Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president's tax returns

Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.
Yes. It does sound like a witch hunt necessitated by the fact that the Russian collusion coup didn't quite pan out the way the left wanted it to.

This is the fall back scheme to remove Trump from office. No one is alleging he doesn't pay all the taxes he has due.
He's not in trouble with the IRS and where is it in his interests to turn his tax returns over to leftist vultures to use as a
tool to conduct their partisan vendettas? That's like Julius Caesar handing over the dagger to his enemies in the Roman senate with which to stab him in the back.

It's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.

So you and Maxine Waters and Gerald Nadler and the democrat party and the "majority of Americans" who demand Trump hand over his tax returns can fuck off! He is not legally required to do so and this should be settled in the Supreme Court. The President is on solid legal ground.
Yes. It does sound like a witch hunt necessitated by the fact that the Russian collusion coup didn't quite pan out the way the left wanted it to.
How do you know what Mueller's report reveals about Trump's collusion with Russia?

Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.
Yes. It does sound like a witch hunt necessitated by the fact that the Russian collusion coup didn't quite pan out the way the left wanted it to.

This is the fall back scheme to remove Trump from office. No one is alleging he doesn't pay all the taxes he has due.
He's not in trouble with the IRS and where is it in his interests to turn his tax returns over to leftist vultures to use as a
tool to conduct their partisan vendettas? That's like Julius Caesar handing over the dagger to his enemies in the Roman senate with which to stab him in the back.

It's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.

So you and Maxine Waters and Gerald Nadler and the democrat party and the "majority of Americans" who demand Trump hand over his tax returns can fuck off! He is not legally required to do so and this should be settled in the Supreme Court. The President is on solid legal ground.
This is the fall back scheme to remove Trump from office. No one is alleging he doesn't pay all the taxes he has due.
In fact, a majority of Americans are alleging Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes; he lost two civil tax fraud trials and brags about his parasitic existence.


"Mr. Trump has a well-documented history of cheating governments.

"He went to extraordinary lengths to block an audit of how much money he owed New York City in 1986 on the Grand Hyatt Hotel, for which he got a 40-year tax break but agreed to pay the city a share of the hotel’s profits.

"Mr. Trump’s lawyers claimed that no audit was allowed and there was no requirement to keep business records. Aides then broke appointments with the city auditor general’s team.

"Mr. Trump’s lawyers asserted that a water pipe break destroyed the records and that ledger copies in Chicago were no longer available.

"Auditors eventually got into the hotel’s New Jersey storage locker, but most of the ledgers were missing.

"Still, they concluded that through undisclosed financial reporting techniques that fell outside generally accepted accounting principles, Mr. Trump had shorted the city almost $2.9 million.

Opinion | How to Make Trump’s Tax Returns Public

"Mr. Trump lost two civil tax fraud trials over his 1984 income tax returns, on which he reported zero income as a consultant but took more than $600,000 in deductions.

"He had no receipts to substantiate the deductions."
t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
Who decided on impeachment in 1974?

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

"An impeachment process against Richard Nixon was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res. 803, giving its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States[1] of high crimes and misdemeanors, primarily related to the Watergate scandal.

"This investigation was undertaken one year after the United States Senate established a select committee to investigate the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.and the Nixon Administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement."
t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
Who decided on impeachment in 1974?

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

"An impeachment process against Richard Nixon was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res. 803, giving its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States[1] of high crimes and misdemeanors, primarily related to the Watergate scandal.

"This investigation was undertaken one year after the United States Senate established a select committee to investigate the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.and the Nixon Administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement."
Nixon was not impeached.
Family business in violation of a Constitution he's probably never read?

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"Trump’s children are working hard to cash in on his time in office — especially with foreign investors.

"At taxpayer expense, they have flown to Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Dubai, and India in search of licensing and real-estate deals, trading on the president’s influence in exchange for investments.

"But the biggest complication of Trump’s presidency — and the one he works hardest to keep secret — is the way his entire business operation is mired in massive debt.

"Rather than being independently wealthy, public records show, Trump and the business partnerships in which he is a leading investor owe big banks and foreign governments at least $2.3 billion — far more than his disclosure reports indicate.

"His largest single loan — for nearly $1 billion — is from a syndicate assembled by Goldman Sachs that includes the state-owned Bank of China.

"If either Trump or Jared Kushner, who tried to shake down Qatar’s finance minister for a loan, winds up needing to negotiate new terms on his ballooning debt, America could find itself being dictated to by a foreign government — all because the White House, thanks to Trump’s business model, has become a true House of Cards."

What's wrong with borrowing money?
What's wrong with borrowing money?
Nothing. Unless you don't pay it back.
How many banks has Trump stiffed?


"'My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy,' declared Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. 'I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy. But now I want to be greedy for the United States.'

