Attorney general Barr announces opening investigation into Epstein death

Attorney General Barr 'appalled' by Epstein's suicide, says inspector general and FBI investigating

Wasn't Epstein under the protection if the DOJ....AND....isn't Barr the AG....over the DOJ?

Does the Buck stop with you Barr or are you gonna blame someone else like the Liar in Chief does?

Clinton was involved doofus
How was Clinton involved? What power do the Clintons have with the current Executive Branch?

Deep State
Every leftie here is so stupid they miss the obvious. Why would Epstein kill himself when he has enough goods on enough people to get himself a light sentence if not immunity? Barr is correct that something is fishy here. Odds are it leads to the Clintons. By any measure they had the most to lose if certain things got out to the public.
I agree something fishy is going on.....first thing, who gave the order to take him off suicide watch.....
I see why you are a rightwinger....:71:
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?

As I've mentioned before, I had a website on the Clintons for many years, starting in the 90's. A site devoted to their scandals and corruption. I did tons of research, their corruption (to put it mildly, evil is a better word) goes way back to his Arkansas days.

You can investigate it yourself. There are SO many cases that are beyond obvious to anyone with any semblance of common sense and intellectual honesty. And if you think "Why have they not been convicted?" it's the same reason Al Capone was only convicted of tax evasion. They operate just like the mob, but with even more power, because of their connections. Why do you think he was called "teflon" ? The Clintons can get away with anything under the sun, they have in the past, and they probably will continue to. At least in this world... not forever, thank God.
There is no protection from the Clinton butchers that you voted 4
Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?

This is the story that couldn't be suppressed. An investigative report into a scandal that haunts the reputations of three presidents - Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.

The Crimes of Mena

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Epstein knew he was going to be killed. He told others to expect it.
Personally I think he wanted to kill himself because he didn't want to be locked up like an animal in a cage the rest of his life, so the Left made arrangements for him to be able to do that, considering the secrets he had.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
The truth is he wasn't taken off suicide watch, nor is there any evidence either side had any hand in his death.

You are wrong. He was taken off suicide watch. Here is one of the many links which are available and which you could have easily found if you had any intellectually curiosity.

I don't know where you get your news, but I suggest you find better sources.

Why Wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein on Suicide Watch When He Died?
Every leftie here is so stupid they miss the obvious. Why would Epstein kill himself when he has enough goods on enough people to get himself a light sentence if not immunity? Barr is correct that something is fishy here. Odds are it leads to the Clintons. By any measure they had the most to lose if certain things got out to the public.
I agree something fishy is going on.....first thing, who gave the order to take him off suicide watch.....
I see why you are a rightwinger....:71:
Are all Trump supporters white supremacist?

Only in your brainwashed head! Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol:
Add Epstein...…………….Little girliepoopoo


Yeah, someone just made up all those names, and it's not public record that they all died prematurely. :cuckoo:

Some of you are either completely ignorant or blatantly and willfully blind. At this point it's nauseating to me that ANYONE would still support the Clintons. You'd have to be a complete idiot, or evil... take your pick.
Extra ordinary accusations/claims requires extra ordinary evidence.... so far, I've never been shown any EVIDENCE that any of those claims about Clinton murders are true, have you?

This is the story that couldn't be suppressed. An investigative report into a scandal that haunts the reputations of three presidents - Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.

The Crimes of Mena

Yes, that's where a lot of it started. In fact, that's probably how a relatively unknown governor from one of the poorest states got to be president, it goes back to his cooperation with the CIA in the 80's, in Mena Arkansas,

And yes, the reason one side doesn't "out" the other is because the corruption is on both "sides." People should read the book 'Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA' by Terry Reed.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
$$$$$$ saved
victims don't have to go through the torture of a trial/etc
Epstein knew he was going to be killed. He told others to expect it.
Personally I think he wanted to kill himself because he didn't want to be locked up like an animal in a cage the rest of his life, so the Left made arrangements for him to be able to do that, considering the secrets he had.
He was never in any danger of being locked up for the rest of his life. The public story is that Epstein is a child molester. He never was. At worst he is a statutory rapist. That and sex trafficking of minors is all they had against him and most of that would be thrown out.

Jeffrey Epstein never told anyone that he felt like killing himself. He did say he knew he was going to be killed.
why didn't the prison protect him, such a high profile case???

who took him off suicide watch?
The truth is he wasn't taken off suicide watch, nor is there any evidence either side had any hand in his death.

You are wrong. He was taken off suicide watch. Here is one of the many links which are available and which you could have easily found if you had any intellectually curiosity.

I don't know where you get your news, but I suggest you find better sources.

Why Wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein on Suicide Watch When He Died?
Thanks, I lead a busy life so I'm not up to date with the latest news. I did however hear that they put him on suicide watch after the first attempt. I guess he probably did a good job acting like he was fine. Whether it was intentional on the part of govt. so that they gave him enough rope to hang himself, and if there was a conspiracy of any type, are all conjectures and speculation at this point. But what's certain is that Democrats have a lot more to be afraid of, if there are any secrets to come out soon.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
everyone knows he did it--no need for a trial now
Attorney General William Barr on Saturday decried the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein in federal custody while he awaited charges on sex trafficking, saying the apparent suicide “raises serious questions.”
Attorney General Barr Announces Opening Investigation Into Epstein Death

Wonder if ..... Jeffery Epstein has a kill switch for released docs. Wonder if Barr will try and to keep info hid.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?
Could very well be. Dozens of people with evidence against the Clintons have been killed (silenced) to keep them from talking.



Rightwing propaganda.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
$$$$$$ saved
victims don't have to go through the torture of a trial/etc

who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
Are you kidding here?
Who is this good for?
The injustices imposed on those he trafficked, those he statutorily raped and allowed to be raped by others will probably never get the justice they deserve.... Much less anything close to any type of compensation they should get for this human piece of shit using them in the manner he did.
There is no doubt as to the guilt of what he has done, shit, he got off easy the first go round and why just goes to show what money and connections allows one to get away with.
For fucks sake, this isn't good for any one.
death penalty is not good enough?
Only after fully convicted for a crime that warrants it.
There is a severe lack of justice in him "commiting suicide." The fact that he doesn't go through the process and give details, name names, if you will, is a severe disservices to his victims and the justice they deserve.
everyone knows he did it--no need for a trial now

So how do those victims get the justice and the restitution they deserve without the trial he should have went through?
It's a copout. His victims deserve better.
Attorney General William Barr on Saturday decried the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein in federal custody while he awaited charges on sex trafficking, saying the apparent suicide “raises serious questions.”
Attorney General Barr Announces Opening Investigation Into Epstein Death

Wonder if ..... Jeffery Epstein has a kill switch for released docs. Wonder if Barr will try and to keep info hid.
Holy shit. He's going to go THAT far to implicate Clinton? I was taking that all as a pretty standard USMB ploy. You mean people irl believe it's the Clintons?

Epstein as good as dead the money be got arrested. We're talking Senators, congressmen, judges, foreign dignitaries of all stripes and parties.... It was inevitable.
The was no fukking way this guy was good to chance at all.

Attorney General Barr 'appalled' by Epstein's suicide, says inspector general and FBI investigating

Wasn't Epstein under the protection if the DOJ....AND....isn't Barr the AG....over the DOJ?

Does the Buck stop with you Barr or are you gonna blame someone else like the Liar in Chief does?


A child molester is dead, parents and their girls are safer because of it.

I am sad that he doesn’t face his accusers or doesn’t get raped in prison, he took the chicken way out and today the world is a better place. If you want to blame, Barr of Trump or Clinton, let me know because I want to shake their hand and thank them.

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