Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president's tax returns

If you think the very rich have special tax laws, why do you support a corrupt, crony capitalist who found enough ignorant voters to cut out the political middle men/women in the process that creates those special tax laws?
Trump is "narcissistic" with "no moral core" and "unfit on every level to be president," former Bush adviser says
Please....:icon_rolleyes: Trump didn't write the tax code for this country. and if he dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow it wouldn't change a thing. Grow up! Stop being so dimwitted.

My choice in the primary was Ted Cruz or I would vote for Rand Paul but the people I had to vote for was either Trump or Clinton and I wouldn't vote for Clinton if a gun was pointed at my head...not in a million years (speaking of corrupt amoral liars).
I've been pleasantly surprised by some of his actions, others not so much.

And I really don't give a fuck what some long time republican Bush insider says. Those globalist Bush affiliated sorts are the very definition of swamp dwellers and it's their kind that we need to worry about. They would love to deconstruct the country for their corporate masters so take your Newsweak garbage and fuck off!

Can you imagine?
Are you aware the richest one percent pay a far smaller percentage of their total income in taxes than the bottom 90% of taxpayers?

A progressive tax reform proposal would cut income taxes on all but the top one percent of earners, raise them enormously on the richest 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave them the same on the 1%. This would make taxes more fair and raise more revenue.

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

Yeah but most people dont embrace your sentiments. You know why? Because your type is miserable and jealous about other people's success. Most people take responsibility for setting the bar low for themselves.....while the progressive is obsessed with blaming the successful for their personal decision fuckupedness.
Yeah but most people dont embrace your sentiments. You know why? Because your type is miserable and jealous about other people's success. Most people take responsibility for setting the bar low for themselves.....while the progressive is obsessed with blaming the successful for their personal decision fuckupedness.
How many of your "successful people" relied on government manipulation to achieve their "success"?

In 2004 the US trade deficit with China was $35 billion more than the total US income taxes paid by the bottom 75% of Americans.

The small minority of factory owners and financiers whose success stemmed from shipping millions of middle class jobs to China over the past four decades are NOT paying their fair share of supporting the society that made them rich.
Infographic: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Keeps Growing Despite Tariffs
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"Ethics experts have criticized his frequent taxpayer-funded trips to his own hotels and golf courses, which give the properties free publicity.
What sort of publicity does a Trump visit to a Trump property (which seems absolutely like a no brainer for purely obvious reasons) create? Outside of Abraham Lincoln what president has been so reviled and hated by a sizable percentage of the public, the political establishment and especially the media?

Trump's name and properties have taken an incredible hit. Are these "ethics experts" smoking some very strong herbs
while offering up their biased low value opinions?
"Ethics experts have criticized his frequent taxpayer-funded trips to his own hotels and golf courses, which give the properties free publicity.
What sort of publicity does a Trump visit to a Trump property (which seems absolutely like a no brainer for purely obvious reasons) create? Outside of Abraham Lincoln what president has been so reviled and hated by a sizable percentage of the public, the political establishment and especially the media?

Trump's name and properties have taken an incredible hit. Are these "ethics experts" smoking some very strong herbs
while offering up their biased low value opinions?
What sort of publicity does a Trump visit to a Trump property (which seems absolutely like a no brainer for purely obvious reasons) create? Outside of Abraham Lincoln what president has been so reviled and hated by a sizable percentage of the public, the political establishment and especially the media?

Now you're confused about how regular POTUS visits would affect how much money flows into local businesses?

Can you grasp the problem of what happens when POTUS owns some of those local businesses? How can Americans be sure if Trump's POTUS decisions are being made on the basis of national interest or in his well-documented pursuit of individual gain?

"Trump is hated by a sizable majority of Americans because he is the most blatantly corrupt president in US History.

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

"Call it Swamp 2.0, or 'The D.C. Swamp on Steroids.' But no one is profiting like Trump himself. Since the president continues profiting from his businesses, each of the 110 days Trump spent at his properties in 2017 was a marketing event.