"To the extent that Trump’s candidacy offered any positive appeal, as opposed to simple loathing for his opponent, this was it.

"He was a brilliant businessman, or at least starred in a television show as one, and he would set aside his lifelong pursuit of wealth to selflessly serve the greater good.

"This was the promise that pried just enough Obama voters away from Hillary Clinton in just enough upper-Midwest states to clinch the Electoral College."

Corruption, Not Russia, Is Trump’s Greatest Political Liability

These banks aren't babes in the woods, and neither is President Trump.

On the other hand, Liberal Icon Stacy Abrams is trying to beat the taxpayers by failing to pay the money she owes we the people in student loans, 20 years after she left school. That's a disgrace, but its ok with libs.
On the other hand, Liberal Icon Stacy Abrams is trying to beat the taxpayers by failing to pay the money she owes we the people in student loans, 20 years after she left school. That's a disgrace, but its ok with libs.
Worry about that when Stacey moves into the White House.

Why is it your defense of Trump's many ethical lapses is always to point to another politician's moral deficiencies?

I don't think it is an ethical lapse by Trump at all,but Abrams definitely is as she is trying to beat the Taxpayers. Some old woman has to eat cat food because the government doesn't have the money to help her out.

and that's wrong.
I don't think it is an ethical lapse by Trump at all,but Abrams definitely is as she is trying to beat the Taxpayers. Some old woman has to eat cat food because the government doesn't have the money to help her out.
Save your Republican crocodile tears

Analysis of the House Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
Who decided on impeachment in 1974?

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

"An impeachment process against Richard Nixon was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res. 803, giving its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States[1] of high crimes and misdemeanors, primarily related to the Watergate scandal.

"This investigation was undertaken one year after the United States Senate established a select committee to investigate the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.and the Nixon Administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement."
Nixon was not impeached.
Nixon was not impeached.
Only because he resigned in disgrace.
Trump's too stupid to resign.
Can you guess what happens next?

Can you imagine?
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
A lawyer for President Trump has bad news for congressional Democrats crusading to release the president’s tax returns.

Awww doesn't that get you democratic twats panties in a bunch. Must mean it's time to dream up some more bs lies with Russia again.
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The problem is that only certain people can demand it and it cannot be released to anyone else. Anyone who releases that information is committing a felony.

They have no honorable intentions.
Trump should propose legislation to make all elected officials returns public. Both the DEMS and the PUBS would shit themselves.

They have no honorable intentions.
Trump should propose legislation to make all elected officials returns public. Both the DEMS and the PUBS would shit themselves.
Yet every POTUS candidate since Nixon has released tax information Trump is concealing; what makes him special?

President Trump is the first billionaire President, who already had one of his returns leaked by Rachel Maddow. Even though he paid a tremendous amount of money, more than even Obama- it still wasn't good enough.

What benefit does it give Trump to do this? All it seems to do is to deflect away from the real issues- The Trump Economy and the Democrat Party's alternative, The New Green Deal.

Why don't libs want to talk about that instead?
President Trump is the first billionaire President, who already had one of his returns leaked by Rachel Maddow. Even though he paid a tremendous amount of money, more than even Obama- it still wasn't good enough.
It was one year's return cherry picked to make Trump appear as if he is paying his fair share Most of what he paid that year was due to the alternative minimum tax provision which was eliminated by his 2017 tax "reform."
In fact, a majority of Americans are alleging Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes; he lost two civil tax fraud trials and brags about his parasitic existence.
So a "majority of Americans" are now experts on US tax code and Donald Trump's personal tax filings?

That's an incredibly stupid and meaningless thing to say. Let me repeat that for emphasis: an incredibly stupid and meaningless to say.

A majority of Americans at one point thought that Trump had actually been colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton (a majority of leftist Americans anyway...undoubtedly the very same people that think Trump is somehow cheating the IRS, something the IRS doesn't seem aware of at all).

Do these same hateful frustrated morons still think, despite Mueller's ending his inquisition without tying Trump to Putin, Trump is guilty of collusion, despite no evidence confirming this unreasonable belief? You and your little chart seem to think so.
And do these same zealot clowns think their demand for Trump's tax returns are reasonable and proper despite zero reason to justify it? Of course!

Trump has said he takes every advantage of the tax code he is able to access. That's absolutely legal and a very common tactic for all tax payers...who pays more money than they have to?

If you think the very rich have special tax laws passed that benefit them and their wealth, as I do, your childish whining
about Trump's tax returns is pointless. Your energy would be better spent lobbying your representatives to change the US tax code. But that wouldn't give you the warm feeling you get when you hate Donald Trump, would it.
In fact, a majority of Americans are alleging Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes; he lost two civil tax fraud trials and brags about his parasitic existence.
So a "majority of Americans" are now experts on US tax code and Donald Trump's personal tax filings?

