Attorney general Barr announces opening investigation into Epstein death

Barr needs to investigate ALL the deaths in the Clinton Body Count. Clintons are out of power now, and don't have the shields they used to have.

Go after them. Lock them up!

Don't count on a government investigation, especially on the Clinton body count. The Clintons can't be outed without the entire corrupt government being outed, since the corruption goes back decades on both "sides."

Read the book "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" by Terry Reed.
I think there is some very sordid details that have been kept from the public for decades because those in the know keep having plane crashes, car wrecks, heart attacks and “suicides”
Attorney General William Barr on Saturday decried the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein in federal custody while he awaited charges on sex trafficking, saying the apparent suicide “raises serious questions.”
Attorney General Barr Announces Opening Investigation Into Epstein Death

Wonder if ..... Jeffery Epstein has a kill switch for released docs. Wonder if Barr will try and to keep info hid.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?

Well, it's not exactly a far-fetched consideration. They spent a lot of time at Epstein's little girl seraglio. Bill said he maybe went four times. Pilot records show 26.

Enough to raise a few suspicions.
Donald spent more. lol

And Donald controls MCC

You’re welcome
It's 2019 why haven't they been charged?

What a crock of shit.
What do you quote a post, and then ask a question which the post you quoted, JUST GOT DONE ANSWERING ?, you baboon. Sheeeesh!

:icon_rolleyes: :slap:
Don't count on a government investigation, especially on the Clinton body count. The Clintons can't be outed without the entire corrupt government being outed, since the corruption goes back decades on both "sides."

Read the book "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" by Terry Reed.
I'm not counting on anything, I'm just suggesting what is needed and long overdue. If it happens, good. If it doesn't and the Clintons manage to squeak back into power again, results will be catastrophic. They are America's worst serial killers.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?

He had a lot of dirt on a lot of powerful people, not just the Clintons. I don't think it hurts to at least look into the circumstances surrounding his alleged suicide.

He was being detained by the DOJ....trump-Barr....He was taken off suicide watch....trump-Barr.....And now the Idiot in Chief Tweets out the Clintons did it....RIGHT!

No sitting president in history has been as vulgar and classless as this Son of a B*tch!

I can't even stomach to look at his orange face or his baby poop yellow hair....
Rightwing propaganda.
You wouldn't know, You haven't read it.

Deniers of the Clinton Body Count can only be 1 of 4 things >>

1. Ignoramuses who never read it.

2. Liars.

3. Fools.

4. Nutjobs.

No intelligent, honest, sane, person having read the link, can deny the Clinton Body Count.


Well tell me this if Clinton is murdering so many folks why aren't right wing, republicans bringing him to the Bar of Justice.

Murdering? I don't know but no one else gets away with having the meeting on the tarmac with Lynch like Clinton did.

It's a very valid question to ask why the Republicans allowed him to get away with this.
trump is posting some conspiracy theories so that some of his wacko cult members will go out and shoot up another WalMart or a Women's Health clinic....he counts on his nut case WRers...
Don't count on a government investigation, especially on the Clinton body count. The Clintons can't be outed without the entire corrupt government being outed, since the corruption goes back decades on both "sides."

Read the book "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" by Terry Reed.
I'm not counting on anything, I'm just suggesting what is needed and long overdue. If it happens, good. If it doesn't and the Clintons manage to squeak back into power again, results will be catastrophic. They are America's worst serial killers.

You talk about squeaking by with a man in the Oval Office that could be arrested and charged the day he walks away from the presidency? Really?
He was being detained by the DOJ....trump-Barr....He was taken off suicide watch....trump-Barr.....And now the Idiot in Chief Tweets out the Clintons did it....RIGHT!

No sitting president in history has been as vulgar and classless as this Son of a B*tch!

I can't even stomach to look at his orange face or his baby poop yellow hair....
Trump Derangement Syndrome. Call a doctor.
trump is posting some conspiracy theories so that some of his wacko cult members will go out and shoot up another WalMart or a Women's Health clinic....he counts on his nut case WRers...
Is there doctor in the house ? I mean really.

Murdering? I don't know but no one else gets away with having the meeting on the tarmac with Lynch like Clinton did.

It's a very valid question to ask why the Republicans allowed him to get away with this.
Answered already - post 177.
Murdering? I don't know but no one else gets away with having the meeting on the tarmac with Lynch like Clinton did.

It's a very valid question to ask why the Republicans allowed him to get away with this.
Answered already - post 177.

As to that answer, the reason Trump cant get anything done is because he is a jerk. He is used to simply getting his way and reacts poorly when he does not.
Another piece revealed.

"Correctional officers at the New York City prison housing Jeffrey Epstein didn't check in on him for hours leading up to his apparent suicide on Saturday after his cellmate was transferred for reasons that were not immediately clear, according to a report."

- Taken off suicide watch Thursday.

- Cellmate transferred without replacement on Friday.

- Epstein dead on Saturday.

Jeffrey Epstein wasn't checked on for hours before apparent suicide: report
So if what you are sayin is true( and it is not) you realize the current administration was not able to keep it's star witness alive right! I mean how fuckinbg stupid would a president have to be to not be able to keep it's star witness against it's biggest foe alive? He would have to be in the IQ level of a rock are unable to accomplish any thing at all. It's a great deal more likely some one currently in power did the dead dumb fuck!
If you had read the
THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED link that you quoted, you would know that Epstein was not a star witness, because there are hundreds of witnesses to the DOZENS of killings by the Clintons.

Read the whole link, I know it's long, but you could read it in less than 2 hours, and then at least you'll know what you're talking about, before coming in here and posting.
BLAH, BLAH, BULLHSIT Again plenty of pics of trump with epstein and other powerfull people also. The clintons are yesterday, power gone. This is Trumps DOJ now, if ep was kiled this pres is in the very least an idiot . You can not excape the fact that because of the current govenment inability to do a simple job like keep an eye on a star witness we will never klnow the truth. This is a fact. All you have is conjecture. Again more likely he was a threat to those currently in power or they would have kept him alive. So go take your unfounded bull shit and stick it where the sun does not shine. Happened on the current administrations watch. If I go out and catch no fish today, it is my fault. I am the current captain. I can not blame it on Wayne he was captain ten years ago. You partisan hacks sliegh me. Here is another fact for you, powefull men of both parties likely did very questionable things at epstien parties and now due to current officials ineptitude they will likey get away with it. If Billy boy or Trump or who ever did this shit gets away with it , they should not. This is not over there are other p[eople involved and hopefully the investigation will discover these people and hold them accountable regardless of an R or D in front of thier name. Due to the current people in charge being idiots this is less likely and they should be held accountable. Start with firing the people in charge of watching this fuck.

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