"Likewise, every time someone stays at the Old Post Office in D.C., Trump gets paid.

"But these are just a few examples of Trump and family monetizing the presidency.

"The Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign spending and politicians’ finances, published Trump’s financial disclosures in late 2017.

"From the public records and other reports, it’s clear where and how Trump is making money off the office.

"Here are the ways Trump is cashing in on the presidency...."
Attention hateful biased idiotic post: How many presidents have enriched themselves and greatly increased their financial bottom line? The easier question would be which president has NOT left office significantly better off than when he entered. Off the top of my head George Washington and some of the earlier presidents.
In the 20th century only Truman and Carter come to mind.

"Currently (2016 at the time of this citation) Obama’s net worth is $12.2 million. People are wondering why Obama’s net worth has increased in the eight years that he has been President. After all, he has only been paid a $400,000 annual salary since he took over in 2008. When he became President in 2007, his net worth was only $1.3 million." Barack Obama’s Net Worth: How Much Has It Grown in the Last 8 Years?

Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?

I'm really done with your idiocy. Just know that people can see what a partisan clown you really are. Your hate for Trump has done you far more damage that the man who is in the office of the President (like the waitress who lost her job for attacking an old man in a MAGA hat). You've only lost your credibility but that was worthless from the start. Letter to Rettig (signed) - 2019.04.03.pdf
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Attention hateful biased idiotic post: How many presidents have enriched themselves and greatly increased their financial bottom line? The easier question would be which president has NOT left office significantly better off than when he entered. Off the top of my head George Washington and some of the earlier presidents.
In the 20th century only Truman and Carter come to mind.

"Currently (2016 at the time of this citation) Obama’s net worth is $12.2 million. People are wondering why Obama’s net worth has increased in the eight years that he has been President. After all, he has only been paid a $400,000 annual salary since he took over in 2008. When he became President in 2007, his net worth was only $1.3 million." Barack Obama’s Net Worth: How Much Has It Grown in the Last 8 Years?

Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?

I'm really done with your idiocy. Just know that people can see what a partisan clown you really are. Your hate for Trump has done you far more damage that the man who is in the office of the President (like the waitress who lost her job for attacking an old man in a MAGA hat). You've only lost your credibility but that was worthless from the start.
Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich

"In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got rich, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire.

"It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a cheerleader.

"But an investigation by The New York Times shows that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after he graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"In all, financial records reveal, Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire." Letter to Rettig (signed) - 2019.04.03.pdf
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent." Letter to Rettig (signed) - 2019.04.03.pdf
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent."

Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.

That's the IRS's job. They can request. And the TresSec can refuse. Then we step into uncharted territory.

The questions that could easily be raised are:

1. Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
3. Do they have any proof Trump cheated on his returns? If so, what is it?
4. Is this trying to get tax returns of Trump the celebrity or Trump the president?

Trump’s tax returns: How Congress might get them

It appears the IRS has told the House to get bent.
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Were you in the US Army in 1965? In Vietnam by chance?
I'm not that old, but my Father, two Uncles, and my maternal grandfather served in Vietnam.

I asked because we have a poster on the forum in the Sewer I post on who was in country , Army infantry, in 1966-1971. ( "Flash").
Thunder Kiss 1965 is a Rob Zombie song.

I am over 60. Showing my age. Never heard of Rob Zombie. :alcoholic:

Rob Zombie is a heavy metal musician. He puts on an interesting show.

The only reason why I know this is because of my job. I photograph musicians on and off stage. I've worked with Rob Zombie twice. I've photographed him with and without the mask and makeup.

He's a very nice guy. I enjoyed working with him on and off stage.

Here's a shot of him on stage that I took in 2010 with his mask still on.

RZ#62.jpg Letter to Rettig (signed) - 2019.04.03.pdf
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent."

Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.

That's the IRS's job. They can request. And the TresSec can refuse. Then we step into uncharted territory.