That's an incredibly stupid and meaningless thing to say. Let me repeat that for emphasis: an incredibly stupid and meaningless to say.

A majority of Americans at one point thought that Trump had actually been colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton (a majority of leftist Americans anyway...undoubtedly the very same people that think Trump is somehow cheating the IRS, something the IRS doesn't seem aware of at all).

Do these same hateful frustrated morons still think, despite Mueller's ending his inquisition without tying Trump to Putin, Trump is guilty of collusion, despite no evidence confirming this unreasonable belief? You and your little chart seem to think so.
And do these same zealot clowns think their demand for Trump's tax returns are reasonable and proper despite zero reason to justify it? Of course!

Trump has said he takes every advantage of the tax code he is able to access. That's absolutely legal and a very common tactic for all tax payers...who pays more money than they have to?

If you think the very rich have special tax laws passed that benefit them and their wealth, as I do, your childish whining
about Trump's tax returns is pointless. Your energy would be better spent lobbying your representatives to change the US tax code. But that wouldn't give you the warm feeling you get when you hate Donald Trump, would it.

Trump employs a small army of accountants and tax lawyers. They pay taxes.

t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
Who decided on impeachment in 1974?

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

"An impeachment process against Richard Nixon was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res. 803, giving its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States[1] of high crimes and misdemeanors, primarily related to the Watergate scandal.

"This investigation was undertaken one year after the United States Senate established a select committee to investigate the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.and the Nixon Administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement."
Nixon was not impeached.
Nixon was not impeached.
Only because he resigned in disgrace.
Trump's too stupid to resign.
Can you guess what happens next?
You are too stupid to understand what happened with Nixon. Impeachment is just a gesture unless the Senate will convict. The Senate would likely have convicted him, but neither Trump nor Clinton faced that prospect, so impeachment would just be a partisan political gesture.
t's the worst possible thing he could do, giving his enemies all his private financial information to go through making his personal information the subject of 24/7 CNN news broadcasts and worse than that, the starting point for still more endless dirt digging until he is finally driven from office on some pretext, real or invented.
If it is established beyond a reasonable doubt Trump has engaged in actions warranting impeachment, should he be driven from office?
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
lol Who decides what actions warrant impeachment? Certainly the Democrats are not competent to behave reasonably on this issue.
Who decided on impeachment in 1974?

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

"An impeachment process against Richard Nixon was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res. 803, giving its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States[1] of high crimes and misdemeanors, primarily related to the Watergate scandal.

"This investigation was undertaken one year after the United States Senate established a select committee to investigate the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.and the Nixon Administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement."
Nixon was not impeached.
Nixon was not impeached.
Only because he resigned in disgrace.
Trump's too stupid to resign.
Can you guess what happens next?

Democrats draw up articles of impeachment. Either it fails in the House or passes the House and fails in the Senate. Democrats lose control of both houses of Congress for several election cycles.

Pretty good guess, huh? :)

Can you imagine?
Are you aware the richest one percent pay a far smaller percentage of their total income in taxes than the bottom 90% of taxpayers?

A progressive tax reform proposal would cut income taxes on all but the top one percent of earners, raise them enormously on the richest 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave them the same on the 1%. This would make taxes more fair and raise more revenue.

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation
In fact, a majority of Americans are alleging Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes; he lost two civil tax fraud trials and brags about his parasitic existence.
So a "majority of Americans" are now experts on US tax code and Donald Trump's personal tax filings?

That's an incredibly stupid and meaningless thing to say. Let me repeat that for emphasis: an incredibly stupid and meaningless to say.

A majority of Americans at one point thought that Trump had actually been colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton (a majority of leftist Americans anyway...undoubtedly the very same people that think Trump is somehow cheating the IRS, something the IRS doesn't seem aware of at all).

Do these same hateful frustrated morons still think, despite Mueller's ending his inquisition without tying Trump to Putin, Trump is guilty of collusion, despite no evidence confirming this unreasonable belief? You and your little chart seem to think so.
And do these same zealot clowns think their demand for Trump's tax returns are reasonable and proper despite zero reason to justify it? Of course!

Trump has said he takes every advantage of the tax code he is able to access. That's absolutely legal and a very common tactic for all tax payers...who pays more money than they have to?

If you think the very rich have special tax laws passed that benefit them and their wealth, as I do, your childish whining
about Trump's tax returns is pointless. Your energy would be better spent lobbying your representatives to change the US tax code. But that wouldn't give you the warm feeling you get when you hate Donald Trump, would it.
So a "majority of Americans" are now experts on US tax code and Donald Trump's personal tax filings?

That's an incredibly stupid and meaningless thing to say. Let me repeat that for emphasis: an incredibly stupid and meaningless to say.
A majority of rational Americans know Trump has been a grifter and con man for his entire life.

