Attorney general Barr announces opening investigation into Epstein death

Personally I think he wanted to kill himself because he didn't want to be locked up like an animal in a cage the rest of his life, so the Left made arrangements for him to be able to do that, considering the secrets he had.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo

He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Comey is next...…………………..

Carve it in stone
Attorney General Barr 'appalled' by Epstein's suicide, says inspector general and FBI investigating

Wasn't Epstein under the protection if the DOJ....AND....isn't Barr the AG....over the DOJ?

Does the Buck stop with you Barr or are you gonna blame someone else like the Liar in Chief does?

Clinton was involved doofus
How was Clinton involved? What power do the Clintons have with the current Executive Branch?
Clinton took joyrides on Eppies plane, u tupid oar tumptin

That's nice. He also through parties with underaged girls at Mar A Lago.

Who owns that place again?
And after the parties the girls were barbequed and their livers were served with fava beans...……………….

Then you woke up full of Vaseline
Every leftie here is so stupid they miss the obvious. Why would Epstein kill himself when he has enough goods on enough people to get himself a light sentence if not immunity? Barr is correct that something is fishy here. Odds are it leads to the Clintons. By any measure they had the most to lose if certain things got out to the public.
I agree something fishy is going on.....first thing, who gave the order to take him off suicide watch.....
Every leftie here is so stupid they miss the obvious. Why would Epstein kill himself when he has enough goods on enough people to get himself a light sentence if not immunity? Barr is correct that something is fishy here. Odds are it leads to the Clintons. By any measure they had the most to lose if certain things got out to the public.
I agree something fishy is going on.....first thing, who gave the order to take him off suicide watch.....
Attorney General William Barr on Saturday decried the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein in federal custody while he awaited charges on sex trafficking, saying the apparent suicide “raises serious questions.”
Attorney General Barr Announces Opening Investigation Into Epstein Death

Wonder if ..... Jeffery Epstein has a kill switch for released docs. Wonder if Barr will try and to keep info hid.
He is full of it. Remember he had helped covered up for the Clinton's and the Bush's involvement i the Contras cocaine smuggling. He is apart of the Deep State. he was planted into Trump's administration to keep Pres.Trump from nominating the right person that will get the job done. In the case about Epstein's suicide. It is automatically an investigation will done. And William Barr job is to raise his hand to be the one that will handle the investigation. To make sure that no other agent to oversee the investigation, that will uncover the truth. At the end of the investigation. Barr is going to say, that it was a miscommunication with the other guards. That he didn't know that Epstein wasn't allowed to have a rope with a noose, alone in the cell with him. And then he will say that the poor guard is crying in tears, afraid that his mistake, will cause him not to see his son, Little Joey to grow up to become the next Pres.Trump. Then we'll all start crying out loud shouting, "Please Barr don't lock him up !", And then Barr will say, "Well he will have to do some time for his mistake". And then he will go on and say, "I'm going to recommend to the judge, to give him 2 months with paid on house arrest, in order for him to see Little Joey to become president." And we will all cheer with joy and sit around the table with our friends having a Lowenbrau moment. While Epstein's case will go unsolved.
Wow! I understand why the Clinton's camp keep on screwing your children. it is because they knows that they can get away with it.

William Barr - Bill Clinton 5,242.7 km, $100 MIL & DOPE -

Tramp has not tweeted anything about this, strange, as he tweets about everything and nothing.
That must mean he was behind it, right?

Epstein was in a Manhattan Correction Facilty.
You mean at a facility run by Democrats.
Oh? The Democrats run the Executive Branch?
It's the judiciary system in Manhattan, which is completely run by Democrat lawyers and their cronies.
Epstein knew he was going to be killed. He told others to expect it.
Personally I think he wanted to kill himself because he didn't want to be locked up like an animal in a cage the rest of his life, so the Left made arrangements for him to be able to do that, considering the secrets he had.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
The truth is he wasn't taken off suicide watch, nor is there any evidence either side had any hand in his death.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?

He had a lot of dirt on a lot of powerful people, not just the Clintons. I don't think it hurts to at least look into the circumstances surrounding his alleged suicide.
Epstein knew he was going to be killed. He told others to expect it.
Personally I think he wanted to kill himself because he didn't want to be locked up like an animal in a cage the rest of his life, so the Left made arrangements for him to be able to do that, considering the secrets he had.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
The truth is he wasn't taken off suicide watch, nor is there any evidence either side had any hand in his death.
He wasn't taken off the suicide watch?