The questions that could easily be raised are:

1. Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
3. Do they have any proof Trump cheated on his returns? If so, what is it?
4. Is this trying to get tax returns of Trump the celebrity or Trump the president?

Trump’s tax returns: How Congress might get them

It appears the IRS has told the House to get bent.
Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.
Trump, Inc consists of 500 separate businesses scattered across the globe. There has never been a POTUS with such a resume nor have we seen one who refused to divest his private holdings during periods of "public service." Since Trump has twice lost civil charges of tax fraud and openly brags about his parasitic existence, Democrats would be remiss if they did not examine his taxes AND make them publicly available afterwards.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent."

Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.

That's the IRS's job. They can request. And the TresSec can refuse. Then we step into uncharted territory.

The questions that could easily be raised are:

1. Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
3. Do they have any proof Trump cheated on his returns? If so, what is it?
4. Is this trying to get tax returns of Trump the celebrity or Trump the president?

Trump’s tax returns: How Congress might get them

It appears the IRS has told the House to get bent.
Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.
Trump, Inc consists of 500 separate businesses scattered across the globe. There has never been a POTUS with such a resume nor have we seen one who refused to divest his private holdings during periods of "public service." Since Trump has twice lost civil charges of tax fraud and openly brags about his parasitic existence, Democrats would be remiss if they did not examine his taxes AND make them publicly available afterwards.

They have no right to his tax returns just for political fishing. If they think he did something wrong let them produce the evidence. Otherwise, the IRS has told the house to get bent. Letter to Rettig (signed) - 2019.04.03.pdf
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent."

Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.

That's the IRS's job. They can request. And the TresSec can refuse. Then we step into uncharted territory.

The questions that could easily be raised are:

1. Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
3. Do they have any proof Trump cheated on his returns? If so, what is it?
4. Is this trying to get tax returns of Trump the celebrity or Trump the president?

Trump’s tax returns: How Congress might get them

It appears the IRS has told the House to get bent.
Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
Bush, Obama, and Clinton (along with Reagan and Carter and Ford) provided tax returns prior to becoming POTUS. Trump has lost a pair of civil cases for Tax fraud, so a better question is why wouldn't Americans demand to see his returns (along with college grades and SAT scores)
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent."

Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.

That's the IRS's job. They can request. And the TresSec can refuse. Then we step into uncharted territory.

The questions that could easily be raised are:

1. Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
3. Do they have any proof Trump cheated on his returns? If so, what is it?
4. Is this trying to get tax returns of Trump the celebrity or Trump the president?

Trump’s tax returns: How Congress might get them

It appears the IRS has told the House to get bent.
Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
Bush, Obama, and Clinton (along with Reagan and Carter and Ford) provided tax returns prior to becoming POTUS. Trump has lost a pair of civil cases for Tax fraud, so a better question is why wouldn't Americans demand to see his returns (along with college grades and SAT scores)

You answered (or tried to answer) one of the questions. What about the other 3?

And do you have proof that the IRS has been in cohoots with Trump and allowing him to illegally not pay taxes for the past 6 years?
Attention hateful biased idiotic post: How many presidents have enriched themselves and greatly increased their financial bottom line? The easier question would be which president has NOT left office significantly better off than when he entered. Off the top of my head George Washington and some of the earlier presidents.
In the 20th century only Truman and Carter come to mind.

"Currently (2016 at the time of this citation) Obama’s net worth is $12.2 million. People are wondering why Obama’s net worth has increased in the eight years that he has been President. After all, he has only been paid a $400,000 annual salary since he took over in 2008. When he became President in 2007, his net worth was only $1.3 million." Barack Obama’s Net Worth: How Much Has It Grown in the Last 8 Years?

Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?

I'm really done with your idiocy. Just know that people can see what a partisan clown you really are. Your hate for Trump has done you far more damage that the man who is in the office of the President (like the waitress who lost her job for attacking an old man in a MAGA hat). You've only lost your credibility but that was worthless from the start.
Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich

"In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got rich, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire.

