Obama has hired quibble with the term "mentor" because Frank Marshall Davis's advice was ONLY (????????) that of the family friend counselling him re his Grandmom....???

And, how come this NOTORIOUS COMMIE POET was such a CLOSE FAMILY FRIEND ?!?

And, HOWZABOUT ODINGA his COMMIE Kenyan cousin, the RAPIST and MURDERING leader of the ruling COMMIE "Orange Democratic Party"...... and also known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN"...... had rallies (pre-Presidential campaign) with Obami Salami attending, AND at least photo-oped in one of them .......visiting his Kenyan COMMIE relatives with Odinga there....arm in arm with Obami Salami......smiling !!!!!

About COMMIE infested ACORN where marxist OBAMI SALAMI not only was NOT a mediocre employee....but part of its MANAGEMENT with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE TERRORIST Bull Ayers.....when they collaborated at the Board Meetings, and MADE speeches TOGETHER ???????

And, DONCHA THINK IT'S SIGNIFICANT that MARXIST Obami Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career from this COMMIE/ Terrorist's HOME ?????

Do you think the COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers would let a NON-Commie, or a NON-Marxist kick off his career from his home if he wasn't a COMMIE or a MARXIST ????

Doncha know that MARXIST Obami Salami's METEORIC rise was thru the Mafioso and COMMIE infested NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine where no one......I REPEAT......NO ONE.....could even SNIFF the lowest political appointment as a DOG Catcher ......WITHOUT THE BLESSINGS OF THIS NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine ????

Do you think a NON-CORRUPT Politico could have such a METEORIC rise thru this Notoriously Corrupt Mafioso and COMMIE inspired Chicago Political Machine ????????

That MARXIST Obami Salami has the MOST Leftiest of the LEFT Senatorial Record in Senate History, even to the left of the Chappaquidick Murderer that POS Teddy Kennedy (may he broil in Hell ).

And YOU think this Marxist MESSIAH Obami Salami is a fucking YOU ???????

WHY the fuck do you even TRY to drag in the CANARD about YOUR "moderateness" as well as THE MARXIST Obami Salami's "MODERATENESS" ??????

In view of these OBVIOUS HIstorical FACTS......HAVE YOU NO SHAME ?!?!?

Do you have any inkling as to How DESPICABLE and CONTEMPTIBLE this OBVIOUS LIE about MARXIST Obami Salami is ?????

And, just because the LOONIES on the Far Left (HIS TRUE BASE) are disappointed with him.....IT IS NOT THAT he is NOT LEFTIER THAN THEM.......IT IS BECAUSE MARXIST Obami Salami REALIZES that AMERICA has his number and that he is DESPERATELY trying to DISGUISE and OBFUSCATE his UNRAVELLING MARXIST AGENDA that AMERICA IS BLATANTLY REJECTING even as his TWO STOOGES, the PELOSI/REID Combo are ramming his MARXIST HEALTH CARE down our throats after NEVER BEFORE SEEN CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, and ARM TWISTING in American History.

There has always been some coercion in politics, but this is NOT "Business as Usual" which, incidentally, he so eloquently campaigned against .....THE EXTENT and MAGNITUDE OF THIS BEHIND THE DOORS ACTIVITY IS UNPARALLELED....and COMPLETELY DISGUSTING......especially in the light of MARXIST Obami Salami's OUTRAGEOUS LIES about PROMISED "TRANSPARENCY" !!!!!

MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is the MOST FRAUDULENT FRAUD in America's History !!!!

Have you thought about running for President under the Republican ticket?
Poor Socialsts. They probably feel like poor Marcia Coakley at this point. Man,i've never seen a Party throw one of their own under the bus the way the Democrats did her. Yikes!
Get used to it libs.... you are getting your arses handed to you by a party out of power and supposedly hated by everyone around the world.

The butt kicking has just begun. Be prepared to lose one either the House or the Senate, maybe both.

Republicans will be getting rid of their own also that aren't conservative enough.

lol look out everyone they are going to turn a new leaf over! Instead of the punchline "terrorist" it is now "no!"
I never considered Obama or Hillary Liberals. They do have Liberal issues that they support but in general they're both fairly moderate compared to Dems I grew up knowing.

I'm even more moderate than I was say 10 years ago.

Where the fuck have you been ??????

Which La La Land were you flip flopping around before you landed on this PLANET ?????

Did you read MARXIST Obami Salami's books ??????

About his FAMILY background ?????

Mother, Father.....even his fucking grandfather were off the wall Marxists. His mentor Frank Marshall Davis was the Notorious Commie Poet introduced to him by his COMMIE grandfather in his book Dreams of my Father.....although some of the PC stooges Obama has hired quibble with the term "mentor" because Frank Marshall Davis's advice was ONLY (????????) that of the family friend counselling him re his Grandmom....???

