ATTENTION LIBERALS, you have just been DUMPED by your MESSIAH.

The last time we had any semblance of fiscal discipline Clinton was president. Why would the left be shocked that a Democratic president is once again trying to clean up a Republican mess?

Obama has been anything but fiscally conservative
As for "spending freezes"... if we can live long periods of time and function without these "frozen" segments of our government WTF do they exist for? If they're worth "freezing" they're worth getting rid of. Just saying..


I concur
Obama abandoned liberals the day he was inaugurated.

I never considered Obama or Hillary Liberals. They do have Liberal issues that they support but in general they're both fairly moderate compared to Dems I grew up knowing.

I'm even more moderate than I was say 10 years ago.
It's called political expediency, the Massachusett's election has him in a full blown panic. He has not a clue where to go, so you just got healthcare and any further spending proposals sent down the crapper. Don't worry, he's not fooling me, I know who he is.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You libs must feel the pain that Rev. Wright felt when he was thrown under the bus for political expediency. ROTHLMAO

Obama to propose spending freeze - Glenn Thrush and David Rogers -

President Obama plans to announce a three-year freeze on discretionary, “non-security” spending in the lead-up to Wednesday's State of the Union address, Hill Democratic sources familiar with the plan tell POLITICO.

The move, intended to blunt the populist backlash against Obama's $787 billion stimulus and an era of trillion-dollar deficits — and to quell Democratic anxiety over last Tuesday's Massachusetts Senate election — is projected to save $250 billion, the Democrats said.

The freeze would not apply to defense spending or spending on intelligence, homeland security or veterans.

Read more: Obama to propose spending freeze - Glenn Thrush and David Rogers -

first, only loons refer to him as 'messiah'. normal people do not.

second, did he? how would you know?

third, what's a liberal? what's a moderate? and who is who on this board?

see, loons have a problem with that cause they're so far right they don't know where center is. ;)

You are so far UP Obama's ASS you wouldn't know who is who anyway. By the way I am conservative, every one of those tests say I am barely to the right but you live that fantasy of yours. If you removed your head long enough to get a gasp of fresh air you might learn something.

I don't read either of those outlets. I have heard and seen Arianna Huffinton on several occasions. She seems fairly grounded. Her dislike for Bush and Cheney was clear and for good reason. Obama is not the root of all evil as those that have had thier power wrestled from them by tru and fair election. Most if not all of Obamas failure has been the negativity and obstruction laid in his path by those who place polotics above the good of our country. His biggest mistake has been trying to be bi-partisan. It has been a total failure to meet them half way or any way for that matter. The loss of his luster has been due to his unwillingness to advance the platform that got him elected..republicans be damned as they do when given any opportunity to advance thier causes. Basically what it comes down to is that democrats are closet cowards and deserve no more respect for themselves than they offer to those that elected them into office.
I agree with you completely. Why he keeps trying is a mystery to me. I think it has cost him dearly. He needs to toughen up and forget trying to make nice with the Republicans.
Bullshit. He has had no bipartisanship at all. All the concessions that this administration has made with it left agenda were not to the republicans but to their own democrats. Universal payer was not dropped to win over republicans but to win over more moderate democrats. There has been almost NO working with the dems lately. The funny part is that they have such a majority they can easily pass whatever they want and still they cannot agree on anything.
Obama is the one you have been lighting your candle to every night. :lol::lol::lol: How does it feel to be dumped???? :lol::lol::lol::lol: I think even the dumb down America channel MSNBC might even get their panty's all tied up in a wad over this. We will know when they start doing factual journalism and reporting the truth. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

is he? have you ever seen me talk about him other to tell the wingnuts they're nuts? or to point out the faux outrage of the rightwingnuts is hypocritical and ignorant?

i don't think you have.

but keep making up what you think other people believe. you aren't very good at it, though.

Already forgot all the fawning posts you made in 2008 and early 2009?
republicans did not have a majority in the house and senate for 8 years....the dems took over in 2006....but according to liberals, only bush is responsible, all those dems in the house and senate are innocent

The Dems had the senate for two years before 2006 also.
Already forgot all the fawning posts you made in 2008 and early 2009?

you're a liar. In 2008 I supported Hillary. And fawning? Also a lie... He's just better than anything you freaks offered. HE'S STILL A LOT BETTER THAN ANYTHING YOU FREAKS OFFERED. Getting it yet?

Aren't you bored yet stalking my posts, nutbar?
Already forgot all the fawning posts you made in 2008 and early 2009?

you're a liar. In 2008 I supported Hillary. And fawning? Also a lie... He's just better than anything you freaks offered. HE'S STILL A LOT BETTER THAN ANYTHING YOU FREAKS OFFERED. Getting it yet?

Aren't you bored yet stalking my posts, nutbar?

Since I read very few threads you need to find another tag line retard. And once again are you now claiming that after Obama won the Nomination you did not fall in line like a good little Liberal and sing his praises? Remember if I get to bored I can always go back and find a couple.