"It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a cheerleader.

"But an investigation by The New York Times shows that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after he graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"In all, financial records reveal, Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire."

Good for him.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.

Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear.
Ok good, then let the appropriate authorities investigate. The house ways and means committee is not an investigative body. They can shove it in their left ear
Congressional oversight - Wikipedia

"Oversight also derives from the many and varied express powers of the Congress in the Constitution.

"It is implied in the legislature's authority, among other powers and duties, to appropriate funds, enact laws, raise and support armies, provide for a Navy, declare war, and impeach and remove from office the President, Vice President, and other civil officers.

"Congress could not reasonably or responsibly exercise these powers without knowing what the executive was doing; how programs were being administered, by whom, and at what cost; and whether officials were obeying the law and complying with legislative intent."

Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.

That's the IRS's job. They can request. And the TresSec can refuse. Then we step into uncharted territory.

The questions that could easily be raised are:

1. Why do they want the returns? Why do they want years of returns before Trump was president? Asking for years when he wasn't president makes a strong case for nothing more than a political fishing expedition.
2. Why didn't they ask for years of past returns for Obama or Bush?
3. Do they have any proof Trump cheated on his returns? If so, what is it?
4. Is this trying to get tax returns of Trump the celebrity or Trump the president?

Trump’s tax returns: How Congress might get them

It appears the IRS has told the House to get bent.
Congress has no oversight of Trumps personal taxes with a legit legislative reason. None was given other than citing 26 U.S. Code § 6103. That's not a reason.
Trump, Inc consists of 500 separate businesses scattered across the globe. There has never been a POTUS with such a resume nor have we seen one who refused to divest his private holdings during periods of "public service." Since Trump has twice lost civil charges of tax fraud and openly brags about his parasitic existence, Democrats would be remiss if they did not examine his taxes AND make them publicly available afterwards.

They have no right to his tax returns just for political fishing. If they think he did something wrong let them produce the evidence. Otherwise, the IRS has told the house to get bent.
They have no right to his tax returns just for political fishing. If they think he did something wrong let them produce the evidence. Otherwise, the IRS has told the house to get bent.
Why are you denying the decades of evidence indicating Trump is a second generation serial tax dodger?

Donald Trump Is a Criminal Tax Cheat

"Jon Wiener: That special Sunday section of The New York Times had 14,000 words, 11 pages of text and documentation, reporting on what they called 'suspect tax schemes' that helped preserve what they called 'a vast inherited fortune'—real estate and cash that Donald Trump got from his father, Fred. What do you consider their most important findings?

"David Cay Johnston: It’s the most extraordinary thing: The New York Times said that the sitting president of the United States engaged in 'outright fraud.'

"From the documents, the 100,000-plus pages of mostly private Trump family documents, backed up by various public records, and interviews and other work they’ve done, two things can be said: Donald Trump in particular, and the Trump family as a whole, are criminal tax cheats.

"They won’t ever be indicted for the crimes the Times described, because the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution is only six years, and the Times covers a half-century from the 1950s to the turn of the century.

"They can be prosecuted for civil fraud for every single dollar, and Donald has already had two civil tax-fraud trials.

"He lost both of them."

The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed
Attention hateful biased idiotic post: How many presidents have enriched themselves and greatly increased their financial bottom line? The easier question would be which president has NOT left office significantly better off than when he entered. Off the top of my head George Washington and some of the earlier presidents.
In the 20th century only Truman and Carter come to mind.

"Currently (2016 at the time of this citation) Obama’s net worth is $12.2 million. People are wondering why Obama’s net worth has increased in the eight years that he has been President. After all, he has only been paid a $400,000 annual salary since he took over in 2008. When he became President in 2007, his net worth was only $1.3 million." Barack Obama’s Net Worth: How Much Has It Grown in the Last 8 Years?

Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?