And, how come this NOTORIOUS COMMIE POET was such a CLOSE FAMILY FRIEND ?!?

And, HOWZABOUT ODINGA his COMMIE Kenyan cousin, the RAPIST and MURDERING leader of the ruling COMMIE "Orange Democratic Party"...... and also known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN"...... had rallies (pre-Presidential campaign) with Obami Salami attending, AND at least photo-oped in one of them .......visiting his Kenyan COMMIE relatives with Odinga there....arm in arm with Obami Salami......smiling !!!!!

About COMMIE infested ACORN where marxist OBAMI SALAMI not only was NOT a mediocre employee....but part of its MANAGEMENT with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE TERRORIST Bull Ayers.....when they collaborated at the Board Meetings, and MADE speeches TOGETHER ???????

And, DONCHA THINK IT'S SIGNIFICANT that MARXIST Obami Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career from this COMMIE/ Terrorist's HOME ?????

Do you think the COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers would let a NON-Commie, or a NON-Marxist kick off his career from his home if he wasn't a COMMIE or a MARXIST ????

Doncha know that MARXIST Obami Salami's METEORIC rise was thru the Mafioso and COMMIE infested NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine where no one......I REPEAT......NO ONE.....could even SNIFF the lowest political appointment as a DOG Catcher ......WITHOUT THE BLESSINGS OF THIS NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine ????

Do you think a NON-CORRUPT Politico could have such a METEORIC rise thru this Notoriously Corrupt Mafioso and COMMIE inspired Chicago Political Machine ????????

That MARXIST Obami Salami has the MOST Leftiest of the LEFT Senatorial Record in Senate History, even to the left of the Chappaquidick Murderer that POS Teddy Kennedy (may he broil in Hell ).

And YOU think this Marxist MESSIAH Obami Salami is a fucking YOU ???????

WHY the fuck do you even TRY to drag in the CANARD about YOUR "moderateness" as well as THE MARXIST Obami Salami's "MODERATENESS" ??????

In view of these OBVIOUS HIstorical FACTS......HAVE YOU NO SHAME ?!?!?

Do you have any inkling as to How DESPICABLE and CONTEMPTIBLE this OBVIOUS LIE about MARXIST Obami Salami is ?????

And, just because the LOONIES on the Far Left (HIS TRUE BASE) are disappointed with him.....IT IS NOT THAT he is NOT LEFTIER THAN THEM.......IT IS BECAUSE MARXIST Obami Salami REALIZES that AMERICA has his number and that he is DESPERATELY trying to DISGUISE and OBFUSCATE his UNRAVELLING MARXIST AGENDA that AMERICA IS BLATANTLY REJECTING even as his TWO STOOGES, the PELOSI/REID Combo are ramming his MARXIST HEALTH CARE down our throats after NEVER BEFORE SEEN CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, and ARM TWISTING in American History.

There has always been some coercion in politics, but this is NOT "Business as Usual" which, incidentally, he so eloquently campaigned against .....THE EXTENT and MAGNITUDE OF THIS BEHIND THE DOORS ACTIVITY IS UNPARALLELED....and COMPLETELY DISGUSTING......especially in the light of MARXIST Obami Salami's OUTRAGEOUS LIES about PROMISED "TRANSPARENCY" !!!!!

MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is the MOST FRAUDULENT FRAUD in America's History !!!!

Have you thought about running for President under the Republican ticket?

hahahahaha :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::iagree:
poor mentally ill gautama...

so sad...

someone medicate him before his head explodes, please.


I have stated over a DOZEN paragraphs full of IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS about this MARXIST Muslim PC Protecting Obami Salami ....... each one of the TRUTHS (or at least a combination of a couple of them) damaging enough for the OBAMARRHOIDS to climb from under their rocks to defend their unravelling FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

And, YET.... this poor excuse for even a semblance of an Obamarrhoidal nebish, can only summon up trite and juvenile vomit that's been beaten to death: like I need meds.....BUT NO FACTUALLY SUBSTANTIATED DENIAL OF ANY OF MY MANY TRUTHS ABOUT HER FRAUDULENT MARXIST MESSIAH !!!!

One would think, that this WONDER of all WONDERS, this Obamarrhoidal idiot, Jillian, one who has impeccable credentials as a DESPICABLE DEFENDER of Human Trash, after losing her battle for the upstanding Chicago Seven Anarchists......would have AT LEAST A MODICUM of ABILITY and/or EXPERIENCE in DEFENDING HUMAN GARBAGE..... but, NO !!!! This OBAMARRHOIDAL LOSER continues with her losing ways......not being able to REFUTE a single one of the PLETHORA of TRUTHS that I presented about her FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

Pathetic Jillian, aka DEFENDER of HUMAN GARBAGE......find yourself the nearest toilet bowl, climb in.....and pull the lever.
poor mentally ill gautama...

so sad...

someone medicate him before his head explodes, please.