His base if willfully blind to his many documented civil and criminal transgressions because they share his racist, imbecilic contempt for those who reject white nationalism.

Trump Ethics Monitor: Has The President Kept His Promises?

"A year into his presidency, Donald Trump continues to own stakes in hundreds of businesses, both in this country and abroad.

"Ethics experts have criticized his frequent taxpayer-funded trips to his own hotels and golf courses, which give the properties free publicity.

"Watchdog groups have filed lawsuits alleging violations of anti-corruption provisions in the U.S. Constitution.

"Questions continue to be raised about the influence of Trump's financial interests overseas on his foreign policy decisions.

"Trump has noted that presidents are exempt from the conflict of interest rules that apply to Cabinet members and other government employees. Past presidents have complied voluntarily with the ethics rules."
In fact, a majority of Americans are alleging Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes; he lost two civil tax fraud trials and brags about his parasitic existence.
So a "majority of Americans" are now experts on US tax code and Donald Trump's personal tax filings?

That's an incredibly stupid and meaningless thing to say. Let me repeat that for emphasis: an incredibly stupid and meaningless to say.

A majority of Americans at one point thought that Trump had actually been colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton (a majority of leftist Americans anyway...undoubtedly the very same people that think Trump is somehow cheating the IRS, something the IRS doesn't seem aware of at all).

Do these same hateful frustrated morons still think, despite Mueller's ending his inquisition without tying Trump to Putin, Trump is guilty of collusion, despite no evidence confirming this unreasonable belief? You and your little chart seem to think so.
And do these same zealot clowns think their demand for Trump's tax returns are reasonable and proper despite zero reason to justify it? Of course!

Trump has said he takes every advantage of the tax code he is able to access. That's absolutely legal and a very common tactic for all tax payers...who pays more money than they have to?

If you think the very rich have special tax laws passed that benefit them and their wealth, as I do, your childish whining
about Trump's tax returns is pointless. Your energy would be better spent lobbying your representatives to change the US tax code. But that wouldn't give you the warm feeling you get when you hate Donald Trump, would it.
Do these same hateful frustrated morons still think, despite Mueller's ending his inquisition without tying Trump to Putin, Trump is guilty of collusion, despite no evidence confirming this unreasonable belief? You and your little chart seem to think so.
How many times have you read Mueller's report?

Explainer: What might be blacked out of Mueller's Trump-Russia report? - Reuters

Can you imagine?
Are you aware the richest one percent pay a far smaller percentage of their total income in taxes than the bottom 90% of taxpayers?

A progressive tax reform proposal would cut income taxes on all but the top one percent of earners, raise them enormously on the richest 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave them the same on the 1%. This would make taxes more fair and raise more revenue.

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

Yeah but most people dont embrace your sentiments. You know why? Because your type is miserable and jealous about other people's success. Most people take responsibility for setting the bar low for themselves.....while the progressive is obsessed with blaming the successful for their personal decision fuckupedness.
In fact, a majority of Americans are alleging Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes; he lost two civil tax fraud trials and brags about his parasitic existence.
So a "majority of Americans" are now experts on US tax code and Donald Trump's personal tax filings?

That's an incredibly stupid and meaningless thing to say. Let me repeat that for emphasis: an incredibly stupid and meaningless to say.

A majority of Americans at one point thought that Trump had actually been colluding with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton (a majority of leftist Americans anyway...undoubtedly the very same people that think Trump is somehow cheating the IRS, something the IRS doesn't seem aware of at all).

Do these same hateful frustrated morons still think, despite Mueller's ending his inquisition without tying Trump to Putin, Trump is guilty of collusion, despite no evidence confirming this unreasonable belief? You and your little chart seem to think so.
And do these same zealot clowns think their demand for Trump's tax returns are reasonable and proper despite zero reason to justify it? Of course!

Trump has said he takes every advantage of the tax code he is able to access. That's absolutely legal and a very common tactic for all tax payers...who pays more money than they have to?

If you think the very rich have special tax laws passed that benefit them and their wealth, as I do, your childish whining
about Trump's tax returns is pointless. Your energy would be better spent lobbying your representatives to change the US tax code. But that wouldn't give you the warm feeling you get when you hate Donald Trump, would it.
If you think the very rich have special tax laws passed that benefit them and their wealth, as I do, your childish whining
about Trump's tax returns is pointless. Your energy would be better spent lobbying your representatives to change the US tax code. But that wouldn't give you the warm feeling you get when you hate Donald Trump, would it.
If you think the very rich have special tax laws, why do you support a corrupt, crony capitalist who found enough ignorant voters to cut out the political middle men/women in the process that creates those special tax laws?
Trump is "narcissistic" with "no moral core" and "unfit on every level to be president," former Bush adviser says

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