I'm really done with your idiocy. Just know that people can see what a partisan clown you really are. Your hate for Trump has done you far more damage that the man who is in the office of the President (like the waitress who lost her job for attacking an old man in a MAGA hat). You've only lost your credibility but that was worthless from the start.
Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich

"In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got rich, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire.

"It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a cheerleader.

"But an investigation by The New York Times shows that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after he graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"In all, financial records reveal, Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire."

Good for him.
Good for him.
What's good about Trump lying about how an accident of birth was responsible for his "success"?

Donald Trump Is a Criminal Tax Cheat

"JW: Most of the New York Times report is about various strategies by which Trump’s father Fred transferred assets to his children.

"The Times said that Trump himself received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real-estate empire.

"How do you do that? How did Fred Trump manage to transfer $413 million to his son, Donald?
Criminal tax cheat? According to who? The new york slimes?

Got anything other than the new york slimes as a source? I can't seem to find any information about Trump's tax returns on any site thats not a left wing rag. LOL The IRS has seen his tax returns for the past 6 years. Do you have any evidence they think he did anything illegal? Using "questionable tax schemes" to pay less taxes is what every rich person does. Has he ever been found criminally liable for tax fraud? Answer: No.

Being under investigation does not equal having committed a crime LOL You'd think that the past 2 years you libs would have learned that but I guess not.
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Attention hateful biased idiotic post: How many presidents have enriched themselves and greatly increased their financial bottom line? The easier question would be which president has NOT left office significantly better off than when he entered. Off the top of my head George Washington and some of the earlier presidents.
In the 20th century only Truman and Carter come to mind.

"Currently (2016 at the time of this citation) Obama’s net worth is $12.2 million. People are wondering why Obama’s net worth has increased in the eight years that he has been President. After all, he has only been paid a $400,000 annual salary since he took over in 2008. When he became President in 2007, his net worth was only $1.3 million." Barack Obama’s Net Worth: How Much Has It Grown in the Last 8 Years?

Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?

I'm really done with your idiocy. Just know that people can see what a partisan clown you really are. Your hate for Trump has done you far more damage that the man who is in the office of the President (like the waitress who lost her job for attacking an old man in a MAGA hat). You've only lost your credibility but that was worthless from the start.
Nearly a twlve-hundred percent increase in Obama's net worth near the end of his term in office. And you are bitching like a little whiny lap dog about Trump making some small change from the Old Post Office in DC?
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich

"In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got rich, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire.

"It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a cheerleader.

"But an investigation by The New York Times shows that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after he graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"In all, financial records reveal, Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire."

Good for him.
Good for him.
What's good about Trump lying about how an accident of birth was responsible for his "success"?

Donald Trump Is a Criminal Tax Cheat

"JW: Most of the New York Times report is about various strategies by which Trump’s father Fred transferred assets to his children.

"The Times said that Trump himself received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real-estate empire.

"How do you do that? How did Fred Trump manage to transfer $413 million to his son, Donald?
Good for him that he had a Dad who preferred to give him the money to letting the government have it. By all accounts, Trump was successful in taking what he had given to him and expanding it. He could have simply banked it all and become another idle rich person, which of course would have endeared him to you, correct? Instead, he's hired and paid untold thousands of workers over the years. Good for him.
I didn't vote for Obama either, but at least his earnings come from merit and not from having a rich father.
Who you voted for is not the issue. We are supposed to be outraged over the way Trump has enriched himself as president but ignore how Obama increased his net worth twelve-hundred percent while in office!
Yes...twelve-hundred percent! That's called hypocrisy.

And speaking of merit you never mention how the articulate telegenic black man, who was sponsored by the Chicago radical machine specifically because he was a politician who looked like a Sears catalog underwear model and always spoke in platitudes and feel good pablum for the dazzled masses, was promoted straight up the party political ladder not on merit per se but on his ability to read a teleprompter and lie to the public with a straight face.

Trump capitalized and made the most of what he was given just as King Barry has but you only resent one of those men for their head start. Why is that?
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