Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president's tax returns

Criminal tax cheat? According to who? The new york slimes?

Got anything other than the new york slimes as a source? I can't seem to find any information about Trump's tax returns on any site thats not a left wing rag. LOL The IRS has seen his tax returns for the past 6 years. Do you have any evidence they think he did anything illegal? Using "questionable tax schemes" to pay less taxes is what every rich person does. Has he ever been found criminally liable for tax fraud? Answer: No.

Being under investigation does not equal having committed a crime LOL You'd think that the past 2 years you libs would have learned that but I guess not.
Being under investigation does not equal having committed a crime LOL You'd think that the past 2 years you libs would have learned that but I guess not.
Why would you say something that stupid?
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.
Who you voted for is not the issue. We are supposed to be outraged over the way Trump has enriched himself as president but ignore how Obama increased his net worth twelve-hundred percent while in office!
Yes...twelve-hundred percent! That's called hypocrisy.

And speaking of merit you never mention how the articulate telegenic black man, who was sponsored by the Chicago radical machine specifically because he was a politician who looked like a Sears catalog underwear model and always spoke in platitudes and feel good pablum for the dazzled masses, was promoted straight up the party political ladder not on merit per se but on his ability to read a teleprompter and lie to the public with a straight face.

Trump capitalized and made the most of what he was given just as King Barry has but you only resent one of those men for their head start. Why is that?
Who you voted for is not the issue. We are supposed to be outraged over the way Trump has enriched himself as president but ignore how Obama increased his net worth twelve-hundred percent while in office!
Yes...twelve-hundred percent! That's called hypocrisy.
When has Obama ever been suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs with connections to the Kremlin?

What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

"During the Soviet era, Russian intelligence cast a wide net to gain leverage over influential figures abroad. (The practice continues to this day.)

"The Russians would lure or entrap not only prominent politicians and cultural leaders, but also people whom they saw as having the potential for gaining prominence in the future.

"In 1986, Soviet ambassador Yuri Dubinin met Trump in New York, flattered him with praise for his building exploits, and invited him to discuss a building in Moscow. Trump visited Moscow in July 1987.

"He stayed at the National Hotel, in the Lenin Suite, which certainly would have been bugged.

"There is not much else in the public record to describe his visit, except Trump’s own recollection in The Art of the Deal that Soviet officials were eager for him to build a hotel there. (It never happened.)"
When has Obama ever been suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs with connections to the Kremlin?
I see you choose to counter the fact that Obama used his time in office to greatly enrich himself (which I pointed out to put into context all your claims that Trump has somehow been the greediest opportunist in the history of the US presidency) with tales of suspicions of Trump laundering money for Russian oligarchs.

Trump was also suspected of colluding with Vlad Putin in order to deny Hillary Clinton the presidency in 2016. A subsequent thorough and costly two year investigation has proved otherwise.

So why don't you take all your suspicions and put them in your automobile's fuel tank and see how far that takes you?
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.
Who you voted for is not the issue. We are supposed to be outraged over the way Trump has enriched himself as president but ignore how Obama increased his net worth twelve-hundred percent while in office!
Yes...twelve-hundred percent! That's called hypocrisy.

And speaking of merit you never mention how the articulate telegenic black man, who was sponsored by the Chicago radical machine specifically because he was a politician who looked like a Sears catalog underwear model and always spoke in platitudes and feel good pablum for the dazzled masses, was promoted straight up the party political ladder not on merit per se but on his ability to read a teleprompter and lie to the public with a straight face.

Trump capitalized and made the most of what he was given just as King Barry has but you only resent one of those men for their head start. Why is that?
Trump capitalized and made the most of what he was given just as King Barry has but you only resent one of those men for their head start. Why is that?
Because for all his many faults Obama was never accused of being a corrupt, life-long con man whose "success" stemmed largely from an accident of birth.

Donald Trump Is a Criminal Tax Cheat

"JW: All of the super-rich use these tax-avoidance strategies. There’s a whole industry of financial advisers and lobbyists who work on finding new ways to undervalue assets that are transferred to children. Is what the Trumps did really any different from other very rich people?

