Attorney general Barr announces opening investigation into Epstein death

who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
$$$$$$ saved
victims don't have to go through the torture of a trial/etc

who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
everyone knows he did it--no need for a trial now

So how do those victims get the justice and the restitution they deserve without the trial he should have went through?
It's a copout. His victims deserve better.

I agree, the guy took the easy way out, just like he did his whole pathetic life, but what if they didn’t have enough to convict or his attorney’s got him off somehow? Death is too good for the ass but at least we don’t have the threat anymore. Let’s hope now they can go through all his belongings and papers and see if others were involved and hope they get the death penalty.
Did Barr turn into just another political hack? I had such hopes for him. The FBI gets away with a freaking political coup and the DOJ wonders why a sexual psychopath committed suicide.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody

Especially the folks who he would have implicated.

Yes....why do some not understand that? That is the essence of the story and apparantly some do not want it known who the guilty parties are.

In a nutshell this is about much more than some guy with a problem--what it is really about is corruption in high places and how some major political figures were caught up in it and now they most likely will once again escape justice.
Did Barr turn into just another political hack? I had such hopes for him. The FBI gets away with a freaking political coup and the DOJ wonders why a sexual psychopath committed suicide.

He may or may not have comitted suicide and the attempted coup d etat by leading democrat and republican figures is still being investigated.

Epstein is and or was of no importance--what is important as previously pointed out is the level of corruption in very high places.
Did Barr turn into just another political hack? I had such hopes for him. The FBI gets away with a freaking political coup and the DOJ wonders why a sexual psychopath committed suicide.

Barr may have screwed up by not being on top of how Epstein was being monitored in jail but the responsibility for that lies with the warden of that jail....yet his orders may have been skirted around by those with some ability to make a outside intervention possible, like turning off the cameras etc.
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Attorney General William Barr on Saturday decried the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein in federal custody while he awaited charges on sex trafficking, saying the apparent suicide “raises serious questions.”
Attorney General Barr Announces Opening Investigation Into Epstein Death

Wonder if ..... Jeffery Epstein has a kill switch for released docs. Wonder if Barr will try and to keep info hid.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?
Could very well be. Dozens of people with evidence against the Clintons have been killed (silenced) to keep them from talking.



Rightwing propaganda.

Not at all--like so many you lack the facts regarding the history of the Clintons and it is not really your fault. The media is the main culprit in how the clintons were able to bamboozle so many. Without the media they could not have pulled it off.

ARKANSAS CONNECTIONS: A Time Line of the Clinton YearsArkansas Connections: A Time-line of the Clinton Years by Sam Smith
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody

Especially the folks who he would have implicated.

Yes....why do some not understand that? That is the essence of the story and apparantly some do not want it known who the guilty parties are.

In a nutshell this is about much more than some guy with a problem--what it is really about is corruption in high places and how some major political figures were caught up in it and now they most likely will once again escape justice.

Right? Regular people everywhere (on all sides, btw) are extremely pissed off right now, that the person who could literally bring down our corrupt government is now conveniently dead.

The person who said "who cares" is never right about anything, on any topic. As far as I've seen, anyway.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
If you want justice this is not a good thing. Who his fellow pedos are mioght not be found out.

Besides this 'suicide' smells to high hewaven.

I would bet my house the bastard was Arkacided.
I'm a skeptic, don't rule out the boring conclusion that this guy knew he would spend the rest of his life in prison and took the easy way out. That said even being a skeptic I can see why it's not hard to think his death is shady as hell.
There is no perfect system of anything but the United States justice system needs to do better. If you have money and get a good lawyer that gets you out of a 140 mph in a 65 well I'm not gonna knock someone for getting the best lawyer. Getting out of abusing young women is just shameful and no amount of money should get you out of that.
There is no perfect system of anything but the United States justice system needs to do better. If you have money and get a good lawyer that gets you out of a 140 mph in a 65 well I'm not gonna knock someone for getting the best lawyer. Getting out of abusing young women is just shameful and no amount of money should get you out of that.

