Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president's tax returns

George Phillip is arguably the most vile Trump hating Anti-Semite on this board. If Trump wrote him a personal check for $10 Million Dollars, and told him that he could no longer hate Jews, or talk about how much he hated Christians, Conservatives, Farmers, and Blue Collar Workers, and told him he could not Hate Israel, or America, and American Sovereignty, He'd tear the check up even if he was flat dead broke.
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
In a letter Friday, William Consovoy said the IRS is forbidden from divulging tax information without a “legitimate legislative purpose.”

The “legitimate legislative purpose” was included in the request for the returns.
Legislative temper tantrums are not a legitimate reason.

I agree. Fortunately, that is not the reason congress wants the returns. The reason was plainly laid out in the request.

Were you in the US Army in 1965? In Vietnam by chance?
I'm not that old, but my Father, two Uncles, and my maternal grandfather served in Vietnam.
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
In a letter Friday, William Consovoy said the IRS is forbidden from divulging tax information without a “legitimate legislative purpose.”

The “legitimate legislative purpose” was included in the request for the returns.
Legislative temper tantrums are not a legitimate reason.

I agree. Fortunately, that is not the reason congress wants the returns. The reason was plainly laid out in the request.

Were you in the US Army in 1965? In Vietnam by chance?
I'm not that old, but my Father, two Uncles, and my maternal grandfather served in Vietnam.

I asked because we have a poster on the forum in the Sewer I post on who was in country , Army infantry, in 1966-1971. ( "Flash").
Legislative temper tantrums are not a legitimate reason.

I agree. Fortunately, that is not the reason congress wants the returns. The reason was plainly laid out in the request.

Were you in the US Army in 1965? In Vietnam by chance?
I'm not that old, but my Father, two Uncles, and my maternal grandfather served in Vietnam.

I asked because we have a poster on the forum in the Sewer I post on who was in country , Army infantry, in 1966-1971. ( "Flash").
Thunder Kiss 1965 is a Rob Zombie song.
I agree. Fortunately, that is not the reason congress wants the returns. The reason was plainly laid out in the request.

Were you in the US Army in 1965? In Vietnam by chance?
I'm not that old, but my Father, two Uncles, and my maternal grandfather served in Vietnam.

I asked because we have a poster on the forum in the Sewer I post on who was in country , Army infantry, in 1966-1971. ( "Flash").
Thunder Kiss 1965 is a Rob Zombie song.

I am over 60. Showing my age. Never heard of Rob Zombie. :alcoholic: Letter to Rettig (signed) - 2019.04.03.pdf
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Well, good for him. He still doesn't have the right to snoop into the President's private personal finances.
A political vendetta is not a legitimate reason to conduct a witch hunt.
Trump has bragged about how not paying taxes makes him smart.
He has twice been found liable for civil tax violations.
Trump U was shutdown as a criminal enterprise.
Trump, Inc is currently subject to 17 different investigations.
If all of that sounds like a "witch hunt" to you, you are probably a partisan willing to put party over country.
A majority of Americans are not so inclined, and we have good reasons to demand Trump tax returns be made available to congress.
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
There's no shortage of evidence supporting the case Trump is a serially corrupt con man:

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
There's no shortage of evidence supporting the case Trump is a serially corrupt con man:

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Deep State doesn't like Trump. But that doesn't make him "corrupt" at all
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Mr. Beria is known for the famous quote" Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.”

The request for President Trump's tax return is a Beriaesque fishing expedition, looking for anything that could be spun as a crime.
Mr. Beria is known for the famous quote" Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.”

The request for President Trump's tax return is a Beriaesque fishing expedition, looking for anything that could be spun as a crime.
Trump has cheated on his tax responsibilities in the past as documented by a pair of civil judgments and his infamous "empty box" scam which allowed him to defraud New York of thousands of dollars in sales tax.

A majority of Americans want him to release his taxes, yet a small, noisy minority seem threatened by the prospect.

Why is that?

Trump Family Foundation to Face Criminal Charges? |

"The Trump Foundation case meets every federal standard for criminal prosecution. The behavior is significant in terms of dollars, it involved many actions over many years and was flagrant and multi-faceted with explanations that lack credibility.

"It also meets the Justice Department’s general deterrence standard, which includes bringing cases that will encourage broad compliance because they are high profile prosecutions."