"DCJ: It’s very different. The 13 years I was with The New York Times I worked as their tax reporter. I exposed so many tax shelters that I was called 'the de facto chief tax enforcement officer of the US.'

"There’s a difference between aggressive, creative devices to avoid taxes and what the Trumps did, which was flat-out fraud.

"Back to my example of the half-million-dollar house: If you say the house is worth $450,000, that’s not criminal by any stretch. But when you say it’s worth $30,000, six cents on the dollar, that’s criminal.

"They (Trump family) knew it was criminal. It’s why they hid this stuff. And it’s why we absolutely must see Donald Trump’s tax returns in this century.

"Every single one of them.

"Not just the two pages that I got for his 2005 return, which, by the way, showed his use of an illegal tax shelter so odious that when the Republicans in Congress found out about it, it took them only a few weeks to pass a law to shut it down.

"But you know what Congress does when they catch one of these tax shelters, like the ones I was exposing?

"They shut them down—but if you were already in, they let you keep your ill-gotten money. It’s as if we had a law that said, 'We’re going to declare bank robbery a crime tomorrow, but if you robbed a bank yesterday, it’s okay. You can keep the money.'"

You may recall Obama, for all his many liabilities, was not afraid to release his tax returns; WHAT IS TRUMP AFRAID OF?
When has Obama ever been suspected of laundering money for Russian oligarchs with connections to the Kremlin?
I see you choose to counter the fact that Obama used his time in office to greatly enrich himself (which I pointed out to put into context all your claims that Trump has somehow been the greediest opportunist in the history of the US presidency) with tales of suspicions of Trump laundering money for Russian oligarchs.

Trump was also suspected of colluding with Vlad Putin in order to deny Hillary Clinton the presidency in 2016. A subsequent thorough and costly two year investigation has proved otherwise.

So why don't you take all your suspicions and put them in your automobile's fuel tank and see how far that takes you?
Trump was also suspected of colluding with Vlad Putin in order to deny Hillary Clinton the presidency in 2016. A subsequent thorough and costly two year investigation has proved otherwise.
As of today (13 April 2019) you have absolutely no way of knowing what Mueller's report reveals; you know one Republican hack's interpretation of the report, and if that hack has his way, Americans will never know what that "thorough and costly investigation" established.

The Irony of Glenn Greenwald Cuddling Up with Bill Barr, the Grandfather of Ed Snowden's Phone Dragnet | emptywheel
Because for all his many faults Obama was never accused of being a corrupt, life-long con man whose "success" stemmed largely from an accident of birth.
I think that's precisely how you could sum up the life of Barack Hussein Obama.

But whereas Trump has used his birthright advantage to build up his brand in the hotel and resort business Obama has used his to advance the cause of socialism and radicalism.

I don't think there is any doubt about who has been better for America. Trump wants what's best for America itself.
Obama thinks the US has been too big a force in the world, doesn't think the nation is exceptional and it needs to downsize and defer to bad actors like Iran.
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As of today (13 April 2019) you have absolutely no way of knowing what Mueller's report reveals; you know one Republican hack's interpretation of the report, and if that hack has his way, Americans will never know what that "thorough and costly investigation" established.
I know Trump was not indicted or charged with any crimes by Robert (The Inquisitor) Mueller. I think that's a very big clue
albeit one you don't want to have to think about or admit to.

And you can call William Barr a hack because it suits your political vendetta but given your constant stream of endless cut and paste unproven denunciations of Trump it's more honest to say you are the hack here.

And I'm sorry you don't like William Barr's application of the law as required by the DC Circuit Court in McKeever v Barr but he is compelled to redact much of the report to conform to the court ruling. Take it up with the Court, Spanky.
Because for all his many faults Obama was never accused of being a corrupt, life-long con man whose "success" stemmed largely from an accident of birth.
I think that's precisely how you could sum up the life of Barack Hussein Obama.