The liar here is you. You used to be a good poster, liberal but reasonable, once Obama was nominated you became a shrill lying piece of dog shit that parroted the party line like a good little girl. Even Gunny has noticed your idiocy.
☭proletarian☭;1944086 said:
As for "spending freezes"... if we can live long periods of time and function without these "frozen" segments of our government WTF do they exist for? If they're worth "freezing" they're worth getting rid of. Just saying..


I concur

I thought it was just the increases that were being frozen?
It's called political expediency, the Massachusett's election has him in a full blown panic. He has not a clue where to go, so you just got healthcare and any further spending proposals sent down the crapper. Don't worry, he's not fooling me, I know who he is.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You libs must feel the pain that Rev. Wright felt when he was thrown under the bus for political expediency. ROTHLMAO

President Obama to propose spending freeze - Glenn Thrush and David Rogers -

President Obama plans to announce a three-year freeze on discretionary, “non-security” spending in the lead-up to Wednesday's State of the Union address, Hill Democratic sources familiar with the plan tell POLITICO.

The move, intended to blunt the populist backlash against Obama's $787 billion stimulus and an era of trillion-dollar deficits — and to quell Democratic anxiety over last Tuesday's Massachusetts Senate election — is projected to save $250 billion, the Democrats said.

The freeze would not apply to defense spending or spending on intelligence, homeland security or veterans.

Read more: President Obama to propose spending freeze - Glenn Thrush and David Rogers -

Again, this is the only kind of person I see using the term "messiah".
It's called political expediency, the Massachusett's election has him in a full blown panic. He has not a clue where to go, so you just got healthcare and any further spending proposals sent down the crapper. Don't worry, he's not fooling me, I know who he is.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You libs must feel the pain that Rev. Wright felt when he was thrown under the bus for political expediency. ROTHLMAO

President Obama to propose spending freeze - Glenn Thrush and David Rogers -

President Obama plans to announce a three-year freeze on discretionary, “non-security” spending in the lead-up to Wednesday's State of the Union address, Hill Democratic sources familiar with the plan tell POLITICO.

The move, intended to blunt the populist backlash against Obama's $787 billion stimulus and an era of trillion-dollar deficits — and to quell Democratic anxiety over last Tuesday's Massachusetts Senate election — is projected to save $250 billion, the Democrats said.

The freeze would not apply to defense spending or spending on intelligence, homeland security or veterans.

Read more: President Obama to propose spending freeze - Glenn Thrush and David Rogers -

Sorry, Maple. Heck I wish this guy would throw his moonbat base overboard. It'd be better for the country if he did. But he hasn't. And he won't.

I'm going to save myself some typing and reprint an earlier post...
Murf76 said:
This is just the usual kabuki theatre from the Obama Administration. Those discretionary budget cuts were ALREADY built into Obama's 2009 budget. He boosted spending initially, then the plan was to decrease it again for political advantage rolling up to the 2012. It still doesn't come down to G.W.'s last budget, and it only saves 250 billion over TEN YEARS. It's a drop in the bucket. Piddling. What is 25 billion a year in comparison to what he's already spent?

I'm disgusted. It's just another cheap, sleight-of-hand trick to fool Independents into believing he's actually seen the light and is ready to stop the reckless spending. And his commentary yesterday about how he'd rather be a great one-term president gives voice to the lie. He's NOT planning to turn his back on extreme leftwing ideology and start governing from the center. If he was, there would be teeth in this proposed "spending freeze".

He'll get the McCain debate clip rubbed in his face for a week... but it's a small price to pay if he can cozen the center into believing he's not the far-left ideologue he actually is. :eusa_sick:
Ah shucks, I wondered why I felt all alone this morning! LOL

If a Martian watched our news today, they would marvel at the power of this thing called 'Obama.' They would think what is this thing that does so much, good and bad, and is everywhere, keeping us safe, running the banks, guarding planes. I thought there was only one omniscient person, now I learn there are at least two.
Ah shucks, I wondered why I felt all alone this morning! LOL

If a Martian watched our news today, they would marvel at the power of this thing called 'Obama.' They would think what is this thing that does so much, good and bad, and is everywhere, keeping us safe, running the banks, guarding planes. I thought there was only one omniscient person, now I learn there are at least two.

Or that martian would notice that Obama seems the Boogey man to so many, causing so much trouble, so much harm.
Get used to it libs.... you are getting your arses handed to you by a party out of power and supposedly hated by everyone around the world.

The butt kicking has just begun. Be prepared to lose one either the House or the Senate, maybe both.

Republicans will be getting rid of their own also that aren't conservative enough.
Get used to it libs.... you are getting your arses handed to you by a party out of power and supposedly hated by everyone around the world.

The butt kicking has just begun. Be prepared to lose one either the House or the Senate, maybe both.

Republicans will be getting rid of their own also that aren't conservative enough.

Like they did in Massachusetts? Upstate NY?

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