More wishcasting, bub. If you want to see real crime, take a gander at the Clinton Foundation.
More wishcasting, bub. If you want to see real crime, take a gander at the Clinton Foundation.
How many investigations is the Clinton Foundation currently facing?

How to Make Trump's Tax Returns Public |

"On June 14, the New York State attorney general, Barbara Underwood, filed a civil complaint against President Trump and his three oldest children, accusing them of “persistently illegal conduct” in using the Donald J. Trump Foundation as 'little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.'

"Ms. Underwood believes there is abundant evidence to bring criminal charges against Mr. Trump as well. She made that position very clear in the letters she sent to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission in Washington recommending 'further investigation and legal action.'"
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Mr. Beria is known for the famous quote" Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.”

The request for President Trump's tax return is a Beriaesque fishing expedition, looking for anything that could be spun as a crime.
Mr. Beria is known for the famous quote" Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.”

The request for President Trump's tax return is a Beriaesque fishing expedition, looking for anything that could be spun as a crime.
Trump has cheated on his tax responsibilities in the past as documented by a pair of civil judgments and his infamous "empty box" scam which allowed him to defraud New York of thousands of dollars in sales tax.

A majority of Americans want him to release his taxes, yet a small, noisy minority seem threatened by the prospect.

Why is that?

Trump Family Foundation to Face Criminal Charges? |

"The Trump Foundation case meets every federal standard for criminal prosecution. The behavior is significant in terms of dollars, it involved many actions over many years and was flagrant and multi-faceted with explanations that lack credibility.

"It also meets the Justice Department’s general deterrence standard, which includes bringing cases that will encourage broad compliance because they are high profile prosecutions."

More wishcasting, bub. If you want to see real crime, take a gander at the Clinton Foundation.
More wishcasting, bub. If you want to see real crime, take a gander at the Clinton Foundation.
How many investigations is the Clinton Foundation currently facing?

How to Make Trump's Tax Returns Public |

"On June 14, the New York State attorney general, Barbara Underwood, filed a civil complaint against President Trump and his three oldest children, accusing them of “persistently illegal conduct” in using the Donald J. Trump Foundation as 'little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.'

"Ms. Underwood believes there is abundant evidence to bring criminal charges against Mr. Trump as well. She made that position very clear in the letters she sent to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission in Washington recommending 'further investigation and legal action.'"

The NY Attorney General is a partisan politician, that never looked at Trump until he committed the crime of actually schlonging Mrs. Clinton.

The disgrace of that office is extensive, its the home of Rapists like Schneiderman to Mann Act violators like Spitzer.

They should really just clean up their own act.
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
A lawyer for President Trump has bad news for congressional Democrats crusading to release the president’s tax returns.

Awww doesn't that get you democratic twats panties in a bunch. Must mean it's time to dream up some more bs lies with Russia again.
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
So...what is donnie hiding?

Most likely, personal business.
Most likely, personal business.
Family business in violation of a Constitution he's probably never read?

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"Trump’s children are working hard to cash in on his time in office — especially with foreign investors.

"At taxpayer expense, they have flown to Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Dubai, and India in search of licensing and real-estate deals, trading on the president’s influence in exchange for investments.

"But the biggest complication of Trump’s presidency — and the one he works hardest to keep secret — is the way his entire business operation is mired in massive debt.

"Rather than being independently wealthy, public records show, Trump and the business partnerships in which he is a leading investor owe big banks and foreign governments at least $2.3 billion — far more than his disclosure reports indicate.

"His largest single loan — for nearly $1 billion — is from a syndicate assembled by Goldman Sachs that includes the state-owned Bank of China.

"If either Trump or Jared Kushner, who tried to shake down Qatar’s finance minister for a loan, winds up needing to negotiate new terms on his ballooning debt, America could find itself being dictated to by a foreign government — all because the White House, thanks to Trump’s business model, has become a true House of Cards."
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
There's no shortage of evidence supporting the case Trump is a serially corrupt con man:

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Deep State doesn't like Trump. But that doesn't make him "corrupt" at all

Correct. Trump's actions make him corrupt.
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
A lawyer for President Trump has bad news for congressional Democrats crusading to release the president’s tax returns.

Awww doesn't that get you democratic twats panties in a bunch. Must mean it's time to dream up some more bs lies with Russia again.
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
So...what is donnie hiding?

Most likely, personal business.
Most likely, personal business.
Family business in violation of a Constitution he's probably never read?

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"Trump’s children are working hard to cash in on his time in office — especially with foreign investors.