But whereas Trump has used his birthright advantage to build up his brand in the hotel and resort business Obama has used his to advance the cause of socialism and radicalism.

I don't think there is any doubt about who has been better for America. Trump wants what's best for America itself.
Obama thinks the US has been too big a force in the world, doesn't think the nation is exceptional and it needs to downsize and defer to bad actors like Iran.
But whereas Trump has used his birthright advantage to build up his brand in the hotel and resort business Obama has used his to advance the cause of socialism and radicalism.
Obama is the main reason Trump is in the White House today, and it has nothing to do with radical socialism.

Don the Con has been involved with one business fraud after another for his entire adult life, and no amount of spinning will change that history.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, United States president Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate.[1]

"Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1]

"Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court.[2]

"Over 150 other cases were in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida (covering Broward County, Florida) since 1983.[3]

"In about 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs' claims against Trump. In hundreds more, cases ended with the available public record unclear about the resolution.[1]

"Where there was a clear resolution, Trump won 451 times, and lost 38.[4]

"The topics of the legal cases include contract disputes, defamation claims, and allegations of sexual harassment.

"Trump's companies have been involved in more than 100 tax disputes, and on 'at least three dozen' occasions the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has obtained tax liens against Trump properties for nonpayment of taxes.[1]

"On a number of occasions, Trump has threatened legal action but did not ultimately follow through."
As of today (13 April 2019) you have absolutely no way of knowing what Mueller's report reveals; you know one Republican hack's interpretation of the report, and if that hack has his way, Americans will never know what that "thorough and costly investigation" established.
I know Trump was not indicted or charged with any crimes by Robert (The Inquisitor) Mueller. I think that's a very big clue
albeit one you don't want to have to think about or admit to.

And you can call William Barr a hack because it suits your political vendetta but given your constant stream of endless cut and paste unproven denunciations of Trump it's more honest to say you are the hack here.

And I'm sorry you don't like William Barr's application of the law as required by the DC Circuit Court in McKeever v Barr but he is compelled to redact much of the report to conform to the court ruling. Take it up with the Court, Spanky.
I know Trump was not indicted or charged with any crimes by Robert (The Inquisitor) Mueller. I think that's a very big clue
albeit one you don't want to have to think about or admit to.

I know Trump was not indicted or charged with any crimes by Robert (The Inquisitor) Mueller. I think that's a very big clue
albeit one you don't want to have to think about or admit to.
We know Bill Barr made that interpretation just as we know Barr noted Mueller's investigation did not exonerate Trump on obstruction charges.

Maybe two life long Republicans can't be trusted to honestly make this appraisal?
As of today (13 April 2019) you have absolutely no way of knowing what Mueller's report reveals; you know one Republican hack's interpretation of the report, and if that hack has his way, Americans will never know what that "thorough and costly investigation" established.
I know Trump was not indicted or charged with any crimes by Robert (The Inquisitor) Mueller. I think that's a very big clue
albeit one you don't want to have to think about or admit to.

And you can call William Barr a hack because it suits your political vendetta but given your constant stream of endless cut and paste unproven denunciations of Trump it's more honest to say you are the hack here.

And I'm sorry you don't like William Barr's application of the law as required by the DC Circuit Court in McKeever v Barr but he is compelled to redact much of the report to conform to the court ruling. Take it up with the Court, Spanky.
nd I'm sorry you don't like William Barr's application of the law as required by the DC Circuit Court in McKeever v Barr but he is compelled to redact much of the report to conform to the court ruling. Take it up with the Court, Spanky.
This will definitely be settled in the courts, Trumpy, but not at the District level:

Summary: D.C. Circuit Rules on Grand Jury Secrecy in McKeever v. Barr

"On April 5, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled in McKeever v. Barr, a case concerning the court’s power to release material protected under grand jury secrecy. Its opinion, which holds that a district court lacks inherent authority to disclose the grand jury records, may make it more difficult for those who have called upon Attorney General William Barr to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to obtain its full and unredacted findings."

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