I think most of these girls knew what they were getting into and were paid for their services but of course being so young they do not have the best judgement yet poor judgment comes into play in older people as well as epstein demonstrates.

I am more concerned about the politicians involved with and associated with Epstein. That is what is most relevant in my opinion as in they set themselves up for being blackmailed and corrupted if not already so.

Clinton was a prime example of how politicians get corrupted which in his case happened long before he got to Washington.

Politicians, drugs and young girls are not a good mix....unfortunately it is all too common of a scenario....especially in Washington not even to mention the lobbyists throwing money at politicians who once they accumulate much power tend to forget what their purpose should be or why they were sent to Washington in the first place.

How do so many of them get rich after they arrive in Washington? The pursuit of money and power becomes obsessive...hillary being a prime example but there are many others.
There is no perfect system of anything but the United States justice system needs to do better. If you have money and get a good lawyer that gets you out of a 140 mph in a 65 well I'm not gonna knock someone for getting the best lawyer. Getting out of abusing young women is just shameful and no amount of money should get you out of that.

I think most of these girls knew what they were getting into and were paid for their services but of course being so young they do not have the best judgement yet poor judgment comes into play in older people as well as epstein demonstrates.

I am more concerned about the politicians involved with and associated with Epstein. That is what is most relevant in my opinion as in they set themselves up for being blackmailed and corrupted if not already so.

Clinton was a prime example of how politicians get corrupted which in his case happened long before he got to Washington.

Politicians, drugs and young girls are not a good mix....unfortunately it is all too common of a scenario....especially in Washington not even to mention the lobbyists throwing money at politicians who once they accumulate much power tend to forget what their purpose should be or why they were sent to Washington in the first place.

How do so many of them get rich after they arrive in Washington? The pursuit of money and power becomes obsessive...hillary being a prime example but there are many others.
Teenage girls don't know what they are getting into even if they think its what they want or OK. Don't make excuses for this bullshit.
I'm a skeptic, don't rule out the boring conclusion that this guy knew he would spend the rest of his life in prison and took the easy way out.

Epstein was a narcissistic, wealthy, sex addicted sociopath.... people like that don't commit suicide

And what makes you think he would spend the rest of his life in prison when he got a pass the first time?
That said even being a skeptic I can see why it's not hard to think his death is shady as hell.

I'm a skeptic too (well, maybe cynic would be more accurate), that means I don't believe the official story without convincing evidence.... like the video of the creep committing suicide, pictures of the dead body, an independent DNA test to confirm it's him..

Attorney General William Barr on Saturday decried the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein in federal custody while he awaited charges on sex trafficking, saying the apparent suicide “raises serious questions.”
Attorney General Barr Announces Opening Investigation Into Epstein Death

Wonder if ..... Jeffery Epstein has a kill switch for released docs. Wonder if Barr will try and to keep info hid.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?
Could very well be. Dozens of people with evidence against the Clintons have been killed (silenced) to keep them from talking.


So if what you are sayin is true( and it is not) you realize the current administration was not able to keep it's star witness alive right! I mean how fuckinbg stupid would a president have to be to not be able to keep it's star witness against it's biggest foe alive? He would have to be in the IQ level of a rock are unable to accomplish any thing at all. It's a great deal more likely some one currently in power did the dead dumb fuck!
Attorney General Barr 'appalled' by Epstein's suicide, says inspector general and FBI investigating

Wasn't Epstein under the protection if the DOJ....AND....isn't Barr the AG....over the DOJ?

Does the Buck stop with you Barr or are you gonna blame someone else like the Liar in Chief does?


And the guy is dead and you are upset why?
People are upset because Mr Epstien was not the only person involved in this behavior. They wanted him to name names adn details before going to the sweet by and by. I am one of these people. If trump or Billy boy or even some one in my own family was complicit in these actions they should be brought o account regardless of R or D in front of thier name.
Well, it's not exactly a far-fetched consideration. They spent a lot of time at Epstein's little girl seraglio. Bill said he maybe went four times. Pilot records show 26.

Enough to raise a few suspicions.

Yes, Clinton was going to fuck underage girls with his Secret Service Detail watching... totally.

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