I have stated over a DOZEN paragraphs full of IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS about this MARXIST Muslim PC Protecting Obami Salami ....... each one of the TRUTHS (or at least a combination of a couple of them) damaging enough for the OBAMARRHOIDS to climb from under their rocks to defend their unravelling FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

And, YET.... this poor excuse for even a semblance of an Obamarrhoidal nebish, can only summon up trite and juvenile vomit that's been beaten to death: like I need meds.....BUT NO FACTUALLY SUBSTANTIATED DENIAL OF ANY OF MY MANY TRUTHS ABOUT HER FRAUDULENT MARXIST MESSIAH !!!!

One would think, that this WONDER of all WONDERS, this Obamarrhoidal idiot, Jillian, one who has impeccable credentials as a DESPICABLE DEFENDER of Human Trash, after losing her battle for the upstanding Chicago Seven Anarchists......would have AT LEAST A MODICUM of ABILITY and/or EXPERIENCE in DEFENDING HUMAN GARBAGE..... but, NO !!!! This OBAMARRHOIDAL LOSER continues with her losing ways......not being able to REFUTE a single one of the PLETHORA of TRUTHS that I presented about her FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

Pathetic Jillian, aka DEFENDER of HUMAN GARBAGE......find yourself the nearest toilet bowl, climb in.....and pull the lever.

poor mentally ill gautama...

so sad...

someone medicate him before his head explodes, please.


I have stated over a DOZEN paragraphs full of IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS about this MARXIST Muslim PC Protecting Obami Salami ....... each one of the TRUTHS (or at least a combination of a couple of them) damaging enough for the OBAMARRHOIDS to climb from under their rocks to defend their unravelling FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

And, YET.... this poor excuse for even a semblance of an Obamarrhoidal nebish, can only summon up trite and juvenile vomit that's been beaten to death: like I need meds.....BUT NO FACTUALLY SUBSTANTIATED DENIAL OF ANY OF MY MANY TRUTHS ABOUT HER FRAUDULENT MARXIST MESSIAH !!!!

One would think, that this WONDER of all WONDERS, this Obamarrhoidal idiot, Jillian, one who has impeccable credentials as a DESPICABLE DEFENDER of Human Trash, after losing her battle for the upstanding Chicago Seven Anarchists......would have AT LEAST A MODICUM of ABILITY and/or EXPERIENCE in DEFENDING HUMAN GARBAGE..... but, NO !!!! This OBAMARRHOIDAL LOSER continues with her losing ways......not being able to REFUTE a single one of the PLETHORA of TRUTHS that I presented about her FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

Pathetic Jillian, aka DEFENDER of HUMAN GARBAGE......find yourself the nearest toilet bowl, climb in.....and pull the lever.

Are you Sunni or Shiite?
poor mentally ill gautama...

so sad...

someone medicate him before his head explodes, please.


I have stated over a DOZEN paragraphs full of IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS about this MARXIST Muslim PC Protecting Obami Salami ....... each one of the TRUTHS (or at least a combination of a couple of them) damaging enough for the OBAMARRHOIDS to climb from under their rocks to defend their unravelling FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

And, YET.... this poor excuse for even a semblance of an Obamarrhoidal nebish, can only summon up trite and juvenile vomit that's been beaten to death: like I need meds.....BUT NO FACTUALLY SUBSTANTIATED DENIAL OF ANY OF MY MANY TRUTHS ABOUT HER FRAUDULENT MARXIST MESSIAH !!!!

One would think, that this WONDER of all WONDERS, this Obamarrhoidal idiot, Jillian, one who has impeccable credentials as a DESPICABLE DEFENDER of Human Trash, after losing her battle for the upstanding Chicago Seven Anarchists......would have AT LEAST A MODICUM of ABILITY and/or EXPERIENCE in DEFENDING HUMAN GARBAGE..... but, NO !!!! This OBAMARRHOIDAL LOSER continues with her losing ways......not being able to REFUTE a single one of the PLETHORA of TRUTHS that I presented about her FRAUDULENT MESSIAH.

Pathetic Jillian, aka DEFENDER of HUMAN GARBAGE......find yourself the nearest toilet bowl, climb in.....and pull the lever.

Are you Sunni or Shiite?


Is this idiotic question, using Obamarrhoidal pretzel logic, supposed to be clever ????
[Are you Sunni or Shiite?


Is this idiotic question, using Obamarrhoidal pretzel logic, supposed to be clever ????[/QUOTE]

Do you get profiled alot at the airport, Haji?? Maybe you should lose the turban.

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