"At taxpayer expense, they have flown to Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Dubai, and India in search of licensing and real-estate deals, trading on the president’s influence in exchange for investments.

"But the biggest complication of Trump’s presidency — and the one he works hardest to keep secret — is the way his entire business operation is mired in massive debt.

"Rather than being independently wealthy, public records show, Trump and the business partnerships in which he is a leading investor owe big banks and foreign governments at least $2.3 billion — far more than his disclosure reports indicate.

"His largest single loan — for nearly $1 billion — is from a syndicate assembled by Goldman Sachs that includes the state-owned Bank of China.

"If either Trump or Jared Kushner, who tried to shake down Qatar’s finance minister for a loan, winds up needing to negotiate new terms on his ballooning debt, America could find itself being dictated to by a foreign government — all because the White House, thanks to Trump’s business model, has become a true House of Cards."

What's wrong with borrowing money?
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

President Trump isn't "hiding" a dam thing, and no, he doesn't have to prove anything to his enemies. The point is that the law allows ANYONE's tax return to be revealed by the Senate Finance chair. Do Soros, Steyers and Pelosi have something to hide? What problem would they have? The former two are MAJOR liberal donors, Pelosi has a very high position in government, why shouldn't the people see their business too?
President Trump isn't "hiding" a dam thing, and no, he doesn't have to prove anything to his enemies. The point is that the law allows ANYONE's tax return to be revealed by the Senate Finance chair.
Every president since Nixon has released his tax returns to the American public without being forced to do so. Trump has refused to follow precedent. A majority of voters want Trump's tax returns revealed, so I'm unclear why you think a life-long con man who lies daily on issues large and small should continue to obstruct the public from learning the truth in this matter?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

If the IRS thought Trump was cheating in his taxes, we'd have known long ago.
f the IRS thought Trump was cheating in his taxes, we'd have known long ago.
If so, why is Trump reneging on his promise to release his returns?

Dems press IRS chief to act on Trump tax returns

"While the IRS has a deadline of midnight to provide Trump's tax returns to the Ways and Means Committee, it isn't clear exactly if and how the agency will respond.

"'We received the letter, we’re working on the letter with counsel, and we anticipate responding,' Rettig said."
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
A lawyer for President Trump has bad news for congressional Democrats crusading to release the president’s tax returns.

Awww doesn't that get you democratic twats panties in a bunch. Must mean it's time to dream up some more bs lies with Russia again.
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The problem is that only certain people can demand it and it cannot be released to anyone else. Anyone who releases that information is committing a felony.
The problem is that only certain people can demand it and it cannot be released to anyone else. Anyone who releases that information is committing a felony.
The information could be released if the full committee voted to do so.

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"Mr. Neal made the request through an obscure but frequently used provision of the federal tax code — Section 6103 — that allows Congress’s tax-writing committees to view tax information on any filer.

"The authority is regularly used by the committee to confidentially measure how changes to the tax code would affect different types of taxpayers.

"It has been used for more investigative purposes, as well, most recently in 2014, when committee Republicans obtained and publicly released tax information as part of an investigation into whether the I.R.S. discriminated against conservative entities seeking tax-exempt status."
Attorney for Pres. Trump: IRS cannot release president’s tax returns | One America News Network
A lawyer for President Trump has bad news for congressional Democrats crusading to release the president’s tax returns.

Awww doesn't that get you democratic twats panties in a bunch. Must mean it's time to dream up some more bs lies with Russia again.
Why do you think a rich tax dodger is above the law?

Trump Lawyer Asserts President’s Right to Keep Tax Returns Private

"The little known tax code provision employed by the Democrats in demanding Mr. Trump’s returns says only that the Internal Revenue Service 'shall furnish' the information, giving it and its parent agency, the Treasury Department, little leeway in deciding how to respond."

The problem is that only certain people can demand it and it cannot be released to anyone else. Anyone who releases that information is committing a felony.

They have no honorable intentions.
Trump should propose legislation to make all elected officials returns public. Both the DEMS and the PUBS would shit themselves.