Then how did he hang himself, if that is what he did?

When I was listening to the news this morning, those on suicide watch are put in to a suicide proof cell.... no sheets or anything to hang one self with and no pipes or anything above to hang from, and close circuit tv watching 24/7, and physical checks once every hour, or something of the sort....?
The above post is proof of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Epstein was a major donor to the Democratic Party, and had all the Dems skeletons in his closet, including the 26 times Bill Clinton flew on his private jet to pedophile island. And you think because Trump merely "met" him at some point he has to be at fault? :cuckoo:
Except Clinton did NOT fly 26 times to "pedophile island". Flight logs provided to the public show that those 26 times were flights to other locations.
Even if, that means they were best friends...26 times on Epstein's plane, and then we had Weinstein. You are in denial.

Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought
Wonder if there's a recording of Bill raping an underage girl? That would literally be the deathnail of the Democratic Party.

Or the girl that actually said that trump raped her might come forward.....huh?
It's interesting how your derangment causes you to totally the facts. He had very close relations with Democrat leaders as he was was one of the major donors to the Democrat party. And literally no relations with Republicans.
Epstein knew he was going to be killed. He told others to expect it.
Personally I think he wanted to kill himself because he didn't want to be locked up like an animal in a cage the rest of his life, so the Left made arrangements for him to be able to do that, considering the secrets he had.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
The truth is he wasn't taken off suicide watch, nor is there any evidence either side had any hand in his death.
He wasn't taken off the suicide watch?

Then how did he hang himself, if that is what he did?

When I was listening to the news this morning, those on suicide watch are put in to a suicide proof cell.... no sheets or anything to hang one self with and no pipes or anything above to hang from, and close circuit tv watching 24/7, and physical checks once every hour, or something of the sort....?
He was supposedly on suicide watch after they noticed injuries which was assumed to be self inflicted. We don't know the extent of it, and how he actually killed himself.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?
Except Clinton did NOT fly 26 times to "pedophile island". Flight logs provided to the public show that those 26 times were flights to other locations.
Even if, that means they were best friends...26 times on Epstein's plane, and then we had Weinstein. You are in denial.

Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought
Wonder if there's a recording of Bill raping an underage girl? That would literally be the deathnail of the Democratic Party.

Or the girl that actually said that trump raped her might come forward.....huh?
What ever happened to her? It couldn't be that she has been prohibited from filing phony complaints would it?
It's interesting how as soon as a republican is running for, or is in office, suddenly all these professional Leftist women from 30, 40, 50 years ago come crawling out of the woodworks with all these outlandish claims, even Cavanaugh became a "gang rapist". These people are truly sick.
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?

Common sense
Attorney General Barr 'appalled' by Epstein's suicide, says inspector general and FBI investigating

Wasn't Epstein under the protection if the DOJ....AND....isn't Barr the AG....over the DOJ?

Does the Buck stop with you Barr or are you gonna blame someone else like the Liar in Chief does?


And the guy is dead and you are upset why?
Because he is dead before he could provide information on all of his close contacts and criminal dealings; which implicate a lot of powerful people, including the Clintons.

I know the progressives are trying to pass the lie that he had dirt on Trump, but the truth is, he had dirt on a lot of the left.
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Is the Clinton 'Body Count' Real? This question has plagued the former first couple for nearly 20 years, and has become such an integral part of popular culture that Hillary has been forced to sarcastically refer to it in press conferences. ("Some people even say we're involved in drug dealing and murder.") Still, is the "Clinton Body Count" real, or simply an urban legend-a product of far-flung conspiracy theory? In Part Three of the Clinton trilogy-The Murder Volume-an overwhelming amount of evidence is provided proving that the 110+ people who've died under mysterious circumstances-all tied in some way, shape, or form to the Clintons-far surpasses any chance of it merely being coincidence. The odds of such a phenomenon occurring naturally are, in fact, so miniscule that alternative explanations become necessary. Other Topics Covered: True Motive forWaco Holocaust -and the Person Who Ordered the Massacre-Revealed! Proof Positive Vince Foster Was Murdered. Now See the Killer Revealed for the First Time! Was Ron Brown Getting Ready to Spill the Beans About Bill & Hillary's Nefarious Activities? Was Bill Being Blackmailed And Was Monica Lewinsky Hillary's Unwitting Pawn?

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?

Murder and drugs in Arkansas

Clinton Crime Family Exposed | Clinton Memorial Library
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