They have no honorable intentions.
Trump should propose legislation to make all elected officials returns public. Both the DEMS and the PUBS would shit themselves.
Yet every POTUS candidate since Nixon has released tax information Trump is concealing; what makes him special?
The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
There's no shortage of evidence supporting the case Trump is a serially corrupt con man:

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

NPC Crowd Trump.jpeg
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

Spoken like a true Beria acolyte.
Spoken like a true Beria acolyte


Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
Yes, him. Beria (show me the man and I'll find you the crime) would heartily approve of the witch hunt you prog loons are perpetrating in order to invent a crime to take down Trump.
There's no shortage of evidence supporting the case Trump is a serially corrupt con man:

"Donald Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp. Instead, he has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest
, misuse of public funds
, influence peddling
, self-enrichment
, working for foreign governments
, failure to disclose information
and violating ethics rules
. Some are under investigation
or facing lawsuits
, others have resigned
and five have either been convicted or pleaded guilty
, including three for lying to government officials
. Scandals plague all administrations, but Trump’s is only two years old and the allegations keep on coming."

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Deep State doesn't like Trump. But that doesn't make him "corrupt" at all

Considering the ethics of the Deep State, being attacked by them is actually a badge of honor.
Tax law is very complex, particularly when it comes to areas like real estate, complex partnerships and international affairs. Remember that the sun never sets on the Trump Organization.

A man like President Trump doesn't use Turbo Tax like Tim Geithner, and he doesn't take his receipts and forms down to Jackson Hewitt either. The return is the size of the Manhattan White Pages.

If the return is ever shown, not one in 10,000 would be able to understand it and determine if it is correct or not. How are goofballs Democrats like the phony Mexican, the phony squaw or spartacus going to be able to speak authoritatively on it?

If it did become public, this is all that would be talked about between now and the election, whether Trump's accountant crossed the right tee or dotted the correct eye. It would deflect away from the Issues.

And that's why Democrats want this public, the Issues are where they are weakest.
There is no shortage of qualified tax experts willing to dissect Trump's returns.

For example:

We need tax police – and they should go after the likes of Donald Trump | David Cay Johnston

"When the New York Times exposed decades of tax cheating and 'outright fraud' by the sitting president, it prompted people to ask important questions about the corrupt practices of the Trump family. The answers are central to the future of America.

"Where was the Internal Revenue Service? How did the Trumps get away with decades of schemes the Times said allowed them to evade close to a half-billion dollars of income and gift taxes?

"Is Donald Trump continuing these practices? Is that why he refuses to make his own tax returns public? Can anything be done about it?

I’m in a unique position to answer those questions. I am the Times’ former tax reporter, the journalist who has covered Trump longer than anyone else, more than 30 years. And my next book will propose an entirely new tax system for the US and other advanced nations..."
The Democrat Party really doesn't have a legitimate legislative purpose at all, they do however have a legitimate partisan political purpose.

The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's. These are BIG contributors to the socialist cause, and I'm sure that the socialist candidates that they support are interested in making sure their sugar daddies are corruption free.
The problem the Democrats have is that Trump's tax return would only be the first. I'm sure a lot of people would be anxious to see Soros' tax return or Tom Steyers' or the Pelosi family's
Should Soros or Steyers or Pelosi run for POTUS they would release their tax returns just as Ford, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama did. What is Trump hiding?

President Trump isn't "hiding" a dam thing, and no, he doesn't have to prove anything to his enemies. The point is that the law allows ANYONE's tax return to be revealed by the Senate Finance chair. Do Soros, Steyers and Pelosi have something to hide? What problem would they have? The former two are MAJOR liberal donors, Pelosi has a very high position in government, why shouldn't the people see their business too?
President Trump isn't "hiding" a dam thing, and no, he doesn't have to prove anything to his enemies. The point is that the law allows ANYONE's tax return to be revealed by the Senate Finance chair.
Every president since Nixon has released his tax returns to the American public without being forced to do so. Trump has refused to follow precedent. A majority of voters want Trump's tax returns revealed, so I'm unclear why you think a life-long con man who lies daily on issues large and small should continue to obstruct the public from learning the truth in this matter?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

If the IRS thought Trump was cheating in his taxes, we'd have known long ago.
f the IRS thought Trump was cheating in his taxes, we'd have known long ago.
If so, why is Trump reneging on his promise to release his returns?

Dems press IRS chief to act on Trump tax returns

"While the IRS has a deadline of midnight to provide Trump's tax returns to the Ways and Means Committee, it isn't clear exactly if and how the agency will respond.

"'We received the letter, we’re working on the letter with counsel, and we anticipate responding,' Rettig said."

Why does any politician go back on a promise? Obviously, he sees no benefit in letting the jackals tear apart his private life.

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